Chapter 253 Monday Morning

The next day, Chiyo Morimoto left home on time.

There is no holiday this weekend, and Shinjuku Station needs to be monitored. Some places with a large flow of people, or important places such as the Prime Minister's residence, need to be watched.

There is no other way to take this stupid approach of waiting for the situation to happen.

Based on the inference of the task force, Tritium should have died together with TEPCO’s senior executives, but a small chance of survival cannot be ruled out.

There has been no movement for a long time. It is likely that he needs to recuperate after using his super power last time.

Since this may not be extinguished, they still have to continue to guard Shinjuku Station with the idea that the tritium is not dead.

It is not possible for ordinary people to intervene in these matters. Only people from the task force can help keep an eye on the scene.

When manpower was so needed, Chiyo Morimoto was embarrassed to ask and let herself rest alone.

There is human kindness everywhere in society.

In the emotionless Ayase Police Station, she can forcefully demand that her boss give her legal off-duty time and leave.

After getting acquainted with the task force, her idea changed and she became willing to help if she could with some things.

Chiyo Morimoto held milk tea in her hand and wore a Bluetooth headset on her right ear. She lowered her head and took a sip of milk tea. She scanned the people around her and reported in a low voice: "G1 has not found the whereabouts of tritium."

"Neither does G2." "Neither does G3."

Reports one after another rang in his ears. Chiyo Morimoto drank milk tea, his eyes casually scanned the surroundings, and complained: "How long will this kind of life continue?"

"At least another half month."

Emily's voice came from the Bluetooth headset.

Chiyo Morimoto sighed: "There is really no time to rest. I thought that without religion, the task force would be relaxed.

As a result, when old things end, new troubles will come.

It is a wise saying that no one can finish his work before he dies! "

"We have been placed in a relatively relaxed position. Gongji and the others still need to take a ride and look for the person with super powers who is suspected of having the ability to transform into a beast."

Okayama Taketa's words made Chiyo Morimoto look down at the milk tea in her hand and had to nod.

She wandered around Shinjuku Station, and aside from the constant need to pay attention to the presence of tritium in the crowd, she was still very free.

All expenses here are reimbursed by the Metropolitan Police, which is indeed better than running around in Gongji and others.

“However, we didn’t capture Dio’s movements for a few days, and the same thing happened in the other world, with no movement at all.

Is Griffith trustworthy?He seemed too good to us. "

"Until there are no other clues, I can only use his words as a reference."

Emily believed what Griffith said because there was no strong evidence to refute Griffith's statement that the intelligence was false.

But Emily doesn't believe Griffith.

The man who admired the ancient scriptures of Mirante clearly had the shadow of a fanatical believer.

If the Eagle of Light wants to invade this world, Griffith will definitely be the first apostle to take the lead.

"makes sense."

Morimoto Chiyo replied, the heaven and eternal happiness mentioned by Dio flashed through his mind, but he always felt that it was different from what Griffith said.

If only she could meet Dio in person.


At the same time, the Morimoto family.

Qingze had no plans to go out. He locked the door, closed the curtain, and placed the barbecue and vegetables he bought on the kitchen bar.

This place has been emptied.

Qingze raised his hand and used Jing Hua Shui Yue's ability to hypnotize the world.

The next second, some ripples rippled in the air. Unlike the hypnotic world that creates a different space, the hypnotic world creates creatures that do not exist in the world and will not attract radar attention.

Therefore, it has nothing to do with him using it at home.

The cool air produced a hint of heat, and on the empty bar, a fire dragon girl appeared.

Underneath him are red dragon scales and a flexible dragon tail that can be flattened without any problem.

There was no dragon scale on the front, and there was a faint blush.

Qingze picked up the chopsticks and placed the meat on the Fire Dragon Girl's chest, making a squeaking sound.

The setting of the Fire Dragon Girl is that the front body temperature is [-] degrees Celsius, and there is no temperature under the body to avoid burning the kitchen bar.

The character likes to be quiet and does not like to move.

Once he lies down, he will let others do whatever he does next to him without moving.

With such a character set, even if Qingze cannot directly control the Fire Dragon Girl, he can still make her stay here and let him roast the meat.

After putting the vegetables and meat on the floor, Qingze turned around and continued to use Mirror Flowers and Water Moon.

As long as Mirror Flower, Water Moon is not lifted, there will naturally be no cooling.

The air rippled, and then a two-meter-tall octopus girl appeared in the kitchen. Her upper body was similar to that of a human being, and underneath was a large ball of octopus legs.

Qingze leaned back directly. His soft octopus feet were more comfortable than any sofa, and the "pillow" behind his head was even softer.

He snapped his fingers with his right hand and activated Mirror Flowers and Water Moon again, and two anthropomorphic monster girls that looked like cows appeared next to him.

Their character is very docile and obedient, and they obey 100% the instructions of any member of the opposite sex.

"I want a cocktail."

The one on the left walks up to the stemware and starts producing the cocktail.

