Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 270 The eldest lady who wants to take action welcomes Bai Xue

Chapter 270 The eldest lady who wants to take action welcomes Bai Xue

"Tetsuji, please come to the manga department later. Manami and the others want to hear why you draw manga."

"Hey, didn't you say you were free?"

"That's right, we are free in the afternoon, aren't you?"

After school, in Class C of Year 2, Phoenix Academy Miki suddenly invited Tetsuji Hojo to the manga club to explain her mental journey.

This was undoubtedly beyond Tetsuji Hojo's expectation. In his opinion, the tone of the eldest lady's speech in the morning clearly meant that the invitation would take some time to come, rather than starting the invitation after school today.

Qingze patted his shoulder and said, "Come on!"

"Don't say it so easily. I haven't thought about that kind of thing at all. I originally planned to go back at night and think of touching lines."

Hojo Tetsuji looked flustered.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji spread her hands and said: "It doesn't matter if you refuse, I don't care.

However, Sayuri must be very disappointed, she still wants to hear about the bad transformation. "

"Damn it, Miss, you have said these words, how can I escape as a man?"

Hojo Tetsuji took a sudden breath, showed the consciousness of rushing to the execution ground, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, let's go!"

Phoenix Academy Meiji smiled and said: "This is a man."


Hojo Tetsuji turned around and wanted to ask this person to go to the comics department with him.

Qingze stood up and said, "I still want to go to the Kendo club to practice, so I'll take a step first."

"Hey, are you so heartless?"

"Sorry, I'm such a heartless person."

Aozawa smiled. Rather than listening to Tetsuji Hojo's self-confession, he still believed that his training in the kendo club was more important.

"You have no loyalty!"

Hojo Tetsuji muttered, without saying anything else, and stood up with the Phoenix Academy Princess.

As of now, the only thing left to do is to go boldly.


Having said that, Tetsuji Hojo still didn't have the courage to go to the comics department with Sayuri Yoshikawa and Manami Nomura, but deliberately delayed the time for a while.

The courage in my heart also weakened step by step while walking up the stairs.

Arriving at the door, Tetsuji Hojo began to tremble.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji glanced at him, looked at the trembling hands, and couldn't help but sigh: "You are really useless, the hand that broke the wall with one punch is actually shaking over a trivial matter.

She just wants you to talk to her, not even to confess to her. Is it necessary to be so nervous?

You are really worthless. Looking at you as a coward, how could you dare to step forward and confess to Sayuri in the first place? "


Hojo Tetsuji retorted when he was told. Just as he was about to continue speaking, he swallowed those words back in his stomach.

He found that Phoenix Academy Mei Ji was holding her right hand on the wall, looking very disappointed.

Rather than teaching others, it is better to say that you are the one being taught.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?"

"I just suddenly remembered some unpleasant things."

Phoenix Academy Princess wouldn't say it, because just now she said Hojo Tetsuji was a coward, and it was so exciting that it suddenly occurred to her that she had never even had a confession experience.

In terms of results, her record was actually worse than Tetsuji Hojo, who was standing in front of the door trembling.

The words he just said turned into boomerangs and hit him in the heart.

Phoenix Academy Meiji took a deep breath, patted his shoulder and said, "Come on, Tetsuji."

"Miss, I'm mentally prepared to open the door!"

Hojo Tetsuji also took a deep breath and decided to follow Aosawa's instructions, without using any fancy words, just to express his true thoughts.

Phoenix Academy Meiji opened the door.

Hojo Tetsuji looked into the comics department.

In an instant, there seemed to be countless holy lights shooting out from inside.

The source of those holy lights is Sayuri Yoshikawa sitting on the chair.

That petite figure released a shining light like a goddess.

Too dazzling.

So much so that even sunglasses can hardly cover the divine brilliance.

Hojo Tetsuji suppressed the urge to cry, comics club, alone!

Nomura Manami and the Phoenix Academy Meiji next to him both asked him to be eliminated from the rounding.

"Welcome Hojo-kun to the manga club."

Sayuri Yoshikawa showed a smile.

Nomura Manami raised his drink and said, "Do you want green tea? Or black tea?"

"green tea."

Tetsuji Hojo spoke, feeling slightly excited. This was the second time he spoke to Sayuri Yoshikawa since his last confession.

Two short words had already given him a sense of satisfaction that he would have no regrets in his life.

That worthless look caught the eyes of Phoenix Academy Meiji and made her feel an eyesore no matter how she looked at him.

Perhaps what she said just now made her compare herself with Tetsuji Hojo, so she felt angry at Tetsuji Hojo's performance.

Damn it, give her some courage!

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji closed the door behind her back, with a smile on her face and said: "You don't need to be so restrained, we are all classmates.

Tetsuji, sit here. "

She pushed Tetsuji Hojo's back and asked him to sit next to Sayuri Yoshikawa.Such behavior increased the tension in Hojo Tetsuji's heart, and he was a little doubtful whether the eldest lady was playing a trick on him?
Hojo Tetsuji was still sitting on the chair as he thought about it.

