Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 281 Emily: I’m not afraid at all

Chapter 281 Emily: I’m not afraid at all

I'm so tired.

Chiyo Morimoto has not experienced this feeling of fatigue for a long time. When was the last time she felt so tired at work?
She had almost forgotten that, or rather, she had never felt so tired from work before.

You can still cheer up with outsiders around, but the closer you get to the door of your home, the more obvious your fatigue becomes.

Standing outside her home, Chiyo Morimoto was swept away by the surging fatigue. She wished she could lie down on the sofa immediately, throw away her shoes, and take off her clothes.

The whole person soaked in the warm bathtub. Calculating the time, it should be about the same.

Chiyo Morimoto was thinking in her mind as she opened the door with her hand. The light was on in the living room. Aozawa had just come out of the bath and his hair was still a little wet.

He was wearing a white bath towel, covering his boxers.

There are obvious muscle curves in the hands, feet and abdomen.

"Chiyo, you are back. You look very tired."


Chiyo Morimoto nodded, closed the door behind her back, and complained: "I'm really exhausted today."

After saying that, he pounced directly on the sofa, turned sideways, crossed his legs and said, "Take off my shoes for me."

"I'm dressed like this, is it okay for you to ask me to take off my shoes?"

Qingze complained about her behavior, but the person still stepped forward.

Chiyo Morimoto's long hair was spread on the sofa. She rolled her eyes at him and said, "You're a cheap boy today."

"It's obvious that you're being lazy, right?"

Qingze retorted, lifting her left calf with his right hand and untying the shoelaces.

Chiyo Morimoto did not wear stockings, but emerald green socks.

The soft voice was a bit lazy, speaking from the bottom up, "Don't do weird things."

"Don't worry, I won't smell your smelly feet."

"You use such adjectives to let me know that you haven't done anything perverted. Anyone who has smelled my feet will know that they don't stink at all."

Chiyo Morimoto had a smile on her face. She wore a thin sock on her left foot and moved it, as tempting as matcha-flavored ice cream in summer.

Qingze wanted to take a bite, taste the taste, and feel a sense of scientific inquiry in his heart.

Do Chiyo's feet really not stink?

At least, he couldn't smell it standing up straight.

I'm afraid you need to bend down and get in front to know the specific details. That kind of behavior was too abnormal, so Qingze didn't do it and continued to take off the other shoe.

The process was still to lift his right calf first, and then his eyes followed the gap between the ultra-short jeans and his thigh, trying to get a glimpse of color from inside.

Although it is easy to see using perspective, it would lose some of the fun.

This kind of thing really requires a man to put all his effort into seeing it, but he can only see a little bit, which makes it even more exciting.


Qingze thought to himself, adjusted the angle appropriately, and then took off his shoes. As expected, he saw a hint of black that was different from azure blue and white.

Hiss, exciting!

He was in a good mood.

Chiyo Morimoto exerted strength on her waist, raised her head slightly, glanced at his bath towel and said: "You are really young and energetic.

Stand down, it's time for the Queen to change. "

"In a way, Chiyo who can say such things without changing his face is very strong."

Qingze grabbed the shoes and put them on the shoe cabinet. He threw the slippers in front of the sofa and turned around to enter the bedroom.

Chiyo Morimoto said angrily: "Wash your hands."

"Didn't you say your feet don't stink?"

"Of course my feet don't stink. I just need to wash my hands after taking off my shoes. It's related to personal hygiene. Don't be lazy."

Chiyo Morimoto rolled her eyes at Qingze, and must take a heavy blow against this bad living habit.

Qingze curled his lips and went to the kitchen to wash his hands, then turned and walked to the bedroom. Chiyo Morimoto patted his butt and said with a smile: "Good night~"

"You are teasing me."

"It is the Queen's prerogative to do whatever you want to men."

Morimoto Chiyo blinked, with a coquettish look on his brows, and he had already made a move to avoid him by stretching out his hand.

Qingze didn't do anything, but secretly made a note of this stroke, and he would definitely return it in the future, and he would never stop until it turned red.

He entered the bedroom. Chiyo Morimoto smiled, walked to her bedroom, picked up her nightgown, and then went to the bathroom.

The bathtub was filled with hot water that Qingze had soaked in.

She did not rush to soak, but washed herself clean first, and then slowly stepped into the warm bathtub.

"Ah, comfortable."

With her legs straightened, she leaned back, feeling the fatigue all over her body dissipate little by little in the hot water.

The fierce battle she imagined did not happen, but the visual stimulation she endured was even more tiring than the fierce battle she imagined.

She only had to close her eyes to remember the huge figure standing among the mountains, the broken ground, the trees like crushed potato chips, and the sea of ​​blood in the backyard.

Preliminary conclusion is that it is also a super power.

In other words, it's the same superpower.

She remembered the previous report from Emily about Dio turning into a frost giant and freezing Onofre.

