Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 271 The eldest lady’s awakening

Chapter 271 The eldest lady’s awakening
He ran all the way out of the club building.

There was no rain in the sky, only heavy lead-like clouds.

The wind is slightly cool.

Phoenix Academy Princess let out a breath and let go of Tetsuji Hojo's shoulder with her right hand.

He was a little surprised that Phoenix Academy Princess, who looked so delicate on the outside, could actually drag himself, who weighed at least two hundred kilograms?

"Miss, you are so strong."

"It's okay. I haven't given up on exercising."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji replied casually, thinking about the scene she just saw in the corridor.

That back, that person.

"It was Qingze just now, who is that woman? Is she a girl in our class?"

Hojo Tetsuji scratched his head. He didn't pay much attention to the people in the class. He was usually either sleeping or discussing the plot of the comics with Aosawa and Hohoin Miki.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji shook her head and said: "That's not Qingze. As for that girl, she is the hot girl in our class."

"Isn't it Qingze? I look like him from the back."

"Wearing kendo uniforms with the back of the head exposed, everyone is the same. You can't say that everyone with short hair is Qingze."

Phoenix Academy Meiji tried to deny that reality.

Although Akizuki Iroha and Aozawa have a good relationship, when it comes to hot girls, they are the kind of frivolous characters who don't care who they kiss.

Just because Akizuki Iroha kissed that person, it doesn't mean that the person she kissed was Qingze.

Even Phoenix Academy Meiji found this sentence unconvincing.

She actually knew in her heart that that person was Qingze, but she didn't want to admit it. There were 1 reasons in her mind that she refused to believe that that person was Qingze.

"Is that so?"

Hojo Tetsuji scratched his head.

He didn't think too much about it, but seeing that Phoenix Academy Meiji was in a strange state, she even used an elbow to deal with him just now.

Although it didn't hurt at all, it showed that something was wrong with this person's condition.

"Miss, you look a little strange."

"I always have such a strange expression. See you tomorrow."

Phoenix Academy Meiji said hastily and strode towards the school gate.

Hojo Tetsuji scratched his head, and the eldest lady became very strange indeed. The eldest lady, who used to look very confident, seemed to be running away from something.

"really weird."

He thought for a while, took out his cell phone, and prepared to send a message to see if Qingze had been kissed on the side of the face by a hot girl in his class.


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji quickly walked out of the school gate.

There was naturally a ghostly figure behind him.

He has a tall body like a cat and walks silently.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji didn't care, she just kept thinking about the scene she saw in the corridor in her mind. As she thought about it, she cursed, "Liar."

He clearly said that he has not made any progress with Akizuki Iroha, and he has not accepted Akizuki Iroha as his girlfriend, but he even let her kiss him on the cheek. Is this still called no progress?
A series of names for Qingze, that big pig, a liar, and a scumbag flashed through his mind.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. When she was standing at Ayase Station waiting for the train, the resentment suddenly dissipated and turned into a deep grievance.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji almost wanted to cry. She lowered her head and said with a face full of reluctance: "How am I worse than her?"

The slight words floated like the wind and landed in Mike's ears three steps away, instantly arousing his desire for gossip.

Both men and women are very enthusiastic about listening to gossip.

He did not continue to stand three steps away, and couldn't help but come closer and said: "Miss, you seem to be having troubles about love.

If you don't mind, let me act as your military advisor. I'm not bragging.

When it comes to relationships, I'm pretty sure. "

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji glanced at him sideways. She didn't want to say anything at first, but she was just in case, so she asked: "Then let me ask you, if a boy maintains an ambiguous relationship with someone else and at the same time flirts with another girl, He said that he and the girl had nothing to do with each other. They were not boyfriend and girlfriend.

What kind of mentality do you think this is? "

Mike thought about it for a while and said truthfully: "It should be because the boys want to be in two boats, but their rank is still a little lower.

If it were me, I would never let another person know that I have an affair with another woman. "

"Are you worthy of competing with him?

Wife control, disgusting, get away! "

It was rare for Princess Mei of the Phoenix Academy to use foul language. She could call Qingze a scumbag, but others could never say a word.

Even in front of others, he has to speak out to protect Qingze's image and show that he is not a scumbag.

Mike pressed his hot face against his cold ass, but did not show an angry expression. Instead, he was very curious about the boy, who could make the usually calm and elegant young lady show such a gaffe.

It is also suspected that there are two boats, who is it?

The boys in his class flashed through his mind, and he quickly selected Tetsuji Hojo as his target.

In his opinion, Hojo Tetsuji is the most masculine boy in the class.

The beastly aura exuding from his whole body was just like when he was young.

This is youth!

Mike sighed in his heart, the astringent sourness seemed to penetrate into the present body from the distant past.


Setagaya District, Phoenix House.

There was a hazy drizzle falling in the sky, but it had nothing to do with the beauty of Phoenix Academy.

