Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 286 A miracle that cannot be concealed

Chapter 286 A miracle that cannot be concealed

I want to die.

Nakamura Yoji didn't know how many times such negative thoughts flashed through his mind.

Since the accident at the construction site, he has become a cripple paralyzed in bed.

In the words of the doctor, he will never be able to stand up for the rest of his life, and he will not even be able to take care of himself. He is like a parasite, parasitizing his family members.

He knew that he was placing a great burden on his wife and daughter.

But even so, he couldn't control his violent temper, and even complained about why they wanted to let him live?

There should not have been resuscitation at that time, it would have been better to die like that, to end life happily.

Countless negative thoughts ran through my mind.

When there was no one around Nakamura Yoji, those negative thoughts would roll over his mind, causing him to think of ending his life countless times.

But the biological instinct left in his body prevented him from taking action, so he began to expect various accidents to happen every day.

He choked to death while drinking water, and the wall on the ceiling suddenly fell down, or a meteorite suddenly fell from the sky outside and happened to hit his home, ending his life happily.

No matter what happens, a desperate fugitive or mentally ill person can climb over the wall and end his life.

In this case, his death will not have any impact on his family and will not make them feel guilty.

It’s okay for everyone, just end his life as soon as possible!
Nakamura Yoji looked forward to this day after day. He stared at the ceiling blankly and could hear the sound of urine falling into the bag.

This was the sound he hated hearing the most.

As a man, he couldn't even go to the toilet by himself, but had to urinate in a bag through a catheter.

"Damn it!"

Nakamura Yoji growled, his incompetent and furious temper rising in his heart again.

But venting this violent emotion to himself was no longer enough.

Later I would complain to my wife again and say all kinds of hurtful words.

When did I become such a monster that outputs negative energy?
Nakamura Yoji covered his face with his hands and wanted to remember himself before he was paralyzed, but that memory was so far away that he couldn't recall it again.


He repeated it again.

"Are you in pain?"

A tone full of charm suddenly sounded. Nakamura Yoji turned his head and found a tall European and American man standing by the bedside, and his voice was very fluent in Japanese.

"who are you?"

"The person who helps you relieve your pain."

Qingze raised his hand, wanting to see if a person like this, whose body was paralyzed due to an accident, could be cured by rejuvenation.

If this kind of paralyzing injury can be stored and then given to others, it means that rejuvenation is not only a healing superpower, but also a very terrifying superpower.

Late stage leukemia, terminal cancer, mental illness, etc.

There are countless diseases that plague mankind.

"Well, someone finally came to kill me."

Nakamura Yoji did not resist the approach of the hand, but showed a smile of relief, finally able to realize his dream.

Qingze's hand touched his forehead, and his magical rejuvenation was activated. A warm current spread on Nakamura Yoji's forehead, and then rushed towards the broken spine and nerves.

The warm feeling spread in his waist, and Nakamura Yoji showed a hint of surprise on his face. For the first time in many years, he noticed the area below his waist and abdomen.

Could it be that? !A bold idea suddenly flashed through Nakamura Yoji's mind, but he was afraid that he would think too much, so he tried to lift his feet.

Although he has been paralyzed for many years, he can still lift his feet as easily as before he was injured, and his muscles have not atrophied.

Qingze raised his hand and found that the black smoke of Nakamura Yoji was larger than Emily.

With a flick of his fingertips, he stored the black mist and quickly disappeared into the room using Schrödinger's cat ability.

Nakamura Yoji watched a large living person suddenly disappear, his face became more and more shocked.

"Is this a dream?" He pinched his cheeks hard and pinched his thighs. The pain told him that this was not a dream!
His face was a little excited and trembling, and he slowly stood up from the bed.

"Yangji, it's time to eat."

When the door opened, the woman stopped in her tracks and froze when she saw Yoji Nakamura standing on the bed.

Bang, the rice bowl she was holding fell to the ground. She covered her mouth with both hands, tears of surprise welling up in her eyes, "Yoji, you stood up?! Am I not dreaming?!"

"Meixiang, this is not a dream, I stood up!"

Nakamura Yoji's face was full of ecstasy, and he thought of the blond man who disappeared inexplicably, and said incoherently: "It's the blond man, he saved me, he must be an angel!

From now on I will go to church to pray every week.

Thank you God, thank you to that angel, for letting me stand up again! "


Shinjuku, Central Building, Special Intelligence Investigation Department captured some strange short videos and comments on the Internet, and quickly compiled a report to the minister.

