Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 335 The ending that the eldest lady expects

Chapter 335 The ending that the eldest lady expects
  Qingze finished his regiment training and returned home.

He didn't ring the doorbell, just used the smart door card to swipe the door, raised his hand and pushed open the hollow iron door, feeling a little unaccustomed to the large villa in front of him.

Perhaps because he lived there for a short period of time, he felt that it was not as good as his previous apartment with three bedrooms and one living room.

At that time, whenever he came home, he would see Chiyo Morimoto busy in the kitchen.

There is now a thick wall between the two of them.

He walked around, opened the main door from the side, entered the entrance hall, and put his shoes in the large and empty shoe cabinet.

Qingze walked towards the living room.

On the runway-like corridor, Chiyo Morimoto walked towards her after finishing her work in the kitchen.

Her long black hair was spread over her shoulders. She was wearing the uniform of a police chief. There were four Asahi shadow epaulettes on her left and right shoulders. It seemed that it was because it was too hot when cooking. Her light blue shirt was unbuttoned with three epaulets. button.

It directly makes the director's uniform that should be serious become full of temptation.

The dark blue short skirt below is raised a little, and the long white legs are covered by dark blue stockings, and the feet are wearing bright red high heels.

Twist your thin waist.

There was a clattering sound with every step.

The alluring scent of perfume erodes the cold air.

"Qingze, you seem to have something on your mind."

Chiyo Morimoto stepped forward and could tell at a glance that his current state was different from usual.

Qingze smiled and said: "Whatever I think in my heart, I can't hide it from Chiyo."

Chiyo Morimoto rolled her eyes at him and said, "You just want me to comfort you.

Tell me, what happened? "

After finishing speaking, she put her right hand around Qingze's shoulder, wanting to listen to this man's troubles.

Qingze inhaled the scent of her perfume, showed a wry smile, and followed Chiyo Morimoto into the living room side by side and said: "There will be a transfer student in our class tomorrow.

He is the eldest son of Moscow, and he is somewhat interested in Mei Ji. "

"The eldest lady of the Phoenix Academy family."

Chiyo Morimoto's long voice showed that she knew what he was worried about.

If it was one-on-one, Qingze would naturally not be worried.

When he wanted to open a harem, his confidence in the Phoenix Academy Princess was not that strong.

"Am I a little selfish?"


Chiyo Morimoto nodded to acknowledge this, and then brought the dishes in front of the window to the table.

Qingze helped serve the dishes and complained: "Chiyo, do you really want to comfort me?

I feel like you are rubbing salt into my wounds. "

"I'm just telling the truth."

Chiyo Morimoto tilted her head and said, "Why aren't you being selfish when you talk about other girls in front of me?
  But I'm glad you're being so selfish. It's great that you're not the kind of saint who doesn't care about anything. "

Chiyo Morimoto touched his head and said with a gentle expression: "It doesn't matter if people are selfish. It's normal to have feelings of jealousy and worry. They are not shameful things.

The scary thing is that squeezing those thoughts into your heart gradually makes your heart become twisted and dark, and turns into actual actions.

That's abnormal.

I'm glad you're willing to talk to me about this kind of thing. "

"Chiyo, is it okay if I want to lean on you?"

"You are such a brat. This is what you should do at a time like this."

Chiyo Morimoto held his cheeks, lowered her head, and exchanged saliva with each other.

Qingze gradually moved away from Morimoto Chiyo's lips and slid down the swan-like neck to the soft boneless fat.


Morimoto Chiyo's breathing became heavier, and she held the back of Qingze's head with both hands, and gently stroked his back like a mother.

Qingze felt like a pig, coveting the strawberries hidden at the bottom of the trough, but because of the unscrupulous craftsman's skills, the trough was dug too deep, making it impossible for him to eat it even with all his strength.

Damn it, these clothes are too much in the way.

Qingze wished he could turn into a wolf on the spot and bite off the clothes that were in the way with his fangs.

Sensing his rage, Chiyo Morimoto pinched his back with her thumb and index finger and said, "Okay, you little pig, you want to eat all the vegetables on the table."

"Chiyo, it's so hot now. A shirt is enough. Don't wear anything that gets in the way underneath."

Qingze raised his head, his tone a bit resentful, and he couldn't bite at all.

Chiyo Morimoto looked at the red mark on her chest and thought to herself that this kid was chewing himself like sugar cane.

"Let's go~" She patted Qingze's forehead, "Eat."

"it is good."

Qingze knew that he couldn't make any progress in one day, and could only break through Chiyo's remaining defense line bit by bit.


The next day, early morning.

Phoenix Academy Meiji woke up on time, put on the uniform of Guanghui High School, and with the help of the maids carrying water and toothpaste, she finished washing and entered the restaurant.

Miwa Ichi stood beside him and began to talk about what happened within the group yesterday and the issues of the group today.

Although Hu Die had arranged all these things before leaving, no matter how close he was to his confidant, he could never compare to his daughter.

