Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 267 I'm Afraid That Rogues Have Culture

Chapter 267 I'm Afraid That Rogues Have Culture
Using the ability of elemental substitution, not all elements can be jumped at will.

For example, with the wind element, when Qingze turned into the wind, he didn't have so many red dots in his mind and could only go with the wind.

He didn't know what the reason was. To say that wind was everywhere, electricity was also everywhere.

Qingze walked through the streets in the form of the wind of freedom, causing a group of women in short skirts to scream and rush into the sky from the end of the street.

He did not absorb the surrounding wind and floated leisurely into the air, as if lying on a cloud, slowly moving forward.

Dense clouds covered the blue sky, leaving only the gray-white sky for those below.

Only he could look up at the blue sky and the bright sunshine.

What a great view.

Qingze sighed in his heart, turned over and peeled away the thick clouds, and quickly floated downwards. In the deserted alley, he switched the element to electricity.

Crackling, lightning scattered in the air, and countless red dots danced in Qingze's mind.

He randomly selected a red dot and quickly got into it, causing a slight static pulse.

This is a mobile phone.

Qingze did not stay any longer and jumped to the next place again.


Cold and dark.

Hiroshi Adachi didn't know what happened to him. He only remembered that his last impression was of staying in a separate office waiting for guests.

Late at night, the Metropolitan Police sent a message asking him to spend some time in the morning to discuss academic issues with a woman named Emily.

While waiting, he felt a pain in the back of his neck and lost consciousness.

When he regained consciousness again, Hiroshi Adachi's eyes were covered and his mouth was covered with something, making him unable to make a sound.

Who would do such a thing?

Doubts flashed through his mind.

As a history tutor at the University of Tokyo, he prides himself on having a clean slate and does not have much money in his bank account. Kidnappers would never be stupid enough to kidnap a history tutor and demand money.

There is no debt abroad.

His gambling skills are pretty good, and he usually wins more than he loses.

There is no enmity between him and his colleagues.

As for the girls he was eyeing, it was even more impossible.

Hiroshi Adachi is not stupid. He always wants to know the other person's family background before making a move. The people he chooses are all girls with clean family backgrounds and no close family members living in Tokyo.

The kind of people who come from the countryside and work hard to get into Tokyo University often cherish the opportunity to reverse their destiny.

It is impossible to disobey him.

Hiroshi Adachi turned around in his mind and couldn't figure out who was attacking him.

I don’t know how long I stayed in such a place, ten days or one day?

When Hiroshi Adachi was recalling the past for an unknown number of times, he heard a slight sound in his ears.

There was a click, like a door opening, and then there was a click of footsteps, like the sound of high heels hitting the ground.

"It seems you are awake, Dr. Anda."

The voice was crisp, and Hiroshi Adachi frowned slightly. He could guarantee that he had never heard such a voice before.

The thing attached to the mouth was torn open, and the black cloth on it was also taken off.

"who are you?"

Hiroshi Adachi asked, scanning the surroundings and finding that he was in a dark warehouse.

It occupies a large area, and most of the shelves are empty, with only a small part containing goods.

In addition to the white-collar woman in front of him, there were four people in black clothes. One of them looked particularly tall and thin, with hands reaching to his knees, and his skin color did not look Asian, showing black.

"I'm sorry to invite you here in such a way.

Dr. Anda, we are doing this to protect your safety. "

The woman showed a trace of sincerity on her face and asked her men to untie the ropes tied to his body.

Hiroshi Adachi wanted to complain about this way of protecting his own safety, but he was afraid of angering this woman with a slightly abnormal mind.

He held back what he wanted to say and said, "Really? Then I really want to thank you."

"You're welcome, I am Yuna Soma from the New World Church."

As soon as he heard the name of the New World Church, Hiroshi Adachi's pupils suddenly widened. He remembered clearly that the day before yesterday, this church had ordered people to find him.

I want him to help compile scriptures for dissemination within Dongda.

Although the remuneration offered by the New World Church was very generous, Hiroshi Adachi did not accept it.

How could the dignified Great Master Dong compile scriptures and help promote those churches that are not popular?

If this matter spread, wouldn't it ruin his reputation?

Hiroshi Adachi relies on his reputation to make a living, so he naturally doesn't want his reputation to be damaged.

So he refused the other party's request, but he didn't expect that these madmen would actually kidnap him.

"I should have said that my ability and knowledge are not qualified for your religion's canon compilation work. You should find someone else."

"Dr. Anda, I want you to take a look at this."

Souma Yuna didn't show a trace of anger at his rejection and turned around to point to the other side.


Hiroshi Adachi followed her finger and saw someone tied to a chair behind an unloaded shelf, with his eyes covered with black cloth and his mouth taped with tape.The figure looks strong and tall.

