Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 282 Victory and glory belong to the city on the mountain

Chapter 282 Victory and glory belong to the city on the mountain

Across the ocean, the White House.

Night falls over the center of power of a superpower.

On the top floor of an old-looking building, warm lights illuminate the office.

There are documents on the table, and the information coming from all over the world has been classified and sorted, waiting for the owner of this office to process it.

This is power.

The Secretary of State looked at the report submitted below and quickly thought about the authenticity of this report and how much moisture it contained.

If you think that because of your high position and authority, people below you will not deceive you, that is just an illusion of those in power.

It's usually people who know nothing about politics who have the illusion that sitting in a certain position actually holds power.

The Secretary of State is obviously not that kind of layman. He knows very well that there are interests from above and there are interests from below.

Anyone whose interests are touched will choose to conceal and deceive.

The Secretary of State cannot accept the concealment of some things, but he can accept the concealment of some things.

For example, John from the CIA's Japan branch submitted a report to the General Directorate, explaining how Jack discovered and tracked Dio's traces.

There is actually a loophole in this rhetoric.

But the Secretary of State will not hold on to that loophole, but will keep it in mind, waiting to reveal it when necessary in the future.

Or it may be completely forgotten and never recovered.

Because John's performance satisfied the Secretary of State.

The information provided by that person is always one step ahead of the Japanese government.

Good job performance leads the Secretary of State to choose to overlook something.

He values ​​the results more than the process.

Dong-dong, a gentle knock on the door sounded from outside. The Secretary of State raised his head and said: "Please come in."

The door handle was turned open, and a white-haired old man stepped in carefully, with a nervous expression on his face.

Suddenly he was summoned by the empire's No. [-] man, who quickly recalled his past life in his mind, but he still couldn't figure out the specific reason.

"Dr. Emilio, I'm sorry to disturb your rest at night."

The Secretary of State stood up on his own initiative, poured a cup of black tea for this doctor who was said to be very strong in biology, and sat next to him intimately, chatting about some things.

The tension in Emilio's heart gradually disappeared.

Halfway through the conversation, the Secretary of State suddenly turned around and said, "I heard that your recent biological experiments have encountered some financial difficulties?"


Emilio nodded. He had real skills, but was not good at marketing, which led to the bosses not believing that his real skills were better than others.

Because the bosses are all laymen.

Compared to people like him who only talk about boring academics, they prefer doctors who dare to boast and express their own opinions.

Coupled with his straightforward temper and poor communication skills, the consequence is that no boss is willing to invest in his research projects.

The school doesn't grant much funding, so I can only use my salary to do some small things. I wrote excellent papers, but I didn't win a single award.

So he couldn't figure out why the aloof Secretary of State suddenly came to him?

"I learned about you from Dr. Meagan, and he was full of praise for your talents.

Our government has a project recently and wants to hire you to host it. "

The Secretary of State was initially skeptical about Meagan's recommendation, but after meeting Emilio in detail, he became less skeptical.

In the United States, where favors permeate all aspects of life, this kind of character can still serve as a tutor in a school without being dismissed by the school, which is enough to prove his ability.

Now they need capable people to do the work.

"what's the plan?"

Emilio's face was full of surprise. In 63 years, he had never encountered such a good thing.

"About the development of superpowers."

The Secretary of State said these words and put a photo on the table, "This is a photo we took in Japan. There are no special effects. This is a real person with super powers in the world.

The place that was destroyed was the 47th Biological Research Laboratory. Their main direction of attack was to use mixed toxins to stimulate the human body's internal potential and awaken superpowers.

We have a backup of the relevant experimental data, and you can read it at any time if you agree to take it over. "

Emilio scolded and swallowed the words that came to his mouth. He looked at the photo with an extremely complicated expression on his face, including surprise, excitement, and a bit of doubt.

Immediately, he denied the suspicion and said that he was just a doctor with no reputation and was not worthy of being deceived by the Secretary of State.

The expression on his face became serious, and he knew what it meant for him to take on this project.

If we achieve results, the whole world will undergo earth-shaking changes, right?Is it bad?

Not sure at all.

He slowly stretched out his hands, picked up the photo very solemnly, looked at the figure in the mountains as if looking at a lover, and said softly: "I accept your invitation."

I am now Death, the destroyer of worlds.

Before Oppenheimer created the nuclear bomb, he obviously knew that that weapon would change the history of mankind.

But he still chose to create.

Scientists always like to pursue the truth.

Even if the truth he pursues will destroy all mankind.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate with you," the Secretary of State said with a smile on his face. Biological Research Laboratory 47 is gone. Just build another one.

Just avoid building it in Japan, lest Dior find out, and opt for stateside this time.