Today it's the Rock Giant again and another form.

Looking at the scene, Chiyo Morimoto could conclude that it was Feng who killed those researchers.

The sharp wind tore them apart and threw the bodies outside.

The only thing that puzzles me is how did Dio get the American soldier to point his gun at the other three?He didn't speak. It didn't seem like he was using the kind of super power that could command people, nor was it the ability to attack the inside of the human body.

Judging from the situation of the man, it was obvious that he aimed the gun at Dio and pulled the trigger, but the gun turned to the three companions in an instant.

Is it that kind of super high speed?

Quickly change the direction of the opponent's gun at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Chiyo Morimoto was taking a bath, and suddenly realized that she had contracted the same strange problem as Emily at some point, and wanted to think about work-related things besides work.

Chiyo Morimoto raised her head, thinking about the drastic changes in the world that Dio said, which seemed to indicate the revival of spiritual energy she had mentioned before.

It may also be related to Bible prophecy.

Do you need to find the answer to your soul by yourself?
Chiyo Morimoto let out a heavy breath. She didn't know which direction to work on, and she would explore slowly in the future.

The most important thing at the moment is to see if Otome Ito can crack the Z potion.

That was about Emily's life.


The next day, Saturday.

The sound of rain fell outside the window.

Emily's sleep quality was poor and she was woken up quickly.

She pushed herself up and glanced out the window.

The blue curtains closed the scenery. She jumped up, landed on the ground, stepped forward with a few steps using inertia, and opened the curtains.

It was raining heavily outside.

The rain pattered on the window sill and the ground.

If it rains at this level, there will probably be water on the roads soon, and the sewage in the sewers will surge out.

I really can't stand the infrastructure in this place.

Emily complained in her heart.

Times are progressing, but the level of infrastructure here in Tokyo has obviously not kept up with the times.

It wouldn't matter if it were a rural place, but this is an international metropolis.

Emily's heart boiled with resentment, thinking about things that she would never complain about before. She knew what such fault-finding meant, that is, she was trying to divert her thoughts by finding fault with everything.

Maybe it's an illusion.

She always felt that the extracted teeth were aching again.

Damn it, she will never set foot in any dental hospital again!
Even if Katarina had her teeth knocked out with her fists, she would not choose to go to the dentist.

The premise is that she still has a future.

Emily was not stupid, she could see that the words Ito Otome said to her had a faint meaning of comfort.

Although she really wanted to deceive herself, sometimes, being too smart is not a good thing.

Thinking of the fact that her life span is short, Emily couldn't help but lament in her heart, why do smart beauties always wither away so easily?

She is still young.

Thinking of what she was angry about, she couldn't help but hammer the wall with her fist, and quickly tidied her hair.

She didn't want to put any burden on Chiyo Morimoto's heart.

Judging from the situation at that time, asking myself to go to the dentist was not an excessive thing. It can only be said that everything matters.

In the past, Emily would not believe in those illusory fates, but now, she had to believe that fate might actually exist.

From the time a person is born to the end, everything has been determined by fate.

What a despairing thing.

The only good thing is that people don't know what fate has arranged for them.

She may also awaken her superpowers as a result.

Emily thought optimistically and put on a gothic dress. Different from the winter dress, the summer dress was a suspender dress, which looked particularly cool.

She looked at herself in the mirror, looking very petite in every aspect, and felt a trace of sadness in her heart again.

Is it possible that she will leave this world as a virgin?
Emily shook her head, putting aside the pessimistic thoughts, and devoted the rest of her life to hunting Dio.

She strode towards the bedroom door. Apart from Ito Otome who was in the laboratory, the rest of the task force gathered in the living room.

"Good morning, Emily, how are you?"

The soft voice was full of concern.

Emily waved her little hand and said with an indifferent expression: "Sorimoto, don't underestimate people.

As a detective, I walk around death a lot, and little things like that don't scare me at all.

I am in very good health now.

Besides, Ito will also find a way to deal with the Z potion. "

She really wanted to cover it up in an understatement, but her bloodshot eyes and the faint dark circles on her fair cheeks showed that she didn't sleep well at all last night.

The life-and-death crises Emily encountered before were all resolved by relying on her own wisdom and Katarina's force.

What she encountered this time was poison, which can also be said to be a chronic terminal illness.

She couldn't see, couldn't touch, and didn't even know how to defeat it. She could only trust Ito Otome. It was like an old driver with decades of driving experience suddenly unable to control the steering wheel. Uneasiness was inevitable.

Chiyo Morimoto wanted to raise her hand and touch her head, but was afraid that such an action would irritate Emily. She smiled and said, "Yes, you don't have to worry. The details of the Z potion have been given to Ito, and she will make the antidote."

"Well, let's keep working."

Emily wanted to distract herself with a lot of work.

(End of this chapter)
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