Chapter 293 Muharrad’s Trap


No matter what Muharrad was busy with, he always stopped and prayed.

There was nothing more important to him than prayer.

Even if a shell was about to explode next to him, he would not hesitate to pray when the time came.

This is his belief.

It is harder than steel and diamonds and cannot be destroyed by any weapon.

It started to rain gradually outside the house, and the soft sound of rain made Muharrad not like it very much.

Compared with fighting in cool weather, fighting on such a rainy day makes the wound difficult to treat and can easily lead to infection.

Secondly, the continuous rainy days tend to give Muharrad the feeling that the country is crying.

Some bad scenes rolled through his mind, and they quickly moved away from Muharrad. After praying devoutly, he opened his eyes and said, "Let's eat."

This time Muharrad rushed to Japan from Yemen without bringing many people with him, only two close men.

One male and one female.

They are the most devout warriors of the sect and are the few people whom Muharrad completely trusts.

He picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up a piece of mutton.

Boom, there was a loud noise in the distance, slightly shaking the window frame.

Before Muharrad could move, the tall woman wearing a black veil quickly turned over, as agile as a monkey, and quickly ran to the balcony.

She opened the door curtain and saw the black smoke floating in the drizzle, which was very eye-catching.

"Lord Muharrad, it was Sanjay's house that exploded. It seems that Okamura Haruhiko has betrayed us."

Muharrad did not show any anger at Haruhiko Okamura's betrayal, but prayed for Sanjay, "May Allah rest in His paradise."

After doing this, Muharrad's expression returned to a serious expression and he said: "Eat quickly. Only when you are full can you have the energy to do things."


The woman replied, walked to the table, and ate in an imageless manner.

In less than a minute, the three of them had already swallowed the food.

This is a habit developed over many years of war.

Unlike Japan, Yemen is a country that has been at war all year round.

Various local forces fought back and forth.

Gunfire, artillery fire, death, those things that are unimaginable in a peaceful country are as daily as eating and drinking in Yemen.

Even so, Muharrad still thinks life in Yemen is pretty good.

Compared with those countries that gradually let the so-called God's chosen people cut off their territory with soft knives, Yemen, which can fight and bleed, is a blessing.

Only noble warriors can win the favor of Allah.

He wiped his mouth, stood up, picked up the gasoline barrel at his feet, and walked towards the owner of the house.

It was a couple and a six-year-old girl, and the cross indicated the family's usual faith.

Muharrad unscrewed the gasoline can and poured gasoline directly on the three of them.

Whining, the man tried to break free from the rope on his body, his eyes full of pleading, hoping that the other party would let his wife and daughter go.

But the expression on Muharrad's face did not change. In his heart, all heretics were the kind of people who would not care if they were burned to death, and there was no difference in age or gender.

Muharrad did not intend to hide in the homes of believers from the beginning. He just arranged bombs in the homes of believers. Once anyone tried to get information about him, they would be greeted by bombs.

Of course, those who can find out information about him will never be wiped out so easily.

The next step is to use the fire in this building to draw the enemy over.

Muharrad was not afraid of bloodshed, struggle, or sacrifice.

The truth is never spoken by words, but in blood and fire, and needs people to defend it with swords and guns.

He slid the match and a flame appeared on the head.

The firelight reflected his eyes, and the little girl saw the fire that burned all things in the eyes of this strange uncle.

With a flick of his index finger, the flame fell on the gasoline and quickly burned upwards. The fire formed engulfed the three people, followed by curtains and other accumulated flammable items.

"Let's go."

Muharrad turned and left, preparing to observe the prey attracted by the flames in the dark.



A loud noise came from the third floor, and smoke could be seen billowing out.

Attracting many passers-by to look up.

Emily also raised her head, with no panic expression on her face. She knew that an explosion of this magnitude could not hurt Catalina at all.

That special body armor is a limited edition, Big Brother's creation of black technology.

Emily picked up the walkie-talkie. Since Muharrad set a trap, he must stay somewhere to watch who steps on his trap, and even hunt them in turn.

"Iwaki, did you find anything wrong?"

"Nothing was found. Drones cannot fly when it rains. I saw that the surveillance at the store entrances found no abnormalities."

Iwaki Sosuke answered casually.

A tall figure jumped directly from the third floor. Amidst the screams of the crowd, Catalina landed with a bang, her feet firmly planted on the ground, splashing away some accumulated water.

She showed no concern for the falling drizzle and said, "Morimoto, call an ambulance. The man is dead, but his wife and daughter are still alive."

