Chapter 249 Torture Expert Ito
Saturday, June [-]th.

At 05:30 in the morning, Chiyo Morimoto did not need an alarm clock and woke up from bed on time.

Her biological clock means she rarely sleeps until six o'clock.

She often wakes up at five o'clock or 06:30. As long as she doesn't stay up late, she is even more punctual than the alarm clock.

Today is Saturday, but it's not a day off.

The whereabouts of the tritium remained unknown, and Dio's movements became unpredictable. They had to actively collect various information, and found that people in Tokyo reported that someone they knew disappeared every day.

God knows whether it was Dio who did it, other forces, or the other party simply left Tokyo.

People also need to pay attention to the movements in the other world. Recently, a large beast appeared in Tokyo and injured people. Only claw marks and the blood of the victim were left at the scene. It is suspected that a new person with super powers is committing the crime.

The various intelligence collected by the task force made Morimoto Chiyo think that Tokyo was about to be finished.

The visible sight has left the report, and Tokyo is still the same Tokyo.

It shows that it was not Tokyo Taipei in the past, but there were many things that she could not encounter at her level.

Chiyo Morimoto stretched, turned over and sat up, taking off her thin nightgown.

She didn't wear any yoga clothes, so she walked out of the bedroom to keep herself cool.

She knew in her heart that it was impossible for Qingze to wake up early before six o'clock.

The boy's sleep is very sweet.

Chiyo Morimoto had half an hour of free time.

During this period, it doesn't matter if you don't wear anything and walk around the house.

But that behavior was still too revealing, so she kept her attire to a minimum.

Walking to the kitchen, Chiyo Morimoto put her white apron on her body and started preparing breakfast.

What to eat today was decided last night.

Double banana and strawberry waffles paired with juice cocktails.

Having prepared these, Morimoto Chiyo reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then turned and walked into the bedroom.

She put on yoga clothes for practicing yoga. If she wore this for breakfast, it would easily make her body sweat, making the already thin yoga clothes somewhat transparent.

She was afraid that Qingze, who was young and energetic, would not be able to hold himself in such a posture.

Chiyo Morimoto was playing yoga tutorials on her mobile phone, and turned down her voice to ensure that she would not wake Aize before six o'clock.

She started practicing yoga according to the instructions.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't watch the teaching, but she likes to listen to music and do yoga to the beat.

When the time reached [-]:[-], Qingze's bedroom door opened, "Good morning, Chiyo."

"Yes." Chiyo Morimoto replied with a nasal voice, bending down to show the perfect curve of a peach.

Qingze controlled the desire to perform the Millennium Killing.

He turned and headed to the bathroom.

Chiyo Morimoto, who was being watched by him, felt a little excited in her heart, but did not show it on her cheeks, but continued to practice yoga.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Qingze sat on a high stool, put on a disposable glove on his right hand, picked up the strawberry banana muffin, and took a bite. It was soft and sweet.

Take another sip of the juice cocktail, which contains ice cubes and honey. The refreshing sweetness of the pulp spreads between your lips and teeth.

"good to eat."

Qingze gave an unpretentious comment, gulped down two muffins, and drank all the juice cocktail, leaving only ice cubes in it.

He burped with satisfaction, stood up and said, "Chiyo, I'm going to school."

"Bon Voyage."

Qingze nodded, picked up his schoolbag and walked out the door.

After Chiyo Morimoto finished practicing a set of yoga movements, she also got up, started washing her face, brushing her teeth, applying skin care products, and then changing into clothes for going out.

An emerald green large T-shirt is paired with hip-hugging ultra-short jeans, and silver fishnet stockings that reach to the knees.

She put on Martin boots and carried a gun on her waist. She didn't need to worry about anyone seeing the gun on her waist.

Because she has a big heart.

When wearing this kind of large T-shirt, it is easy to create the illusion of being a little fat. Those parts that look fat are empty, but they can cover up the outline of the gun.

Chiyo Morimoto dressed neatly, walked out of the room, sat on a high stool, slowly finished the strawberry banana waffle, and drank up the juice cocktail.

She put the cups, plates, and pans in the dishwasher and took them out at night with no problem.

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, Chiyo Morimoto aimed at the trash can, threw it, and the paper ball fell into the bucket.

She walked out the door and started her work for the day.


Ninomiya Sayoko is a chunin in the Ninja Institute.

She is good at lurking, searching, and assassinating.

She often uses her beauty to collect intelligence, or takes advantage of her natural female weakness to make the target look down on her, thus completing the mission.

Since she was one of the few Chuunin who didn't have a job at hand, she was entrusted with collecting information on Chiyo Morimoto.

Twenty-five million yen is a lot of money.

The goal is to deal with a police officer.

Ninomiya Sayoko is very confident.

In her opinion, the guys in the Metropolitan Police Department are all incompetent people.

She only needs to use a little trick to fool them around. If she wants to find out the news, it is even easier.