Sayuri Yoshikawa handed him a bottle of green tea and smiled: "Teacher Hojo, could you please tell me why you draw comics?

What inspires you? "

She had a curious expression on her face.

This plot of changing dreams and choosing to draw comics is really beyond the scope of reality and a bit dreamy.

Hojo Tetsuji felt more and more that he had made a wise decision to draw comics. He unscrewed the cap of the green tea bottle and drank it all in one gulp.


Sayuri Yoshikawa's face was full of shock. This was the first time she saw someone drink all the green tea in one go.

Nomura Manami was a little worried and said: "Hey, is this okay with you?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji smiled and said: "Don't worry, Tetsuji's body is very strong."

Hojo Tetsuji put down the empty bottle, and the tension in his heart fell into his abdomen along with the drink.

He said seriously: "I'm just thirsty.

As for the reason for drawing comics, it's actually not a big reason. I just want to satisfy my desire to take risks and fall in love with someone.

I drew this comic based on her and me. Unexpectedly, it was loved by everyone. Then I became more motivated and wanted to make her satisfied with the next plot. "

Sayuri Yoshikawa blinked, the fire of gossip in her heart became more intense, and asked curiously: "Who is it?"

It's you!
Hojo Tetsuji roared in his heart, not daring to show any strangeness on his face. He pushed the frame of the mirror and said, "I can't say, I can only say that the heroine looks exactly the same as that person."

"I see."

Sayuri Yoshikawa looked stunned. She quickly opened this issue of Shōnen Weekly JUMP, opened the manga by Tetsuji Hojo, and took a look at the heroine on it.

very beautiful.

There shouldn't be such a beautiful girl in the school. I'm afraid he met her outside the school, or it was because of the girl's persuasion that Hojo Tetsuji returned to school.

This realization made Sayuri Yoshikawa feel a little disappointed.

The first person in her life who confessed to her changed her target so quickly.

But she was in a good mood, quickly sorted herself out, and said with an ambiguous smile: "It's so romantic. Have you confessed to that person?"

Hojo Tetsuji thought about it for a while. His hasty confession last time should not be called a confession. It can only be said to be a very reckless suicide act.

A true confession is never that reckless.

If he thinks so, he just didn't confess to Sayuri Yoshikawa.

"Not yet, but I have been preparing a real confession. As long as this comic can win the Newcomer Award, I will explain my feelings to her!"

"Hojo-kun! Come on!"

"Well! I will definitely do my best!"

Tetsuji Hojo replied loudly.

The Phoenix Academy Meiji next to her wanted to complain.

After a second thought, she fell into deep thought again.

What Tetsuji Hojo said just now makes sense.

Replacing it with someone can not only maintain a sense of mystery, but also attract Yoshikawa Sayuri's attention to a certain extent.

In the same way, if she told Qingze that she liked someone, what would Qingze think?
Do you think the person you like is him?Or is there someone else?
Phoenix Academy Mei Ji fell into deep thought.

This expression was keenly observed by Nomura Manami.

According to her love radar, such expressions and thoughts are 100% because she is missing someone.

Wait, this expression looks a bit familiar. Nomura Manami suddenly discovered that the heroine in Hojo Tetsuji's painting had such an expression.

Is it possible that Phoenix Academy Princess likes Aosawa, but Hojo Tetsuji likes Phoenix Academy Princess, and then Aozawa likes Hojo Tetsuji?
If it was such a perfect triangle, Nomura Manami would like to apologize to Phoenix Academy Princess.

Although that kind of relationship is not suitable for Phoenix Academy Princess, for Nomura Manami, this kind of triangle relationship is too exciting.

She couldn't help but look forward to the follow-up.

For a time, the four people in the small comics department had different thoughts.


After a long time, Tetsuji Hojo left the comics club with a face full of joy.

"Miss, thank you so much for today. Without you, I wouldn't have been so happy chatting with Sayuri."

Speaking of this, Tetsuji Hojo couldn't help but beamed: "Haha, I didn't expect that we have so many common interests and hobbies.

God really wanted Sayuri and me to be together. "

"Yes, even I am surprised that your relationship is so good."

Phoenix Academy Meiji replied casually, still thinking about how she should tactfully express to Qingze that she has someone she likes.

In other words, he used a suggestive attitude to test Qingze's reaction to that incident, so as to judge his position in his heart.

Are you just a good friend, or do you already have some thoughts like that?
"Miss, you look distracted."

"Because I'm thinking about something."

"Thinking about what?"


Phoenix Academy Meiji will not reveal her inner thoughts.

When she reached the second floor, she subconsciously glanced at the Kendo Club.

Outside the door, a wheat-colored girl stepped forward and kissed someone on the cheek.

At this moment, time seemed to have frozen.

Hojo Tetsuji wanted to say hello, but Hojoin Miki interrupted him with an elbow, then grabbed his shoulder and ran down quickly.

(End of this chapter)
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