Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 301: A noble lady from a famous family never fights against the odds.

Chapter 301: A noble lady from a famous family never fights against the odds.
Ayase Amusement Park is a less famous amusement park in Tokyo, but it has the equipment that an amusement park should have.

For example, roller coasters, haunted houses, Ferris wheels, carousels, etc., Ayase Amusement Park has them all.

Qingze, Phoenix Academy Meiji and others came here.

They bought tickets and entered the amusement park, which seemed a bit deserted. It was neither a day off nor the time for adults to get off work.

Naturally, it is rare to see a warm scene of parents taking their children to the amusement park as a family on a Thursday afternoon.

There are not many couples either.

Who makes Ayase Amusement Park not famous?

Just as Phoenix Academy Princess was about to speak, Sayuri Yoshikawa couldn't wait to break her original plan and shouted: "I want to ride the Ferris wheel!"


Nomura Manami appropriately objected, shaking his head and saying, "I want to ride the merry-go-round."

"You don't understand, the first stop at the amusement park is to ride the roller coaster!"

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy also put forward her own opinions.

This is something the three of them have already discussed.

They create divisions based on their opinions on different projects they want to play. Each player goes to the project they want to play, and then gathers together after playing to fully create a two-person world.

The excuse for boys is simple. Phoenix Academy Princess is here to create opportunities for Sayuri Yoshikawa and Tetsuji Hojo.

Nomura Manami and Yoshikawa Sayuri just want to create opportunities for Meiji.

And if she had an affair with Tetsuji Hojo in advance, that person would only think that she said that deliberately to make it possible for her and Sayuri to date together.

In the end, the plan of hiding Qingze's secret was finally achieved.

So much trouble was naturally believed by Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy. As long as she didn't say it face to face, it didn't count as a confession.

Without confession, there will naturally be no failure.

A noble lady from a well-known family never plays against the headwind, but only plays against the tailwind.

"You guys really have no discipline at all!"

Kyouichiro Furuzawa pushed the frame, trying to correct their thinking. They were not elementary school students, but they were actually arguing with each other over which item to play first in an amusement park.

As a member of the disciplinary committee, it was necessary for him to come forward to resolve the conflicts between them.


Nomura Manami's elbow suddenly hit Kyouichiro Furuzawa in the abdomen, interrupting his original speech.

"Mainami, what are you doing?"

Kyouichiro Furuzawa tilted his head and felt no pain in his abdomen.

Since he lost to Aozawa and Tetsuji Hojo last time, he has been training hard and has developed steel abs that not a girl's elbow can easily break through.

"Kyouichiro, is this guy on my side?"

Nomura Manami poked Furusawa Kyouichiro's chest with her finger, complaining in her mind that this guy's abdominal muscles were so hard that it hurt her elbow.

But her aura is not weak, and there is a hint of threat in her eyes, as if to say, if you dare to refuse, don't even think about getting the limited edition mini magical girl.

Kyouichiro Furuzawa pursed his lips.

Qingze patted him on the shoulder and said: "At this time, it is better not to disobey them.

In my opinion, it would be good if we all play separately. "

"Qingze, please go slower when you get to school tomorrow, you go so fast every day."

Kyouichiro Furuzawa brought up old things again.

Nomura Manami was already accustomed to his stubborn character regardless of the situation. He was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly hooked his neck with his hands and dragged him away.

"That's it, let's see who has the best time at the amusement park."

"Hey, Manami, don't use this rude way, I'm not a primary school student."

Kyouichiro Furuzawa complained about Nomura Manami's current posture.

None of us are elementary school students.

Hooking up like this will inevitably lead to some inappropriate contacts.

Although he only controls small things, men always seem to have a natural tendency to yearn for big things in this regard.

Nomura Manami was stunned for a moment and glanced down. Her face turned slightly red and she still said harshly: "Kyoichiro, has your kid turned from a pervert to a pervert?"

"Don't slander me."

Kyouichiro Furusawa defended himself loudly: "I just had the normal reaction of a man touching his breasts. It represents the soundness of my body and does not represent what I think about your breasts.

I hate big things the most, including breasts! "

"That's long-winded. Explanation is just a cover-up, you pervert."

Watching the two of them bickering and walking away.

Sayuri Yoshikawa couldn't help but complain: "The relationship between Manami and Furusawa is actually very good."

"This is called being a fan of the authorities."

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy showed a smile that was astonishing.

She had previously felt that the relationship between Manami and Furuzawa Kyouichiro was a little different.

Childhood sweethearts are really good.

Manami is not interested in love, perhaps because there is already a boy beside him, but he is not aware of it at all.

After thinking about it, Phoenix Academy Meiji did not continue to stand here stupidly. She kept the purpose of going to Ayase Amusement Park in mind and said with a smile: "Manami is right, let's see who can make the trip to the amusement park today." Happier.

Qingze, let’s go. "

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji waved and walked towards the roller coaster.

