Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 248 The precursor to the collapse of order

Chapter 248 The precursor to the collapse of order

Ninja is a very ancient profession.

In modern times, the world has undergone tremendous changes. To continue to hold on to the ancient pride is undoubtedly self-destruction. The only way is to keep up with the progress of the times.

Ninja talent continues to take root in modern society.

The Ninja Institute was born based on this concept, integrating the ninja schools that had always been hostile between Koga and Iga, so that everyone could do business together and work for the powerful.

Continue to be active in the darkness as a hawk and dog.

But eagle dogs are not pets. They must catch prey for the rich and powerful to be considered qualified.

An eagle dog that cannot catch prey is redundant.

Kamei Fumio knows this very well.

At around [-]:[-] in the evening, four Jonin rang the communicator, preparing to attack the target. He had also arranged for people to respond outside the alleyway, preparing to take the person to a hidden abandoned warehouse for interrogation.

But the people who responded to the scene didn't wait until the Jonin showed up. They went to the scene and found no body. Only two large groups of blood stains on the ground proved that a battle had occurred there.

This meant that the work of the four Jonin had failed.

Kamei Fumio felt very heavy. He knew that the four jounin were very strong. With the weapons provided by the shinobi, some powerful martial arts masters could not escape assassination.

who did this?
This is very important, but more importantly, can this task continue to be completed?
If this mission is abandoned, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the Ninja Institute.

It takes decades to build trust and not an hour to destroy it.

They cannot afford to lose their big client, the right wing.

Especially in this current situation.

Kamei Fumio understands better than other ninjas that Tokyo can be said to be a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

The actions of the six major consortiums, the Phoenix Institute, the CIA, and the Metropolitan Police Department have influenced agents from various countries to be active in Tokyo.

There are heroes from all over the world who are attracted by large commissions.

In this turbulent period, it is not very difficult for the right-wing forces to find someone to replace Ninjie. They can get orders based on their past relationships with the right-wing forces.

The successive defeats are likely to make the right-wing forces choose someone else to give up funding for Ninja Institute.

This is a fact that Kamei Fumio cannot accept.

Involving the ninja survival of the two schools of Koga and Iga, as well as the mortgage loan for the 360-square-meter three-story villa he just purchased, it was necessary to find foreign help.

Kamei Fumio sighed in his heart. If possible, he didn't want to find that person.

But for the ninja, the most important thing is to complete the mission.

Kamei Fumio would rather give up the commission on this order to ensure his image in front of the right-wing forces. Only in this way can he ensure a continuous flow of funds in the future.

He got up and decided to go find an acquaintance.


At night, after nine o'clock, the flow of people in Kabukicho has not decreased at all. It is even more lively than at seven or eight o'clock, showing a somewhat crowded scene.

The black car stopped in front of the building with the Baicao Bookstore sign. Kamei Fumio opened the door, walked out, and looked up at the second floor.

Kamei Fumio walked up the stairs.

This external staircase is old, and when people walk on it, it will make a creaking sound below.

Whether it's the handrails or the stairs under your feet, you can see patches of rust.

Although I have made so much money, I can still save money in this aspect.

From top to bottom, the Takahashi family is full of eccentricities that can be very stingy in some places.

Kamei Fumio thought in his mind, went to the door on the second floor, raised his hand and rang the doorbell.


Ding dong.

The clear doorbell rang, Kamei Fumio put his hands on his crutches, and calmly accepted the scrutiny inside.

Soon, the sliding door opened.

Takahashi Saeko appeared at the door. She was wearing a silver-white mask and a silver-white cloak. She said in a somewhat surprised tone: "Grandpa Kamei, what do you want from me?"

"I want to entrust you with something."

Kamei Fumio spoke, his eyes a little complicated.

The Takahashi family used to be the best ninjas in Iga, but with the changes of the times, the Takahashi family did not choose to integrate into the Ninja Institute, but began to work alone.

The reason is very simple. At that time, the Takahashi family was a genin, not a jounin. They were unable to reach the top of the ninja institute, so they simply took the opportunity to withdraw from Iga and establish their own business.

Until now, the Takahashi family has adopted the name of scavenger and can make money freely, but they have also paid the price, which is time.

With Ninsuke's location, the large order volume ensures that the Takahashi family does not need to travel to foreign countries frequently, and can receive many orders as long as they are at home.

Of course, in the eyes of the Takahashi family, the price paid for making money freely is acceptable.

"Since it's a commission, please come in."

Takahashi Saeko turned sideways to let him enter the living room.

The customer is God, and as long as he is the one who sends money to her, he should be treated politely.

What's more, her grandfather and Kamei Fumio were old friends.

Takahashi Saeko closed the door, poured a cup of tea directly and said, "Grandpa Kamei, if you have any entrustment, just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will never shirk it."

"You should know Durant."

