Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 175: It’s superpowers that make you come out

Chapter 175: It’s superpowers that make you come out

Bamboo Blade Kenshin's blank eyes quickly became sharp the moment he heard the order.

It did not raise its right hand, but just opened its palm, and the bamboo knife extended downward from the palm. This scene made Michio Hazama's eyes flash with surprise, and then he became relieved again.

A bamboo sword can turn into a human, so it seems reasonable to turn a bamboo sword into a human and then transform into a bamboo sword.

He adjusted his breathing and adjusted his posture.

Among all schools, Iai can be said to be famous for his rapid drawing of swords.

It is also a very dangerous sect among the kendo schools.

Iai is more extreme than any kendo.

And Michio Hazama likes extremes, so he is an Iai master.

He enjoyed the scene of slashing the enemy to death the moment he drew his sword.

Bamboo Sword Kenshin didn't let him wait too long. He kicked off his feet and rushed forward.

When he was close to Iai, Michio Hazama took action, lowered the scabbard, and then pulled out the first generation Kitetsu inside.

It's as natural as water flowing down from a mountain.

The knife seemed to flow out of its sheath.

The blade drew a perfect arc in the air.

Whether from the perspective of an outsider or from Michio Hazama's perspective, the performance of this sword can be called an art.

The flowing water style Iai can be said to be an original style created by Michio Hazama. A seemingly simple movement contains profound skills.

From the force exerted to the angle of the knife release, everything is calculated.

A normal person would be killed by him in this blow.

But Bamboo Sword Kenshin was obviously not a normal person. This fact was already known to Michio Hazama when the blade touched its body.

The body, which seems to be no different from the human body, is actually made of a bamboo knife.

When the blade tore apart, there were only broken pieces of bamboo, without a drop of blood spilling out. It had the exact texture of being chopped with a bamboo knife.

Michio Hazama's sword slashed diagonally from bottom to top, all the way to the heart.

A normal person would be dead in this position.

But there was nothing wrong with the bamboo sword sword in his hand, and the bamboo sword in his hand struck straight at Michio Hazama's face.

He quickly pulled out the knife and dodged.

Positioning is also very important in kendo to avoid allowing the opponent to score.

"It's really cheating."

Michio Hazama complained about this, his eyes were bright and there was no hint of discouragement.

The bamboo sword sword heart approached again, and the bamboo sword came out with the other hand, lashing down from the left and right.

Michio Hazama didn't panic at all. He dodged to the right and cut off the bamboo sword with one side of the blade.

However, the broken bamboo sword did not prevent him from attacking because of the distance. A new bamboo sword suddenly extended forward from the fracture. This was beyond Hazama Michio's expectation and he had no time to dodge.

The Hsinchu sword hit Michio Hasanama directly on the nose.

The pain caused by that moment almost made Michio Hasanama cry.

He hurriedly took two steps back and distanced himself.

The bamboo sword is approaching.

Michio Hazama aimed at its flaw, bent down, and struck Bamboo Kenshin in the waist with his sword. He did not go up along the old wound, but wanted to cut Bamboo Kenshin in two directly to the left.

Bamboo sword sword heart raised his feet.

Another bamboo knife stretched out from his feet and stabbed at Michio Hazama's lower vitals.

He was forced to give up the attack and choose to go around.

He is a mortal body, inferior to the bamboo sword and sword heart.

Any blow may cause him to struggle in the next action.


Qingze next to him looked at the scene in front of him and confirmed in his heart.

The enlightened bamboo sword cannot transform into a swordsman, it can only exert the power of the bamboo sword.

If there is anything tricky about it, it is that he is not afraid of death and can be fine even if his body encounters some fatal injuries.

Such characteristics can be reflected in vans and pistols.

One-on-one, you can't defeat the opponent with a bamboo sword.

Qingze picked up another bamboo sword and continued to enlighten, pointing out Kenshin No. 13, Kenshin No. [-], Kenshin No. [-]... Kenshin No. [-].

The ability to enlighten has reached its limit, and the remaining bamboo knife cannot be enlightened.

Qingze straightened up and said, "Kill him."

Michio Hazama, who decapitated Kenshin No. [-], didn't even have time to rejoice for a moment before facing enemies who looked exactly like Kenshin.

"Hey, you're cheating!"

Michio Hazama shouted, finally feeling a little anxious in his heart.

The most important thing in kendo is momentum, followed by technique.

The momentum is so intimidating that it is not difficult to kill a hundred people.

On the contrary, momentum is useless. If there are too many people on the opposite side, the swordsman will be in danger.

Michio Hazama's aura was of no use to the Bamboo Sword Kenshins.

They are fearless, fearless, not affected by momentum, and their bodies are as hard as bamboo knives.

Michio Hazama knew that he could not deal with these bamboo sword men the same way he dealt with those students.

He must adopt a wandering method to keep distance between each other, allowing the group of bamboo sword men to expose their flaws, and then choose to defeat them one by one.

He hasn't used this tactic for a while.

The last time it was used, it was in Paddy City, against a group of Yakuza.

In such remote places, the Yakuza cannot buy guns, so they only use knives, sticks and other tools.

He wandered around the house and hacked to death thirty Yakuza.

