Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 234 1 ​​All fear stems from lack of firepower

Chapter 234 All fear stems from lack of firepower

The White House, a slightly old administrative building, is brightly lit.

As civil servants, they should get off work at this early hour, but there are always some urgent matters that can allow them to break their usual commuting time.

Now, what is happening in Japan across the ocean has forced these people to work overtime.

But no one present showed disgust on their faces.

On the contrary, their faces were full of excitement.

The current Secretary of State is 61 years old, but he still looks like a young man, sitting at the table full of fighting spirit.

He is waiting for a call.

A phone call that could change the future of mankind.

He believed that he wouldn't just stay up late tonight.

Many big shots are waiting for a call, from high-ranking officials to big capitalists, more anxiously than a young girl waiting for a call from her loved one.

No one can resist the temptation of immortality.

Even if the technology of immortality is discovered, which is not possible at this stage, it may be possible to rejuvenate one's youth by ten or five years, which is worth a lot of financial resources.

Only older people know that youth is the most precious resource in the world.

The Secretary of State tapped his fingers on the table, the moment the phone rang.

His hands were faster than those of young people. He directly picked up the phone and answered the call: "It's me. How's the situation?"

"The task force has come out from inside the prison, and they brought a very shocking news. There is a very vast world opposite the jelly-like translucent film!"

"A world."

The Secretary of State frowned slightly, realizing that a world's resources are good, but now he cares more about another thing than resources.

"Is it related to Dior?"

"No, this incident has nothing to do with Dio. It is simply that the barrier between the two worlds has become weak. The power of the monsters in the Nether World has affected this place, overlapping the Black Nest Prison and that world, causing such a situation to occur. "

The Secretary of State could understand words like Nether World, Monster, and Barrier, but when they were put together, it made him feel overwhelmed, and he had no idea what they meant.

John on the other end of the phone followed the report sent by Jack and carefully reported everything that the task force experienced in that world.

From discovering the corpse of the prisoner, meeting Griffith, knowing the truth about the world, communicating with Gus, and then being sent back by the princess, etc.

Compared with those things, the Secretary of State cares more about one thing, and that is the lifespan and power of the apostles.

Dior and Griffith have lived for thousands of years.

He took a deep breath, and his dry body burned with blazing fire.

Thousands of years may not reach the standard of eternal life, but for mortals, it is already eternal life.

If a mortal lives for more than a hundred years, he is already very old. If he lives for another year, he will earn money.

He has remained young and strong for thousands of years, which means that the apostle's lifespan is far from reaching the end.

The Secretary of State was full of excitement, but then fell into deep thought.

The Wings of Light appear in the world and establish a country. It is similar to the legend on their side. The Messiah, the savior, will establish a country in the world.

The sinful will be absolved of their sins by following His footsteps.

But before that country was established, the Seven Years of Disaster was inevitable.

Is there any connection between the Wings of Light and the Messiah?
Does the God of the Mirante Bible exist?Or does Dior think it doesn’t exist?

With these thoughts in his mind, the Secretary of State said calmly: "You have done a good job, and we will allocate a budget of one billion US dollars to facilitate your operations.

Next time something like that happens again, let the Marines enter directly, capture monsters, collect local creatures, and preferably bring back books. "

The Secretary of State paused and said: "We need to establish a cooperative relationship with Apostle Griffith and select people who are proficient in Danish to enter."

"This... monster is quite difficult to kill."

"All fear stems from the lack of firepower. Their equipment is still too weak. It's time for people from other worlds to see the world's strongest military power."

The Secretary of State replied calmly, in his opinion, as long as guns and cannons can be effective against monsters, more advanced weapons can definitely subdue monsters.

He has also been reading some so-called fantasy books recently.

Many of the magics described in it are already possible with today's technology.

Let's not talk about weapons like nuclear bombs that destroy cities on a large scale, but just talk about the magic that kills people silently. They also have colorless and odorless poison gas here.

People who inhale it may not even realize what is wrong with their body.

So are germ weapons that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.

If today's military technology were in the Middle Ages, it would definitely be magic that the world could not imagine.

"I look forward to hearing from you, and the president looks forward to hearing from you. Don't let us down."

"Don't worry, we will definitely live up to your expectations and those of the President!"

John's tone was full of respect.

He knew very well that if he wanted to go further, he must get approval from above.

If he completes this mission, he might be able to kick out the director of the CIA and take that position himself.

Thinking of such power, John was filled with energy. After hanging up the phone, he told Jack the good news.

How to spend a billion dollar budget?
This is something that needs to be discussed.


Qingze returns to school.

He pondered in his mind the duration of the hypnotic world of Through the Looking Glass and Moon.

