Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 287 No one knows Dior better than me

Chapter 287 No one knows Dior better than me

Outside the prison, the afternoon sun was shining brightly.

Rumi Yoshizawa stood at the door, looking at the world outside, and there was always a feeling that the world had become completely new.

If she had to learn anything from the short 46 days she spent in prison, it was that she must be more bold in her actions in the future, and she could not easily land herself in jail for a trivial matter.

When taking action, there should be no hesitation. Only when you are worse than those evil people can you punish those evil people.

In this way, she will be one step closer to Lord Dio.

Yoshizawa Rumi thought in her mind, and took out her mobile phone. The battery was still half-baked. Because she had charged a lot of phone bills during the previous business negotiations with the company, her mobile phone did not shut down.

She walked along the road outside the prison and clicked on TikTok to see what was happening recently.

The moment she opened Douyin, the short video pushed to her was a miracle.

Critically ill patients in the ICU are active again.

What kind of joke is this?
Yoshizawa Rumi was a little confused. She had only been locked up for a while. How could she even send out such an outrageous fake video?
TikTok has also fallen.

Thinking of this, she did not move away immediately, but continued to read patiently, looking at the happy patient family members in the soulful soundtrack and the text introducing the details, and discovered several elements from it.

Blonde hair, tall white man, very reassuring voice.

Combining the above characteristics, she was almost certain that those people were talking about Lord Dio.

Only that one has that magical ability.

Rumi Yoshizawa was so excited that she started leaving messages under such short videos.

"That's Master Dio, only he can have such magical power!"

It was like pasting and copying, but she typed every sentence with her hands. In her opinion, this was the only way to prove her loyalty to Lord Dio.

That kind of copying and pasting is completely indifferent to that person.



This name has become a name locked by the CIA on the Japanese Internet. If someone types it on the Internet, the CIA will capture it.

At the same time, all information about the owner of the mobile phone was delivered to Jack's desk.

Rumi Yoshizawa.

He once witnessed Dio's murder scene and committed a copycat crime.

The attempt on May [-]th was unsuccessful and he was arrested and imprisoned. Now that he has been released from prison, the first thing he did after his release was still thinking about Dior.

Jack looked at the report, lost in thought.

It is very simple for the CIA to solve this person. The question is, is it necessary to solve it?
The first woman to imitate Dior's crimes, maybe keeping this guy around can be of some use.

Jack thought about it for a while. There was no news about the CIA's plan to install an undercover agent, and it was still unclear whether Durant had gained Dior's trust.

Maybe it's time to put down the second piece.

This stupid woman may be the CIA's stepping stone to get closer to Dio.

Jack thought for a moment and thought this was a good plan. He used the CIA's dedicated line to dial a number.

"Shinjiro Dohashi, the mission has changed. You have to approach a woman named Rumi Yoshizawa and help her."


Minamisenju, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo.

Yoshizawa Rumi came to the apartment where she once rented.

It doesn't look high-end at all. The two-story rectangular building on the side is a rental house.

Opposite the rental house is the large Japanese-style mansion where the landlord and his family live. The silver-haired old lady is wearing an apron and sweeping garbage in the courtyard.

Yoshizawa Rumi opened the waist door, entered the courtyard and said, "Mrs. Kana, where are my luggage and clothes?"

"Jize, come out."

The landlord glanced at her, turned around and said, "Come with me, your room has been rented out, and I will pack your clothes and luggage into the suitcase for you."


Yoshizawa Rumi was not surprised that her room was rented out. Cheap rents always attract migrant workers.

She was just a little surprised that the landlord kept her luggage and clothes.

To be honest, she was mentally prepared to find time to kill this annoying old woman if the luggage was not there.

As it turned out, this old woman was quite nice and not as mean as she said.

She followed her landlord to the warehouse and got her suitcase from inside.

She has been in Tokyo for some years, but her luggage is so small that she only needs one suitcase to fill it.

Yoshizawa Rumi pulled her suitcase and walked outside. The battery on her phone was running low and she needed to find a place to stay quickly. Only in this way could she make the next plan.

She searched online and suddenly found a good rental information.

In Arakawa District, the rent of Machiya is so cheap that it only costs [-] yen, which is far lower than the average house price in Arakawa District.

It covers an area of ​​[-] square meters and has two bedrooms and one living room. It’s no problem to live in now and pay later.

Is the landlord's brain caught in the door?
Rumi Yoshizawa was very excited. She had just been released from prison and did not have much spare money. It would take time to rob the rich and give to the poor.

What a blessing, Master Dio must be taking care of her.

Rumi Yoshizawa looked at the landlord's name, Shinjiro Dohashi.She quickly dialed the phone and said: "Hello, hello, I saw the rental information you posted. Is it true that it is [-] square meters, [-] yen per month, and allows you to live in first and pay later?"

