Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 176 The Arrogance of the City on the Hill

Chapter 176 The Arrogance of the City on the Hill

long after.

Loud sirens echoed through the streets of Okubo.

Several police cars were parked outside Beichen Ittoryu's kendo gym.

The door is open.

Emily jumped out.

Her long blond hair was tied into two curly ponytails, and she was wearing a black and red Gothic dress.

Her blue eyes glanced at the surrounding scene, and she found a black car that was different from a police car parked there.


Emily's face showed some dissatisfaction. The guys from the CIA were really as clingy as dog-skin plaster.

The door of the black car opened, and a blond man stepped out with a gentle smile on his face. He pushed the frame of the mirror and said, "We meet again, Miss Emily."

Emily's tone was very sarcastic: "Robert, why don't you just wait for the news in the office?"

"Please don't talk like we are trash."

Robert replied warmly.

Underneath his seemingly humble appearance, he is full of arrogance, and he is not content to sit back and enjoy the benefits like Jack.

In Robert's eyes, other people's judgments only have reference value, and it is impossible for him to completely trust them.

He only trusts his own judgment.

This is why he still insisted on monitoring the Yasuda family after receiving Emily's report.

That time wasted also inspired Robert, making him realize that his collection of information was still too one-sided.

Concentration is a good thing, but if you focus too much, your vision will be obscured, making things that you can see previously invisible.

If he had more information, he could make the same judgment as Emily.

Robert thought he had to correct that problem.

So when he heard about the death case, he rushed to the scene immediately and regarded the case as one related to Dior.

Emily glanced at him sideways, but without saying anything, she and Ito Otome walked into the blocked kendo gym.

The door showed signs of being forced open.

It was the police who received the call at [-] p.m. and broke it open.

The reason was that the wife of a student at the kendo gym found that her husband could not get through on the phone, so she called the police for help.

When the police arrived at the scene, they found that the lights were on but the door was locked. No one responded no matter how they shouted.

In a fit of rage, they decided to break open the door.

The sight after they were pried open was so frightening that the two policemen almost peed their pants.

After the emergency report, the case is transferred to the task force.

Emily glanced at the blood on the wall of the front desk, then walked to the sword dojo, opened the door, and the strong smell of blood hit her face.

Bamboo knives were scattered on the ground.

The strange thing is that the bamboo knives did not disperse to the students, but all gathered next to the deceased with a bruised nose and face.

There was also an unsheathed knife lying there.

From the look at the scene, Emily could probably judge the situation.

Those who died should have been caused by the deceased with a bruised nose and face.

Dio only discovered what was going on here after those people died.

This also illustrates Dio's delay in gathering intelligence.

If it were very efficient, it wouldn't appear after everyone dies.

Emily was thinking deeply. Judging from the cases of the village team, Dio's ability to collect intelligence seemed to be limited.

Otherwise, Dio would not have arrived at the building where the hunting team was located after his village group was attacked by a sniper rifle.

The range for collecting intelligence should be within 300 meters.

If they exceed this distance, they should be able to detect the hunting team ambushing the building.

Emily made a rough judgment in her mind and walked to the bamboo knives again.

His eyes glanced at the bamboo knife that had been chopped off by the knife, and then looked at the bamboo knife with obvious cuts and the intact bamboo knife.

This scene reminded her of Hawkeye shooting his pistol three times.

How strange!

Emily bit her thumb. Judging from this behavior, the fallen deceased, like Hawkeye, treated the bamboo sword as an enemy.

If it were a bamboo sword simply suspended in the air, it would not explain why Hawkeye used tranquilizer bullets to shoot his sniper pistol.

It was just a simple hallucination and it couldn't explain the deceased's injuries. It couldn't be that Dio used hallucinations to deceive this person and then beat him repeatedly with a bamboo knife, right?
She frowned, trying to think of a reasonable answer.

Robert didn't care much about that. He was more concerned and asked: "Has this guy awakened his superpower?"

Emily came back to her senses, shook her head and said, “You can tell by looking at his expression.

If you really awaken your superpower, it will never be this normal state of death. "

Ito Otome slowly walked into the sword dojo, casually glanced at everyone's wounds, and then looked at the sword to confirm who caused the deaths inside and outside the front desk.

She took out a knife and cut Hazama Michio's cheek, confirming Emily's guess, "If you cut his cheek, warm blood would not flow out, which means he has not awakened his super power.

He may have killed these people at the scene. "

"There are actually people being killed in Tokyo. It's really getting more and more dangerous."

Emily complained.

