Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 104 You are all under my surveillance

Chapter 104 You are all under my surveillance

08:30 in the evening.

The Yasuda family's mansion did not fall into darkness as usual, but instead had bright lights everywhere.

The front door opened, and cars drove into the parking lot of the mansion.

Those whose status is not much different from Masao Yasuda need to come as soon as possible to discuss some things that are already going on with Fumio Yasuda to see if any changes are needed.

Not to mention the subordinates who are attached to Yasuda Masao, as long as they make progress, they will not continue to sleep at home.

Depending on their status, those people were received by different people from the Yasuda family.

The task force went straight to the scene.

Emily was in a very excited mood. She did not expect that Dio would assassinate Masao Yasuda in the heavily guarded Yasuda home.

And one more witness remains.

This is a naked provocation.

She became increasingly determined to arrest Dio.

It has nothing to do with the so-called justice and evil. Those are the rhetoric used to deceive Taketa Okayama.

Emily is a detective who only cares about the truth and the arrest of highly intelligent criminals like Dio.

To detectives, such highly intelligent criminals are a badge of honor.

Emily hurried to the scene of the crime.

Yasuda Masao's body has been removed by his family, and only one servant and Haga Kami are here.

The rest of the Yasuda family went to receive the guests.

The cause of Masao Yasuda's death is very clear in their eyes, that is, Dio shot him to death.

Therefore, there is no need for them to keep Masao Yasuda here.

How to arrange a glorious funeral is Fumio Yasuda's current top priority.

He needed to show people the filial piety of the Yasuda family through a beautiful funeral.

When Emily saw that there was no body at the scene, she felt a little dissatisfied, but she didn't say anything.

Those politicians just love to put on a show.

She walked towards the witness and said: "Miss Yuga, please tell me clearly what happened at that time."

Haga Kami put on casual clothes and looked like an innocent female college student.

Her attitude towards the police officers handling the case was completely different from the submissive attitude she had shown in front of Masao Yasuda and others. She crossed her arms over her chest and said contemptuously: "What case can a little girl like you handle?"

Emily's eyes flashed with disgust.

She knew the character of this kind of thing very well, and said with a cold face: "It seems that you need to talk to Fumio Yasuda."

Hearing this name, Haga Kami's expression changed, as if she had been stabbed in a painful spot, and she growled, "What does this mean?"


A soft voice interrupted the conversation between the two, and Chiyo Morimoto stepped forward and said: "Miss Haga, as a legal citizen, I hope you will cooperate with our work."

"Please show some respect to me, I'm not a criminal!"

Haga Kami's expression was very angry, and she didn't want to go down the steps at all.

She felt that they did not respect her enough and looked down upon her industry.

Otherwise, why not say you?

Using your name makes it clear that you look down on her.

Chiyo Morimoto did not expect this person to be so stubborn, so she said with a smile: "Innocent sweetie, you don't want netizens to find out that you are staying in Masao Yasuda's bedroom late at night, right?"

Haga Kami's expression changed.

After losing Masao Yasuda, she didn't know what Fumio Yasuda's attitude was, and if he lost his identity as a YouTube dancing blogger, he would really be in trouble.

"I hate it, that's all I say."

She quickly changed her words and said with a smile on her face: "I was joking with you just now."

Neither Emily nor Chiyo Morimoto answered, they just looked at her indifferently.

Hanagakami was angry in her heart, but she still had to show a sweet smile and said: "This is what happened, around [-]:[-] in the evening.

I heard a thud from outside, and then I saw a figure reflected on the sliding door..."

Hanagakami began to talk about what she had encountered, including what Dio said and Dio's appearance.

Even she didn't notice that when she told these things, the expression on her face was not talking about an evil criminal at all, but more like talking about an idol.

The tone also implies respect and admiration.

Looking at Haga Kami's expression, Emily understood that the probability of this person becoming a criminal in the future was over 50.00%.

Like Yoshizawa Rumi, Haga Kami was subconsciously attracted to Dior's wanton charm and power.

However, this woman's living conditions are much better than Yoshizawa Rumi's, and she will not blindly imitate crimes, but may just fantasize in her heart.

"Dior doesn't care about power, status, or money. He just wants to kill Masao Yasuda. He is indeed an idealist!"

Morimoto Chiyo murmured to himself, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

Chiyo Morimoto has always admired this kind of idealist, and also believed that it was inappropriate for her to participate in the hunt for Dio.

However, the position was upgraded to police, and the two generous conditions were superimposed on half a year's paid leave. Even if the saint committed a crime, Chiyo Morimoto would personally put a "silver bracelet" on that person and send him to prison.

Chiyo Morimoto gave up the idea of ​​saving the world very early. She only had one thought in her heart, which was to protect and take care of Qingze.

