Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 294 The eldest lady is sick

Chapter 294 The eldest lady is sick


The people nearby immediately screamed in horror when they saw this scene, and blood spurted out from the headless corpse.

At this time, everyone was more inclined to throw away their umbrellas than to eat the melon, and ran away frantically for their lives.

Panic quickly spread among the crowd. Chiyo Morimoto sensed something was wrong and quickly pulled out her m500.

She didn't hold an umbrella originally, as the light rain would not get her body wet, but at that moment, she decisively grabbed the umbrella from the passerby next to her to cover up any possible snipers.

Catalina reacted recklessly and rushed directly towards the direction of the commotion.

Miyaji Yosuke, Okayama Taketa and others in the van quickly took out their guns, but did not rush out of the car immediately.

They knew very well that in such a chaotic scene, they had to stay calm enough and not continue to cause panic and irritate the scattered people.

It's about finding the enemy among these people and then deciding whether to shoot.

This was not an easy decision. The chaos at the scene made it easy for them to hit innocent people.


Emily bit her thumb. She had to admit that this method was cruel but very effective in restraining thermal weapons, unless the task force could be like the other party and not care about human life at the scene at all.

Catalina was swimming upstream, and she had to be careful not to knock down anyone. If she fell in such a situation, there was a high probability of being trampled to death.

She stepped on her feet and caught a glimpse of a very strange figure moving through the crowd at high speed.

Shajirat seemed to have no bones in his body and moved forward like a long snake swimming close to the ground.

Extremely fast.

Her priority target is not Katarina, but Chiyo Morimoto, who possesses a thermal weapon.


Before Katarina's call could reach her ears, Chiyo Morimoto had already retreated. She retreated in a very clever direction, which happened to be towards the burning building.

The rising black smoke can effectively cover snipers from high places, and the panicked crowd will not attack here, ensuring that there is enough space here.

The disadvantage is that there may be a secondary explosion above and heavy objects falling down.

But Chiyo Morimoto is still confident that she can avoid it.

If she didn't retreat here, the gun in her hand would be too powerful and it would be easy to accidentally injure others.

Chiyo Morimoto glanced at the chaotic scene in front of her.

A head was suddenly cut open, and then the man's head was suddenly kicked towards Chiyo Morimoto by Shajirat like a football.

When she saw this, she didn't fire and quickly dodged to the side. She also saw a very horrifying scene. There was actually a person behind her head? !

Shajirat's shoulders shrank strangely, ensuring that he could hide in the blind spot covered by the man's head. With his ordinary figure, he didn't need to worry about untrainable fat affecting his hiding ability.

She was as straight as a javelin.

The small pistol in his right hand was pointed upwards, aimed straight at Morimoto Chiyo, and his index finger pulled the trigger.


There was a gunshot and a bullet landed on Chiyo Morimoto's M500.

The moment she saw the opponent, she gave up raising her gun to fight back. Instead, she predicted where the opponent's gun was aiming, and then used the m500 as a body armor to block the bullet's landing point.

In the midst of the lightning flash, Chiyo Morimoto's brain remained calm and thinking.

Her abilities in all aspects may not be top-notch, but she is better in all-around. No one who is more accurate than her in marksmanship can beat her.

People who can shoot better than her are not as good at shooting as she is.

Both of them are better than her, and they don't have her brains or mentality.

Chiyo Morimoto's choice to take defense does not mean giving up the attack, but she knows that she is not fighting alone.

So there is no need to force yourself to cause damage to the enemy.

Shajirat wanted to fire a second shot.

Boom, Katarina rushed behind anyone who was in her way like an angry bull.

The evil wind was like a knife scraping against Shajirat's cheek. The extraordinary speed made her unable to react and she became as clumsy as a puppet.

Catalina held it with both hands and hit her waist like a hammer.


Shajirat let out a scream and his waist was broken by a hammer.

The person hit the ground hard.

Katarina squatted down, smashed her right arm with a punch like a heavy cannon, and then smashed her left shoulder with her knee.

His right hand skillfully removed Shajirat's jaw to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide.

Bang bang, several gunshots were heard over there.

Hussein fell into the black gun of Okayama Taketa.

Kitanotake looked dissatisfied and said: "Okayama, don't interfere in my duel with his man!"

"A quick victory can reduce losses."

Okayama Taketa replied.

Chiyo Morimoto walked up to the woman with an umbrella, knelt down and said, "There are only two of us. Is Muharrad watching from the side?"

"I guess he has run away."

Katarina expressed her guess.

Chiyo Morimoto shook her head and said: "Not necessarily, people like that might like to do things that go against common sense and want to sneak attack us somewhere.

After a victory, people tend to relax. "


Catalina agreed with her.