Ninomiya Sayoko disguised herself and stayed under Ayase's apartment, preparing to follow Chiyo Morimoto to work.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Ninomiya Sayoko found Chiyo Morimoto coming downstairs.The other party did not provide a photo, but only said that the most beautiful person in Ayase's apartment was the target.

Ninomiya Sayoko originally thought this clue was a bit vague.

But when the other party walked out of the door, Ninomiya Sayoko immediately knew that what the other party said was actually very accurate.

This woman must be Chiyo Morimoto!
Even Ninomiya Sayoko, who has always been conceited about her beauty, has to admit that this woman's looks are so much better than hers, which is really annoying!

Ninomiya Sayoko thought in her heart, but she would not let such a little emotion affect her work.

She quietly looked at Chiyo Morimoto, preparing to follow him to work.

Take a look at what the other person is going to do today.

However, looking at this person's appearance, it doesn't look like he is going to work at all. He is not wearing a police uniform, but casual clothes.

Ninomiya Sayoko was following behind, and she could even smell a nice scent of perfume, which made her murmur inwardly.

Dressed like this and wearing perfume, is this police officer secretly doing some business?

This discovery made Ninomiya Sayoko a little excited. To be able to have a relationship with a woman of this level, the power of the other party must be high. Mastering the dirty information of big shots is also one of Ninomiya Sayoko's interests.

You never know when it will come in handy.

She didn't expect that there would be extra income from this business.

Ninomiya Sayoko followed the woman to Ayase Station, and she found that the woman turned around and headed to the bathroom.

Enter the bathroom right after you come out of the house?

A flash of doubt flashed through Ninomiya Sayoko's mind. After waiting outside for a few minutes, she realized that something was wrong!Why haven't you come out yet?
Is it possible that the transaction between the two parties was conducted in the toilet?

It’s so fun to play.

Instead of waiting outside, she entered the women's bathroom.

The women's restrooms at Ayase Station are not big, there are four of them side by side, and the one in the middle shows people are occupied.

Ninomiya Sayoko opened the one closest to her.

A gun was pointed at her.

"I think you recognize what this is?
If you are sure that it is faster than a bullet at this distance, you can try moving. "

A smile appeared on Morimoto Chiyo's face.

When she went out, she had already discovered that someone was following her, but she never took action and instead led the person here.

"伱, what are you talking about? I just want to go to the toilet. If you are not happy, I can pee my pants."

Ninomiya Sayoko's face was full of panic.

Chiyo Morimoto's expression remained unchanged and she said: "Your disguise skills are indeed good.

It's a pity that you met me.

Don't move your hands.

If you want to feel like your chest is being blown open, I don't mind helping you. "

Ninomiya Sayoko was silent.

She could tell that the woman in front of her was definitely not joking. Even though she was smiling, her eyes were cold. Only those who had killed someone could have such cold eyes.

If she moves, the other party will definitely pull the trigger.

To die for 500 million yen, her life seems a bit cheap.

"Who asked you to follow me?"

Ninomiya Sayoko continued to remain silent.

Chiyo Morimoto smiled and said: "There is really no way. I am a kind-hearted person, and what I am worst at is interrogating others, so I decided to hand you over to someone who is good at torture.

I hope your mouth can still be as hard as it is now. "


Hisamatsu Apartments, 201.

Chiyo Morimoto rang the doorbell.

There was a ding-dong sound, and the door was quickly opened by Okayama Taketa. Emily's complaining voice drifted from the living room, "Morimoto, you are late for work, please leave work later today!"

"Emily, I have a legitimate reason for being late. If you want to blame, blame this woman."

Morimoto Chiyo pressed Ninomiya Sayoko, whose hands were handcuffed, into the house.

Okayama Taketa took a look and wondered: "Is she from the KGB? Or the International Intelligence Agency? Mossad? Military intelligence."

"Pause! Don't keep guessing. I also want to know why she is following me. I need an expert who is good at torture to interrogate."

Upon hearing this, the people present quickly turned their attention to Ito Otome sitting in the corner.

She picked up the black tea and took a sip, and said with a cold face: "You are really rude.

I don't know how to torture anything.

I'm just good at medicine and know how to dissect a person's body when she's awake and paralyze part of it so that she won't move around but won't completely lose the feeling of pain.

This is modern medicine, not torture. "

Ito Otome's words made Ninomiya Sayoko quickly turn pale with fright. Is this the living King of Hell in the world?

Ito Otome stood up, looked at Ninomiya Sayoko, her cold face showed a rare touch of tenderness, and said softly: "Have you seen your own internal organs?"

"give it to you."

Chiyo Morimoto pushed Ninomiya Sayoko forward, causing her weak legs to fall to the ground, and said loudly: "Don't scare me, I'm not scared!"

"That's great. I like courageous little girls best."

Ito Otome slowly took out the white gloves from her pocket, put on a mask again, and said with cold eyes: "Okayama, carry her to the room. I want to cut open her stomach first to see if she is brave. It’s really that big.”

(End of this chapter)
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