Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 252 Hojo: I am just born with divine power

Chapter 252 Hojo: I am just born with divine power
At the entrance of the milk tea shop, the girls looked at the man who was speaking. Unlike the ferocious-looking Tetsuji Hojo, this man had short blond hair.

Judging from the faces of European and American people, it is obvious that the blond hair was not enhanced in a barber shop.

He is tall, standing at 1.9 meters six, but his body type does not have the kind of muscles that make people of the same sex find them very explosive. Instead, he has slender muscles that the opposite sex finds very attractive.

It won't make you look skinny, nor will your muscles swell into an intimidating big guy.

The man dressed simply, wearing a white short T-shirt, white casual pants, and white shoes. He exuded the temperament of a sunny boy.

Hojo Tetsuji could vaguely smell the light and refreshing fragrance emanating from the man.


The woman who was hugged by the shoulders was blushing, not knowing how to respond to the British gentleman, and her heart was beating wildly.

The blond man looked up and said, "Hey, shouldn't you apologize to this lady?"

"I didn't do anything and have no reason to apologize."

Hojo Tetsuji didn't know why he wanted to apologize, he was just standing here in line.

The woman turned her head, took a picture of his face without permission, and then let out a shrill scream.

She should be the one who was rude.

Although Tetsuji Hojo is used to others being intimidated by his masculine appearance, habit does not mean that it is correct.

"There is really no way! Don't Japanese men have any gentlemanly manners?"

The man who spoke shook his head with a helpless expression on his face.

Hojo Tetsuji frowned slightly. He always felt that the tone and expression of this man's words made people want to punch him in the face. He said solemnly: "Do you want to fight?"

"Hey, it seems that there is only one way to deal with a single-celled person like you to make you admit your mistake."

The man sighed, patted the girl on the shoulder and said, "Sweetheart, please stand aside. I will end the dispute soon."

There was a hint of worry on the woman's face and she said, "It's okay, you don't have to fight for me."

“It’s a man’s honor to fight for a woman.”

The blond man replied. His gentlemanly spirit would not allow any man who frightens a lady to pretend to be indifferent.

Men should maintain basic etiquette towards women. This is taught by their mothers.

"My name is Mark Zarrow. I'm from Japan. Please tell me your name."

"Hojo Tetsuji."

He answered truthfully.

Mark pointed to the barbecue restaurant next door and said, "When it's the turn of the group of black-haired men to enter the store, let our duel begin."

"You are such a long-winded guy. If you want to hit me, hit me quickly. I have to buy milk tea in a hurry."

Hojo Tetsuji was very impatient with Mark's delay and took a look at the Arab's store.

Qingze has already taken his place in line and is buying burritos.

He didn't want to wait any longer and strode forward.

Mark sighed, Asian people just don't know how to be romantic at all.

Whether it's fighting or coaxing girls, everything must have a sense of ritual to increase the romantic atmosphere.

There is nothing romantic about a stand without a sense of ceremony.

Having said that, even if Tetsuji Hojo takes the initiative to attack, Mark will not wait obediently for the allotted time to arrive.

As soon as he saw Tetsuji Hojo stepping into the attack range, Mark showed his agility and went directly to the left, swinging a right hook quickly.

Marco is good at boxing.

As an elite member of MI[-], fighting skills is a required course. Among the fighting skills, he took boxing and Muay Thai as electives.

In the ring, he may not be able to beat the world boxing champion under the restrictions of the rules.

But when he gets under the ring and fights one-on-one, he is absolutely sure to beat the boxing champion to death with his bare hands, and it doesn't even take more than a minute.

This is Mark's fighting strength.

Considering that the conflict between the opponent and himself was not big, Mark did not use all his strength in this punch. At most, he hit the opponent with a slight concussion and taught him a lesson.


When Mark's fist landed on Tetsuji Hojo's chin, he realized something was wrong. He was as nimble as a frightened cat and quickly retreated three steps away to a safe distance.

A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, what's going on?

The fist hit Hojo Tetsuji's chin, it didn't feel like hitting the human body at all, it was like hitting the surface of hardened steel.

This big brother looks like a low-class gangster, but he has a physique and muscle strength that exceeds that of ordinary people.

Tetsuji Hojo is no ordinary person.

Is this guy also here for Dio's bounty?
Mark's eyes flashed with thought, and he even wondered in his heart whether someone had deliberately set a trap for him in this encounter.

This is not something he thinks too much. MI[-] is very good at creating a series of coincidences for people.

When people die, they will think that they have had an accident, and they will not think that someone is secretly controlling everything.

People you meet by chance, a vase that you accidentally drop, you swerve to avoid the water thrown by a store, but you are hit by a car and die, etc.

Mark carefully planned many accidents, so he never believed in so-called coincidences.

Was this encounter also deliberately planned?Could it be someone from some intelligence agency?

Who is hiding in the dark?
Mark quickly swept through the crowds on the street, and his heart gradually sank. His arrival should be a secret. Could it be that people from the CIA were dissatisfied with MI[-]'s intervention?
We can't blame them for this. They are called the Five Eyes Alliance, but in some aspects the CIA doesn't give MI[-] any face.

