Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 233 The Collapse of the False World

Chapter 233 The Collapse of the False World

After lunch, Qingze took the lunch box to the sink, washed it, and then put the lunch box back in the drawer of his desk.

He left the teaching building, found a deserted place, used Schrödinger's Cat, entered a state of non-existence, and made his body translucent.

With a thought, he left the school and appeared in Black Nest Prison.

At this moment, the prison was surrounded by troops.

All related traffic leading here has been forcibly blocked.

Several military helicopters circled back and forth in the sky, claiming to be conducting temporary military exercises here.

In name, it is a joint exercise between the Self-Defense Forces and the US military, but in reality it is the US military stationed in Japan.

Several tanks were stationed outside the prison, with their muzzles pointed directly inside.

Outside the prison, there was a temporary tent. Commodore Sami, the six major financial groups sent by the CIA and the Seventh Fleet to help blockade the scene, the Minister of State, and Hu Die from the Phoenix Courtyard were all gathered here.

“According to Shirakawao’s confession, before they left, the doors of each cell in the prison should still be covered with a jelly-like translucent film.

Now, the prison cell door is empty. The soldiers searched all the cells and found nothing unusual. "

A colonel stood there and introduced the situation: "The signal interference in the prison is still not interrupted.

However, the strong interference stays inside the prison, and communications outside the walls are not affected at all.

We were unable to find the specific source of interference. Through instrument detection, the entire prison was filled with red dots.

We cannot draw conclusions about the life and death of the task force, and we do not know what happened to them.

What is worth confirming is that they must have encountered similar experiences to those prisoners. "

"Do you want to try to destroy the prison?"

Sammy raised his hand to make a suggestion, simple and crude.

Jack looked at that person and said slowly: "If something goes wrong with the destruction, who can be responsible?
Are you responsible? "

This sentence made Sami fall silent immediately.

It’s not that there are no solutions now, but it’s that we don’t know which method is effective and we can’t figure it out.

No one dares to mess around, for fear of causing an unimaginable situation.

"We don't know whether this matter is related to Dior, or whether it is an abnormal event that occurred outside Dior. We can only wait for news from the task force."

A soft voice sounded, as if injecting a bit of sweetness into the silence of the air.

Jack glanced at Hu Die and had to give a silent thumbs up in his heart.

That figure and temperament are really unbearable for men.

Perfectly in line with all his fantasies about a wife, intellectual, mature, elegant and beautiful.

"Yes, we can only wait for news now. The White House is also waiting for our news. We hope the task force returns safely."

There was no trace of falsehood in Jack's tone. If something unexpected happened to the task force, he would feel very sorry.

Emily was a great person to work with.

Without this person, many things in the future may have to be handled personally by the Special Intelligence Investigation Department.

Qingze watched this group of people discussing here, and with a thought, he appeared directly inside the prison.

He has changed the entrance and exit to another place, which is above the squat flushing tank that no one can think of.

Qingze tried to enter it and found that he could not sneak into the different space in Schrödinger's non-existence state.

Out of temptation, he could only transform into Dio, switch to the existential state, and then reach out to touch the entrance. He still did not break into it, but showed a ripple-like vibration at the entrance.

He pondered for a moment, and already guessed in his mind that the false space that should have been born under hypnosis would not allow people who knew the falsehood to enter.

In other words, only people who don't know that the alien space is false can enter it.

He can only create characters that he can control from the internal hypnotic space on the outside, and indirectly move around in different spaces.

The body cannot enter it.

Just like playing a game, Qingze thought to himself and did not force himself to enter.

He switches back to Schrödinger's cat's non-existence state.


In a different space, Emily and others rushed to Windham, the royal capital of Mirante.

Here we are no longer as desolate as before, and we can see villages and endless wheat fields.

Outside the royal capital Wendam City, a three-foot-wide moat was dug, and a heavy wooden bridge connected the inside and outside.

When the wooden bridge was lowered, the city gates opened and deafening cheers erupted from both sides.

People loudly welcomed the hero's return.

Emily looked at this scene and felt the vitality and boldness of the royal capital.

Some women directly threw their intimate clothes, and some members of the Eagle Group reached out to pull a woman from the crowd and interacted on the spot, which attracted more cheers.

Emily blushed a little, quickly looked away, and muttered: "They are really shameless."

Catalina had the experience of being a mercenary and understood them very well. She smiled and said: "It's normal. If you live in an environment where you don't know whether you will die in the next battle, it is normal to have fun in time."

"The world is cruel."