The important decisions of the company should be monitored by Meiji from the Phoenix Academy to reduce Hu Die's pressure there.

"How is mother in America?"

"Madam, the work there has encountered some resistance. The White House's requirement is that the experimental site must be located in the United States, and all talents must go to the United States to work. Any results will be shared with Japan."

"They really have the gangster style."

Phoenix Academy Meiji complained, and she also knew that such excessive demands would not be granted. If they really moved them to the United States, once there were results, don't expect them to be reported to Japan, and they would be swallowed up directly.

"Yes, Madam is negotiating."

Miwa Ichi replied, just about to continue talking about other things.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji suddenly asked: "Peter, are you still alive?"

Miwa Kazuki was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "As Peter said, I didn't hear any news of his death. The person killed by Dio last night was the Osaka Gokudo Yamaguchi group."


Phoenix Academy Meiji responded, feeling relieved. She was really afraid that when she woke up this morning, she would find Dio killing Peter.

That kind of behavior will not make Phoenix Academy Meiji feel how deeply Qingze loves her, it will only make her feel horrible.

He kills everyone who chases him. This is already a perverted desire for possession.

Phoenix Academy Meiji thought in her mind as she ate her breakfast. She could not completely rule out the possibility that Qingze had nothing to do with Dior, but that possibility was too small, as small as only one percent.

In fact, she has a [-]% test method, which is to jump from a tall building.

Qingze is really Dior, there is no way he can just sit back and watch.

But that method was undoubtedly using Qingze's love for him to force the other party to admit it.

Phoenix Academy Meiji didn't want to take that extreme method, she wanted to find some substantial evidence.

She finds it quite interesting to play a game like this, which is to pull Qingze's leg and get closer to the secret little by little.

Of course, part of the reason is that Phoenix Academy Meiji was not ready to really expose the secret.

If the secret was really revealed, it would mean that she could not cover up her love for Qingze, instead of leaving room for it like now.

She knew that Qingze knew that she liked him.

Qingze also knew that she liked him.

The two parties approaching each other in this knowing state also left enough buffer room for her failure to monopolize Qingze.

She thinks this strategy is still effective.

This can be seen from the dispute between Qingze and Peter yesterday.

If Qingze only regarded her as an ordinary friend, it would obviously be impossible for him to have a dispute between her and Peter.

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy was thinking about it and felt that it was necessary to talk to Qingze.

Qingze couldn't be allowed to fight for him, as he didn't show any sign of it.


It's almost time for class.

Qingze and Qiuyue Iroha entered the classroom side by side, then separated at the door, and he walked to his seat.

The Phoenix Academy beauty in front suddenly turned around, and most of the empty tabletop was quickly occupied.

"Good morning, Qingze."

"Good morning, Maggie."

Qingze replied, put his schoolbag and thermos cup in the drawer, and asked, "You seem to be in a good mood today. Did anything good happen?"

"Last night was the sweetest sleep I've ever had."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji replied with a smile, her eyebrows were arched, her lips were slightly raised and she said, "What good thing do you think happened?"

"My poor imagination cannot guess the good deeds of a rich young lady, so just say so."

Qingze answered with a shrug.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji patted his arm and said coquettishly: "You are just lazy, don't use that kind of thing as an excuse.

I saw a wonderful movie last night, in which the male protagonist had a duel with his love rival for the female protagonist, and finally won.

The ending is a heartwarming one-on-one scene where the male and female protagonists are together. Seeing this kind of movie ending makes me feel naturally comfortable. "

"Well, I only like a harmonious harem ending. Only a man who doesn't let down any good girl is a real man."

Qingze expressed his attitude tactfully.

Phoenix Academy Meiji narrowed her eyes slightly, snorted slightly, and slapped his arm angrily, "I almost forgot that you are a philandering scumbag."

"I have to change something. I am just passionate, never a scumbag, but a serious and responsible person."

Qingze defended himself. He believed from the bottom of his heart that there was a clear difference between himself and the scumbag.


Phoenix Academy Meiji made a snort of disdain and continued: "Peter will be transferred to the classroom today. He is the son of Granovskaya's eldest son. He is excellent in studies and all-around sports. He has long been regarded as the future president. candidate."

"I know he's good."

"Don't interrupt, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Phoenix Academy Meiji rolled her eyes at him. Although she liked the smell of jealousy in the air, she still wanted to make it clear, "I am the heir to the Phoenix Academy family. It is impossible for me to marry outside. There is no possibility between him and me."



Phoenix Academy Mei Ji flicked his forehead, stopped occupying his desk, turned around and sat down.

The ding-dong school bell rang.

Qingze took out the book and put it on the table.

The teacher entered the class, followed by two blond transfer students, one of whom was wearing a cane and had obvious bandage marks on his neck.

"Before class, let me introduce that there are two Russian transfer students in our class today."

(End of this chapter)

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