Muharrad watched as his confidant was killed by the opponent in less than a minute when he came forward. This was still under the situation where the gap in numbers was not very big at all.

It shows that the opponent's strength is one-on-one stronger than his confidants.

Especially the tall woman.

The explosive power was too terrifying, and the speed at that moment was probably not her limit.The CIA is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

Muharrad put down his binoculars. Judging from the woman holding an umbrella's calm response to the crisis, if he wanted to launch a sneak attack after their victory, he would probably fall into the opponent's trap.

Compared with the two women, the performance of the man and the man in the car was inferior.

Let him make a quick decision.

Muharrad was about to leap, and heard the roar again. Reinforcements...

"no way."

He gave up his plan to take action. This time his goal was to get information about Dior, not to fight head-on with the CIA.

After the incident is over, he can avenge his companions.

Muharrad made a decision in his heart and left quickly without any hesitation.

He believed in the loyalty of the two and would never betray himself.

However, compared with the CIA's torture, his torture seemed too gentle.

Muharrad decided to find a local Yakuza organization to settle down, control the leader, and then indirectly let the Yakuza organization do things for him.

Without Shajirat and Hussein, he needed new people to test the CIA trap for him.

From now on, he has to fight alone again. On the road to the truth, the number of people who can accompany him is always decreasing.

Muharrad was not sad, he had already gotten used to it.


The drizzle stopped falling from the sky, and a faint ray of sunshine penetrated the clouds again and fell on the laurel tree in the school courtyard.

Qingze stared outside blankly, and scenes appeared in his mind. Among those scenes, there was a blond girl who was quietly approaching here.

The furtive expression on her face seemed to be trying to scare some idiot.


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji forcefully patted his shoulder and shouted.

Qingze turned around and said, "Are you a child?"

"Hey, your courage is beyond ordinary people."

Phoenix Academy Meiji took back her hand, a flash of suspicion flashed in her eyes. Normally, she would be startled if someone slapped her unexpectedly.

Unless this person had used some means to know that he was approaching him from behind.

"Do you know that I want to scare you?"

"Please, that blond hair is clear on the window glass, I'm not blind."

Qingze pointed.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji looked at the reflection on the glass without changing her expression, and her mentality quickly transformed from the famous detective Sherlock Holmes to a bastard with a reasoning ability of only [-].

"Ahem, don't talk about that, do you know what happened in Kasai?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji chose to change the subject and said: "It's really scary. Tokyo has become so chaotic that some people are beheading people in the street in the middle of the city.

Police and criminals exchanged gunfire in crowded areas. "

Qingze nodded and said: "Yes, it is simply lawless, and the Internet has already caused a commotion."

Phoenix Academy Meiji pulled up a chair and sat down, her upper body lying on his desk naturally, her hands folded across her chest and she said, "Do you think Dior will take action?"

"Perhaps only he himself knows the answer to this question."

Qingze replied casually.

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy narrowed her eyes slightly and used her ultimate move, "I also want to meet Dio, hoping that he can help me cure my family's disease."

"Are you sick?"

Qingze showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Phoenix Academy Meiji felt that his words were a bit strange, but she did not pursue the details. Instead, she laid her head on her hands and smiled sideways: "I don't know if it is true. I told you before that my father passed away. News.

There are monthly physical examinations at Phoenix Hospital. My father's illness was so hidden that it was never detected, so he died young. "

"What disease?"

Qingze's face turned serious. Phoenix Academy Meiji was willing to talk about her father to show that she was not talking nonsense.

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy smiled and said: "A rare hidden disease is called acute sudden death syndrome.

It has nothing to do with stress or physical condition, it has to do with the brain.

It means that at a certain age and at a certain time, people will suddenly die without any warning. "

"Hey, don't make such a scary thing so easy!"

Qingze's tone was a little unhappy.

Phoenix Academy Meiji smiled, straightened up and said, "Haha, you don't need to be nervous, I may not have inherited that disease at all.

Of course, it would be great if Dior could show up and verify it for me. "

She smiled playfully. This was something she had thought about for a long time before deciding to say it.

If Qingze has nothing to do with Dior, then nothing can be done but can only increase worries.

If it is really related to Dio, even if Qingze's identity is exposed, Dio will appear in front of her to treat her.

She wants to know the answer.

"You're definitely not sick."

Qingze replied, thinking that the eldest lady still underestimates people with super powers.

Want to cure disease or confer disease.

Qingze does not need to expose himself, but can operate in the form of the breeze or the non-existence of Schrödinger's cat.

As long as he chooses to show up when Meiji of the Phoenix Academy is sleeping, he will not be discovered.

Qingze wanted to welcome the night earlier.

 PS: Thanks for the tip if your eyes are not sexy enough.

(End of this chapter)
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