Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 205 The CIA wants to change its name to Dio Group

Chapter 205 The CIA wants to change its name to Dio Group

After the sumptuous dinner, Aozawa chatted with Chiyo Morimoto at the kitchen bar for a while, then looked down at the time.

He smiled and said: "Chiyo, I want to go out for a run."

"Go ahead," Chiyo Morimoto rolled her eyes at him angrily, knowing that this kid couldn't hold back his restlessness and wanted to chat with those little girls.

"I'm going out," Qingze walked out the door.

He decided to increase the intensity of his running from today on.

13.5 kilometers per hour.

At an amateur level, this speed is pretty good, but in a professional competition, this speed is very slow.

But there is no way, his physical fitness is like this.

As a person, you can't aim too high and take it step by step. He is still young, only 16 years old.

Qingze took the elevator to the bottom floor. He looked at the figure reflected in the elevator door and used his hypnotic ability to say: "I can run 13.5 kilometers in an hour.

I can run 13.5 kilometers in one hour. "

After hypnotizing himself, he took out his mobile phone and searched for relevant routes.

The final destination is still the small park.

The elevator door opened, Qingze started to navigate and quickly ran outside.

The wind in front of me is a bit hot, but also a little cool.

The evening sun is still shining brightly, and it seems that it will never show any signs of decline until the last moment.

Qingze ran forward along the route, and when the alarm clock on his cell phone rang, he stepped into the small park.

"Huh, ha."

He was gasping for air, and he felt his legs became extremely sore and numb again.

He had to squat down, cross out the alarm clock on his phone with his left hand, and touch the ground with his right hand to use his catalytic sensing ability.

The god-like mentality of having no desires and demands makes the physical fatigue become somewhat relieved.

Qingze looked at the scenes in his mind and confirmed that there was no one in the small park at this time.

He stood up and walked into the woods.

Between Shibuya and Ginza, he decided to visit Shibuya.


Shinjuku, Center Building.

Residence of the Special Intelligence Investigation Unit.

Jack did not sit in the office waiting for news as usual, but stood very actively in front of the elevator on this floor.

He glanced at his watch, then looked up at the elevator in front of him.

With a ding, the elevator door slowly opened.

A middle-aged man with a slicked back hair walked out of the elevator, followed by four agents in suits.

His complexion was dark, like burnt vegetables.

He has an upright face, and the temperament he exudes does not have the rudeness and brutality that the world thinks.

Facts have proved that as long as a person receives a good education, he will naturally have the corresponding temperament.

On the contrary, if a person is born in a slum with no education, regardless of his skin color, he will most likely become a criminal in the future.

"Chief John!"

Jack quickly stood up straight and bowed: "Welcome to the special intelligence investigation department for guidance!"

Although John was only the director of the CIA's branch in Japan, Jack would not be stupid enough to call the other branch director.

It’s not that you don’t have emotional intelligence, it’s that only people whose emotional intelligence has dropped directly to negative numbers would shout that kind of thing.

Jack also wants to get promoted.

John nodded, glanced at him and the agents behind him, and said solemnly: "Thank you for your hard work this time.

I know you have suffered heavy losses. "

"Everything is to complete the mission above!"

Jack answered loudly, with a determined expression on his face: "Although we have found Dio's whereabouts this time, we are still not fully prepared.

We will definitely learn our lesson next time and not be careless at all! "

"The General Administration sent people over to supplement your lost manpower and approved a budget of [-] million US dollars. When you should relax, you should relax."

Jack took the lead in applauding, and the people behind him all followed suit, secretly cursing "flattery" in their hearts.

But with a budget for their own consumption, they swallow what they want to say.

John gave a few words of comfort and then went to the office with Jack.

His visit to the Special Intelligence Investigation Department this time was not just to comfort Jack and talk about the budget.

What's more important is to get some confessions right.

John is not the kind of incompetent person. He knows in his heart why the sacrifice was caused this time.

It can be said to be an accidental incident, but such an accidental report to the General Administration will easily give the General Administration an impression of incompetence on them.

John could only modify it slightly and regard this operation as their carefully planned operation against Dio.

In terms of configuration, the Vulcan machine gun and 23 elite agents are not very low-profile.

As long as they don't report truthfully, it's impossible for the higher-ups to know that these people are being used to deal with a high school student.

Obviously these things cannot be communicated through phone calls or computer software. John must go there in person, close the door and explain things clearly to Jack.


"Don't worry, Chief John, I know what to say."

Jack poured John a cup of tea, and sat on the sofa as respectfully as a primary school student facing the dean.

He used to despise those who flattered his boss, but it wasn't until he had room for promotion that he realized that he had to flatter his boss.

