Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 262: Everyone practices martial arts, but you use your superpowers?

Chapter 262: Everyone practices martial arts, but you use your superpowers?

If Qingze had anything to say about the Fenghuangyuan family's birthday party, there were only these two words.

There were many exquisite dishes and desserts, as if he were filming a Hollywood food blockbuster. He couldn't name them at all, but he just thought the dishes were beautiful.

Judging from the way those people ate it, it obviously tasted very delicious.

The layout of the venue varies from person to person.

For those company executives, the side hall where they are located exudes a sense of luxury and nobility.

Most of the food on the banquet was meat and wine, showing the financial resources of the Phoenix Family in the simplest and most intuitive way.

The main hall is different. The decoration of the main hall is low-key and deep, as if to show the rich cultural heritage that is different from the nouveau riche.

The dishes served here are also very particular. They are all authentic Japanese cuisine. Each plate of exquisite dishes reveals Japanese culture and food.

The plates are all ceramic.

The breeze that Qingze transformed into floated around, watching the beauty of the Phoenix Academy walking among the crowd in a manner different from that of the school. She seemed to be all-rounded and could chat with anyone and strike up a conversation.

Regardless of whether you have known each other before, you can make the other person smile with satisfaction.

It should be said that she is indeed a eldest lady from a famous family. If she wants to be hypocritical, ordinary people will not notice the difference at all.

Qingze thought to himself that instead of staying here any longer, he chose to go back and plan to have a look at the birthday party after finishing his night run.

According to Mei Ji, there was a wonderful special effects performance at the birthday party that night.

Although Phoenix Academy Mei Ji promised to make short videos and share them with him, those performances are more exciting to watch in person.

He left the Phoenix Academy home.


Time passed little by little.

The luxurious and noisy birthday party came to an end amidst gorgeous 3D image fireworks.

The vivid image symbolized the progress of modern technology, but Onofre thought it didn't matter. He was originally upset that Mark couldn't get news about the man in sunglasses.

But as soon as he entered the birthday party, his eyes were attracted by Hu Die.

The dark purple evening dress, with its dots of sparkling light, was produced by the reflection of the light from the fragments of gemstones.

Her figure is plump and her fair back makes it impossible to tell that she is a woman over 30 years old. Her mature temperament makes people want to taste it. The ripe taste is so sweet.

Of course, what moved Onofre the most was when he discovered the desire in Hu Die's eyes.

He likes people with strong desires.

Whether it was a man or a woman, having a look like that turned Onofre on.

He is also a lustful person. If he wants to do something, he should do it with all his strength.

There is no need to think about anything, all considerations and scruples are the actions of the weak.

A truly strong person can reward himself all the time.

Whether it is three days and three nights, or ten days and ten nights, as long as you are willing, you can keep rewarding it, without taking care of your body at all.

Those are lines that only useless weaklings care about.

Onofre made a decision in his mind that he would make this woman pregnant with his child.

Since he has no opponent in this world, he can only let an excellent woman give birth to his bloodline, and then use him as his opponent to pass the long time.

"Director John, please go back by yourself."

John sat in the back seat of the car, frowning slightly and said, "What do you want to do?"

"It's not a big deal, I just want to pick a ripe apple and take a bite to taste it."

John frowned slightly.

He knew that nothing he said now would make this person change his mind, so he could only warn him: "Don't make things too big."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Onofre showed a smile on his face and turned to leave. He did not go to the mansion immediately, as John would stop him.

He didn't want to unscrew John's head yet, at least for now, he needed the CIA to help him cover up some trouble.


"Miki, you're doing very well."

Hu Die raised her hand and patted Phoenix Academy Mei Ji's shoulder, saying she was very satisfied with her daughter's performance at the birthday party.

It's impossible to find fault with any relationship.

Hu Die could see that those people's praises were sincere. The future successor of the Phoenix Academy family must be the best member of Japan's Silver Hexagram.

The company's executives also spoke highly of Phoenix Academy Meiji.

This is a very good thing.

"Mother, this is what I should do."

A smile appeared on the face of Phoenix Academy Mei Ji.

Wearing a mask and dealing with those people hypocritically for so long, she was still a little tired, but the fatigue became worth it at this moment.

"You go down and rest. You have to go to school tomorrow and you need to recuperate."


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji nodded, turned around and left.

Hu Die also moved his shoulders. It was already eight o'clock sharp.

Although the arrangements for the Takizawa Group needed to be implemented, she also wanted to relax today, so she was a little lazy on her rare birthday.

She walked to the bathtub, soaked for a while, then put on a loose nightgown and tied it with a belt to outline her slim waist.

