Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 161 The world is changing

Chapter 161 The world is changing
The sirens of Kabukicho blare loudly.

Police cars surrounded Ohara Bar from front to back.

The people in the car got out quickly.

The doll-like Emily jumped out of the car, and her rose-red Gothic costume was incompatible with the surrounding police.

The expression on her face was extremely excited, and she finally didn't need to interrogate those magicians.

After searching around, I couldn't see the gold in the shit, I just saw a lot of shit.

Those tactics that insult your IQ are like wholesale.

Emily swept her eyes and shouted: "Okayama, send someone to seal off the scene and don't let anyone get close."

"it is good."

Okayama Taketa replied.

Emily turned around and said, "Morimoto, Catalina, you and I will go interview the witnesses.

Kitanotake, Miyaji, you assist Ito in surveying the scene. "

"it is good."

The members of the task force began to take action.

They knew very well that this case was not suitable for ordinary police officers to be involved in questioning.

They only need to seal off the scene and don't need to know anything else.

Things related to superpowers have always been confidential information that the higher-ups want to block, and the task force also wants to block.

Emily and Chiyo Morimoto enter the Ohara Bar.

The decoration here is not only carved in the same mold as other bars, but also the appearance of the bar in the public's mind.

The witness was sitting at the bar.

It was a man with a very elegant face.

However, there is blood on his face now, and his black suit is stained red with blood. His eyes are red from crying and his expression of fear is enough to prove how embarrassing his situation is.

Toshiro Yamabe sat there shivering.

Emily stepped forward, showed her ID and said, "You must be Mr. Toshiro Yamabe.

At 25:[-] today, you call the police.

Can you now re-describe to us the situation at the scene? "

"Evil, devil!"

Toshiro Yamabe shouted, with a look of horror on his face: "I don't know why, Suzuki Kojiro suddenly turned into a little giant.

His whole body was covered in muscles.

When I entered, I stood next to the door frame, and blood flowed in. There were human corpses, body parts, and meat paste piled in the corridor.

He was shot several times by Captain Ohara, but he still acted like a normal person.

With just one punch, Team Leader Ohara was smashed like a watermelon. Even the sofa was notched, and I was knocked to the ground.

That is not the power that humans should have, it is definitely a demon! "

Normally, Toshiro Yamabe didn't believe in things like demons and angels, but the scene that just happened in front of him reminded him again.

The Bible may be a history book but not a demon. How could it make a person become so terrifying in an instant?
If there are demons, then do God and angels exist?

Will people who make money like him go to hell after death?

Toshiro Yamabe held his head in pain, feeling that all his previous views were shattered.

His mood became panicked and he could not imagine how he would live in the future.

In other words, how to atone for your sins so that you can go to heaven and enjoy happiness after death.

Emily raised her head and met the eyes of Chiyo Morimoto.

"It seems like I can't get anything out of him. Let him calm down first."

"Morimoto, the task of comforting him is up to you."

"it is good."

Chiyo Morimoto nodded, stepped forward and slapped Toshiro Yamabe on the face, shouting: "Useless trash, what are you afraid of? With us here, no one can hurt you, get up!"

At this time, it is obviously inappropriate to use gentle words to comfort someone who is about to have a mental breakdown.

Chiyo Morimoto believes that we must use a strong attitude to become the backbone of this person and make him obedient and not think about those things.


Yamabe Toshiro was stunned and stood up quickly, fearing that he would be slapped if he delayed.

Emily was speechless. She didn't ask Chiyo Morimoto to comfort her like this, but seeing that the situation seemed to be similar, she didn't say anything and walked towards the scene of the crime.


Once they arrived at the scene on the second floor, Emily finally understood why Toshiro Yamabe was so frightened.

A ridiculously exaggerated scene appeared before her eyes. The walls and corridors were stained with human intestines and bones, and the ground seemed to be covered with a bright red "carpet of blood."

Broken pieces of flesh that appeared to be corpses were dotted with blood.

To tear the human body into pieces like paper, how terrifying a force would it take to create such a scene? !
There were cracks in some of the walls.

"Katrina, can you do such a thing?"

"I'm not the kind of person with pure monster strength who can't tear human bodies apart with my bare hands."

Catalina shook her head. She had once seen a human with terrifying strength, and that person's strength was enough to achieve such a scene.

But she can't.

She could kill all these people with her bare hands, but she couldn't cause such horrific damage, like an elephant breaking into a crowd and going crazy.

"Anyone else can do it?"

Chiyo Morimoto couldn't help but complain, with a look of shock on her delicate face.No one would doubt or be surprised that such damage was caused by using a road roller to crush people.

Because that's normal.

Machines can do many things that humans cannot.

When humans have the power of machines, it becomes terrifying.

