Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 261 The Gathering of Meat Eaters

Chapter 261 The Gathering of Meat Eaters
Setagaya District, Phoenix House.

The birthday party is at six o'clock in the evening, and all the guests will naturally arrive before six o'clock.

Those with distinguished status will arrive later.

For example, the executives of various companies who depend on the Phoenix Institute Group for their meals, as long as they are not abroad, must arrive at the Phoenix Institute's home early.

They basically arrived at the Phoenix Courtyard's house at five o'clock an hour early, and the housekeepers were responsible for receiving them.

The place of placement is also in the side hall.

There were many guests attending Hu Die's birthday party. According to their status and status, they were placed in different places and received different levels of hospitality.

Even if there are thousands of guests present, everything is in order.

As the future heir of the Phoenix Group, Meiji of the Phoenix Institute needs to entertain people who are either elders of the Phoenix Institute family or important business partners.

These people are entertained in the main hall.

It was still early and not many foreign business partners came early.

Only the elders of the Phoenix Academy family rushed to the scene with their juniors in advance.

No matter what conflicts there are internally, externally, everyone is still in harmony, showing the unity of the Phoenix Academy family.

"Mei Ji, you are really getting more and more beautiful."

"Second uncle, thank you for your compliment. Mio is also very beautiful."

A smile appeared on the face of Phoenix Academy Mei Ji. She tied her long golden hair on top of her head and wore a crown-like headband made of sterling silver and inlaid with shining diamonds.

Long tassels hang down on the temples, strung with gems, and the ear clips are luxurious without looking tacky.

Miki of the Phoenix Academy is wearing a dress. This dress was carefully selected by her, Nomura, and Yoshikawa.

The color of the dress is lavender, covering all the way to the knees. The surface has complex patterns in the ancient Egyptian style, showing a mysterious aristocratic temperament.

Weared by her, it looked particularly noble.

"Haha, how can my Mio compare to you?"

Hearing the sigh of the second uncle, Phoenix Academy Mei Ji glanced at it, feeling a little strange, and asked: "Where is the third uncle?"

"He went to Africa."

The brief pause seemed to be hinting at something, and Phoenix Academy Meiji noticed that her second uncle also had a strange expression on his face.

It can be seen that there are some things that he is not comfortable saying directly, so he can only say them in this vague tone.

After all, that's how the world is.

If the plan is successful, it will naturally be followed by thousands of people.

If it fails, everyone will want to cut with that person at the speed of light, and pretend that nothing has happened.

He didn't know whether his third brother was alive or dead in Africa. He could only say that living was the mercy of Hu Die.

If you are not alive, you can only say that you deserve it.

The power struggle in big families is so cruel.


The expression on Phoenix Academy Meiji's face was very calm and she didn't ask any questions.

It is impossible for the third uncle to take the initiative to go to Africa. It can only come from his mother's transfer.

Her mother didn't tell her the specific reason, so she didn't need to find out.

She believed her mother had a reason for doing what she did.

Phoenix Academy Princess walked towards the next guest and finished entertaining the Phoenix Academy family members.

She also needs to simply make an appearance in the side hall where the company's executives are located to show them the style of the future heir.

It was obviously my mother's birthday party, but the people busy outside were her and the housekeepers.

Phoenix Academy Meiji complained in her heart.


People were coming and going in the hall outside, but they were not the guests that Hu Die needed to entertain in person.

There were very few guests that she really needed to entertain.

She stayed in the conference room of the Phoenix Court House, where she received the leaders from the six major consortiums.

No outsiders were around, and to keep the meeting confidential, there were no servants even to pour water.

Hu Die usually pours tea for everyone present, but now he doesn't.

It has nothing to do with the birthday girl. In their eyes, that kind of birthday does not mean a celebration, it is just a reason for each other to get together to discuss things.

The real reason is that the six major consortiums, Sumitomo Taishi and Mitsui Takashi, died one after another.

The person who succeeded him later was older than Hu Die, but according to the rules of the Silver Hexagram, it was not age that determined status, but the order in which he joined the hexagram.

Hu Die was the member who became the Silver Hexagram before them, and his status was no longer the lowest.

Of course, she didn't need to do anything like pouring tea. Mitsui Arasaki, who had recently succeeded Mitsui Takashi, poured the tea for everyone present.

He knew the rules very well. He placed a cup of tea each in front of them, and then sat down without speaking.

On this occasion, it was natural for Izo, the most senior person, to speak.

"The situation has been very bad recently. I believe everyone already knows that the KGB men broke into Long's manor in the UK, killed everyone at the scene, and disguised it as a burglary.

The British police used this conclusion to characterize the case. "

When Izo Iwasaki said this, he still felt a little scared.He also stayed in England.

