Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 329 Dior’s move must have deep meaning

Chapter 329 Dior’s move must have deep meaning
Katarina's punch reverberated in the silent factory like a firecracker. Blood spurted out from the broken eyeball and nose, and the violent impact hit the brain. Murai Aki couldn't even hum for a long time before he completely died.

"Ha ha."

Catalina panted heavily. Such a gesture of bursting out of great strength in a short period of time made even her feel exhausted. She took a deep breath of the slightly cool air in the factory.

Catalina raised her head, the blood temperature on her hands was dropping.

She liked fighting, but she didn't like the sticky feeling of blood.

As a mercenary, Catalina is often accompanied by killing, but she is essentially a very clean woman.

She just can tolerate that kind of dirty environment, and she will always tidy herself up when she can.

"Katerina, have you killed the enemy?"

Emily's voice came from the Bluetooth headset. She came back to her senses and said truthfully: "Well, everyone present has been settled. Do you want to throw away the flour?"

"Take it back and flush it into the sewer. The next step is to wait for Dio to come to the door. I don't know when he will show up again."

After Emily said that, she turned around and wanted to leave the rooftop of the residential building.

The moonlight shines on the table through the slightly thin dark clouds.

Whooshing, the invisible wind gathered like a whirlpool, picking up the dust on the ground, and then dispersed in an instant. The dust fell, and a tall figure stood there.

"Emily, you did a good job."

She was startled, patted her chest and said, "Don't come out suddenly to scare people."

"If you don't do anything bad, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door. If you are scared by me, it only means that you haven't regarded me as a trustworthy friend."

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who makes friends easily?"

Emily curled her lips. Even if she wanted to get close to Dio on purpose, she couldn't keep her posture too low.

No matter how powerful you are, you must at least treat each other with a reciprocal attitude. Only in this way can you have a certain chance of treating the other person as a human being, rather than a dog that can be abandoned at will.

"This is just to repay your life-saving grace. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to be friends with you."

"Ha ha."

Qingze chuckled, feeling that this little mouth was really tough. Yesterday, he and Morimoto Chiyo were in the women's room discussing how to go undercover to him.

Of course, he did not monitor Emily at all times. He only noticed that the defensive fields of Morimoto Chiyo and Katarina were approaching, then separated, and then reunited in the same place, which aroused a trace of curiosity in his heart.

It can only be said that Emily's complicated operation exposed herself.

"You rent a basement as a bar in Shinjuku's Kabukicho [-]-chome."

"What does it mean?"

Emily wanted to know what his intentions were.

Qingze's body gradually dissipated and said: "You will know when the time comes."

Emily frowned. She hated others playing riddles, but she had to accept Dior's mysterious style.

In her mind, she could only associate this outrageous request with the specific place in heaven.

Rented a basement as a bar in Kabukicho-[-]-chome, Shinjuku.

Why does it have to be a basement?
Emily tried to think clearly about the intention. Normally, it should be on the ground, but Dio emphasized building a bar in the basement.

This is obviously something abnormal and there must be some reason behind it.

Emily thought about the purpose behind Dio and decided to go back to check the information.

There must be something profound about what Dior does.

She didn't guess clearly, which can only mean that she didn't see the problem from Dio's level. She had to pull herself to the same level as Dio in order to know the meaning of Dio's every move.

Then guess the sixth condition for going to heaven.


The next day, Wednesday.

In the club building, Qiuyue Caiyu hid in the corner. After watching the unrelated personnel from the kendo club leave, she grabbed the thermos cup and stepped forward, opening the door silently.

She slipped in and saw Qingze standing in the middle of the court practicing. He sat down against the wall and sighed slightly in her heart.

Akizuki Iroha thought about it for a long time last night. It would still be a bit difficult for her to defeat Chiyo Morimoto.

Although in front of Saeko and the others, Akizuki Iroha put on a tough stance of fighting to the bitter end and determined not to surrender or give up.

But she still knew what she was thinking.

Her original thought was that if it didn't work out, then just give it up.

It would be pretty good if we get along like this.

The problem was that after watching the short video, she suddenly realized that if she voted, could Chiyo Morimoto really tolerate it?
He was the youngest police chief in history and had a bright future.

Qiuyue Caiyu never thought that the other party could not care at all as he said.

If Chiyo Morimoto cares, then even if she votes, she may not have any chance.

This has troubled Akizuki Iroha for a long time, and she couldn't consult Saeko or the others, she could only consult her most passionate fan, Chu Xia.

Under the guidance of the intellectual and considerate elder sister, she decided to use a tactful way to test Qingze's thoughts and truthfully express her worries.

Let’s see how Qingze reacts.

She thought about what she was going to say next.

Time passed little by little.