The face looked familiar to Hiroshi Adachi, and when he took a closer look, he saw that it was Shimakawa Ryoko's brother, Masao Shimakawa.

"What do you mean?"

Hiroshi Adachi frowned.

Souma Yuna said: "This is not a car mechanic, he is an important cadre of the Daikoku Group, Masao Shimakawa, nicknamed "Desperate Saburo".

If we hadn't discovered his conspiracy in advance, you would have been arrested by the people he arranged.

Maybe the body had been sent to the slaughterhouse, mixed with the pork, and put into cans. "

A look of surprise appeared on Adachi Hiroshi's face.

Before he revealed his true face, he talked to Shimakawa Ryoko. The girl looked honest, but she actually lied and deceived people behind her back. She was really trapped in her own trap.

If he knew about that relationship, he wouldn't be able to attack Shimakawa Ryoko.

Wait, Hiroshi Adachi reacted and said, "Did you cause Ryoko's death?"

"Dr. Anda, the root cause is you. If you hadn't made her suffer from depression, we wouldn't have been able to force her to end her life by using abusive methods."

Souma Yuna did not deny her role in this matter. She patted Hiroshi Adachi on the shoulder and said: "Now we are friends with a common secret, and I believe you will not refuse your friend's request. "

"Why do you have to find me?"

Hiroshi Adachi was very depressed. There were many doctors in Tokyo who were proficient in this kind of thing.

If he refuses, he can find someone else.

Souma Yuna said seriously: "God's request cannot be refused. God asks you to compile it, so you must compile it."

That being said, it was actually in the random drawing that Souma Yuna drew the name of Hiroshi Adachi, and decided to ask Hiroshi Adachi to compile the canon and spread the New World Church within Tokyo University for them.

Even if this person doesn't agree, Souma Yuna has the means to make him agree.

A look of helplessness flashed across Adachi Hiroshi's face. He did not expect that at this age, he would actually face the risk of his reputation being ruined.

In their circle, it is not a big deal to attack students. Rather, many tutors have that habit.

But it is different to compile scriptures for Shincheonji Church and help spread them.

They are educated people, and they despise the kind of pretentious stuff. Even if he is a doctor who specializes in that kind of thing, he has never believed it.

Studying this knowledge is just to get an extra salary.

"Okay, I promise you, but if you kidnap me, it may cause quite a stir. I have an appointment with people from the Metropolitan Police Department today."

"It doesn't matter, I have someone in the Metropolitan Police Department."

Soma Yuina smiled.

The Japanese government advocates cracking down on those religions with improper practices. In fact, as long as they don't go too far, there are no restrictions at all.

Hiroshi Adachi was depressed and wanted to vent. He glanced at Masao Shimakawa and said, "What are you going to do with him?"

"Let him disappear forever, so as to ensure the safety of Dr. Anda."

Souma Yuna replied nonchalantly.

Hiroshi Adachi thought for a moment and said, "Can I say a few words to him?"

"no problem."

Souma Yuna clapped her hands, and someone immediately came forward to tear off the black cloth and tape from Masao Shimakawa.

"You bastards!"

Masao Shimakawa originally tried his best to suppress himself to prevent his incompetent rage from making the other party laugh at him, but as soon as the tape was torn off, he couldn't help but roar.

Hiroshi Adachi stood up, straightened his collar, and said calmly: "You don't need to be so excited. Since you are a member of the Yakuza, you must have destroyed other people's families.

Would the same disaster become an unforgivable sin if it happened to you?

Liangzi is an idiot, and his brother who has a strong will actually hides it. If he talks about it openly, he can avoid a lot of things. "

Masao Shimakawa's heart was stung because he was the one who asked his sister to hide it from the teacher, thinking that he was not good for his sister's image in front of the teacher.

"You bastard!"

His eyes widened with anger, and he wished he could break the rope around him, and then pounce on the shameless old thief.

The ferocious look in his eyes did not make Adachi Hoshi fearful at all. It was like watching a tiger through glass in a zoo, letting the tiger grin and roar loudly.

Tourists don’t feel panic at all.

Hiroshi Adachi didn't panic, and said with a smile on his face: "A trash who is involved in the Yakuza has no right to accuse me.

By the way, your sister is great.

With that compactness, Chrysanthemum must have been rarely developed by others. "

"I am going to kill you!"

"Haha, Ms. Soma, you can kill him."

Hiroshi Adachi felt refreshed when he roared at him, and the depression of being dragged aboard the pirate ship by the New World Church had also dissipated.

Soma Yuina was very satisfied with this person's level of scum. Only such a person is suitable for the New World Church, "Kill him."

Hiroshi Adachi turned around, he was still kind-hearted and could not bear to see blood.

The church's thugs approached Masao Shimakawa.

There was a crackle, and a burst of lightning shot out from the thug's pocket.

(End of this chapter)
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