If the KGB had not chosen Mitsui, it was very likely that it would have chosen him.

After all, it is still not safe abroad, and there is no such a huge network of connections for him to use at home.

It made his eyes and ears seem particularly dull.

Of course, the country is not a safe place.

He originally wanted to flee the country because Dio was here.

With that person here, any high-ranking official in the country or big capitalists like them may become a piece of meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered by him.

"We can't continue to be passive like this. We must find someone with superpowers who can compete with Dio as soon as possible."

"Last week's other world was a good opportunity. Emily of the task force wasted that opportunity and didn't know how to recruit people from the other world to deal with Dio."

"Griffith and Dio don't deal with them, but after all they are still apostles from the same world and have not risen to a hostile state. It is difficult for him to help."

"The attitude of other worlds is also worthy of our consideration. If the Eagles of Light in the future have ideas about us, how should we defend ourselves in the future?
They have always had one-way contact with our world, and we have no way of actively entering other worlds. "

After listening to their words, Hu Die picked up the tea, took a sip slowly, moistened his throat and said, "We can't come up with any plan even if we are discussing these things now.

The key is to find the tritium that killed the second son of the BlackRock Group and the person with superpowers who is suspected of having the ability to transform into a beast.

If they are conquered by Dior, we will be in trouble. "

"The problem is that we can't find any clues. Are all superpowers that good at hiding themselves?"

Mitsui Arasaki couldn't help but speak. He didn't know that Dio was a superpower until he took over his father's position.

His three views were directly shattered, and he quickly understood the reason why his father spared no effort to pursue Dior.

Mitsui Araju also continued to use the Mitsui family connections to look for relevant clues, but found nothing.

The only known fact is that Kodaka Hayakawa is not Tritium.

The female high school student fell in love with the Cowherd online, and in order to raise the Cowherd, she was selling herself to make money in a certain custom shop.

"The recent reaction of BlackRock Group is a bit intriguing, and it seems to be related to the Takizawa Group."

"It doesn't seem like it, but they are already in contact about how to cooperate. We are wasting too much time and money on superpowers and cannot continue to allow the expansion of the Takizawa Group."

Hu Die seemed particularly concerned about this matter. She was not as old as Iwasaki and the others, so she had plenty of time and energy.

Rather than being a person with super powers who cannot get quick rewards, she wants to bring down the Takizawa Group and embezzle their industry.

"In that case, let's focus on Takizawa Group first. BlackRock Group is a bit too greedy."

Iwasaki Izo spoke.

Now, he is eager to have funds more than ever before. Only huge funds can support various experiments.

He will never allow the rise of a huge group that can compete with the six major consortiums and the Phoenix Institute here in Japan.

Resources are limited, and the establishment of that kind of group is to take away their fair share of the cake.

Sumitomo Kisai slowly said: "Funds related to experiments need to be re-injected.

The 30 billion yen invested last time have all been used up. "

"Have you made any progress?"

Izo Iwasaki doesn't care about the money he spends, he just wants to get progress results.

"It failed. From mental to physical, researchers used various methods and still failed.

Tested by people from the East to the West, even those in Africa.

The X drug they developed can stimulate the human body's potential in some aspects.

However, people who do that kind of thing will often die soon and their organs will deteriorate. "

"That is to compress the stimulant into a high concentration and inject it into the human body."

A look of dissatisfaction appeared on Iwasaki Izo's face: "Have you properly supervised those in the laboratory?

What we want is results, not a group of scammers trying to defraud funds! "

"I carefully supervise every process to ensure that no link allows them to defraud funds. All expenses are clearly calculated, including the production area, electricity, pharmaceuticals, including the population purchased from the Baichuan Group.

It can only be said that the daily expenses of the experiment are quite a lot. "

"Okay, don't complain about that. We will pay you later. Each family will contribute another one billion yen. If it is not enough, we will talk about it."

The research and development of superpowers is destined to be a scientific research activity that continues to burn money.

They know in their hearts that there may not be any results in a short period of time, but they cannot stop injecting funds into it.

Not only them, but the governments of the United States and Japan are also investing in this money-burning sport.

Hu Die actually doesn't want to burn money, but they all invest money, and she doesn't. If she produces any results in the future, she won't be able to share without burning money.

For the possibility of realizing the dream of eternal life, she could only invest money in it like others.

Next, they discussed the domestic situation, how to annex Takizawa Group, and strategic cooperation between overseas production areas to deal with the current financial crisis.

The missing 30 years were for the country and the people, but did not represent them.

The consortium's overseas industries are booming.

After everything was agreed upon, a housekeeper knocked on the door and said, "Mrs. Hu Die, John, the director of the CIA, is here."

(End of this chapter)
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