Besides, other people don't really matter to her.

Perhaps such thoughts are cold, but this is what she really thinks in her heart.


"Hey, look, why is there a hole in the door?" When Taketa Okayama inspected the scene, he found a hole poked with his finger on the Japanese sliding door.

Hanagakami glanced at it and replied: "That was pierced by Dio when he left, and he also took away the pierced paper."

"Take away the paper?!"

Emily was shocked.

She didn't think Dior would want to puncture the sliding door if it wasn't necessary. There must be some special reason that prompted Dio to puncture the paper and take it away.

Emily stepped forward and stared at the hole in the door, looking from the inside out. What does this mean?
In other words, is there some miniature machine attached to the original piece of paper?
Emily held her chin with her right hand, her blue eyes lost in thought, and a lazy sound suddenly came from the Bluetooth headset she wore on her left ear.

"Moses Moses, team leader Emily, I just checked the surveillance of Yasuda's house and the surveillance of other people around me, and I couldn't find Dio.

But time went forward, and yesterday a man dressed in a sneaky manner was ushered into the mansion by the Yasuda family. "

When Emily heard the news, she quickly asked: "Who brought that person in?"

"The second son of the Yasuda family, Yasuda Yuken."

"Very good, you can continue to look back at the surveillance."

"Hey, do you want to continue watching?"

"Of course it depends."

Emily replied in a decisive tone.

The task force now expands to seven people.

The new members include Chiyo Morimoto, an all-powerful police officer with a resume, and a hacker genius who is good at the Internet.

She picked this hacker genius just to be useful at this time.

The task force did not need the cooperation of the Yasuda family and directly hacked into the surveillance system and looked through past surveillance videos.

After all, it is very difficult for these politicians who have too many things to hide to provide surveillance.

Because what politicians like to do most is to keep secrets tightly guarded.

"Katerina, please remove this door and take it back to study it carefully to see if there is anything special about the door."

"With Dio's ability, he probably won't leave any clues on the door for us."

Chiyo Morimoto thinks that Emily’s efforts are useless.

Emily also knew that the possibility of Dio leaving clues was very small, but everything was possible, and Dio was not a god, but a human being.

As long as we are human, we will make mistakes sometimes.

"We cannot deify Dio. Leave the corpse on the ground alone and leave it to Otome to deal with."

"I'm afraid she won't be able to escape so quickly."

"Morimoto, don't gloat."

Okayama Taketa reminded this person, and the happy expression was written directly on his face.

Chiyo Morimoto shrugged and said: "I don't like Otome, she is cold and her whole body exudes a corpse smell."

"That's the smell of disinfectant."

A wry smile appeared on Okayama Taketa's face. Each of the newly added members had their own skills, but their character shortcomings were obvious.

No one obeys anyone.

For example, Ito Otome said to Chiyo Morimoto's face more than once that she shouldn't wear such smelly perfume.

"Okayama, women are very cautious."

Morimoto Chiyo answered casually.

Emily bit her thumb and fell into deep thought.

This was a bad habit of her thinking. She had quit it for a long time, but when she had no clue about the case, this bad habit would reappear unconsciously.

She can't guess what Dior's next step will be. Is assassinating Masao Yasuda simply to promote justice?

Or were all the previous cases paving the way for this assassination of Yasuda?

Just before she could figure it out, a loud voice came from outside, "Team Leader Emily, I have gathered all the servants of the Yasuda family together.

The total number of cooks, gardeners, maids and housekeepers is 63.

I can’t finish all the questions by myself! "

The moment he finished speaking, a tall man with short hair appeared at the door.

"With so many people, we won't have to work overtime, right?"

Chiyo Morimoto hates rich people more than ever.

Even if they live in a huge mansion and hire so many people, doesn't this increase their time to solve crimes?

It is not easy to find out who contacted Dior among those people.

"If such a big case happens, be prepared to go home and sleep until early in the morning."

Emily's answer was very strong. She believed that this was a great opportunity to seize Dior.

Yasuda's house occupies such a large area that it is impossible to accurately locate Masao Yasuda's bedroom and avoid all surveillance cameras. It is impossible to say that there is no insider inside.

If you follow this clue, you may be able to catch Dio.

"Hey, a woman's mouth is such a liar. I shouldn't have believed you when you said you wouldn't work overtime."

Chiyo Morimoto complained about Emily's dishonesty, and she knew in her heart that if she dared to slip up at this time, she would definitely be prosecuted by the Yasuda family for dereliction of duty, and then fired from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Or be transferred to a remote rural area to serve as director.

No matter what it is, it is not something Chiyo Morimoto can accept.

She picked up her phone and sent a message to Qingze.

(End of this chapter)

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