Kamei Fumio didn't want to play the emotional card. He knew that for ninjas, emotions were the cheapest thing, and only benefits could maintain the friendship between the two families.

"I want to ask you to deal with him and then investigate the organization behind him. Don't worry, the price will not be cheap, it's 15 billion yen!"

Takahashi Saeko frowned under the mask and said, "With your strength, can't you deal with Durant?"

"All four Jonin who participated in the operation tonight died." Kamei Fumio did not conceal his losses, saying: "They captured Durant's whereabouts and followed him for several days.

Tonight he was found in contact with the organization and then died. "

Takahashi Saeko sat down and said quietly: "Grandpa Kamei, you are getting old too."

Kamei Fumio frowned slightly and said, "What do you mean?"

"If you were young, you would definitely be able to figure out the strangeness."

Takahashi Saeko shrugged, sat upright and said: "A person who can serve as a jounin must not be the kind of reckless person.

Since they have chosen to take action, it means they are sure to deal with the other party, and it also shows that there are not many people on the other side.

Probably just two people.

Durant was able to be followed by the jounin for several days without any notice, which shows that his strength is not greater than that of the jounin.

In other words, the only one left was the key reason for the death of the four jounin.

If you think about it for a moment, there is no normal person in this world who can kill four Jonin in a short time. "

"You mean, they betrayed me?"

Kamei Fumio frowned and murmured: "There are indeed only two blood stains at the scene..."

Takahashi Saeko shook his head and said cryptically: "Have you heard about the Yakuza Hunters?"

"I heard something."

Kamei Fumio nodded. He was active in the dark world and naturally wanted to collect some information on the road. He might be able to use it one day.

"That guy hasn't appeared for a while. What do you mean by that?"

"Grandpa Kamei, what I want to say is that Tokyo is very chaotic now, with all kinds of monsters and monsters gathered together. Tokyo used to be chaotic, but it was still orderly.

The sword cannot defeat the powerful.

The recent chaos has gradually developed into disorder. Not to mention, recently, the top management of TEPCO was collectively wiped out and the second son of BlackRock Group was killed.

When the powerful go to the guillotine, it is a precursor to the collapse of order. "

Saeko Takahashi spread her hands and said: "We scavengers can endure for a long time and guarantee a 100% mission rate, but we will never participate in missions that require desperate efforts.

As long as you don't take on tasks that exceed your abilities, you won't fail.

I can't accept your mission. Regarding Durant's matter, I advise Renjie to give up. "

Takahashi Saeko knows very well how muddy the water in Tokyo is now.

Some people believe that chaos is a ladder upward, while others believe that chaos is the road to hell.

Takahashi Saeko is the latter.

She doesn't like chaos. Many people are overconfident in their own skills and power, believing that they are unparalleled in the world, so they fall.

Those who are good at swimming drown.

Takahashi Saeko never thought that her skills were the best in the world. Some people had better sniping skills than her, and some people had better information than her.

Not to mention, in Tokyo, the man Madoka met was suspected to be the holder of unnatural power named Dio.

Takahashi Saeko can survive to this day because she adheres to the teachings of her parents.

Only humble people can live.

"Your grandpa is a freak among ninjas."

Kamei Fumio's tone was a little angry. He didn't come to visit just to listen to a girl who could be his granddaughter talk nonsense and teach him how to do things.

The upper and lower lips spoke lightly.

If the ninjas of Koga-Iga lose the support of right-wing forces, their lives will become difficult.

Where should he get the funds for his mortgage, his son's mortgage, and his grandson's mortgage?
Life gave him no way out.

"It was an error of judgment on my part to expect you to play some role."

“Correct opinions are always unpopular.”

Saeko Takahashi leaned back on the sofa, crossed her legs and said, "Grandpa Kamei, I hope you can think clearly and don't regret it until you are about to die, for not listening to what I said today."

"Shut up, you yellow-haired girl. I've eaten more salt than you've ever eaten rice. It's not your turn to teach me how to do things!"

Kamei Fumio roared menacingly, stood up and walked out the door.

He will never give up on this business. If it doesn't work here, then find someone else.

Durant's life and the organization behind Durant must be found out.

Saeko Takahashi said, "Actually, I have a business to entrust to Ninja Agency."

Kamei Fumio, who originally wanted to leave, sat down again. A good ninja would never let emotions affect business.

"What level of commission?"

"I want to hire a chuunin to investigate the news about Morimoto Chiyo. I didn't want to trouble you, but the news about that woman seems to have been deliberately concealed."

"Okay, 5000 million yen."

"no problem."

Takahashi Saeko agreed immediately.

Kamei Bunta picked up the tea, drank it all in one gulp and said, "Okay, let's wait for the news."


Takahashi Saeko was very distressed because her tea was at a loss.

(End of this chapter)
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