The wild men who blaspheme the king must be brought to justice.

Even if you join the CIA, you will die!
"You bastard!"

Hojo Tetsuji was a little angry, annoyed with Mark's attack that obviously left some energy, and his distracted performance afterwards.

Make him feel that he is underestimated by the other party.

"Tetsuji, what are you doing here?"

"Qingze, go buy two cups of milk tea. Although I have no interest in this guy, he came to provoke me. As a man, I can't avoid fighting."

Hojo Tetsuji's words brought Mark back to his senses, and he opened his mouth to say that everything was a misunderstanding.

To him from CIA [-], face is like bricks on the ground that can be stepped on casually.

Hojo Tetsuji didn't give him a chance to explain. He kicked his foot, like a tiger rushing out from the darkness.

The evil wind blew against his face, and Mark, who was proficient in fighting skills, could see that this man had never learned any fighting skills at all, and was just a real fighter.

However, in the actual combat flow, this man is definitely top-notch, as if the hunting instinct of a lion is imprinted in his body.

This man's body is also imprinted with the instinct for fighting, a born fighter.

Mark gave up defending. In such a short time and distance, he didn't think about how to resist, but defended himself. He would be KO'd in an instant.

After using his flexible steps to create a certain distance, he used his left foot as the fulcrum and kicked his right foot suddenly toward the opponent's waist.

It is a universally recognized fact that the power of the feet is greater than that of the hands.

Exactly how big it is, most people can't answer.

Mark is aware of the difference in strength between his hands and feet.

He punched at full strength at 2400 pounds.

The strength of the feet is three times that of the hands.

He is also not weak in controlling the power of his feet. He can break thirty layers of ceramic tiles with one kick. It is not the kind of broken pieces, but like a knife, it is chopped directly from the top, all cracking at the same position. A mouth.

After he discovered that Tetsuji Hojo was no ordinary person, he quickly entered a serious state.

This kick accurately hit Hojo Tetsuji's flank.

Won? !
The thoughts in Mark's mind were shattered by the surging force of the shock, and his entire right leg went numb.


Hojo Tetsuji didn't even take a step back, nor did he make any fancy moves. He hit Mark's chest with a straight right fist.

Mark felt like he had been hit by a large truck. He flew into the air, rolled several times and landed on the store sign six meters away.

With a crackle, the colored lights wrapped around the sign were torn off, and Mark's eyes turned white, as if they were embedded in the sign.

"Hey, did you see that?"

"That guy actually knocked someone away several meters away. Wasn't he filming a movie?"

Everyone present was stunned.

This kind of scene of punching someone away has only been seen in movies.

The patrolman who was originally called over by the woman turned around and left silently, pretending not to have seen him at all.

Ordinary people don't know how chaotic Tokyo is, but as patrollers, they still know it very well.

Yesterday, there was an inspection, and someone was admitted to the ICU ward because he got involved in the fight between those guys.

The prisoner was not held accountable in any way.

"Tetsuji, is that guy dead?"

"No, I will control my strength and stay in the hospital for a few months."

"Oh, what milk tea do you want?"

"Pearl milk tea."

Listening to the calm conversation between the two, the women and shop assistants around them all felt magical in their hearts.

Is it such a small thing to hurt someone and keep him in the hospital for several months?

After shopping with Tetsuji Hojo, Aosawa returned to Ayase's apartment, opened the door and said: "Chiyo, I'm back."

Today's dinner has been set out on the kitchen bar, including fried meat with bamboo shoots, braised chicken with mushrooms, scrambled eggs with leeks, and stir-fried cabbage with chili peppers.

Chiyo Morimoto untied her white apron and said, "You came back at just the right time, wash your hands and eat."

Qingze glanced at her and said somewhat strangely: "Chiyo, you seem to be in a particularly good mood today."

"Can you see it?"

Chiyo Morimoto asked rhetorically.

Qingze nodded and said: "Of course I can see it. You just showed it deliberately to let me see."

"Smart, I'll reward you with a chicken drumstick."

Chiyo Morimoto picked up the chicken legs and put them into Qingze's bowl.

Sometimes she would not hide her expression, but would deliberately reveal it to see if Qingze could spot it.

If you fail to discover it, you will naturally be ridiculed in a subtle way.

"You always like to do these little tricks."

"That being said, my compliments will put you in a good mood. This is a great way to increase the fun."

Chiyo Morimoto smiled. She believed that if you want to make life full of surprises, you need to interact from time to time, both physically and mentally.

The idea that you can retain a man with your body is very superficial.

Men are greedy, they always want more.

If women cannot keep up in time, it is easy for their lives to become dull.

"Did anything good happen today?"

"I met a group of very cute girls."

"Is this something to be happy about?"

Chiyo Morimoto glanced at him and said with a smile: "Of course, life has become a little more interesting.

Don't talk about that, let's eat. "

(End of this chapter)
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