Jack looked at the report in his hand with surprise on his face.

The father who had been paralyzed for ten years suddenly stood up, the husband who suffered a cerebral infarction was fine, and the man who suffered 90.00% severe burns could not find any trace of burns...

On Douyin, YouTube, even Twitter or other social software, young people use their own ways to celebrate the healing of their families.

In their mouths, they all have one person in common, that is, a tall blond white man.

Some say it is God appearing, others say it is angels, Brahma, the Messiah, etc.

Jack looked at the series of reports and felt his head pounding. It was not easy to suppress such a huge voice.

He could only adopt plan B. Dior's affairs could not be concealed, so he would use more miraculous news to cover up the real news.

This is also a common tactic used by the CIA.If you want to make something stink, the best way is not to suppress, but to integrate.

Just like environmental protection and animal protection, things that are originally very positive.

However, a large number of people who have nothing to do with environmental protection and animal protection are hired by the sponsors to adopt the most extreme methods, which arouses public disgust and directly tarnishes the reputation of environmental protection and animal protection.

“Releasing false news, then find a few bloggers with high traffic, ask them to publish relevant videos, and use this traffic to rush.

In a few days, scandals about celebrities or corrupt officials will be revealed. "


The agent retreated and Jack called the task force.

"Emili, have you seen the short video of the oil pipe explosion?"

"Well, I saw it. Those things should have been done by Dio."

Emily answered calmly, "The Z potion on my body was also cured by Dio."

"Is his behavior expressing something?"

Jack felt a little confused. Dio rescued people. Such things had happened before, but that kind of rescue method was completely different from the current rescue method.

The diseases that plague people and so on.

All were cured.

In the ICU ward of Rice Field Hospital, all critically ill patients have become lively.

Jack couldn't understand why Dio would do that.

Emily couldn't answer immediately. After thinking about it, she said uncertainly: "I guess it is a necessary step to go to heaven.

Dio hadn't done that before, probably because he didn't think he needed to.

If he chooses to do this now, maybe he has come to a new conclusion after his last failure and needs others to believe in him? "

This explanation is indeed convincing.

No one knows what the methods and steps are to get to heaven.

Jack suppressed the doubts in his heart and complained instead: "In this case, it will be very difficult for us to cover up his news."

“Hasn’t the news already been leaked?”

Emily replied that she remembered Mitsui's murder, which meant that the news that Dio had super powers had been leaked.

"That was only leaked to some big countries. For some small countries, it is still hidden in their bones. But the current situation may have to change."

Jack sighed softly. The fake news they created could only confuse the attention of ordinary people, but for some countries that were already paying attention to the situation in Tokyo, it was easy for them to find the real news from the complicated fake news.

It's not easy for the CIA to do anything to interfere.

On the surface, they are still allies.

The Five Eyes Alliance has always had a covenant to share information.

The CIA's previous concealment of them was already a violation of the covenant.

“There is nothing we can do about this, we can’t restrain Dior’s actions.

He does whatever he wants. "

Emily can meet when more countries learn about the existence of Dio and the existence of superpowers.

Tokyo will become even more lively.

When the time comes, she may not be the only one who wants to use the honey trap.

Jack leaned back and sighed: "You are right, we cannot control Dio's actions.

Please prepare a report for me regarding this incident.

I'll hand it over to the boss later. "

"no problem."

Emily knew in her heart that her report was not from the perspective of the task force, but from the perspective of Jack from the CIA, to record the incident in detail.

Then hand it over to Jack, let Jack take a look at it at will, and then hand it over to the boss.

This guy is getting lazy, but Emily doesn't hate this kind of lazy leader.

As long as you don't interfere with her affairs, actively cooperate with her, and shoulder the pressure, you are a good leader.

It doesn't matter if you are lazy.

She hangs up.

Chiyo Morimoto, who was opposite, picked up a cake and complained: "Has our task force become a subordinate agency of Jack, the director of special intelligence investigations of the CIA?"

"Stop complaining about that and write me a report quickly."

"Hey, do you want me to write?"

"Of course, who do you think caused me to encounter that?"

Emily replied confidently that she was fine, so naturally she had to bring up the matter of going to the dentist to take advantage of Chiyo Morimoto.

This guy's conscience has a time limit.

It becomes impossible to handle after too long.

"Aren't you okay?"

Chiyo Morimoto muttered and started thinking about how to write a report. She really wanted to make up for her behavior.

Alas, her conscience is not bad enough.

(End of this chapter)
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