Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 238 Qingze’s form of the world-destroying demon god

Chapter 238 Qingze’s form of the world-destroying demon god

The condensation cloud slowly dispersed, and the bright sunshine fell on the remains of the dragon.

The high temperature of the thermobaric bomb causes some of the crystals to melt, resembling red soft jelly, which looks very cute.

If someone reaches out and pokes it, the person's fingers can be boiled within three seconds.

Sammy looked at the dragon corpse, his eyes filled with excitement.

The surrounding American soldiers also gathered here one by one, with curious faces and eyes scanning the creatures that only existed in myths and stories.


"I wonder if there will be a princess?"

"Of course, Mirante's princess is a princess, isn't she?"

"Hey, I wonder what the princess's seafood tastes like."

His friend's words made David roll his eyes and complained: "Don't think about such rude things."

"David, you don't understand. In this era, maybe there are no underwear, and the noble-looking princess lifts up her skirt, hehe."

David sighed helplessly at his friend's head full of color waste.

The villagers hid in their homes and looked at the American troops outside the window with fearful eyes. A translator who was proficient in Danish came forward and began to communicate with them.

Words such as freedom, democracy, and teacher of justice came out of his mouth, which confused the villagers.

"Anyway, we have no ill intentions and hope to communicate with people from your country. Is this within Mirante's territory?"

The villager who was asked hesitated slightly and said: "This is Kusha."

"Who is the king of Kusha?"

the translator asked.

The villagers' faces suddenly showed an expression of fear, and they quickly shook their heads and said, "How can we possibly know the emperor's name?"

"Then where is Kusha's royal city?"

"We don't know, we are just a small village in Kusha."

The translator received this answer and turned to report the situation to Sammy.

Sami turned his attention away from the dragon corpse and frowned: "Kushia... are there apostles in a country different from Mirante?"

After thinking about it, Sami decided to move on and now they wanted to go back.

Either find the way to Mirante and meet Griffith, or find the Kusha King City and meet the great emperor.

Only in this way can they have a chance to return to Abashiri Prison in Hokkaido.


Because the dragon's remains were too large, Sami did not transport them all, which would affect his marching speed. He only cut off part of the flesh and packed it up, and then used a drone to investigate the surrounding situation.

The troops moved on.

Sami looked at his watch and saw that four hours had passed. A hint of impatience emerged in his heart, and he asked the translator: "Is there no news from Kusha King's City yet?"

"No, Kusha's territory seems to be extremely large, but the management of the tribes below is very loose. The villagers have no idea where the royal city is."

The translator will truthfully report the information received.

Sammy frowned and glanced at the team behind him. He thought about it and made a decision in his mind.

They can't just use manpower, they need animal power to transport the ammunition and speed up.

Kusha's management is so loose that he probably won't care about the demise of one or two villages under his command.

"Send a hundred people to kill the people in that village and steal their daily necessities. If you can kill them with knives, don't use guns. Save some ammunition and don't leave anyone alive!
The remaining people were divided into two groups, one group was on guard and the other group was enjoying lunch. "

"it is good!"

The commander next to him began to convey the order downwards, which was quickly executed by the Shanhu Marine Corps.

Sammy stood there, with a vast plain in front of him, and a towering forest behind him.

Is it the time difference?
He frowned, remembering that Emily entered Mirante's territory in the morning.

It was also daytime and morning in Mirante at that time, which shows that the time difference between Mirante and Japan is exactly the same.

But they came in now at night, seeing that the sun was shining brightly in Kusha, and it was expected to be noon.

If the time difference were different, if they wanted to go to Mirante, the journey would be very long.

Sure enough, it would be better to give priority to contacting the emperor of Kuxia to see if some exchange of interests can be made.

Sammy was thinking about the future.

The fried steak was brought by his subordinates.

The stool and low table had been set up. He sat down, opened the red wine, poured a glass of wine into the goblet, took a sip of the wine, then slowly picked up the knife and fork and started eating.

Some black smoke rose in the distance.

He frowned slightly, worried that setting a fire would be too conspicuous. Then he thought about it, this was probably the most remote backwater in Kusha.

The villages I encountered along the way were all small and pitiful. They didn't even know where the royal city was, so they probably didn't have any powerful people.

Sami's brows slowed down. If the nearby villages gathered here, it would be easier for them to snatch livestock and help transport ammunition and supplies.

Seeing that Kusha's territory is so large, it's unclear how long they will need to walk here and where they will encounter monsters?
The soldiers can save a little bit of energy.

Sammy took a bite of the bloody steak and chewed it a few times.

Commander Richard of Shanhu stepped forward with a smile on his face and said: "Brigadier General Sami, we have completed the mission. We have killed all 130 people in the village, captured [-] horses, and [-] sheep..."

Listening to Richard's report, Sami frowned slightly. He always felt that these supplies were a bit short. How many days would this amount of food be enough for more than 100 people?

"Brigadier General Sami, are you dissatisfied with anything?"