Hu Die is still very satisfied with the figure she maintains.She walked to the bedroom, opened the door, and pressed the light switch with her right hand.

Warm lights illuminate the bedroom. There are not too many furnishings in it, just a simple bed, desk, and bookshelf.

Hu Die closed the door with her backhand.

"Good evening, Mrs. Butterfly."

A rich male voice came from the side balcony. Hu Die glanced at it and frowned slightly: "I remember you are Onofre from Director John's side. Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing important."

Onofre put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile on his face: "I just want to discuss with Mrs. Butterfly how to create humans."

Hu Die looked at this man who smelled of beasts and even blood, and said with a cold face: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know, you actually want it too, right?

No matter how much wealth you have, it cannot fill the emptiness in your heart. But I can see clearly that the fire in your eyes is always burning, expressing your dissatisfaction. "

Onofre took his hands out of his trouser pockets and opened his mouth and said: "Don't worry, let me satisfy you tonight!"

Hu Die took a deep breath, her delicate cheeks showing shock.

This reaction made Onofre very satisfied, and he smiled and said: "I was indeed right. Deep down in your heart, you long to be dominated by the strong."


Hu Die didn't look at Onofre at all, but stared in shock at the blond man who suddenly appeared from the invisible air behind Onofre.

The tall figure, fair to almost transparent skin, charming temperament and charming eyes all showed that this man was the superpower they had worked so hard to pursue.


There was a hint of surprise on Onofre's face, he turned his head, their eyes met, and an extremely palpitating feeling emerged from inside his body, like a frog being stared at by a snake.

Or a hound being targeted by a tiger.

Onofre almost instinctively took a defensive posture and crossed his arms. At this moment, his heart was even more shocked.

In the past, it was always others who showed this kind of caution towards him.

But now, he actually took the initiative to put on such a defensive posture towards the man in front of him?
The other party didn't even raise his hand, but it actually gave him such a strong sense of oppression.


Onofre read out the name, and he remembered clearly that John from the CIA said that Dio was a very powerful man.

John hired him as a bodyguard because he wanted to deal with Dio's danger.

"When did you come here?"

Onofre roared, he actually didn't notice any breath beforehand.

Qingze crossed his arms and looked at the man in front of him.

At the birthday party just now, he noticed that this person looked at Mei Ji's mother in a strange way.

Facts have proved that this guy is indeed a Cao thief.

"A dead person doesn't need to know too much."

Qingze said casually, put one hand on his hip and stepped forward with an enchanting cat walk. This completely defenseless posture was full of flaws.

Jean Onofre frowned slightly, feeling that he was being provoked again.

In the past, when he encountered opponents he looked down upon, he would often not make any defensive moves.

"You guy, who do you think I am!"

Onofre was furious, and his veins stretched out from his cheeks. He stamped his feet suddenly on the ground, and his muscles and bones were mobilized, as if he was gradually transforming from a human into a waiting evil tiger.

"Mrs. Butterfly!"

"Don't even come in, get out!"

Hu Die shouted, not wanting anyone to come in and disturb this scene for fear of angering Dio.

Qingze looked at Onofre's furious posture, his expression did not change, and he continued to stroll forward.

Onofre stared fiercely at the man in front of him.

After the opponent approached the attack range of his legs, his eyes flashed fiercely, his right leg tightened, and he instantly swept a black line forward, landing on the opponent's chest like thunder.

Earth and rocks flew, Onofre's eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "What?"

He was so shocked that he pushed his left foot hard on the ground, and he quickly leaned back against the wall. He stared at the chest of the man in front of him. It was not flesh and blood at all, but a large rock.

The gap that was kicked open was quickly filled with rocks.

"In terms of strength, you are a good martial artist. You need a harder stone."

As Qingze spoke, the skin of his body turned into hard diamond. His body absorbed the earth element from the ground and expanded to about three meters, just like Diamond Jozi in One Piece.

All shiny.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Onofre couldn't help but break out a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. Facing such an unexpected event with his character, he felt as if his worldview was being shattered.

Everyone is practicing martial arts, why did an inhuman monster suddenly appear? !
"He is Dio, the only superpower known to mankind. He can also be said to be a powerful apostle from another world."

Hu Die explained aloud, her voice a little trembling.

No matter how much information she got about Dior, she still didn't face the coming shock in detail.

This is the power of Dior! !
Onofre's tense heart suddenly relaxed, "That's it, superpower, haha.

I like to save the deliciousness for last and see you next time. "

He punched the ground with his feet and fell to the next level.

(End of this chapter)
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