No matter how much money is invested, they will become the first country in the world to master superpowers.

According to intelligence from the CIA, the only country in the world that can threaten the status of the United States has also begun to prepare plans in this regard.The CIA cannot grasp the specific details. They are the country's top secrets and cannot be easily probed.

Some countries in the EU are also ready to take action.

But glory and victory ultimately belong to the city on the mountain.

The Secretary of State sent Emilio away and continued to pick up the next document. People with super powers were something he needed to pay special attention to, but the international turmoil was also something he had to face.

There seems to be something unusual in the Middle East.

If it were in the past, the Secretary of State would only regard the chaos there as an opportunity, but this is different from the past. Both he and the United States need stability and must extinguish the ignition of chaos.


Japan, Tokyo.

The rain kept falling outside the classroom.

Akizuki Iroha stood in the corridor and looked outside through the window.

The soybean-like raindrops showed no signs of weakening.

Her hand just stretched out for a while, and it was already completely wet. If her fingers were slightly bent, a scoop of rainwater could quickly accumulate in the palm of her hand.

Akizuki Iroha sighed, a girl's sadness appeared on her usually optimistic face, "Oh, my date plan in Shinjuku Central Park this afternoon will probably go to waste. Such heavy rain is not suitable for walking at all."

Saeko Takahashi looked outside and said with a smile: "Iroha, remember, heavy rain, like men, often cannot last long.

Don't worry, just listen to me and be prepared to wear slippery shoes and go out without an umbrella.

When it rains in the afternoon, you can experience the romance of walking in the rain with Qingze. "


When she said this, Akizuki Iroha became confident again. She quickly retracted her hand and splashed it on Takahashi Saeko's face.

"watch out."

Takahashi Saeko quickly moved out of the way, letting the rain fall on the ground, and complained: "If you want to sneak attack me, wait until 100 years later."

Qiuyue Caiyu muttered: "Zezi, I won't let you hide next time."

"That's impossible."

Takahashi Saeko rolled her eyes. Unless she deliberately let Akizuki Iroha splash on her, otherwise, with the sweeper's eyesight and skill, how could she be suddenly attacked by Akizuki Iroha.

ding dong dong~
The bell rang for class, and instead of staying in the hallway outside the classroom, the hot foursome entered through the front door.

Qiuyue Caiyu's eyes ignored the desks and landed on the last row by the window.

Qingze smiled at her.

A smile appeared on Qiuyue Caiyu's face, thinking that she and Qingze would be alone next, and there might even be a scene full of couple atmosphere.

Her heart was pounding.

Phoenix Academy Meiji's eyes glanced at Qiuyue Caiyu who was giggling at the door, and then looked behind her.


A soft nasal sound sounded from her white nose, and she said, "Do you have any plans next?"

There was a hint of sourness in his tone.

Her next arrangement is all kinds of homework.

Qingze smiled and said, "Yes, I'm going to Shinjuku Central Park for a walk in the afternoon."

"It was really a bad time. The weather forecast said it would rain heavily today."

"Weather forecasts are never accurate."

Qingze didn't care in his heart. He only needed to transform into the wind element to blow away the dark clouds in the sky and return Tokyo to the embrace of sunshine.

Phoenix Academy Meiji thought for a while and did not continue speaking. It was already time for class, and anything she said could easily be overheard by people in front of her.

She turned around, took out her textbook, and prayed silently in her heart.

It will definitely rain today.

Phoenix-in Miki would rather let the heavy rain flood the streets of Tokyo than let Aozawa and Akizuki Iroha hang out in Shinjuku Central Park.


The heavy rain did not respond to Phoenix Academy Mei Ji's wish. During the third period, the rain had changed from heavy rain to light rain.

After school, there was no more rain in the sky, and the air after the rain was fresh.

Akizuki Iroha's face was full of excitement and she waved: "Zezi, Madoka, Kaoru, see you on Monday~"

"Do you want to spend all your vacation time with Qingze?"

Mihara Kaoru complained, "We can still meet on Sunday."

"Of course, how could I forget you."

Qiuyue Caiyu replied with a smile, looking at the expression and body that was almost floating.

They had no doubt at all about the fact that Akizuki Iroha would forget his true love.

In other words, there was no appointment with Qingze on Sunday.

If we make an appointment on Sunday, I guess it will be difficult to have time to go shopping with them during the holidays.

"Iroha, come on."

After thinking about it, Takahashi Saeko patted Akizuki Iroha's shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't forget Madoka and the skills I taught you."

"Don't worry, I will definitely use my special skills 100%."

Akizuki Iroha answered confidently.

(End of this chapter)
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