If such a superpower suddenly attacks her, I'm afraid her end will not be better than the group of people in front of her.

"The existing guns are not good enough. We need to apply for heavy weapons with a large caliber, preferably an M500 revolver that can kill an elephant with one shot."

Chiyo Morimoto thought that if she didn’t have superpowers, she would seek the added lethality of external firearms.

When she mentioned this, the M500 revolver came to mind.

Emily had no objection to Morimoto Chiyo's proposal and nodded: "Indeed, we need to equip ourselves with more powerful firearms."

"It's useless to equip any weapons. If we encounter one, you'd better pray that your death won't be too ugly."

Ito Otome stepped out of the box, the corners of her white coat stained with blood.

Kitano Takeshi and Miyaji Yosuke were carrying Suzuki Kojiro's body behind them with dark faces.

"His explosive power can still knock people into a pulp under the inertia."

Ito Otome's face no longer looked indifferent, she became fanatical, and even her eyes were full of excitement, "I can actually dissect the body of a person with super powers, it's really great!"

Toshiro Yamabe shook his head and said: "That's definitely not a superpower, it's a devil!

The demon possessed him, killed everyone in the Ohara group, and then left. "

Emily ignored this person's words and said: "This person may be unable to control his superpower for some reason, so he went on a killing spree and then let himself die."

Chiyo Morimoto said thoughtfully: "If you put it this way, wouldn't the awakening of a superpower be the same as cancer?
Those who can bear it will evolve into superpowers, and those who can't bear it will die. "

Emily frowned and said, "If this is the case, why haven't there been such cases in the past?"

"This is..."

Chiyo Morimoto thought for a while and replied: "I remember reading the concept of spiritual energy recovery somewhere.

Do you think the world is ushering in a revival of spiritual energy? "

Just as Emily was about to retort, she suddenly closed her mouth again. People with super powers had their aura revived...

It sounds somewhat reasonable.

Chiyo Morimoto continued: "In the past, there were no superpowers because their aura failed to recover, but now there are people with superpowers, but their aura has begun to recover.

Dio is one of the first humans to endure the awakening of superpowers. "

Chiyo Morimoto's speculation made Emily deep in thought. She found that such speculation was not without any basis, but could explain why Dior suddenly started committing crimes in Tokyo.

That was before committing the crime, and he had not awakened his superpowers.

It wasn't until his spiritual energy revived that he had power beyond ordinary people.

But this explanation brings another doubt.

If he suddenly had superpowers, Dio would ideally be able to control his behavior.

Why can the man who killed the True Love and Peace Church in the world also control his own behavior?
Only showed up once...

Could it be that that person was Dio using a certain superpower to disguise himself in order to experiment with that superpower.

And Dio wants to experiment because that superpower is not owned by Dio, but is the ability he obtained by plundering other superpowers!

Did Dio kill those people to purify the world?

Or do you just want to steal superpowers from them?

Emily frowned.

This speculation needs to wait for the autopsy results of Ito Otome to confirm whether Suzuki Kojiro is the same as Yasuda Masao and others.

If Suzuki Kojiro's body is no different from that of a normal person, it means that Masao Yasuda and others may be superpowers who are awakening or are about to awaken.

It's just that Dio knew it in advance, and then came to kill them and take away their super powers.

While fulfilling justice, he also adds superpowers to himself. This is undoubtedly a great motive for killing.

But why must it be people like Masao Yasuda who awaken their superpowers?
Emily is caught in such doubts again. Is it possible that there are connections between these victims that she is not aware of?

She started biting her thumb.

Ito Otome shouted: "Don't block the road."

Emily came back to her senses and thought that only by waiting for the autopsy report to come out could she confirm whether her guess was correct.


Yamabe Toshiro was temporarily controlled to prevent him from exposing his superpowers.

The case in the bar was treated as an ordinary theft, and no media reported it.

Outside the dissecting room, Ito Otome stared at the so-called "assistant" with a cold face.

"Hi, beauty, I am Miles Fro, who was specially sent by above to assist you in dissecting the body of a super-powered person. Please give me your advice."

The blond man's face showed a bright smile that did not fit the image of a forensic doctor. Only when he looked behind the door did his eyes show a desire beyond ordinary people, indicating that he was a forensic doctor.

Anatomy of a superpower!
This kind of thing can be said to be the first time in the forensic career.

It doesn't matter if he pours money into it or even goes bankrupt.

For forensic doctors, this is the ultimate honor.

Ito Otome frowned slightly, but did not refuse.

This is the requirement above.

This autopsy will also be watched via video by the Prime Minister, the Minister of State, the Police Director, the six major financial groups, and the Phoenix Institute.

Everyone wants to witness the first dissected person with super powers in human history.

(End of this chapter)

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