Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 103 I just want you to die

Chapter 103 I just want you to die (please order first)
Bang, the person's head fell on the corridor, making a soft sound.

In the quiet night, the slight sound reached the dark bedroom through the crack in the door.

Masao Yasuda realized something was wrong, he frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "Who is it?"

In the corner, Haga Kami raised his head and was a little curious about the figure that suddenly appeared outside the door.

I saw that the Japanese sliding door was opened.

The light outside the corridor invaded the bedroom area, and a tall European and American man stood at the door.

Her long golden hair covering her ears glowed like gold under the light.

His skin is whiter than that of women.

The body is extremely strong.

The broad shoulders seemed no smaller than the width of a car tire.

The facial features are sharp and the brown eyes are lightly swept, which makes Hanaga Kami's heart beat wildly, and subconsciously a feeling of shyness arises in her heart.

Masao Yasuda looked at the foreign man in front of him, his face became gloomy, and he guessed who the man was, and said solemnly: "Dior."

"That's right, don't you really want to find me?

Now I take the initiative to come to you and realize your dream~"

At this moment, Qingze's voice was full of bewitching charm. He directly held the gun he took from the bodyguard and aimed it at Masao Yasuda's head without using telekinesis or hypnosis.

Masao Yasuda didn't show a trace of panic on his face and was very calm.

His years of political career have taught him that only calmness can get him through difficulties.

"Haha, you are qualified. Just like I thought, you are a very good man.

I need a talented person like you to work for me, Dio. "

The wrinkles on Yasuda Masao's face relaxed with his smile, and he became very kind and kind. His voice was full of temptation and he said: "I will give you huge wealth, lofty status, and countless women.

Everything you can imagine is beyond your imagination.

As long as you work for me, the Metropolitan Police Department's pursuit of you will be canceled as soon as possible, and you can live openly and openly in the sun from now on.

Kill whoever you want, no one will cause trouble for you, and no one dares to cause trouble for you.

I will solve everything for you. "

Masao Yasuda offered what he thought was a generous offer.

In his opinion, no one can refuse wealth, status, and women, especially a strong man like Dior, whose needs in that regard will far exceed those of others.

"That can't be done."

Qingze shook his head with a smile and strode into the bedroom. He squatted beside Masao Yasuda and said softly: "The life of the dignified Representative Yasuda is precious and cannot be exchanged for anything."

The cold muzzle of the gun was pressed against the wrinkled cheek, as if it was trying to suck away the warmth from his body.

Masao Yasuda could barely suppress the panic growing in his heart. He took a deep breath, grabbed the quilt with both hands, and said: "Young man, I advise you to think clearly.

My status is different from others. If you attack me, the Metropolitan Police will use all its power to hunt you down, and even the CIA will attack you.

At that time, you will have no place to hide in the country.

You are still young, there is no need to rush to death. "

"Is this your last words?"

Qingze moved the muzzle of the gun to Masao Yasuda's forehead.

Looking at that cold gaze.

Masao Yasuda finally couldn't hold back the panic in his heart, and a cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead.

He couldn't understand why Dio in front of him was not satisfied with the conditions he offered.

Could it be that someone specifically asked this person to assassinate him?
After thinking about this, Masao Yasuda said urgently: "Don't listen to that person, I am willing to pay double the price, no, three times, four times! I can transfer the money to you immediately!"

A smile appeared on Qingze's face and he said: "You misunderstood, no one ordered me.

I'm not interested in money, wealth, or status. I'm here just to kill you. "

"Why?! Do I have any grudge against you?"

Masao Yasuda roared.

When he found that the power, money, and status he was proud of were no longer useful, he could no longer maintain his calmness and became as panicked as ordinary people.

"You, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!
Kill me and the government will not let you go!The Metropolitan Police will be chasing you!Think carefully about the consequences! "

"In this world, I can kill whoever I want."

Qingze stuffed the gun into his mouth, causing him to lose the ability to speak. He could only make whining sounds, with eyes pleading like a stray puppy.

With the ability of clairvoyance, Qingze found a convenient route directly to the brain stem and pulled the trigger with his finger.

Bang, the sound of gunfire shook the dark bedroom.

Masao Yasuda's eyes were wide-eyed and his face was filled with an expression of disbelief. He could not accept that he died like this, but death would never be delayed because of his status.

Aozawa watched him fall and swept towards Haga Kami in the corner.

"No, don't kill me, I can do anything."

She did not continue to curl up, but tried her best to show off her graceful figure and her pitiful eyes.

Haga Kami knows very well that these are the assets that enable her to survive in front of men.