"No, thank you for your hard work. We will use the captured animals to transport supplies and reduce the burden on the soldiers."

Sammy came to his senses and decided to go to the next village to see what was going on.


Very strange.Sami found that Kusha revealed something was wrong everywhere for more than ten hours.

They didn't encounter any larger tribes in Kusha's territory. They were all small and loose tribes.

Is Kusha's territory that big?

Also, the sunlight in the sky has not changed much since it entered until now, and has always maintained its intensity at noon.

No dusk in Kusha?And no night?

They heard no word from other villagers that anyone from the tribe knew where Mirante was.

Most importantly, there is something obviously wrong with the residents' daily necessities.

As a manager, Sami dared to pat his chest and guarantee that the village's supplies would definitely not allow the villagers to survive for half a month.

It can be said that there are prey in the forest, but where can we find animals in the villages on the plains?
Sami couldn't understand. Maybe the body structure of the aliens was different from theirs, and their need for food was also reduced?

Of course, those are small things, the important thing is Mirante.

If Mirante did not exist, and this was another world, could the Emperor of Kusha have a way to send them back to Abashiri Prison?

Sammy frowned.

At his crotch is a white horse.

Through the "selfless dedication" of some tribes, the US military has achieved a major progress in switching from manpower to animal power.

Marching speed is greatly increased.

Richard immediately stepped forward and said, "Brigadier General Sami, after walking for so long, the soldiers are a little tired. Do you want to rest where you are?"

Sammy knew better.

Compared with physical fatigue, the soldiers' fatigue was mainly focused on mental fatigue.

Here is another world.

Even the nine previous attacks of burning, killing and looting could not reduce the tension in the hearts of the soldiers.

They were originally said to be heading for Mirante, but could appear in Kusha's territory.

It is still an exaggeratedly large country that seems to never come to an end.

Plains, plains, even Sammy was tired in his heart.

"Just rest where you are."

Sammy didn't refuse Richard's offer. He was also a little hungry and wanted to eat grilled lamb chops.

He turned over and tried to dismount, but a strong gust of wind blew him directly to the ground.

There was a thud, and the sharp pain in my butt was no match for the doubts in my mind. It was so good, why did such a strong wind suddenly blow on the plain?
Immediately, Sami felt a chill on his head, and the strong wind blew away his wig covering his bald spot.

Sami subconsciously covered his head with his hands and turned his head to look for a wig, only to find that the soldiers behind him were standing there dumbfounded, obviously not surprised to see the Brigadier-General's Mediterranean.

"what happened?"

Sammy said, turning to look in their direction.

The whole person was also confused and became exactly like other American soldiers.

He stared blankly ahead, as if staring at the end of this world.

At the end of the plain, the majestic figure makes the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, look as small as a toothpick at its feet.

The huge body sank into the clouds, and the impact caused by walking caused the sea of ​​clouds to surge, and the white clouds spread outward in circles like waves on the lake.

Sami forgot to cover his Mediterranean and muttered: "What kind of monster is that?!"

Looking from a distance, Sammy didn't know how to describe it. It was a creature, and it looked a bit like a tree. Countless huge tentacles drilled out from the crown of the tree.

There are countless rough cheeks printed on the surface, and the lower limbs are extremely thick, like a world-destroying demon standing at the end of the plain.

While Sami was still shocked, David had already hurriedly rode over and shouted: "Brigadier General Sami, I found the captured woman kneeling down and bowing her head, calling the guy the Great Emperor!"

"He is the great emperor of Kusha?!"

Sami's face was full of astonishment. He originally thought that the emperor meant a person with a noble status, but he didn't expect that he really was the emperor!emperor!

Can this guy communicate?

Sami looked at the figure in the distance and remembered the first time he saw the world's highest peak, Mount Everest.

It's so big that no hostile thoughts can arise in one's mind.

"Damn it, I just have to give it a try."

Sami scratched his head and decided to send someone forward to talk to the great emperor of Kusha.

"People from other worlds, kill them."

A thunderous sound came from afar.

David understood and turned extremely pale.

It seems that Emperor Kusha has a very bad temper. No wonder people in the area change their expressions when the word "Great Emperor" is mentioned.

"David! What did he say?"

Sammy shouted.

David conveyed the words of King Kusha truthfully.

Sami suddenly sweated on his forehead. He was really anxious, his brain was working rapidly, and he suddenly realized: "Please tell the emperor quickly, we are willing to double, no, triple compensation for the loss caused to Kusha by losing the residents of the nine villages.

Please forgive us for our offense! "

David showed a wry smile and said, "Brigadier General Sami, it's useless to talk about this now."

Richard said with a heavy face: "We have no choice but to fight!"

Qingze controlled the demon god form of the second-turn Terror Emperor and looked down at the American troops and villages in the distance.

From this perspective, everyone is a tiny insect.

 PS: Thanks to GrandBlue, Lumierees, and Black Bud for the tips
(End of this chapter)

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