Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 206 Reality is crazier than comics

Chapter 206 Reality is crazier than comics

Oshima Satomi was completely stunned.

She never thought that she would encounter such a thing.

The plots that happened in those books in the past actually happened to her.

Oshima Satomi once laughed at the comics her boyfriend read, saying the plots were too outrageous and divorced from reality.

But now, she feels that her boyfriend's comics are considered conservative.

This is Marui Department Store in Shibuya.

The location is the women's restroom in a shopping mall with very dense traffic.

There were so many women coming in and out.

She was also walking in a shopping mall and felt anxious and ran to the toilet. Unexpectedly, a man suddenly passed by in the single room next door.

He moved very quickly, before she shouted, he stuffed her mouth with a white cloth, tied it tightly behind her back, and fixed her hands behind her back.

A face was pressed directly against the flushing water tank.

Then she realized what she was getting into.

Panic and fear made Oshima Satomi feel extremely painful both physically and mentally. Tears quickly welled up in her eyes. She tried to cry out for help, but she could only let out a weak whine.

The other person seemed very professional and knew how to prevent people from shouting for help.

Why is this so?
She was full of grief and anger, and her weak whine made the other party particularly excited.

"Scream, keep shouting!"

Handa Keiji lay next to the woman's ear and whispered softly.

He knew that there were women coming and going here outside, and he could even hear familiar girls laughing and communicating over the sink.

Talk about the cosmetics or clothes you just looked at.

Someone next door also pressed the flush switch.

The sporadic sounds coming from all around excited him.

Although in Japan, you can get a large number of women of all kinds just by paying money.

But in his opinion, those women were too despicable.

A woman who can be easily obtained with money is like a toy bought with money, and cannot be called a human being at all.

It can only be said to be an extremely realistic toy.

But no matter how realistic, toys are still toys.

What he wants is a person, someone who knows how to resist. Only by conquering them with violence can Handa Keiji be satisfied.

From a very young age, he knew that he was a pervert and liked to force girls to do things regardless of their wishes.

In order to realize his perverted fetish, he specially exercised his body.

He has learned a little bit of Muay Thai, karate, taekwondo, Bajiquan, judo, and even yoga that women often practice to increase the flexibility of the body.

Driven by desire, Keiji Handa became a famous gold medal fighter in the Japanese underground world as he wished.

He often helps the bosses of various companies or the bosses of the Yakuza to deal with some of their problems.

Sometimes, his case will be smoothed out by people above him for mutual benefit.

Under such conditions, Handa Keiji committed thousands of crimes over a period of 15 years, but none of them were prosecuted.

He even once used force against the woman who sued him at home, causing her to collapse and hang herself.

But even then, he didn't want to let the other person go.

While letting the other person hang, he satisfies his own desires, and finally looks at her painful expression due to suffocation, and slowly dies.

That scene was the proudest deed of his life.

Sometimes, he would also attack men with thin skin and tender flesh.

This time I was called to Tokyo by people from the Sumitomo Group to act as the bodyguard of the general manager. The salary was very high, but it was too boring.

He didn't even understand what the second son of the Sumitomo Group was afraid of. Who dared to attack the general manager of the Sumitomo Group?
In line with the mentality of having fun when bored, Handa Keiji decided to sneak out and have some fun.


Qingze focused his attention on the scene of a single room in a shopping mall toilet.

From their movements and expressions, he judged that this pair was not a consensual couple.

According to his rich experience in film reading, if you are in love with me, the expression on a woman's face will never be this kind of expression that is devoid of pleasure at all, full of fear and helplessness, and even sheds tears.

Qingze was a little shocked. Did he come across these things because he was specifically looking for them?

Or is it that the security in Tokyo has always been so bad?
He can still understand where there are few people.

In the Marui Department Store, where there was a lot of traffic, and there were even eight women present in the bathroom, he actually did this kind of thing.

This was not a crime of passion, definitely a seasoned one.

Qingze had an idea in the bathroom.

It's a bit narrow here. There's more than enough room for one person in the squatting pit, but it's a bit crowded for two people. If you add another person, it'll be crowded.

Qingze used his transformation ability to transform himself into the tall blond Dio.

Figures emerged from nothingness.

In an instant, the hairs on Handa Keiji's back stood up. He instinctively sensed something was wrong, stiffened his waist, and struck a fierce elbow backward with his right hand.

It was at this time that he noticed a sharp pain in his lower body.

Qingze used invisible telekinesis to directly destroy his ammunition storage.


Handa Keiji let out a heart-rending scream, which was heard directly outside the door of the single room, causing the women present to scream.

"Is this a man's voice?" "It seems so." "Absolutely! Call the security over here, there is a pervert here!"