"Of course, this is all to celebrate a miracle. My mother has terminal cancer and was already waiting to die in the hospital.

Just yesterday at noon, a blond man suddenly appeared and healed her with magical power.

This is God’s manifestation, and I want to do some good deeds to repay God’s grace! "

Hearing the excited voice on the phone, Rumi Yoshizawa frowned and said, "That's not God!"

"what do you mean?"

"We will discuss the specific situation in person."

Rumi Yoshizawa hung up the phone, feeling increasingly excited.

As long as she stands here with Master Dio, fate will favor her.

Encountering such a good thing just after being released from prison, Yoshizawa Rumi feels that this time she will be more successful than the last time.


Shinjiro Dohashi is naturally a fake name.

The mother who was saved by Dio was a real person, but she was not his mother, but the CIA used some means to make him become that person's son.

In order to prevent flaws, the cured mother has gone to the countryside to retire.

The real estate in Tokyo was inherited by Shinjiro Dohashi.

This was not a temporary act today, but a plan started yesterday. The original plan was for him to approach Dio as a family member of the cured person.

Today, the instructions above changed, allowing him to get close to Yoshizawa Rumi.

The CIA used some tricks to push the news about renting a house to Rumi Yoshizawa alone.

For the CIA, which controls the network, it couldn't be easier to do such a thing.

Shinjiro Dohashi took a broom and slowly swept the floor in front of the apartment door.

This apartment has only four floors and no elevator. It is a very old apartment. There are eleven households of tenants in it, all of whom are ordinary people.

It has nothing to do with the CIA.

The vacant house was prepared by Shinjiro Dohashi specifically for Rumi Yoshizawa.

He slowly swept the dust on the street and watched the dusk gradually fall. The sound of suitcase wheels rolling sounded in his ears, and a tall figure appeared in front of him, pulling the suitcase.

"Are you the landlord here, Shinjiro Dohashi?
My name is Yoshizawa Rumi, the person who contacted you on the phone earlier. "

The woman's tone revealed a toughness. It was hard to imagine that this person was still an ordinary office worker last month. Even before going to prison, Shinjiro Dohashi could still feel impetuous when looking at the photos left by this person. and twist.

Now those auras have completely disappeared.

It was as if she had been reforged in a furnace, and her whole body was as hard as steel.

"Ms. Yoshizawa, let me show you the room. It's on the first floor. The residents just moved out not long ago."

"Those are small things. You said you wanted to contribute to the cure of my mother, right?"

Rumi Yoshizawa was not in a hurry to see the house and said solemnly: "I tell you, he is not an illusory existence like God.

Master Dio is a person who truly exists in this world. "

Listening to her words, Shinjiro Dohashi knew in his heart that prison had tempered her will, but it had not tempered her brain.

Just this paragraph, if Shinjiro Dohashi hadn't deliberately wanted to get close to Rumi Yoshizawa, he probably wouldn't have believed it.

"Do you know him?"

"Of course, I am a person who has the honor to see Lord Dior with my own eyes, and I understand what kind of career that Lord is undertaking.

Destroy the evil ones and save the suffering people. That master will come to Japan, no, he should become the king who conquers the world! "

Rumi Yoshizawa's expression and tone seemed very serious, and there was no hint of lying at all.

Shinjiro Dohashi showed a hint of cold sweat on his face, and said in surprise: "You are not joking with me, are you?"

"Of course not. What happened with your mother should make you understand how much power Lord Dio has."

Rumi Yoshizawa hooked Shinjiro Dohashi on the shoulder.

The first thing she learned in prison was that a person has his limits after all.

If you want to realize Lord Dior's wish, you must find a few like-minded people.

Such a person must be bold and full of loyalty to Lord Dio.

"This country is rotten. Only Lord Dio can save us."

Rumi Yoshizawa entered the apartment with Shinjiro Dohashi in his arms and vowed: "We must clear some stumbling blocks for that gentleman. Only in this way can we repay his great kindness."

"How to clean up?"

Shinjiro Dohashi is still a little curious about this person's thoughts. The order from above is to let him achieve the goal for this person and attract Dio's attention.

"The first step is to get guns, and the second step is to gather people who have been favored by Lord Dio like you and set up the Dio National Salvation Committee!
The third step is to hold the Prime Minister hostage, and the fourth step is to have the Prime Minister publicly declare that he will give up his position to Lord Dior in front of all media, and establish a great empire belonging to Lord Dior! "

Rumi Yoshizawa is full of confidence in his plan. As long as Lord Dio appears, all resistance will be eliminated.

Shinjiro Dohashi was stunned, and for a moment he thought he was not in the East Asian monster room, but in a small African country.

How could this scrawled plan be realized?
(End of this chapter)
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