Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 302: Riding a roller coaster means screaming loudly

Chapter 302: Riding a roller coaster means screaming loudly
The eldest lady's words cut through the air like a blade, turning what was originally a matter of getting closer into a competition.

Phoenix Academy Meiji didn't need anyone to remind her. As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she realized that she had said the wrong thing.

She felt a little helpless.

From a young age, she has been taught that she must be competitive and never let anyone look down upon her. It is difficult for her to behave like a little bird.

Only on certain occasions will he show his vulnerability.

But in such an occasion, Phoenix Academy Mei Ji never wants to show it in front of others.

"Mei Ji, don't underestimate my courage."

Qingze said this, having already made up his mind.

Only he suffered a little loss and took the initiative to lean over there.

When two people get along, one party must always choose to show weakness in order to promote the relationship.

Since the amusement park is not in peak season now, the roller coaster does not need to be filled with people before it starts, and slowly moves towards the highest point.

The sound of the rolling wheels made Meiki Phoenix, who was riding a roller coaster for the first time, a little nervous. She grabbed the safety lever with both hands.

Qingze couldn't help but take a glance. Under the action of the safety lever, the scenery on Phoenix Academy Meiji's chest seemed to be particularly magnificent.

If it were a little bigger, it probably wouldn't be suitable for riding this kind of roller coaster entertainment facility.

Because the safety pressure bar may not be able to hold it down.

Phoenix Academy Meiji noticed his gaze, glanced down, and snorted softly. She became more and more sure that Qingze was indeed breast control.

These things were on her mind.

The roller coaster gradually reached the highest point. From here, Phoenix Academy Princess could catch a glimpse of the carousel in the amusement park and the Ferris wheel.

The scenery is very good.

Such thoughts flashed through her mind, and her eyes suddenly fell downwards.


A piercing scream sounded from behind and from the side, startling Phoenix Academy Meiji. She glanced at her left hand, and Qingze held her left hand firmly with his right hand and screamed from his mouth.

This was not the first time the two of them shook hands. The last time they were in the warehouse, her hand was held by Qingze.

When she was held again, it still felt so wide, as if it wanted to wrap her left hand around.

She could vaguely feel Qingze's pulsing frequency on the back of her hand.

Phoenix Academy Meiji's heart was beating wildly.

You must be scared, right?

She thought, and suddenly understood that riding a roller coaster might not be so scary, but screaming loudly would definitely increase the atmosphere of the roller coaster.


Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy also cooperated with the others and shouted loudly, shouting out all the thoughts accumulated in her heart.

It’s such a great feeling of catharsis.

As a young lady from a well-known family, she has always been taught that she must be dignified and elegant, and not scream hysterically.

That's very rude behavior.

But she found that it didn't matter if she was rude once or twice.

The most important thing is to be happy.

The roller coaster made a full circle and returned to its original position.

"Ha ha."

Screaming with all her strength made Phoenix Academy Meiji feel a little tired and gasping for air. The sailor suit was like a seal that had been weathered for many years, and her strength was so weak that she could no longer suppress the ferocious beast inside.

It's trembling.

Ferocious beast!Don't give up!

Qingze shouted in his heart, let go of Phoenix Academy Meiji's left hand, and said with a smile on his face: "It's very interesting."

"Roller coasters are really fun."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji smiled and smoothed her long blond hair that was blown by the wind with her hands. Her reddish cheeks were like delicious apples, with a luster that made people want to take a bite.

The pounding heart still didn't stop.

A smile appeared on Qingze's face and he said, "What should we play next?"

"Go ride the Ferris wheel."

Phoenix Academy Meiji had made a decision in her mind. She had never been to an amusement park and was a little curious about all the equipment here.

Want to play them all.

"no problem."

Qingze nodded in agreement.


On the way to the Ferris wheel, Phoenix Academy Meiji spotted a cart selling ice cream. She thought of a common plot in comics and stopped.

"Qingze, give you a chance to treat me to ice cream."

"This ice cream is nowhere near as delicious as my homemade ice cream."

“Can you still make your own ice cream?”

There was a hint of surprise on the face of Phoenix Academy Meiji. She thought she knew Qingze very well, but she didn't expect that this person actually had hidden life skills from her.

“Of course, I’ll let you try it if you have time in the future.

If it's quick, it only takes 15 minutes to give you all you can eat. "

Qingze said something vaguely that he only understood, then walked to the ice cream truck and bought two cones.

"Would you like strawberry or chocolate?"


Phoenix Academy Meiji took the cone he bought, opened her mouth and took a bite, her face as delicate as a porcelain doll suddenly showed a look of disgust, "Uh, it tastes terrible, beyond my imagination. Did you put too much saccharin in it?"

"No way."

Qingze looked surprised. He stepped forward and took a big bite of the cone that Phoenix Academy Princess had bitten. He chewed a few times and the cold and sweet ice cream was mixed with the scent of expensive lipstick. "I think there is no problem. It should be the eldest lady." I can’t get used to the common people’s ice cream.”

