Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 237 Mountain Tiger VS Giant Dragon

Chapter 237 Mountain Tiger VS Giant Dragon
Abashiri Prison was built in 1805. Since that period, various serious criminals have been detained here.

To this day, Abashiri Prison is still the place where serious criminals are imprisoned in Hokkaido.

In the past, everything inside and outside the prison was quite deserted.

It seems particularly lively today.

The roaring helicopters broke the silence here. The flocks of helicopters were like a flock of crows returning to their nest, and they gave off a strong sense of oppression like tigers descending from the mountain.

The warden of Abashiri Prison was confused about this.

Not long ago, the Internet was suddenly cut off in the prison, causing the one-on-one video of him spending money to be interrupted.

That sweet voice made him stand up, but then withered immediately after the screen went black. He cursed and lifted up his pants. Before he could find out the reason, he received the news that all the prisoners with serious sentences had disappeared from the cell.

Since there was no signal in the prison, he planned to go outside to contact the superiors. These military transport helicopters had crossed the dark night and arrived in front of Abashiri Prison.

Helicopters landed in the open space outside.

The warden discovered that all the people who came down from above were all European, American, white or black, and not a single Japanese.

They are fully armed.

One of them, a tall European and American white man who was obviously the leader, walked towards us. He said in Japanese with a thick accent: "This prison will be requisitioned by our Shanhu troops from now on. All personnel will evacuate from here immediately!"

"Excuse me."

The warden also wanted to speak, saying that he could not leave his post without orders from above.

Snapped!Sami slapped him directly in the face and roared: "Stop being so nagging, get out of here right now!"


The warden quickly stood up straight. He didn't feel angry at Sammy's arrogant and tough attitude. Instead, he felt that he had to resolutely complete the other party's orders.

If you continue to be verbose, you will really be killed by the other party.

The warden immediately led the prisoners to evacuate from here, not even a cook was left behind.

Sami strode into the prison, took out his cell phone and looked at it. Just like in Black Nest Prison, the strong signal interfered with the communication equipment.

I hope that when entering another world, there will be no such interference signal, otherwise, the temporary communication device and drone will fail.

That would make their actions more troublesome.

Sammy thought to himself as his footsteps stopped in front of the prison cell.

Shanhu's people have already unloaded all kinds of ammunition and survival supplies from the transport helicopter.

Survival supplies even include coffee and water kettles, and solar photovoltaic power generation devices.

For the US military, they are never cowards who are afraid of life and death, but if they are allowed to stay in a place with an extremely harsh environment without a hot water to make coffee and black tea, it will undoubtedly be something that the officers cannot bear.

Death is not scary.

The terrible thing is that when they are alive, they don't have a cup of hot coffee to drink.

If conditions permit, they naturally have to bring things that are convenient and enjoyable, and some necessary equipment for life are also indispensable.

According to Emily's description, some places in the alien world are rich in living materials, while other places are barren and barren.

Taking into account various circumstances, they carried fifteen days' worth of daily necessities and medical supplies, and carried a large amount of ammunition, including but not limited to white phosphorus bombs, thermobaric bombs, cluster bombs, poison gas bombs, etc.

Vehicles obviously cannot enter the cells, so they use hand-pulled carts to carefully pull boxes of ammunition in.

Sami stood aside and watched Shanhu's soldiers enter the cell.

He would definitely not be the first to enter the other world, leaving others to take the lead.

About 500 people entered the other world.

Sammy did not continue to stand and strode inside. Staying until the end to enter the other world was not the commander's caution, but cowardice.

He cannot leave a timid impression in front of the soldiers of the Shanhu Troops, and must maintain the tough attitude of a hawkish officer.

Sammy stepped into the translucent film and felt a brief dizziness. Before he could savor it, he was already standing on a foreign land.

They were lucky enough not to be in that absolutely desolate place.

There is grass and tall trees around.

The unknown tree is extremely tall, about 30 to [-] meters tall, and four adults cannot hug it.

It looks like a large forest.

The soldiers who arrived early had already set up a defensive position.

The drone originally placed on the cart has disappeared.

Richard, the actual commander of the Shanhu Force, stepped forward and reported loudly: "Brigadier General Sami, according to the information we used drones to conduct reconnaissance.

There is a village 900 meters northwest.

The prisoners in Abashiri Prison are confronting the villagers. Judging from the atmosphere at the scene, it will be a matter of time before they take action.

Shall we go up and take a look? "

Sami looked thoughtful and said: "We are here to establish diplomatic relations with Mirante, collect books, corpses of monsters, and bring back some plant specimens.

Send someone to that small village to ask if it belongs to Mirante's territory. "

"David, please take two people over to take a look."


After receiving the order from above, David called two acquaintances and quickly ran towards the direction of the village.

Sami continued to wait here for all members of the Mountain Tiger Force to arrive.