John did not drink tea, crossed his hands and said: "There is another thing I want to ask for your opinion. The plan proposed by Robert is already being considered above. Human beings who cannot even be defeated by Vulcan machine guns are a huge threat.

I would like to hear your views. "

Jack glanced at this person carefully and asked tentatively: "What does the director mean?"

"I'm considering whether this plan is appropriate."

John knew what it meant and had doubts about agreeing to carry out Robert's plan.

It's not that he is kind-hearted, but he is doubting, can the poisonous gas really kill Dio?
If it didn't kill Dior, but instead stimulated Dior's emotions, it would undoubtedly be a very bad thing for the CIA.

It doesn't matter who's up there, across the ocean, all you need to do is move your lips.

But when it comes to specific implementation, it is the people below them who bear the risk.

Jack felt confident and said in a deep voice: "Director John, I think it's better not to implement that plan."

John said expressionlessly: "Then do you have any new plans?"

"I thought that instead of using poison gas, it would be better to arrange for people to lurk around Dio. Doesn't he want to create a new world?
Then we will provide him with manpower, arrange for some people to imitate the crime, attract his attention, and let him step forward to recruit those people. "

John frowned slightly and said, "Have you forgotten that Dio has the super power to command others?"

Jack said with a serious face: "Director John, Dio takes the initiative to recruit people, so naturally he won't ask whether that person belongs to any force.

Our National People's Congress can join first, then perform their duties and show their loyalty, and slowly win the trust of Dior. "

This plan was proposed to him by Emily.

That guy looks short, has a very good brain, and speaks nicely, a hundred times better than Robert.

If he hadn't been part of the task force, Jack would have really wanted to recruit someone to the CIA to be his right-hand man, or brain.

"This is a good idea."

John thought about it for a moment. Apart from assassination, being an undercover agent was also an important skill.

If they could really send someone undercover to Dio, it would really be easy to assassinate or drug him.

Just trying to gain the other party's trust will probably take a lot of time.

But this method is obviously safer than using poison gas, and they can get a living Dio.

Jack said with a modest expression: "This is all Director John's wise guidance. You still need to make up your mind about the specific plan."

"Not so good?"

There was a hint of hesitation on John's face, and he was very satisfied with Jack's attitude.

Without this person speaking up, if he took credit for this plan from above, he would inevitably be suspected of stealing credit.

It doesn't sound good to say that you are trying to steal credit from your subordinates.

Jack took the initiative to ask him to participate, so there was no question of taking credit.

"Director John, my qualifications are still limited, and the suggestions I make will inevitably have some ill-considered aspects. I need more guidance from you so that I can better serve the CIA."

"Since you say so, let me take a look for you."

The more John watched, the more he felt that Jack was a talent.

Why didn't I realize that this person was so good before?

Dior was able to do things his own way before, but that was when he was alone.

If he had an organization, Dio would start thinking about things that would require human interaction.

This is the CIA's strength.

He decided to go back and submit this new plan.


The starry sky in Shibuya was gray and not a single star could be seen.

But when my eyes fell on the ground, the light emanating from Shibuya was brighter than the stars.

Various billboards are hung in major shopping malls, some brands emit neon light at night, and popular songs are played on the big screens.

Aozawa quietly appeared in the sky above Shibuya.

The streets are mostly populated by young people.

Shibuya is the mecca for hot Japanese girls, known as the fashion trendsetter.

He looked down at the flow of people below.

Even though Schrödinger's Cat was much weakened, he was obsessed with the ability to look down on others without anyone being able to see him.

At least it was better than some super powers that he had almost forgotten.

Schrödinger's cat has become one of his frequently used superpowers since he owned it.

The frequency is second only to time stop and catalyst induction.

After taking such an inventory, he found that he rarely used his clairvoyance ability recently.

Qingze decided to use his clairvoyance ability for the first time in a long time and looked down.

The scenery in front of me suddenly changed. On the bustling street, there were bones, human flesh and blood, internal organs, veins, blood vessels, etc.

The bustling streets of Shibuya instantly turned into an eerie hell.

Hundred Ghosts at Night.

There was no fear on his face, and there was a sense of excitement, as if Halloween had come early.

Qingze watched for a while, then floated forward to Marui Department Store, raised his hand and touched the surface, using the catalytic sensor.

In an instant, his eyes were raised, and scenes poured into his mind.

In terms of visuals, there are still obvious differences between apartments and shopping malls.

The number of pictures in the former is far less than that in the latter.

He looked at the scenes, sifted through the sounds, and quickly found a particularly shocking scene in a single toilet room in the shopping mall.

He was so shocked that he couldn't tell whether it was a game between lovers or a real evil act performed in a single room in the toilet.

(End of this chapter)

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