Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 162: Sit back and wait? !

Chapter 162: Sit back and wait? !
A large screen hangs in the room.

Hu Die was sitting on the sofa, not wearing too formal clothes, but casually wearing a light beige dress.

Leaning back on the sofa, she stared at the photo in her hand, a look of contemplation on her face.

Do people with super powers really exist?

Hu Die looked at the photos of the scene taken by the task force. The bloody scene was very clear without any mosaics.

Broken limbs and broken arms, blood splattered on the wall, and part of it even turned into flesh and was smeared there, creating a strong visual impact.

Hu Die knew in her heart that there were top martial artists in the world who could do such outrageous things.

That kind of person can't hurt him at all without using firearms.

But there is absolutely no way such a monster is Suzuki Kojiro.

All information about Suzuki Kojiro has been investigated.

From birth to joining the Ohara group, Suzuki Kojiro's life can be said to be ordinary.

It is obviously not normal for such a person to suddenly cause that level of damage.

And Toshiro Yamabe who witnessed everything.

He personally described how Suzuki Kojiro turned into a monster, and how the other person suddenly changed back to his original form.

All of the above forced Hu Die to admit that the six major consortiums and the CIA were right in their guesses about Dior.

People with super powers do exist, and Dio is not the only one.

Suzuki Kojiro is the second person known to have awakened superpowers, and the first to fail in awakening.

Hu Die finally understood why the six major consortiums and the government took the risk of offending the CIA and tried their best to cover up the news.

The fact that superpowers exist and their bodies contain too much interest.

Although in the eyes of the world, Japan and the United States have always had a close relationship between father and son.

But when the interests are completely different, the Japanese consortium is happy to turn into a traitor and stab its father in the back.

In the past, the six major financial groups were unwilling to help the government because their own interests were not involved.

Once their own interests are involved, the six major financial groups will naturally be unanimous in dealing with the outside world.

Including the Phoenix Academy family, they must stand on the same front with them and try to delay the CIA from getting relevant information.

They cannot 100% isolate the CIA's intelligence, but they still have the ability to delay the CIA's access to information.

Taking advantage of this time, they must seize the opportunity as much as possible.

Whoever can master superpowers first is likely to occupy an important position in the coming new era.

The benefits of cutting-edge technology are so huge.

But Hu Die is different from them.

The Phoenix House's rise after the war was inseparable from the help of the MacArthur family. She could hide it from the CIA, but she couldn't hide it from the MacArthur family.

If exposed, her relationship with the MacArthur family will no longer be as close as it is now.

In fact, her relationship with the MacArthur family was maintained through their daughter.

Since her husband's death, the only person in the Phoenix Academy family who can truly be called half of the MacArthur family is Phoenix Academy Princess.

She is able to take power because of this relationship. If she denies this relationship, then it doesn't matter to the MacArthur family who controls the Phoenix House.

They don't necessarily support Hu Die.

She didn't contact the MacArthur family before because she didn't confirm. Now is the time.

Hu Die initiated a video call to the head of the MacArthur family, then looked up at the screen, preparing to watch the entire dissection process of the super-powered person that was about to begin.

After reading it, she will also attend the Silver Hexagram party to discuss with the six major financial groups what to do next.


After a while, the video call was connected.

A tall old man wearing pajamas appeared on the screen. His beard and hair were all white, and his blue eyes showed a little tiredness. He said in English: "Hu Die, why do you want to see me all of a sudden?"

"Uncle, I would like to ask you to watch a person's anatomy."

"I have no interest in that."

Yade frowned slightly, but he also understood that the other party would not just drag him to see that kind of anatomy, "Let's be honest, what is so important about that person?"

"Her name is Suzuki Kojiro, a human who failed to awaken her super power."

"Super power? Hu Die, your brain is not burned out, is it?"

Yade's expression was a little surprised. He didn't expect that after so many years, he would hear ridiculous words about people with super powers.

During the period when the United States and the Soviet Union were competing for hegemony, and even before that, Germany was studying so-called black magic. Countries around the world spent time, energy, and money to verify that it was a complete scam.

Yade no longer looks forward to so-called superpowers, but instead prays for cyber immortality and uploads his spirit to the metaverse, which is more reliable than superpowers.

"Uncle, I didn't believe it before, so I never informed you, but this time I found definite evidence. Look at this photo."

Hu Die took out the pictures taken by the task force and began to explain the reasons to Yade.

Ad's expression changed from casual to serious.

"Now the six major consortiums are dissecting the corpses of superpowers without telling the CIA. We will get first-hand information."

Hu Die emphasized this fact.

"very good."

Yad looked at the big screen that lit up, feeling a little excited in his heart.

If superpowers really exist, that's a good thing for him.

One more door to eternal life has been added.


Anatomy room.