The one on the right didn't move, so she could only squeeze out an iced Coke.

With a splash, the cocktail quickly fell into the goblet.

The greatest beauty of creating creatures is here, which makes Qingze more addicted than creating different spaces.Although it is very interesting to see the giant monsters in the different space, I cannot enter it myself, so I can only play through the power leveling method.

And by creating a creature in reality, he can enjoy emperor-like treatment.

He prefers the latter.

Qingze snapped his fingers again, and he once again hypnotized the world to give birth to angels and demons that did not exist in this world.

The angel holds the harp and plays music that makes people forget all their worries, while the devil dances enchantingly.

Qingze took a sip of the cold cocktail with a satisfied smile on his face.


He thought to himself and remembered that today is Sunday.

The week goes by so fast.

Qingze suddenly felt a little worried in his heart. He didn't know how weak Jing Hua Shui Yue would be tomorrow, and he didn't know what abilities he would have.
After thinking for a while, he decided to put aside those thoughts and enjoy the happiness of the moment.



exactly six in the morning.

The alarm clock on the bedside table made a ding-ding sound. Qingze stretched out his hand and the sound disappeared.

He took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes.

Superpower: Elemental Replacement.

Qingze looked at this super power with a thoughtful expression on his face. Elemental replacement sounded like a super power related to nature.

Considering the possibility of causing something uncontrollable, he did not test his new abilities in the bedroom.

Qingze stood up and chose to see how much Jinghua Shuiyue had been weakened.

He used Jing Hua Shui Yue, invisible fluctuations spread, and a circular map quickly emerged in his mind.

The scope has not changed.

This fact made Qingze feel relieved, and the next step was to see the intensity.

He used Jing Hua Shui Yue to give birth to creatures that did not exist in this world. He opened his right hand, the air emitted faint fluctuations, and then, an elf with delicate features appeared in his palm.

Qingze frowned slightly and looked at the elf in his palm to understand which ability Jing Hua Shui Yue had been weakened.

He could not hypnotize the world and produce monster girls with strange abilities like yesterday. He could only give birth to the appearance of monster girls, and the existence time of the creatures was obviously shortened.

What about different spaces?

This idea flashed through Qingze's mind, and he locked a place at will, and then used Jinghua Shuiyue's hypnotic ability there to create a non-existent entrance to a different space on the ground, thus causing a different space to be born on the ground.

Unlike before, Qingze could clearly feel that the area of ​​this alien space was not large.

If it was the size of Japan before, now it is only the size of Shikoku Island, which is about 18806 square kilometers.

The only good thing is that Jing Hua Shui Yue's modeling abilities have not been weakened in any way.

He can quickly construct a very realistic and prosperous city, but he cannot create creatures with special abilities.

Qingze can't let an immortal monster like Zuo De be born in another space now. The second-turn Terror Emperor can create it, but he can't continue to breathe fire or create countless monsters. It's just because of its large size.

It's okay, the range hasn't been reduced.

Qingze comforted himself in his heart and released the ability of Jing Hua Shui Yue.

He put on his summer uniform, opened the door and called, "Good morning, Chiyo."


Chiyo Morimoto was doing yoga in the living room and replied with a charming nasal voice, but found that the boy didn't respond much and walked straight to the bathroom.

Explain what he is thinking about.

Chiyo Morimoto was a little curious, what diverted him from his pursuit of beauty?

Qingze thought to himself, now that he knew how weakened Jinghua Shuiyue was, the next step was to test the element replacement ability.

He felt that it might not be appropriate and too conspicuous on the way to school or during a school test when it comes to elements.

Qingze decided to test the strength at noon.


The weather in the morning was good, not gray and gloomy, and the sky was shrouded in blue like a clear sky after rain.

Qiuyue Caiyu stood by the window of the corridor, simulating in her mind the trick that Fang taught her yesterday, throwing to the ground.

Stumbling with the left foot and the right foot, and then letting yourself fall into the boy's arms, that is a very difficult skill.

But Madoka Tsuchima can perform it easily.

From the perspective of a bystander, even if Akizuki Iroha knew that Madoka fell down on purpose, at that time, Akizuki Iroha still couldn't see any flaws, as if Madoka was always so natural and cute.

Seeing Qiuyue Caiyu's heart beat wildly, as long as she could learn such a powerful stunt, she could get into Qingze's broad chest in minutes.

The premise is to learn well.

Qiuyue Caiyu practiced for more than a day and felt that she had grasped some tricks.

But I still can't make it so round and natural, I have to work harder.

Akizuki Iroha can no longer shorten the gap with the old witch in terms of IQ. She can only win one move in terms of skills.

She was thinking to herself, and when she saw the head of the Kendo Club walking out of the club building, she understood that Qingze was the only one left in the Kendo Club.

The minister was the second to last person to leave.

Akizuki Iroha strode towards the kendo club, preparing to deliver today's vegetable juice.

(End of this chapter)
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