Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 330 Gao Tianyuan’s plan begins

Chapter 330 Gao Tianyuan’s plan begins

Phoenix Academy Meiji likes Qingze's upright posture very much, like a primary school student listening to the dean's lecture.

She knew in her heart that this person might not be very interested in what she said next.

But this willingness to listen carefully to what she wants to say is very important in her opinion, and it is a matter of the other party's attitude.

“Aozawa, let me tell you that recently, under the leadership of Izo Iwasaki, the Prime Minister decided to launch a project called Takamagahara.

The initial capital is US$3000 billion, and subsequent investment will only increase, not decrease.

The content of the plan is to develop weapons and superpowers. Unlike the past private projects, it is now directly treated as a national project.

We will attract talents from various cutting-edge fields in the country. They are real talents, not those who seek fame and reputation. "

Phoenix Academy Meiji told the top-secret news she heard from her mother and lowered her voice: "My mother arranged domestic affairs yesterday and hurriedly took a private plane to the United States this morning.

She is preparing to lobby the White House to agree to lift some restrictions on Japan, which is expected to take about a week. "

"So long?"

A look of surprise appeared on Qingze's face.

Phoenix Academy Meiji rolled her eyes at him and explained: "One week is already very fast. Do you think that under Dior's threat, as long as we tell the bottom line, the White House will nod directly?

Don’t be so naive about politics!
From the perspective of the White House, if you are willing to directly raise the bottom line, it means that the bottom line you raise is not your bottom line.

Both sides need to test things back and forth and negotiate things bit by bit. One week is my trust in my mother's ability.

If it had been anyone else, there wouldn't have been a month without favorable results. "

"I see, politics is really troublesome."

Qingze sighed, but he didn't care much whether Japan entered a wartime state.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji shrugged and said: "This is the game played by high-level officials, complicating simple things in order to gain more benefits for themselves.

Aside from this matter, Tokyo will probably welcome many foreign students during this period. "

Qingze asked curiously: "Why?"

"Eggs cannot be put in one basket, and the Phoenix Family has started sending some people abroad.

For example, the United Kingdom, the United States, South Korea, Australia, Canada, etc. "

"If you consider safety, Tokyo should be the most dangerous place. Why are there still international students coming in?"

"Dangers and opportunities coexist. Some people think that the possibility of awakening superpowers is highest here, so they send their family members here to try their luck."

Having said this, Meiji from the Phoenix Academy stared at Qingze and said, "Tell me, does heaven really exist?"

"I am not sure."

After receiving such an answer, Phoenix Academy Meiji put her hand on Qingze's right forearm, pinched his flesh gently with her thumb and index finger, and said with a smile: "Then tell me, based on your thoughts, do you believe in heaven?" exist?"

Qingze knew very well that his answer was not good. After 0.01 seconds, those two fingers that felt like warm and soft jade would perform the Two-Finger Zen, the Noble Phantasm of Women on Men.

“As long as I don’t see it with my own eyes, I don’t believe it exists.”

He said what was on his mind truthfully.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji smiled, patted his hand gently, and said with a smile: "I knew it."

"what do you know?"

"I won't tell you~"

Phoenix Academy Meiji snorted and turned around. The bell for class rang on time.

Qingze didn't say anything, but took out the textbook from his school bag. He felt that Mei Ji had 80.00% idea that he was Dior, or was related to Dior.

The only remaining 20.00% is due to his delay in admitting it, which prevents this person from being 100% sure.

Or is this how Mei Ji disguises herself?
Qingze does not rule out the possibility of the latter.

But he has a firm attitude, that is, he will not admit it and ensure that he has an independent space to play games without interference.


At nine o'clock in the morning, Yoshihara Kojiro left his home and walked to the research laboratory of the University of Tokyo.

He got up late because he slept even later yesterday and was busy writing a published paper for the professor until two in the morning.

As a professor's assistant, he has better knowledge than most professors.

But he lost because he had no background or connections, and he happened to meet a tutor who liked to take away the results of the students' thesis.

As a result, after graduation, he stayed with the instructor as an assistant for 20 years. Any experiments he did and any papers he published were named Professor Sakata.

All the glory goes to Professor Sakata, but that man is still not satisfied and still lies on academic issues.

This is something that Kojiro Yoshihara despises very much, but he can't help it. The Sakata family is very famous in Japanese academic circles.

In addition, the culture of fraud in Japanese academic circles is deeply rooted.

Those people only want to earn fame and money.

Even if the fraud in the paper is exposed, they will not panic. At most, they will bow and apologize, and then nothing will happen. The professor is still a professor. As long as Yoshihara Kojiro wants to do this, he must endure these things.

If he dares to expose it, he will be ruined. There will no longer be a place for him in academia, and no university will allow him to enter the laboratory.

