Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 268 Humanity’s Double Standards for God

Chapter 268 Humanity’s Double Standards for God

The electric light quickly condensed into a human shape in the air. The moment his feet landed, the electric light dissipated and Qingze switched to the earth element.

He stood on the ground, absorbing the power of the earth and turning it into nutrients for his body. His body quickly expanded to a height of four meters in a short period of time.

The outside is made of hard granite with a snow-white color, making him look like a white giant.

Witnessing such a change, the thug's mouth opened wide and his eyes widened, unable to understand the situation in front of him.

Qingze grabbed his head with one hand, and it felt like grabbing a ping pong ball.

A pinch.

Boom, like the soft sound of opening a soda drink, the strong force directly crushed the thug's head, and blood spattered on the pure white granite.

A headless body fell.

Bang, the body fell to the ground, and the sound made Soma Yuina recover from the shock and shouted: "Who are you?"

"I am a god, and you are lying around in my name. Now I am going to give you divine punishment!"

Qingze made random remarks.

Souma Yuna didn't believe that the other party was a god at all. If others didn't know it, how could she, the leader of the church, not know it.

The God that the New World Church believes in is completely made up by grandpa and cannot exist at all.

But she couldn't say that. The two thugs didn't believe in the existence of God. The key was that one of them was a true believer in the God of the New World Church.

She relied on the power of faith to drive that person to do things for herself.

"You're talking nonsense. We are all devout people of God. God loves us. You are just a false devil!"

Souma Yuina shouted loudly, "Why are you still standing there?
In the name of God, destroy this demon quickly! "

The two thugs were so frightened that their legs were weak. They did not dare to fight against that kind of monster.

Andre Marsilho dares.

The fear on his face was replaced by determination at this moment.

As the leader said, he is one of God’s people, so how could God say that he would punish him?
The other party must be a devil who is good at disguise.

Andrei was different from others in that he truly believed in the divine existence of the New World Church.

If it weren't for God's love, how could the New World Church have brought him from that poor, backward country to live in this prosperous country?

God changed his destiny.

Then he will fight in the name of God's bodyguard throughout his life.

"God bless me."

Andre prayed devoutly.

Souma Yuna said loudly: "Andrei, you are a warrior of God, and God will protect you.

Don't be afraid, come on! "

With this shout in her mouth, she took off her high heels, turned around and ran towards the door.

She admitted that Andrei was very strong and would be fine even if he jumped from the fourth floor, but it was obviously impossible to win against that kind of monster.

Soma Yuina only needs Andre to buy time for him to escape.

Anda Haoshi was dumbfounded. He did not expect that he would live for such a long time and encounter things that would refresh his three views one after another today.

Being dragged aboard the pirate ship by the New World Church, I encountered this kind of scene that cannot be explained by science.

What kind of bad luck did you have today?
Come to think of it, Hiroshi Adachi's running movements were no slower than Yuuna Soma's.

Even the two thugs couldn't catch up. Their legs were so frightened that they couldn't muster the strength to run.

Only Andrei rushed towards Qingze.


"If he's good to you, he's a god, if he's not good to you, he's a devil. You really have double standards."

Qingze complained and asked, "Don't you know that thunder, rain, and dew are all divine grace?"

Andrei struck Qingze's waist and abdomen with a ferocious whip. The hard granite was kicked out with spiderweb-like cracks, and his right foot was directly embedded in his abdomen.

He has been learning Muay Thai since he was a child.

This martial art emphasizes ferocity.

Trick to lethal.

The only drawback is that Muay Thai is too fierce, which can easily cause great risks to the health of those who practice Muay Thai.

The stronger the Muay Thai master, the shorter his lifespan.

But Andrei didn't care, he was willing to accept any cruel training, as long as he fought for God, it didn't matter even if he died in the next second.

In his eyes, death is nothing more than returning to God, which is the supreme happiness and not worth fearing at all.

Qingze raised his hand and swatted it down, as casually as swatting a fly.

The power is so great.

The fierce wind blew against his cheeks, and Andrei knew something was wrong. He quickly twitched his legs, turned over quickly, and jumped away as nimbly as a monkey in the forest.

The next second, Qingze disappeared.

Andre's pupils dilated and he quickly turned around, not noticing anyone behind him.


Soma Yuina screamed. She was about to run to the door when a rock giant more than three meters high suddenly emerged from the ground.

The cracks caused by Andre just now have been repaired by Qingze.

"Do you think you can escape?"

"No, don't kill me!"

Soma Yuina collapsed on the ground, and water suddenly appeared on the dry ground.

With such a ferocious spread, experienced people can immediately realize that the woman is wearing a skirt.As long as there is any obstacle, it is impossible for the water to spread so fiercely.

Hiroshi Adachi was almost frightened and had a heart attack. He quickly patted his chest and said, "Lord God, they are the ones who are swindling and deceiving me. I am an innocent person!"