"I thought you would hook my neck with your hands too."

Aozawa is somewhat envious of Kyouichiro Furuzawa's treatment as a sweetheart.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "Don't dream in broad daylight." She really wanted to try it, but thought that such an action was too obvious.


Behind the ticket station of Ayase Amusement Park, two girls were hiding there, wearing loose hats on their heads, big sunglasses and beards to hide their faces, ignoring their plump physiques.

So much so that outsiders could see through such a lame disguise at a glance and probably thought they were engaging in some kind of performance art.

Yanagi Machi Natsuka didn't think her disguise was bad, she pressed on Hojo Shinoko's back, pushed up her sunglasses with her hand, and said with an excited expression: "Wow, is that the Phoenix Academy senior you mentioned?

She's so beautiful, and her blond hair doesn't look like it was dyed in a barber shop.

And with that noble temperament, her family must be very rich, right?

The black-haired senior is not bad either.

However, Yoshikawa-senpai looks completely different from the comics. "

Natsuka Yanamachi complained that she thought Yoshikawa-senpai who was obsessed with Tetsuji-senpai was very beautiful, confident and mature.

But if you look at it now, you can see that he is just an underdeveloped junior high school brat.

"My figure is not as good as mine."

Yanagi Machi Natsuka muttered, a look of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

Why is it that people who suit her preferences are never her turn to pursue?

Those who don't like her always like to confess to her.

Alas, this is the helplessness of senior control.

Yanagi Machi Natsuka felt sad about her youth, watching the six people separated, leaving only Yoshikawa Sayuri and Hojo Tetsuji standing there.

"Haha, Senior Tetsuji looks so nervous. He even looks like he doesn't know where to put his hands."

At this point, she found that Shinoko Hojo below had not responded, making her seem to be performing a one-man show.


She patted Shinoko Hojo on the shoulder and asked, "Why don't you speak?"

Usually, Hojo Shinoko is also silent, but when she speaks, she will chime in with a word or two to avoid being left in the cold.

Now, Hojo Shinoko's soul seems to be lost.

After being patted on the shoulder by Yanagi Machi Natsuka, Hojo Shinoko came back to her senses, her eyes retracted from the blond and black-haired backs that had become a little blurry, and she whispered: "It's so strange.

Just now I saw Senior Qingze and Senior Phoenix Academy standing together, looking very close to each other, and I felt a little disappointed. "


Yanagi Machi Natsuka immediately lengthened her voice and said jokingly: "Shinoko, you have fallen into jealousy, and you still dare to say that you don't like Qingze-senpai?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure."

Hojo Shinoko murmured that she really didn't know about relationships, but it was easier to get along with Aozawa-senpai, unlike other boys.

She admired those people's courage and honesty, but she didn't like them.

"It must be!"

Yanagi Machi Natsuka didn't expect that she would be able to eat this unexpected melon, and she became more and more excited. She wanted to continue to communicate on this topic in depth.

Hojo Shinoko glanced at it and said, "Onii and Yoshikawa-senpai have already walked to the Ferris wheel, let's go there quickly."

"Wait a minute, let's talk about Senior Qingze."

"That's nothing to talk about. I don't have a strong impulse. I can only say that I have a good impression. Do I have to confess to you?"

Hearing Shinoko Hojo say this kind of thing seriously, Natsuka Yanamachi was slightly startled. She didn't know how to answer. It was naturally impossible to just confess her feelings.

What's more, the relationship between Qingze and Phoenix Academy seems to have reached the level of dating.

"You're right."

Yanagimachi Natsuka muttered, and decided not to speculate in her mind, but to actually ask Qingze to see if he had a girlfriend he was dating.

If so, stop assisting.

If not, try assisting.

Without her as a good friend to push her along, Hojo Shinoko's passive character would probably never speak the truth until graduation.

"You and Tetsuji-senpai are both clumsy when it comes to relationships, but you are worse than Tetsuji-senpai. At least he dares to rush you. You are just a turtle walking slowly on the ground."

"I think this assessment is wrong."

Hojo Shinoko stopped pursuing, turned around and said: "I am very confident in my ability to move."

"Ah, it's a headache for you to be too serious in such an inexplicable place."

Natsuka Yanamachi complained and changed the subject: "Don't talk about this. Look, they are all going to the Ferris wheel."


Hojo Shinoko quickly followed Hojo Tetsuji's footsteps.


After buying tickets for the roller coaster, Qingze and Phoenix Academy Meiji both sat in the front row of seats.

"Mei Ji, have you ever been to an amusement park before?"

"No, I learned about the amusement park from Manami and the others.

It is said that this roller coaster is very exciting. "

"Yeah, if you're scared later, just grab my hand."

Qingze hinted that this was a good opportunity to hold hands.

But in the eyes of Phoenix Academy Meiji, this sentence obviously looked down on her courage, "Are you kidding? I can't even hum something of this level.

Just don't scream in fear. "

(End of this chapter)
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