Panic screams came from outside.

Qingze didn't want to be thought of as a pervert, so he put his hand on Handa Keiji's head, and black chrysanthemum patterns appeared on his cheeks.

The next second, the explosive ability was activated.

Handa Keiji immediately stopped wailing and felt a burning heat bursting out of his heart.

boom.The whole person became torn apart.

Fireworks and gunpowder smoke burst out in Oshima Satomi's eyes.

The pieces of flesh and blood were like burned branches that had been stepped on, turned into ashes, and disappeared in the air.

Her expression was a little dull, and she suspected that she was dazzled.

Or is this all a nightmare?
Before she could sort it out in her mind, the blond man in front of her suddenly disappeared like a ghost.

Aggravating her brain daze.

The door to the single toilet room was suddenly knocked open.

"Asshole, you're a peeping tom!"

Two security guards rushed in aggressively and saw another shocking scene.

They stayed for a moment, then quickly exited the single room and closed the door.

"I'm very sorry! Everyone dispersed. It was all a misunderstanding. There was no man inside."

The older security guard had to drive away the people around him, not to mention the awkward expression on his face.

Today's young people are really good at playing.

The women around were also muttering.

The world is so big, there are no wonders.

Only the girl with brown shoulder-length waves showed a hint of contemplation in her eyes.


Oshima Satomi simply cleaned herself up. She didn't dare to go out immediately. Instead, she waited for about ten minutes before carefully opening the door, not daring to look around, and hurried out of the toilet.

As soon as she went out, she heard a crisp voice from beside her, "You finally came out. Let's have a good talk. Who attacked you just now?"

Oshima Satomi tilted her head.

The girl who spoke looked young. She had shoulder-length brown waves. She was dressed fashionably and exuded the air of a youthful hottie.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Oshima Satomi said hastily, and then wanted to leave.

Madoka Toma said slowly: "I took a picture of you, and judging from the shape, it couldn't have been made by hand.

And your posture at the time also revealed that you were not playing by yourself. "

Years of experience made her voice full of certainty.

Oshima Satomi paused, turned her head, and wanted to rush forward and snatch the phone away, but she also knew that she couldn't do that.

Her legs were still weak, what happened tonight was beyond her imagination.

"I'm telling you, can you delete those?"

"Of course no problem."

Madoka Toma nodded, threw her boyfriend who was still dating out of the sky, and said with a smile: "Let's go to a quiet place to talk."

She took Satomi Oshima to a milk tea shop and ordered two cups of milk tea.

"Now let me hear what happened to you."

Oshima Satomi recalled the scene just now, with a trace of palpitations on her face, and whispered: "I was going to the toilet, but a man suddenly jumped in from the single room on the left.

He locked me up immediately and raped me..."

She paused, without saying what it was, and briefly said: "When I was in the most pain, a blond man suddenly appeared again.

I didn't know who he was, I just knew that the man lying on top of me suddenly let out a scream.

When I turned around, I saw him suddenly explode. "

"You said that man exploded?!"

"That's right, literally shattered into pieces. No, even above that, there isn't even a speck of ash on the ground. It would be more appropriate to say that it evaporated."

There was a hint of joy on Oshima Satomi's face, and she smiled bitterly: "You can't believe it, this kind of ridiculous story is like a movie."

"No matter how absurd it is, the facts are facts. Your actions and expressions will not deceive others."

There was a hint of excitement on Madoka Doma's face. Perhaps such an expression was a bit inappropriate in front of a woman who had just experienced pain, but she really couldn't hold back the joy in her heart.

"It turns out that kind of people really exist."

"Yeah, he disappeared after finishing that person."

Satomi Oshima nodded.

"Sorry for wasting your time. This cup of milk tea is my apology. I have deleted the photo. Please don't worry."

Madoka Toma deleted the photo in front of her and said with a smile: "You don't need to be too sad, at least you can get in touch with that kind of person through this incident.

That is something that you will never encounter in your lifetime. "

"If possible, I would rather not encounter him in my life."

Oshima Satomi had a wry smile on her face.

Madoka Doma smiled, thinking that she really wanted to meet the blond man with special abilities.

She was curious about what that kind of man smelled like.

It must be delicious!
Madoka Doma walked out of the mall, took out her mobile phone, and sent a message in the hot girl's chat room.

"I want to tell you some shocking news. There are unnatural forces in this world. I just encountered a related criminal case."


Didi, the phone beeped with a message.

However, Takahashi Saeko did not look at it immediately, as the guests had already arrived.

She couldn't show off her unprofessional attitude, so she could only postpone her desire to read the news and open the door.

"Welcome, Miss Curtis."

 ps: Thank you for your happy reward.

(End of this chapter)

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