This is something he cannot tolerate.

Yoshiwara Kojiro likes to study academics, the kind that puts all his energy into the things he likes and does not need to worry about the daily necessities of life.

In his opinion, it was already a good day.

When Kojiro Yoshihara entered Tokyo University, he was dressed slovenly, completely different from those young Tokyo University students.

If they are the crown of the tree facing the sun, then they are the roots rooted under the tree.

Dirty soil, with a bit of decay.

Looking at them, Yoshihara Kojiro couldn't help but think of his high spirits when he first entered Tokyo University, and felt that the world was surrounding him.

I really miss myself back then.

Yoshihara Kojiro sighed inwardly, and his thoughts quickly returned to reality. When he walked to Professor Sakata's laboratory, he opened the door and bowed: "I'm sorry, Professor Sakata, I'm late."

There were several men in suits standing inside, and an old man with white hair and beard was sitting on the sofa, holding a cane with both hands, his expression full of majesty.

Professor Sakata, who usually showed off his power in front of Yoshiwara Kojiro, was like a tamed dog, staying by his master's side religiously. Even the way he was sitting could be seen as flattering.

"Kojiro, you came just in time."

Professor Sakata changed his usual arrogance and looked very enthusiastic. He put his arm around Yoshiwara Kojiro's shoulders and said, "Mr. Iwasaki, this is my most outstanding student. His knowledge in biology will definitely contribute to this project."

Izo Iwasaki raised his head and glanced up. He had already heard about the atmosphere in domestic academia. He spent some time peeling off the veil of those incompetent people before he personally set out to collect the talents Gao Tian needed for his original plan.

He is not worried about Hu Die's trip failing, thinking that he will be able to convince the White House.

They only need to start the Gao Tianyuan plan at the same time when the United States nods, instead of starting to look for talents after the United States nods.

time is money.

Izo Iwasaki waved his hand and asked Sakata to be invited out. He didn't want to talk too much to the waste.

"Yoshihara Kojiro, I have heard a little bit about you. I heard that you want to try research on human cloning."

"I've never done anything like that."

Yoshihara Kojiro shook his head quickly. He only knew about the technology of human cloning, but he had never actually practiced it.

Everything is just theoretical knowledge.

"Haha, you don't have to be nervous."

Izo Iwasaki smiled and his expression seemed a bit gentle. He needed this kind of down-to-earth talent, not the kind of hypocritical and incompetent person who only cares about reputation. "If I am willing to pay for your research on human cloning, , do you agree?"

"This kind of thing is strictly prohibited by the state."

Yoshihara Kojiro shook his head. He still had a bit of the ethics of a scientific researcher in his heart. He was curious, but he didn't think that human cloning was a technology that really needed to be touched.

Izo Iwasaki said expressionlessly: "From now on, human cloning is no longer prohibited, on the contrary, we will vigorously promote it.

Now that Japan is facing an unprecedented crisis, we need to use unprecedented methods to deal with the enemy.

I hope that the person you clone will not only be a living person, but an all-round warrior.

We will give you cloned samples, including dead martial artists, half-awakened superpowers, and others in the future. "

Yoshihara Kojiro took a breath. He subconsciously wanted to stop joking, but looking at this big man who made Professor Sakata nod and bow, he didn't think this sentence was a joke.

The martial artist could understand that superpowers were obviously something that Kojiro Yoshihara could not understand. He suddenly felt his mouth went dry and asked: "Do superpowers really exist?"

"Of course, the only purpose of our research on clone warriors is to deal with superpowers, Dio.

That guy is the embodiment of evil and the spark of chaos in the world. He must be eliminated in time, otherwise, the world will usher in destruction. "

Iwasaki Izo knew the character of these people well, so he pulled out the banner of justice, "Everything is for the justice of the world, and some violations of ethics are helpless."

Yoshihara Kojiro fell into deep thought.

“If you are willing to accept it, you no longer need to worry about funding, we will fully support your research.

But you must keep it secret. Even if the research results are obtained, you cannot meet your family or even reveal a word. This is the top secret of the country. "

Izo Iwasaki stared at the middle-aged man in front of him and said with sharp eyes: "Are you willing to conduct in-depth research on cloning and human genetic modification in order to protect Japan and the world?"

Yoshihara Kojiro pushed the frame of the mirror with his hand. He knew that the other party said such an important thing and there was no option to refuse.

"I promise."

"Welcome to the Takamaki Project, Professor Yoshihara."

Izo Iwasaki wanted him to lead human cloning research, so naturally he had to elevate his status from assistant to professor in order to convince the public.

 ps: Thanks to Lumierees and the Great Lord Wu Wudi for the reward

(End of this chapter)
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