Phoenix Academy Meiji looked at the cone she took a bite and asked Qingze to take another bite. Is this an indirect kiss in the comics? !She looked at Qingze, whose face was full of innocence, and the words in her mouth were stuck in her throat, and she didn't know what to say.

Can a normal relationship between ordinary friends reach this level?

The evidence that Qingze was Dio was added to Phoenix Academy Meiji's mind. She had every reason to suspect that Qingze listened to the conversation she had with Manami and the others in the corridor that day.

Therefore, this person deliberately used that excuse to bite off the ice cream she had bitten.

It is not ruled out that Qingze is that kind of natural Neptune.

After all, in this era, how could a man who dared to raise the harem theory have no idea about a beautiful girl like her.

Complex thoughts ran through my mind.

Phoenix Academy Meiji showed a hint of disgust on her face and said, "Hey, you are really unhygienic. Don't do this next time."

After saying this, she lowered her head and took another bite of the cone, chewing it slowly and savoring the taste.

When she took her first bite, she thought the cone was terrible. Now, she thought it tasted pretty good.

"If you can't get used to it, give it to me."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not such a delicate girl."

Phoenix Academy Meiji wanted to agree for a moment and let Qingze take a bite before regretting taking back the cone to taste, but she still gave up on that behavior.

She ate her cone and continued toward the Ferris wheel.


The happy time passed quickly, and the only thing that made Phoenix Academy Meiji happy was that she had played all the facilities in the amusement park.

The cost of entertainment here is not as expensive as a series of entertainment such as private yachts, virgin forests, skydiving, and diving.

But it also has a different flavor, especially playing with Qingze.

"Haha, I really had a lot of fun today."

Sayuri Yoshikawa was all smiles.

Hojo Tetsuji nodded repeatedly, he was happier than anyone else, shouting like a gorilla, "Yes, next time we have a chance, let's go out and play together!"


Just as Kyouichiro Furuzawa spoke, Nomura Manami next to him raised his hand and slapped him gently on the face, complaining: "At this time, please don't say anything disappointing, just shut up."

Kyouichiro Furuzawa originally wanted to say that his baseball club had training and he might not participate next time.

These disappointing words made Nomura Manami slap him back.

"Zheji is right. Let's make an appointment next time when we are free."

A smile appeared on the face of Phoenix Academy Mei Ji.

There is no falsehood involved.

When she was with Nomura Manami, Yoshikawa Sayuri, Hojo Tetsuji, and Aosawa, she found that she laughed more often than in all the previous years combined.

There is no need to calculate, no need to deal with false smiles, just smile when you are happy. This state is the real thing that Phoenix Academy Meiji has always longed for.

Qingze looked up at the sky and said, "Meiji, do you want me to take you to Ayase Station?"

"Need not."

Phoenix Academy Meiji subconsciously shook her head to reject his escort, and she felt a little regretful in her heart. She said what she just said too quickly, and she should agree, so that she could extend the time she spent with Qingze.

Nomura Manami said quickly: "No, the Adachi area is not safe now. If a lustful person rushes out halfway, you, a girl, will be in danger. There must be a flower protector."

Mami, you are really my good sister!
Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy cast her approving glances.

Nomura Manami blinked his right eye and showed a playful smile.

She could still tell when the eldest lady didn't mean what she said.

"Then let's go first."

Nomura Manami pushed Furusawa Kyouichiro away like a pig.

"I'm going back too."

"I send you."

Hojo Tetsuji was worried that this man was in danger of being bad, so he quickly caught up with him.

Qingze shrugged and said, "Do you still want me to call you Princess before you can serve as the flower guardian?"

"Stop talking so much, you are such a princess."

"That's right, I should call you Miss."

Qingze slapped his forehead with his hand, pretending to have a surprised expression and said: "Miss, please let me be your personal guard.

Wait a minute, the eldest lady’s personal expert, this sentence feels like it could fill a light novel with tens of millions of words. "

“Do we have that much drama?”

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji complained that she was not the young lady who didn’t know the otaku community before, but she had some understanding of the otaku culture.

Many anime are adapted from light novels, and some are even adapted into comics as well as anime.

Qingze thought for a moment and said, "I don't know."

"What an answer that is."

Phoenix Academy Meiji raised her hand and patted his shoulder lightly, "Let's go, my super-powered bodyguard."

"Please call me the Supreme Commander of the Knights of God, Saint Qingze."

Qingze made random remarks and made a ladies-first gesture.

Phoenix Academy Meiji smiled and did not continue the topic. She seemed to be chatting casually: "How long have you and Chiyo Morimoto known each other?"

"ten years."


"I just want to make the girls I love happy."


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji rolled her eyes at him, with an expression of disgust and contempt on her face, "You are just too affectionate, please be more affectionate to me."

 PS: Thanks to Lumierees for the tip

(End of this chapter)
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