Ito Otome and Millers briefly discussed a few words, divided their respective tasks, and then began to dissect Suzuki Kojiro.

The cold-faced Yuzuki Reiko was responsible for filming and narrating, and forwarded the live footage to the big shots.

Millers cut open Suzuki Kojiro's body with a knife, and an astonishing amount of blood poured out.

A flash of surprise flashed in Yuzuki Reiko's eyes and she said: "It's very unusual to still have such warm blood after being dead for so long. Normally, after death, the blood all over the body will gradually solidify. It will never So warm and flushed.”

"Just like a living person."

Millers added that he could see dry and flat kidneys in the blood, like eggplants that had lost their moisture.

However, the appearance does not appear to be the color of a dead kidney.

"Completely subverting medical common sense, this is the body of a person with superpowers?!"

Miles' eyes showed excitement, and even his body reacted.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, as long as they encounter a corpse worthy of dissection, it is an excellent casting material for Millers.

"Millers, watch your behavior."

A flash of disgust flashed across Ito Otome's eyes, and she turned to the corpse again with a fiery look in her eyes.

The big shots were just looking at the excitement. Only professional forensic doctors like them could understand the value of this corpse.

Although this person may not have awakened to become a superpower, the body that failed to awaken again and again is still much stronger than ordinary people.

It was worthy of her to dissect and study the differences.


The dissection lasted a full three hours.

Emily was anxious.

She was not qualified to watch the live broadcast of the anatomy, and she could not disturb Ito Otome and Millers nearby. She could only walk around outside the door.

My mind is constantly thinking about various possibilities.

Chiyo Morimoto was very calm, sitting there with her legs crossed, enjoying this leisurely time without the need to interrogate those magicians.

As soon as the lights went out, the door to the anatomy room opened.

Ito Otome walked out, her white forehead covered with a thin layer of sweat. The high-intensity work made her brain tired, but her spirit was very excited.

She could be sure that the change was achieved in an instant, allowing Suzuki Kojiro's body organs to reach an astonishing strength.

"How about it?"

Emily stepped forward and asked.

Ito Otome said with excitement: "Suzuki Kojiro's body organs changed and weakened in an instant. It is really amazing and subverts the existing medical common sense."


Instead, the excitement on Emily's face faded.

The abnormality in the body of Suzuki Kojiro shows that Masao Yasuda and others are very unlikely to be superpowers.

In other words, after the superpower is taken away, the body will become normal?
The possibility of this explanation was too low, so Emily could only give up the idea that Dio wanted to kill them to steal their superpowers.

"What do you think caused that change?"

"The cause of the specific change is difficult to grasp. It's like a force is injected into the body out of thin air to drive the change."

Ito Otome shook her head.

From the corpse, it was difficult for her to find the reason for Suzuki Kojiro's changes. She only knew that all indicators of Suzuki Kojiro's body organs were very good.

The cause of death had nothing to do with gunshot wounds. It was the disappearance of the power that stimulated the evolution of organs, causing the body to lose balance and become stronger, eventually leading to collapse.

"It's the best corpse~"

Miles walked out of it and said excitedly: "I'm starting to look forward to dissecting Dio's body."

Emily squinted her eyes and sneered: "We'll wait until you find Dio's whereabouts!"

The reason for mocking Millus is not because Emily is stingy, but because she knows that this person who was the first to confirm that Dio is a person with super powers may have some clues.

She wanted clichés.

A smile appeared on Millers' face and he said, "I believe we will be able to see Dio's body in the near future."

Emily narrowed her eyes slightly.

Yuzuki Reiko from behind pushed him and said, "Milles, didn't you say that you shouldn't say certain things too early?"

"Haha, that's true. I almost fell for the little dwarf."

Milles' short words infuriated Emily and she shouted: "Asshole, I still have room to grow taller."

"This kind of space is impossible."

Miles waved his hand and left with a smile on his face.

He knew exactly how to hunt Dio.

As long as Dio continues to act as a messenger of justice, he will definitely take action against those heinous guys.

On the other hand, as long as you stay by the side of those people, you will be able to wait for Dior to come to your door sooner or later.

This is to wait and see.

He was looking forward to Dio, the rabbit, hitting the net deployed by the hunting team.

More looking forward to the dissection of Dior which will lose its value.

He prefers the dead to the living.

Miles left humming.

The rage on Emily's face subsided and she murmured: "Is there any way this kid can find Dio?"

"Snakes have their own ways, rats have their own ways. People like him probably have information channels that we don't know about. Do we want to monitor him?"

Chiyo Morimoto asked.

"Let Iwaki monitor his phone calls."

Emily would never hand Dio over to anyone else, she had to catch him.

 PS: Thank you Qingye Rin C, I am happy to see you reward me.

  It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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