Robert was slightly stunned, then looked at Michio Hazama, whose nose was so bruised and his face was so swollen that he could hardly see his original appearance, and murmured: "I remember there was a swordsman in Japan who loved to kill people with real swords, his name was Michio Hazama.

He should have been hired by the Mitsui Group to deal with Dio, and it seems that he met Dio. "

"You deserve it. People with evil intentions like you who pursue Dio will be killed by him."

Robert smiled at Emily's sarcasm.

He was a devout evangelical Protestant.

Believe in the existence of God, believe that you are a resident of a city on a hill, and believe that only the United States can lead the world.Therefore, Robert believed that everything he did was just.

Even if he smuggles harmful items, it will not affect his own justice.

Because they are residents of the city on the top of the mountain, they think about things differently from ordinary people.

God gives people life, death, and disease. Can people say that God is cruel?

"I think you have a deep misunderstanding of our CIA."

"No, I never misunderstand you."

Emily replied indifferently and did not stay at the scene. She had already obtained all the information she could get, and she did not want to stay with such a nasty guy for a moment.

She could see that beneath Robert's gentle expression was arrogance.

Treating her like an adult treats a little girl is disgusting.

Emily thought to herself as she strode out of the kendo gym.


A cool evening breeze blew in my face, sweeping away the smell of blood from my nose.

She looks up.

The night sky in Tokyo is dark blue, with no light visible.

Just like the road she took to pursue Dio, it seemed far away, but in fact it was not close at all.

When will she catch Dio?

A sigh flashed through her heart.

Robert followed Emily out. After he confirmed that the deceased had not awakened superpowers, he was not interested in that person.

Instead, focus on another place.

"Miss Emily, have you noticed that Dio always has new ways to kill people? Does that mean he will have an extra super power every once in a while?"

Emily looked away from the night sky, and after thinking about it, her blue pupils suddenly widened.

That seems to be the case!

If you have a lot of superpowers from the beginning, you should use different superpower tests to deal with multiple enemies. Only adding a superpower every once in a while will cause this kind of gradual death.

If that's the case, that's a headache.

Even Dio doesn't know what superpower he will have in the next period of time, how could they possibly guess it?
Once Dio gains an extra super power, the intelligence the task force has worked so hard to collect will be greatly reduced.

This will form an infinite loop.

They will usher in a new super power without even figuring out Dio's existing super power.

Hey, how is it possible to find this?
For the first time in her life, Emily felt discouraged.

Previously, she thought that as long as she collected enough information, she would be able to catch Dio one day.

But now she seemed to see the desperate and long reality, and the energy she was holding back slowly dissipated in her chest.

No, I can't catch it at all.

She stood there stupidly.

"If we want to catch Dio, we have to do it as soon as possible."

Robert's tone became serious.

He just said it casually at first, but after thinking about it, he realized that such a statement was very likely.

If Dio adds a superpower every once in a while, that means they have to catch Dio as soon as possible.

The longer it drags on, the more troublesome it will become for Dior. It is even possible that in the later stages, no technology in the world can threaten Dior.

Robert narrowed his eyes slightly.

It is impossible to deal with Dio using normal means, only some abnormal means can be adopted.

For example, poison gas.

Robert had this idea flashing through his mind, began to formulate a plan in his mind, and decided to hand it over to Jack first.

Jack disagreed and handed it over to the superior officer.

Even if he has connections in the CIA, there must be no shortage of procedures to follow.

Emily looked up at Robert and found that the man no longer had a gentle smile on his face, but showed his true character.

It seems as if ice can condense between the brows.

"What do you want to do?"

"Please don't get me wrong, I just want to catch Dio."

Robert came back to his senses, with a gentle smile on his face again, hiding his true thoughts.

"Don't mess around, this is Tokyo."

Emily had a vague premonition in her heart, always feeling that this man might adopt some very cruel methods.

Radicalism is often associated with cruelty.

With modern technology, it is indeed possible to kill Dio, regardless of casualties.

"Haha, I'm not that kind of person."

Robert smiled, and had to admit in his heart that this little woman still had a moment to guess that he might use Kulie's methods just from some expressions.

How disgusting.

Robert hated having others guess his inner thoughts, and he also reflected in his heart that what he did was indeed not good enough, and he should not easily show his true expression in front of outsiders.

Must pay attention next time.

Emily frowned as she looked at his retreating back.

This man is very dangerous.

After thinking about it, she sighed again and said, "Go back to sleep."

Facing the insurmountable barrier, she fell into confusion for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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