Qingze had no intention of killing anyone and silencing him. He wished that the whole world would know that it was Dio who killed Masao Yasuda, throw away the pistol, and use his telekinesis to erase all traces of himself on it.

He walked towards the door and plucked off a piece of paper on the sliding door so that he could continue to observe the situation here with the catalytic sensor later and see who would come to deal with it later.

Haga Kami's heart dropped. While she was grateful to be alive, she also felt a little disappointed.

She couldn't tell what kind of emotion this was, she just looked at Yasuda Masao, whom she served and feared.

Death at the hands of the blond man so easily made her suddenly feel that her previous humility was so ridiculous.

Power is not 100% able to save people's lives.

At least that's how it was in front of that adult.Thinking of this, Hanagakami suddenly had an unbearable impulse in her heart. She crawled to the door on all fours and looked outside.

She could no longer find the adult.

Before Qingze came in, he had already used the ability of catalytic induction to clearly understand the structure of the mansion from top to bottom.

Where is the surveillance, where are the people, and which route can get you out faster.

He knows it all.

The evacuation is naturally fast and concealed.



The silent night was suddenly broken by this sound.

When Haga Kami found out that the adult had really left, she shouted out immediately.

The first person to arrive at the scene was the bodyguard hired by the Yasuda family.

They glanced at their dead colleagues on the ground and Masao Yasuda who was dead on the bed, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Quickly inform the eldest son, and then ask people to search the surroundings to see if the murderer has gone far!"

"Okay." A panicked response sounded. The new bodyguard obviously hadn't gotten used to the situation of someone dying.

In his opinion, being a bodyguard for a rich man should be a very leisurely thing.

In fact, there may not be an assassination incident for several years, or even more than ten years.

This was what the senior said to him before, but that senior was already cold.

He did not expect that he would be so unlucky that he would encounter such an assassination not long after he started working.

Even two colleagues who were guarding outside were killed.

This job is not as easy as imagined.


Soon after receiving the news, the Yasuda family hurried here.

Masao Yasuda has seven sons, six grandsons, and four granddaughters.

The three daughters have been married out as part of a political marriage and do not live in the mansion.

When the eldest son Fumio Yasuda saw this scene, the sadness brewing on the road burst out and shouted: "Father!"

In an instant, everyone in the Yasuda family burst into tears as if they were infected by the shouting.

Before the youngest granddaughter could react, her mother pinched her waist hard, causing her to cry out in pain.

Everyone cried a lot at first.

Then, Yasuda Fumio's wife comforted: "Dear, now is not the time to be sad, we should catch the murderer of my father!"

"Yes, brother, the Yasuda family can only count on you now."

The second brother also spoke.

Yasuda Fumio wiped his tears and said: "Okay, I must catch the murderer of my father.

Tell me, who killed my father? "

The red eyes were widened, like a black bear about to become angry, staring fiercely at Haga Kami in the corner.

She trembled and said quickly: "I heard Mr. Yasuda said that man's name is Dio."

Hearing this name, Yasuda Fumio thought of the person the old man wanted to deal with recently, and said in a deep voice: "Since it is Dior, please inform the people of the task force quickly.

Lizi, call the dignitaries who have dealings with our family and tell them the news.

Second brother, call Yuko and the others. "

Yasuda Fumio began to arrange tasks. In order to show his absolute inheritance rights, he asked his wife to do all the contacting with political dignitaries.

As for the relatives, they are given to the younger brothers for them to contact.

No one has an opinion.

After Masao Yasuda's death, power was naturally transferred to his eldest son Fumio Yasuda.

The outside world will only recognize Fumio Yasuda as the successor of the Yasuda family.

Unless Masao Yasuda has another designated heir in his early years, the eldest son will inherit in line.

After Yasuda Fumio gave these instructions, the busy bedroom became much deserted, with only a few young children, two bodyguards with guns on guard, and Haga Kami squatting in the corner.

"Go get dressed and explain the situation to the task force later."

Fumio Yasuda waved his hand, not wanting this person to continue wearing that kind of clothing.

It's good for everyone to know some things well and there is no need to put them on the table.

He turned around and stared at the dead Masao Yasuda, his red eyes no longer filled with sadness, but filled with joy.

The old guy is finally dead.

Leaving in an unexpected way.

Fumio Yasuda really wants to toast Dior.

Without him, it would probably take a long time for him to take control of the Yasuda family.

If he hadn't easily left clues by doing it himself, he would have sent someone to kill this old guy.

Fumio Yasuda stared at his father's body, feeling increasingly happy and trying hard to control the corners of his mouth that wanted to raise.

From now on, everything in the Yasuda family belongs to him.

He clenched his hands, as if he could detect the outlines of supreme power.

(End of this chapter)

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