Chiyo Morimoto let out a long sigh and glanced at this medieval-style town.

As the Eagle Group arrived at the palace, they were placed in the side hall, waiting for the princess's summons.

"I'm a little hungry."

Emily rubbed her belly. She was not riding a horse, but the bumps on the horse still made her body feel hungry.

Chiyo Morimoto chuckled and said: “If there are no accidents, we can go back for a big meal soon.

The information brought back from here must have surprised those above. "

"Any information?"

Okayama Taketa asked curiously. On the way before, he had no time to exchange the information he obtained with Emily.

Emily waved and said, "Let Morimoto tell you, I want to save some energy."

Chiyo Morimoto relayed Emily’s words truthfully.These words made everyone present stunned.

Miyaji Yosuke swallowed his saliva and said with a wry smile: "Is it still too late for me to believe in God?"


Bei Zhiwu laughed and said: "I'm afraid it's too late, but it doesn't matter. There are too many people in this world who don't believe in God. Even Dio, who is an apostle, doesn't believe it. God won't be stingy enough to send people who don't believe in Him to hell. "

"If you know, you must believe. He who does not know is not guilty."

After all, Miyaji Yosuke is a little older. In his opinion, it is safer to believe him.

He did not want to end up in hell after death.

Even though he didn’t know who God was, he still had to fear and believe in Him.

God is God.


When the task force was exchanging information, a tall black-haired swordsman appeared outside the palace with an exaggerated sword on his back. He said expressionlessly: "Follow me."

"Stop talking, let's go."

Emily waved to them and followed them in small steps: "What's your name?"


The man's words were very brief, and he moved forward with powerful steps.

"Mr. Gus, is Mr. Griffith busy with something?"

"Well, the king has something to do with him."

Gus's answer was very concise, but it didn't seem cold, but he answered every question.

If you don't ask, he will remain silent.

Emily kept asking questions, and only stopped the series of questions when she reached the tower where the princess lived.

Princess Mirante stood on the steps. She was wearing a beautiful dress, with short hair that covered her ears, and a delicate face. She said warmly: "You are the wanderers that Lord Griffith said."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Emily nodded.

"You stand there holding hands, and I will use my power to send you back."

"Hey, everyone hold hands."

Chiyo Morimoto held Emily's left hand and Catalina's right hand, and the others also held hands one by one.

When the princess raised her right hand and used her power, the ground shimmered with light. The familiar feeling reminded Chiyo Morimoto of the twisted feeling she had when she first entered this world.

The next second, everyone disappeared.

In the main hall of the palace, Qingze controlled Griffith to raise his head and murmured: "It's time to end."

The aloof old king looked a little surprised and said: "Griffith, what are you talking about?"

"I say this game should be over."

Ignoring the old king's doubts, he turned around and walked outside, looking at the vast world.

Darkness rises from the distance.

Mirror Flowers and Water Moon's abilities are failing.

This world is also coming to an end.

"What happened?" "The sky is so dark!"

At first, there was still some panic in King Wendam's capital, but those panics completely disappeared after being covered by darkness.

Everyone stopped talking and melted into the deep darkness.

Such an ending is really shocking.

Feeling the death of Griffith from another space, Qingze felt a little regretful in his heart, feeling a sense of regret for quitting a fun game.


The radar suddenly stopped beeping, and everything returned to normal.

The source of signal interference in the prison disappeared.

Jack stood up suddenly and shouted: "Look to see if anyone appears in the prison!"

The U.S. troops standing outside immediately rushed into the prison.

Hu Die also walked out of the tent with Jack and the others.

There is not a trace of morning gray in the sky.

The bright sunshine shines on the earth.

Before they reached the prison door, a US military force ran out quickly. He forgot that he could use communication equipment now, so he chose a very primitive method and shouted: "We found that not one person in the task force died!"

After receiving such an answer, Jack said with joy on his face: "That's great!"

After a pause, Jack turned around and said, "You guys wait here first."

He did not forget that he must hand over the first-hand information to Director John, and he could not let them get the first-hand information.

The representatives of the six major financial groups looked helpless, and the Minister of State could only remain silent.

Hu Die smiled and said: "Minister Jack, can I go with you?"

"of course."

Jack smiled and replied that it was not because he was coveting Hu Die's beauty, it was just that the MacArthur family was behind Hu Die.

The six major financial groups treat the Phoenix Academy family as half outsiders.

The CIA treats the Phoenix Academy family as half of its own.

A lot of the CIA's annual funding is provided by the Phoenix Institute.

(End of this chapter)

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