She stayed in the car and looked at the scenery in the front yard, feeling very heavy.

The more I want to forget that picture in my mind, the more clearly I can recall it.Even Akizuki Iroha's original action of closing her eyes seemed to have turned into open eyes and a provocative smile towards her due to her constant thinking.

That stupid woman... Phoenix Academy Mei Ji clenched her fists, feeling a strong feeling of not wanting to lose in her heart.

Miwa Ichi drove into the underground parking lot, turned off the engine, got out of the driver's seat, and opened the door of Phoenix Academy Meiji's car.

She loosened her hand, no longer clenched it, got out of the back seat, and walked directly to the restaurant.

Miwa Kazuki followed behind and said softly: "Miss, what happened?"

"Why ask that?"

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji replied casually.

Miwa Kazuki said softly: "The eldest lady's expression looks a little unhappy, which is different from usual."

"Well, Miwa, it seems you've been with me for so long that you can even control my mood at any time."

"I'm very sorry, Miss."

"There won't be a next time."

When Phoenix Academy Princess is in a bad mood, she will become extremely aggressive.

Even I couldn't notice this, but Miwa Kazuki knew it very well. He had been serving the eldest lady for many years and rarely saw such a eldest lady.

There was a flash of worry in his eyes, but he didn't continue to ask anything.

The eldest lady's attitude has been very clear. If she continues to investigate the reason for her bad mood, she will be removed from the position of housekeeper.


Phoenix Academy Meiji walked into the restaurant.

The light of crystal lamps shines here, and exquisite dishes are placed on the table.

A high-backed chair.

Miwa Ichiki pulled the chair away, and Meiji of the Phoenix Academy sat down. She chewed the food on the table like wax, forcing herself to take a few bites, barely filling her stomach, and then stopped eating.

She forcibly gathered her mind and promised to devote herself wholeheartedly to the upcoming tutoring course.

She did forget those things when she was studying.

After studying, she needs to take a bath first before going to bed, which can last up to half an hour.

But the Phoenix House did not have a bathtub installed, only a bathtub, which was very big, as big as a swimming pool.

The water in the bathtub must be kept warm at all times. Every time she or Hu Die finishes washing, it must be replaced to ensure the cleanliness of the water.

Such a luxurious life is not good for the environment.

However, the issue of environmental protection itself is used to constrain 90.00% of the people in the world.

For those in the [-]% of the consortium class, Phoenix Academy Meiji didn't even think about that. She never thought about the waste her daily life would cause.

In her opinion, compared to other people, the lifestyle of the Phoenix Academy family is already very frugal.

Phoenix Academy Meiji was soaking in the bathtub. The warm hot water penetrated her skin. She raised her head. What should she do?

When she was alone, that picture came to her mind again. She let her body float on the water, motionless, like a piece of wood on the river.

She was obviously the one who came first, Qingze even touched her...

Phoenix Academy Meiji suddenly thought about the afternoon when she brought pickles and meat to her door.

She remembered all the details very clearly, including Qingze who was pressing on her.

She crossed her arms across her chest, her face showing a slight blush, and she couldn't keep her balance floating on the water and sank quickly.

Warm water wraps around cheeks.

She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling through the clear warm water, feeling enlightened in her heart.

At this time, if I choose to retreat, I will let Qiuyue Caiyu succeed.

Only choose to attack.

She decided to fight back.


The next day, the classroom of Grade 2 C.

It was rare for Phoenix Academy Princess to change her hairstyle. Her long golden hair was tied up on the back of her head, exposing her snow-white neck to the air. Her temples were permed into curls and hung down on her shoulders.

"Meiji, did you suddenly change your hairstyle?"

Sayuri Yoshikawa knew that girls would not change their hairstyle at will unless something happened.

If it really changes, it will be similar to boys who suddenly stop playing games and start pretending to be themselves, and they are likely to launch a love offensive.

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy did not hide anything from the two of them, and said sternly: "Today is the day when Tu Qiong Dagger meets. I must test Qingze's thoughts!"

"Oh, Mei Ji, you finally understand that falling in love is like shopping. Rather than where to go shopping, the most important thing is to go out. Only when you go out can you think about where to go shopping!"

Nomura Manami looked pleased, but also showed a hint of curiosity: "How do you plan to ask him?"

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji pondered slightly, with a smile on her face and said: "This is a secret.

If I succeed, I will tell you the specific details again.

If that fails, prepare carbonated Coke for me! "

Sayuri Yoshikawa looked shocked and said: "Miki, do you actually have such a consciousness?"

Phoenix Academy Princess didn't answer, she just walked towards her seat and made a very classic gesture with her right hand.

If you were in Germany, you would definitely be bombarded by a wave of public opinion.

Nomura Manami complained: "When did she become a failed artist?"

"This is Mei Ji's awakening!"

Sayuri Yoshikawa clenched her hands into fists, silently cheering for Phoenix Academy Princess.

(End of this chapter)
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