The unexpected guest surprised Qingze. He originally thought he was welcoming members of the task force, but the American soldier ended up personally.

To say it was unexpected, it was actually not surprising at all.

No matter what happens on this earth, the United States, the troublemaker, cannot be shaken off.

From Brigadier General Sami's words, they obviously wanted to meet Griffith, and also wanted to obtain the monster's corpse, plant seeds, and bring back the books.

What kind of innocent dream is this?
Qingze was sitting on a bench in the park. He had just finished his night run. There was sweat on his forehead. He opened the mineral water and took a sip of water.

He was thinking about how to deal with these US troops. After thinking about it, with these people here, he could deal with the serious criminals first.What kind of monsters should be hypnotized to be born in a different space and get rid of those prisoners?

Qingze fell into deep thought and decided to make a Western lizard dragon.

He began to hypnotize a dragon in another space who was particularly sensitive to prison uniforms, and sketched the dragon's appearance in his mind.

In the forest of a different space.

Ripples suddenly vibrated in the clearing, and a creature quickly appeared to occupy the clearing.

It is more than ten meters long and seven or eight meters high. It looks like a lizard that has been enlarged several times, and has a pair of huge wings on its back.

The surface is covered with red crystal stones.

The dragon's body is like an expensive work of art made of diamond, with its wings spread out.

"Roar!" The giant dragon roared.

Qingze watched the scene in front of him with great interest, as if he was watching a highly immersive anime.

The giant dragon flapped its wings, and its seemingly heavy body actually flew directly towards its destination.


David lifted up the hanging tree vines and passed through the arch-like tree roots. A village appeared in front of him, very medieval village style.

Low buildings were lined up in an orderly manner, and the felons from Abashiri Prison gathered at the entrance of the village, gesturing with their hands.

A group of villagers used pitchforks to warn the group of prisoners.

forming a stalemate with each other.

David wanted to step forward, but the roaring sound sounded, and the first thought in his mind was, "Helicopter?"


shouted another.

David quickly followed the sound.


Trees tens of meters high were directly smashed by the huge body, sawdust flew all over the sky, huge trees fell, and dust rolled upwards from the ground, but it was unable to affect the body that shone like diamond.


The villagers screamed and ran away.

David's face was full of shock. Is this a dragon?
The giant dragon raised its head, crystal light brewing in its mouth.

David exclaimed: "Dragon Breath?!"

The giant dragon lowered its head and sprayed out streams of crystal clear and fiery red crystal stone pillars from its mouth.

Boom, the bodies of dozens of prisoners were instantly torn into pieces by the spar pillars, blood spattered, and the impact of falling to the ground even affected David's standing.

Let his body sway.

The villagers fled in terror.

David's heart was beating wildly. He didn't expect to encounter such a monster as soon as he came up.

The giant dragon's vertical pupils swept across the people present, and found no prisoners in prison uniforms. It spread its wings and prepared to leave here.


The flying drone dropped high-explosive bombs on the dragon.

The impact caused by the explosion could not break through the defense, but it interrupted the dragon's original movement to leave, "Roar!"

David immediately remembered that their mission was to hunt this kind of monster.

As long as the weapons in their hands can work, they have the possibility of victory.

As soon as the thought of slaying the dragon came up, strong courage surged in David's heart.

Whether in movies or novels, dragon-slaying warriors are titles worthy of respect.

That is a title that only a hero can have.

For the US military, which advocates individual heroism, this is undoubtedly a very tempting idea.

David wanted to charge.

"David, come back. Weapons like guns cannot break its defense."

The commander's order came from the distance.

David's excited heart had to cool down and turned back.

The giant dragon swept through the fly-like drones in the sky, condensed light in its mouth, and sprayed crystal pillars from it, like machine guns that fired, destroying more than a dozen drones.

One drone avoided the attack of the spar pillar and swooped down directly.

Boom, a violent sound sounded, the crystal stone on the dragon's surface appeared cracked, and fiery red dragon blood emerged from it.

Sami observed this scene with a telescope and shouted: "Fire!"

The next second, the thermobaric bullet was fired so fast that the dragon couldn't dodge it, and it landed accurately on the cracked gap without any deviation.

It proves that the person who fired the thermobaric bomb is incredibly accurate.


The high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius exploded, and the impact caused by the thermobaric bomb directly destroyed all the crystals on the dragon's surface, and the blood inside was evaporated.

The air formed a secondary explosion impact visible to the naked eye, and thick condensation clouds rose upward.

Half of the dragon's body was gone. Seeing this scene, Qingze had to admit that he had underestimated the destructive power of modern weapons.

There is no way.

He didn't even know what kind of bomb it was, he only knew that it was terrifyingly destructive.

The purity of the dragon is still too low.

Qingze sighed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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