The two thugs knelt directly on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "It's none of our business. Everything was done by Souma on our orders, and we followed orders."

Soma Yuina cursed in her heart and wanted to defend herself.

Qingze raised his right hand and struck it.

boom!This punch directly smashed Souma Yuina into meat patties from head to toe. Blood, flesh and broken bones flew to both sides, and half of it fell on Hiroshi Adachi next to him.


He let out a heartbreaking cry and fell to the ground. His hands and feet moved sideways so hard that his pants got wet.

"Master Teacher!"

Andrei roared in the distance, and his legs suddenly exerted force, like a cheetah jumping out of the grass, with a fierce momentum.

Qingze grabbed the bodies of the two thugs and rolled them into a ball directly in his palms.

There was a crackle, bones and organs shattered, blood spurted out, and then Qingze threw the meat ball forward.

boom!There was a violent roar, and Andrei jumped towards the diagonal shelf with both feet, cleverly avoiding the meat ball.

Without giving him time to breathe, Qingze escaped to the ground again, flipped over the shelves in an instant, and appeared on Andre's side.

The blood all over his body disappeared, turning into a pure white granite giant again, and his right fist blasted out.

Andre couldn't avoid it, and raised his hands to block it. Just a simple touch gave him a sharp pain as if he had been hit by a heavy truck.

The bones of both arms cracked with a crunching sound, and penetrated the flesh and blood, turning into sharp swords and stabbing into the chest.

"Hmm." He groaned, and his whole body rolled out and landed on a shelf. He was broken directly at the waist, and his flesh and blood and organs were scattered on the curved shelf.

Aozawa walked towards Masao Shimakawa who was tied to a chair.


Boom, boom, the huge size of Qingze made a loud sound with every step he took. Each step seemed to knock on Masao Shimakawa's heart.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead and he shouted: "Wait, before you kill me, can you let me kill that guy with my own hands?"

Masao Shimakawa is not afraid of death. He has been aware of it since the day he joined the Yakuza.

But before he died, he must kill Hiroshi Adachi with his own hands. Only in this way could he comfort his sister's spirit in heaven.

"Please, this is my only request!"

Masao Shimakawa lowered his head, really unwilling to die like this.

"I can give you this chance."

"Thank you, I will definitely accept the punishment of the law!"

Masao Shimakawa nodded and made a promise.

Qingze didn't say anything. He cut the rope with a light stroke of his finger, and then his huge body quickly disappeared and transformed into the wind element.

As long as the ability to replace elements is not released, Qingze can switch between different elements at will.

It's unclear how long it lasts, but at least one night is no problem.

Masao Shimakawa looked at the fallen rope, stood up from the chair, and looked at Hiroshi Adachi sitting at the door.

"Old guy, you're dead!"

Masao Shimakawa roared and ran forward. He didn't want to use any tools, so he used his fists to beat the beast to death.

Hiroshi Adachi was in a panic. He wanted to run immediately, but the shock just now was so violent that his hands and feet became weak.

He finally stood up, but Masao Shimakawa rushed in front of him and punched him hard in the face.

"Stop, that's not what happened. Listen to my explanation. I'm also sorry about Liangzi."

Hiroshi Adachi tried his best to defend himself, even if his speech was unclear and his words leaked, he still wanted to explain.

"go to hell!"

Masao Shimakawa sat astride his chest, raised his fist and smashed it down hard.

Punch after punch.

He didn't want to use any tricks to make Hiroshi Adachi put down his blocking arm, and just hit him hard like this.

After Hiroshi Adachi could no longer block and beg for mercy, Masao Shimakawa did not stop and continued to beat him crazily, trying to vent all the hatred in his heart.

After the beating, Masao Shimakawa looked at his bloody hands, and then at Hiroshi Adachi, who had long lost his human form beneath him.

"Haha." He laughed heartily, smiled, and then covered his face and cried bitterly.

After crying, Masao Shimakawa did not forget the promise he made to the monster.

He took out his mobile phone and calmly called the police to the Metropolitan Police.

"My name is Masao Shimakawa. I killed someone in a warehouse. You should come here as soon as possible."

He hung up the phone and raised his head, feeling a little confused.

It was obviously to get Liangzi out of the Yakuza world and out of that rotten environment.

So he forced Liangzi to study, hoping that she could use her diploma to join the upper class and become a cultural person different from him.

As a result, the world above is also so bad.

If he had known this, he might as well have allowed Ryoko to follow him into the Yakuza, where at least he could protect his sister.

No, he should have discovered something was wrong with Liangzi earlier. His sister, who used to love talking on the phone and chatting about school, suddenly stopped contacting her.

He didn't care. Instead, he was busy coming to collect the loan sharks owed by the gamblers and forcing his wife to go to sea.


(End of this chapter)
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