Since he was working for another organization, the incident was covered up perfectly.

He still remembered the excitement that surged through him at that time.

Now, facing a group of people transformed from bamboo swords.

This excitement became more and more intense, flowing from the heart to the limbs, and even every finger could feel the excitement.

He ran, and the Bamboo Swordsmen and Kenshins began to chase him.Just when they dispersed, Michio Hasanama found an opportunity. He turned around and faced them directly. He did not continue to chop at the waist or body, but took the most direct method of beheading.

Michio Hazama moved forward in small steps and swung the sword upwards with both hands.

At that moment, under the light, the blade of the blade was like a white line drawn by a painter, drawing straight in the air.

The head of Kenshin-[-] flew out and instead of continuing to grow, it turned into a broken bamboo sword and fell to the ground.

Kenshin No. [-] pounced forward.

This move has nothing to do with kendo at all.

The enlightened bamboo sword adopts a fighting style full of practical significance, which can also be said to be instinctive.

Just fulfill Qingze's orders, it doesn't matter what the means are.

Michio Hazama quickly dodged and flew.

The blade rotated in the air again, drawing a beautiful arc to decapitate No. [-]. The movement looked smooth, but in fact it was so frightening that Michio Hazama broke out in a cold sweat.

Being hit by the enemy at this time would be really fatal.

Several bamboo knives were struck on his back.

Hazama Michio noticed the noise and hurried forward.

It's an instinctive reaction.

But the time was too short, and he forgot that the bamboo swords of bamboo swordsmen can be extended.

The attack that he thought he had avoided was struck hard on his back after the bamboo knife was extended.

The strong pushing feeling on the back made Michio Hazama take two more steps forward.

At this moment, No. [-] swooped over from the side.

He couldn't avoid it, and quickly slashed sideways, hitting Kenshin No. [-]'s neck, but it didn't break.

Number Six grabbed the blade with both hands, a smile on his face with the cross scar.


Michio Hazama's heart skipped a beat and he wanted to take out the knife.

Several bamboo knives were smashed down on his head and face.

The things on my head and hands are fine.

What was most unbearable for Michio Hazama was the severe blow to the back of his head with a bamboo knife.

This is where the human crux lies.

Hitting other parts of the body with a normal person's force would be painful at most.

A blow to the back of the head would probably kill the person on the spot.

People are so fragile sometimes.

Michio Hazama was confused and his body was stiff.

The bamboo swordsmen and swordsmen would not miss this opportunity and continued to draw the bamboo swords hard.

One of the bamboo knives hit his left eye, and the severe pain almost destroyed it.

It also allowed Michio Hazama to relax.

He hurriedly pulled out the first-generation Kitetsu, and his feet were hugged by No. [-] and No. [-].

Movement is blocked.

Before he could swing his sword, No. [-] and No. [-] held his hands from the left and right again.

He was hit on the head with several bamboo knives, and one was stabbed directly in the vital part below.


The severe pain made Michio Hasanama roar.

The Bamboo Sword Kenshins showed a happy smile on their faces as they were about to complete their mission, and continued to swing their bamboo swords to attack Hazama Michio's vital points.

Hit in the eyes, stab in the throat, hit in the back of the head, poke in the underside.

The successive attacks made Michio Hazama unable to resist, and he roared: "Dio, you have the ability to challenge me in a duel!"

Qingze leaned against the wall, folded his hands on his chest and said, "Are you good at fighting?

To get out and hang out, you rely on your superpowers.

Like you, it is useless to use light energy. "

He had no intention of stepping forward to challenge Hazama Michio in a duel.

"Are you afraid?"

Michio Hazama tried to use provocation. He was not afraid of death, but it was rare for him to encounter a person with super powers. He was unable to fight with that person, and instead died at the hands of a group of people turned into bamboo swords.

This way of exit was different from what he had imagined.

In his imagination, he should fight against a strong enemy and then disperse like withered cherry blossoms, instead of being beaten to death randomly by a group of people turned into bamboo swords.

This way of exiting is a disgrace!

There was no change in the expression on Qingze's face. The provoking method was effective only when he regarded the opponent as an opponent.

He didn't regard Michio Hazama as an opponent at all, and naturally he wouldn't fall for the provocation. He just watched from the side with a little sigh in his heart.

No matter how well you practice swordsmanship, it will be useless if you meet a group of people who are not afraid of death and dare to fight.


Michio Hazama roared with all his strength, wanting a chance to have an honorary duel with Dio before he died.

He really wasn't willing to die in the hands of these people who turned into bamboo swords.

At least let Dio kill himself with his own hands.

"Fight me!"

After shouting these words, Michio Hazama's mouth was blocked by NO.13 with a bamboo knife, as if his head was going to be penetrated.

It made his tongue tingle like fire.

Under the continuous blows from the Kenshins, Hazama Michio could no longer bear it, and his vision fell into darkness.

The person falls into a coma.

The bamboo swordsmen and swordsmen faithfully carried out Qingze's orders and did not stop beating him until he died.

Aozawa discovers that Michio Hazama is dead, removes the super power exerted on Bamboo Blade, and uses Schrödinger's cat.

His body gradually became translucent and he left the kendo gym.

(End of this chapter)

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