When Qingze took off his protective gear and walked out of the locker room, Qiuyue Caiyu quickly stood up and walked forward and said: "Qingze, today's vegetable juice." "Caiyu, come here, I want to reward you."

Qingze took the vegetable juice and was not satisfied with touching it, he wanted to taste the pink lipstick.

Qiuyue Caiyu blocked his chest and said with a smile: "No, you can't be jealous in the club building."

After rejecting the request, she said: "Qingze, yesterday I watched a short video. The once-in-a-million police chief is also named Chiyo Morimoto. Is there any relationship with the person you mentioned?"

"Yes, she is the Chiyo Morimoto I mentioned."

Qingze replied with a smile.

Qiuyue Caiyu was already mentally prepared for this fact, and just used this sentence to lead to her next words, asking: "Hey, since you are the police director, will such a great big shot allow you to have two boats?

If she doesn't accept my words, what should you do? "

The corridor was deserted, and the girl's words floated in his ears like warm wind. Qingze took a sip of vegetable juice and said with a smile: "Iroha, don't worry, Chiyo is a very good person. You will understand after getting in touch with her. of.

By the way, why don't I arrange for you to meet at some time? "

He remembered that Chiyo had a great time chatting with Iroha online using Chu Xia's online name.

"Hey, there's no need for this!"

Qiuyue Caiyu quickly shook her head. She didn't want to meet the old witch so early.

The other party subtly taught Qingze to be like this, and made Saeko say that she is a very bad and troublesome woman.

She was afraid that if she met Chiyo Morimoto alone, she might not even be the scumbag left.

Although she once had the idea of ​​​​punching Chiyo Morimoto hard, but after learning that the opponent was the police director, she felt that she, a scum with a combat power of only [-], would be beaten down by the opponent with just one hand.

According to the resume mentioned in the short video, Chiyo Morimoto is ranked number one in the Metropolitan Police Department in all aspects of kendo and marksmanship.

That was not just a vase, but a woman who already had the title of the most powerful police force before she became the police chief.

There are also people on the Internet who question such a resume, thinking that it is a back door, but adding a little moisture will not affect Chiyo Morimoto's ability to beat her, a female high school student.


Qingze did not force her to meet Chiyo, but changed the topic to other things and continued to chat and walk.


The two chatted until they were separated in the classroom.

Qingze walked to his seat.

Tetsuji Hojo, who was lying on the table, had a very strong light on his forehead, even brighter than Katarina.

Does this guy really need to add a defensive force field?
Qing Ze thought in his heart, apart from himself, he always felt that no one could beat Hojo Tetsuji.

After thinking about it, he decided to use the last spot at hand for Tetsuji Hojo.

The light on his forehead quickly turned invisible, from head to toe.

"Uh," Tetsuji Hojo woke up, his expression a little confused.

Qingze asked: "What's wrong?"

"No, how should I put it, I always feel a little strange."

Hojo Tetsuji scratched his head, unable to describe the feeling just now. After thinking about it, he put aside those complicated things and said, "Forget it, it may be that I drew too late last night. I will go to bed first. You can help me take a look at the original manga later. .”

Of course Qingze knew that it was not an illusion. Hojo Tetsuji's senses could be said to be the sharpest among the people Qingze had ever seen.

Perhaps this is the strength gained in exchange for IQ.

He pulled out the chair and sat down.

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy in front turned around and said with a smile: "Good morning, Qingze."

"Good morning, Mei Ji, you look very happy, is there anything good you can do?"

“If there is a good thing, it is true, and the atmosphere in the country will change drastically in the future.

Maybe you can't notice it now, but slowly, you will know that Dior's influence is not necessarily limited to high-level executives. "

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji talked a lot, but she didn't get to the point.

Qingze couldn't help but complain: "Do you want to join politics in the future?
Saying these words always reminds me of the Prime Minister's speech in front of the TV. Don't use such official talk and just tell what happened. "

"Are you asking for help?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji squinted her eyes and raised her chin slightly, assuming a posture that made me unhappy.

Qingze was actually not very curious about that matter, but he also understood that he should cooperate with the eldest lady's performance.

Not to mention girlfriends, simple good friends can't wait to show off something to themselves, even if it is a small thing, they must treat it as a big deal.

Only in this way can we ensure that the other party will continue to share if something happens next time.

"Okay, my eldest lady, please tell me, what happened?"

"What do you mean, your eldest lady is so stinky and shameless."

Phoenix Academy Meiji complained about his words without showing any expression of joy on her face, she just suppressed her joy deep in her heart.

She coughed deliberately and said: "Since you are so sincere, then I will tell you what happened. Don't be shocked after hearing it!"

"Well, please tell me, Miss."

Qingze nodded and raised his ears in a listening posture.

(End of this chapter)
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