The failure of Jinghua Suiyue just now was not what he wanted to do, but after the people of the task force were transferred, Jinghua Suiyue felt that it was unsustainable.The reason for that may be that the duration is up.

Or maybe there's no one inside.

Those prisoners have been killed by the lion-bull monster, plus Morimoto Chiyo and others have left.

There is no audience, so Through the Looking Glass loses its anchor?
Or is it because he frequently refreshes the map and constantly hypnotizes different spaces to change the scenery, causing the duration of the Mirror Flower, Water Moon to be shortened?
If you want to verify these things, you need to wait until night.

There is cooling in Mirror Flowers and Moon in the Water.

After one session, he couldn't use it immediately. He returned to school to avoid being late for the afternoon class and tried to use the mirror to use it.

According to his test of looking at the time, the cooling time of Mirror Flowers and Water Moon is 2 minutes.

A familiar terrain map appeared in his mind, but Qingze was not in a hurry to use it.

Now choose a place to form a different space for Morimoto Chiyo to easily enter. He wants to test the length of time this time. If he does not draw a conclusion, it will not be released.

It is not suitable for Chiyo Morimoto to enter.

He decided to wait until Chiyo got off work before choosing a place to conduct such a test.

Let’s see if Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Mirror, can last longer with an audience.

Qingze stopped turning his pen and released the ability of Jing Hua Shui Yue, and the circular topographic map disappeared.

He looked out the window at the scenery in the atrium. A row of laurel trees obscured his view, and he could only see lawns and some roads.

Qingze spotted a familiar figure on the trail and guessed that it was almost time for class.

The fans in the classroom are whirring, bringing a little bit of coolness to the students.

The sound of heavy footsteps approaching, Hojo Tetsuji rushed over, placed a dozen pieces of paper on his desk, and whispered: "Aozawa, this is my manga manuscript, please take a look at it for me."

Qingze picked up the manuscript of his painting and said with surprise: "Looking at how excited you are, the effect should be very good."

"Not only is it very good, Sayuri is completely obsessed with my manga.

The next step is to present my love experience with her bit by bit in the comics.

Sayuri who reads the manga will surely feel my burning love! "

Tetsuji Hojo's face was full of excitement, and he had the energy that it didn't matter if he didn't rest for days or nights.

Qingze rubbed his temples and said, "Although I don't really want to hit you, it's obviously inappropriate to base all the steps on comics.

The comics are all fake, but you at least have some real action. "

Hojo Tetsuji was stunned for a moment, pulled the chair over, sat down straightly and said, "What do you think I should do?"

"You already draw comics, why not join the comics club."

Qingze put forward his own suggestions.

A picture suddenly appeared in Hojo Tetsuji's mind.

At dusk, the setting sun shone on the window frame of the comics department. Sayuri Yoshikawa sat there, watching him draw comics on the table with gentle eyes, and then handed him a cup of coffee.

"Tetsuji-kun, come on!"


Hojo Tetsuji yelled, and the violent voice suddenly plunged the classroom into silence.

In the eyes of outsiders, Tetsuji Hojo is a beast about to go crazy.

"Hey, Hojo, don't make such a loud noise in class all of a sudden!"

Kyouichiro Furuzawa yelled.

Only at this time will the girls in the class have a good impression of this person.


Hojo Tetsuji retorted, ignoring the four-eyed boy, sitting down again, and said excitedly: "Aozawa, what do you think I should do to join the manga club?"

Qingze touched his chin and said, "Just ask Mei Ji to connect you. She is from the comics department."

"That's what I say, but as a boy, it's hard for me to fit into that atmosphere. The comics club is all girls. How about you join the comics club?"

"There are no boys in the guzheng department."

"It's different with Shinoko here."

Hojo Tetsuji replied and suddenly realized: "By the way, let Shinoko join the manga club."

"Don't be so troublesome."

Qingze shook his head and said, "All I need is that you join the comics department."

Tetsuji Hojo frowned slightly. He was not afraid of Nomura and Phoenix Academy, but he was in the same room with Sayuri Yoshikawa. Thinking about that scene made his heart beat loudly.

"Will it be too early?"

"Are you afraid?"

Qingze knew how to get this man to take courage.

Hojo Tetsu pushed the frame of the mirror with his second hand and said with a serious face: "Qingze, don't underestimate me.

As a man, how could I back down?

When the eldest lady comes in, I will tell her my determination to join the comics club. "

"Come on!"

A smile appeared on Qingze's face. It's strange that helping a good friend fall in love gives him a sense of satisfaction more than doing it himself.

He glanced at the front door of the classroom and said, "Mei Ji is here."

 PS: Thanks to Hei Ya for the tip
(End of this chapter)

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