"Aren't you even going to spare your wife and daughter?"

There was a hint of anger on Miyaji Yosuke's face. For someone with a family, he couldn't understand why the other party did this. "This is religion."

Chiyo Morimoto complained and called the ambulance.

In the eyes of those fanatical believers, death is never the end, so they never care about the death of their wives and daughters. They even believe that if their family members can sacrifice for God, they will be happy after death.

This is the scariest part.

They are completely unaware of the cruelty they are doing, and they only think that what they are doing is out of love for their family.

"Wait a minute, I found that not far from you, there was a video of a fire uploaded on Douyin in Kasai-sanchome, not long after your explosion."

Iwaki Kusuke's voice came from the walkie-talkie. If you want to capture something strange these days, you don't have to rely on drones or surveillance cameras. You can also rely on the vast number of people who eat melons. You only need to lock the location and you can get the corresponding video as soon as possible. .

"Is it related to Muharrad?"

Emily frowned slightly. If she was simply moving the position, there was no need to burn down the original house.

As if to attract them there, or to bet that they won't find out?
Emily shook her head at the possibility of the latter. She had realized that Muharrad was an extremely cunning and cruel person.

He did not believe Okamura Haruhiko, so he deliberately set a trap to make people think that he was hiding in a church member's home.

Thanks to Emily's vigilance and her willingness to be prepared for everything, she didn't let the whole task force rush forward, and just let Katarina, the human shield, rush ahead.

"I'm afraid this is a trap. Maybe Muharrad wants to hunt us in the dark and get information from us."

"Whether it's a trap or not, we have to try it to see who is the prey and who is the hunter."

Chiyo Morimoto shrugged, "Maybe you want to withdraw."

"Okayama, please call the SAT team immediately."

For the sake of safety, Emily decided to increase the armed forces on her side.

"Morimoto, Kitanotake, Katarina, please rush over and take a look."

After a slight hesitation, Emily thought about it and felt that it was still a bit dangerous to divide the troops at this time, "No, we'd better go together."

If Muharrad was hiding in the dark and saw the task force split up its troops and attack the weaker side, she would be doomed.


The fire occurred in a Kasai-sanchome residential building. The fire was so fierce that the hazy drizzle could not put out the fire at all.

Most of the people in the building quickly fled out. Only a few people in the high-rise buildings were blocked without leaving their belongings and could only stay at the windows to ask for help.

The road was crowded with onlookers of Indians and a few Japanese.

A van arrived at the scene ahead of the fire engines.

Muharrad, who was hiding in the dark, saw this scene with a telescope and knew in his heart that the enemy was coming.

He didn't move. He needed to examine the strength of both the enemy and ourselves to decide the next step.

If there are too many enemies, write down their appearance first, then follow them slowly later, and pick when the enemy is alone.

Muharrad possesses powerful force, but never pursues a head-on confrontation.

In his view, every battle he fights is a holy war.

What matters is victory.

Therefore, every battle he takes is carefully considered before he chooses to take action.

Even if you are unsuccessful, you must leave a way out for the next attack.

He saw people coming out of the van through his binoculars.

Three people were wearing masks, two women and one man. Is there anyone else in the car?

Muharrad thought to himself and took another look at the size of the van.

This type of van can only seat up to eight people.

The opponent is probably an elite member of the CIA, but the two confidants around him and himself are the elite among the elite.

If it was a quick victory, he would still have a lot of confidence.

Muharrad did not put down the telescope, but said with a cold face: "Shajirat, Hussein, take action."


They both answered in unison.

Shajirat knew that he and Hussein were both pawns and death squads rushing forward.

Use your own life to test the enemy's strength, and then Muharrad will decide whether he needs to take action himself.

The two quickly climbed out of the window and landed on the ground along the water pipe.

"I'll take care of the man, and leave the two women to you."

Hussein made such a decision not because he wanted to pick an easy opponent, but because in his opinion, men are naturally better than women in combat.

Handing the two women over to Shajirat is actually to take care of her fighting ability.

"I know."

Shajirat didn't show a trace of anger, and his face under the black veil was full of indifference.

She has long been accustomed to such discrimination and does not think the other party is wrong.

Women really can't win over men.

For example, Mohammad, Shahjirat doesn’t think any woman in the world can beat him.

That was something Allah had already decided when he created mankind.

Shajirat stepped on the rain-stained ground and rushed to the crowd of people eating melons.

She shook her right hand, slipped the machete from her sleeve, held it, and cut off the head of a melon-eater in front of her.

(End of this chapter)
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