Chapter 42
"Has no one thought of resisting?"

"I have thought about it, of course I have thought about it...if they can be as smart as your Majesty and see clearly the truth beneath the surface."

Wang Shouren replied, and seeing Zhu Houcong listening carefully, he continued.

"When Taizu founded the country, Taizong followed him in the southern and northern wars. Naturally, they all knew these stories... However, after several changes, the original clear history was deleted and altered by certain things. Although the subsequent emperors were aware of it, they gathered the world Xuanmen changed the Si Tianjian to the Qin Tianjian and discussed countermeasures, but in the end there was a lack of information, and several investigations failed, and instead they brought disaster to themselves."

Yes...since Zhu Di, the age at which the emperors of the Ming Dynasty died and the length of their reign have become too bizarre.

Ming Renzong (Hong Xi) Zhu Gaochi died at the age of 48.Died of illness after one year in office.

Zhu Zhanji, Xuanzong (Xuande) of Ming Dynasty, was 38 years old.Reigned for 11 years.
Ming Yingzong (Zhengtong, Tianshun) Zhu Qizhen, 38 years old.Reigned for 23 years

Ming Dynasty Zong (Jingtai) Zhu Qiyu, 30 years old.9 years in office

Zhu Jianshen, Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty (Chenghua), was 41 years old.Reigned for 24 years

Zhu Youtang, Emperor Xiaozong of Ming Dynasty (Hongzhi), was 36 years old.19 years in office

Zhu Houzhao, Wuzong (Zhengde) of Ming Dynasty, was 31 years old.17 years in office

Most of the emperors were in their 30s, and they died suddenly due to various reasons just after their political power was stabilized.

Zhu Houcong couldn't help but remain silent.

"The last person to finally discover the truth about this world was Emperor Yingzong of the Zhengtong Dynasty... What a pity, what a pity."

Wang Shouren thought that with the eyes of the candle dragon that had the power to manipulate time and space, he saw the chilling and terrifying truth of Tumu Fort.

When the young Emperor Yingzong noticed the existence of the abominable thing under the capital.

Danger and madness also noticed the fearless young emperor.

After several warnings to no avail, disaster quietly struck one day.

Tragedy unfolded inside the large tent of Tumubao military camp. ,
The civil and military servants beside Yingzong were all devoured by the ghosts and servants of those things.

The army was deliberately diverted away from them by some people in the court. The strongest Xuanmen force in the world gathered by Yingzong was almost completely wiped out this time.

It also directly led to the decline of many great Taoist sects in the past.

The only remaining loyal soldiers around Yingzong had their bones and marrow sucked out, and they were eaten dry and wiped clean. There were forests of bones on the road, and some even had their bones broken and eaten.

So later Yu Qian sent people to Tumu Fort to collect the bones of the fallen soldiers. Except for [-] pairs of armors, there was nothing else.

"The capital is the emperor's last barrier. Under normal circumstances, the capital is still safe."

Wang Shouren warned the young His Majesty in front of him.

During Yingzong's northern expedition, he encountered the defeat of Tumubao.

During his southern tour, Emperor Wu fell ill after falling into the Qingpu River.

And Taizong Zhu Di, who claimed to be the descendant of Zhenwu Emperor, also died suddenly and inexplicably in Yumuchuan on the way to the Five Northern Expeditions.

Zhu Houcong closed his eyes, the truth was so terrifying.

What if the capital is no longer safe?

Zhu Houcong thought in his mind.

He couldn't help but think of a certain famous old crooked-neck tree.

Probably by then, it will mean that this dynasty has truly reached a dead end!
Zhu Houcong nodded.

"Is the Zhang family related to that thing?"

"The only one who can be connected to the destiny and preside over sacrifices is the Emperor Zhu. This is the oath Taizu made with him back then. How can some evil and treacherous people get involved."

"I understand! I already have a plan in my mind on how to deal with the matter in Beijing."

Zhu Houcong clenched the dragon chair in his hand.

"Can Shouren solve the trouble in the southwest?"

Wang Shouren shook his head.Zhu Houcong did not ask further questions.

Zhu Houcong had a vague feeling that Wang Shouren's energy was vaguely connected to the Ming court, and both prospered and suffered losses.

Presumably if it could be solved, he would have taken action against him as early as Zhengde.

"But if he dares to invade the capital, I will risk my life to repel him."

Can we only take action in the capital?

Zhu Houcong thought.

"It's getting late, you should go to bed early!"

Although the Wang Shouren in front of him has a personality and magic power comparable to that of the ancestor Jiedan, and although his energy and blood are stronger than ordinary people, he is still a mortal.

Wang Shouren resigned. Today's secret conversation was tacitly understood by both of them.

Zhu Houcong thought for a moment.

Must speed up.

"Huang Jin!"

Zhu Houcong's voice echoed in the empty hall.

Not long after, Huang Jin came to Zhu Houcong panting.

Zhu Houcong passed an order and two wills.

"Wang Shouren, the former Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, assisted the late emperor in pacifying the rebellion of King Ning, and made great contributions to Sheji. He is hereby promoted to Zuodu Censor, in charge of the Capital Procuratorate, and oversees lawlessness inside and outside the capital."

"Shouning Marquis Zhang Heling set fire to the palace with the intention of treason. He should have been executed at Lingchi in Dongshi City, implicating the nine tribes. However, I remember the late emperor, the holy mother, the Empress Dowager Zhang, who had gone through the Hongzhi and Zhengde dynasties. She was a mother to the world and her kindness lasted for the world. She was only cut off in the middle of the city. , the men and women of the Zhang family, the men were exiled to Liaodong! The women were sent to the Huanyi Bureau as slaves! Everyone in the world knows that I have a public heart with all the officials in the government and the public, and I have never sought personal gain for myself at all! I admire this! "

In the court hall, he looked at the empty dragon chair in front of him.

Everyone looked at each other.

After Lu Fang finished reading the imperial edict, everyone stood up, looked at Yang Tinghe who was hesitant to speak, and said with a smile.

"His Majesty also asked me to bring a message to the chief minister."

Yang Tinghe knelt down again to receive the order.

"It is unfortunate that my royal brother fell into the water, but the first assistant must not blame himself too much for this. The first assistant wrote three times to say that he was ill and asked to resign. Although I was reluctant to leave him, I thought of his old age and granted permission to return to his hometown to recuperate and take care of himself. His son Yang Shen has been compiling history in the Hanlin Academy for many years. The imperial court can promote and appoint Yang Tinghe at its discretion. As for Yang Tinghe’s treatment after he becomes an official, the Ministry of Rites will come up with a regulation as soon as possible! I will approve it!"

Hearing this, Yang Tinghe immediately broke out in cold sweat, bowed his head and thanked the Holy Grace.

The first sentence is a threat. After all, something happened to Emperor Zhengde on your watch. If you don't work with me to bring down the Queen Mother Zhang, I will attack you by turning over old scores.

Later, he said that if you work well, I will not treat you badly. You can retain all your honorary titles and retire honorably. Your son can also continue to stay in the capital, and even consider promotion as appropriate.

"Your Majesty is so holy, I wish I could die ten thousand times to repay Your Majesty."

People saw the former virtuous chief minister kneeling on the ground, thanking the Holy Grace, with tears in his eyes.

The fate of the Zhang family is already doomed.

Liang Chu and Jiang Mian looked at each other and realized that with the imminent downfall of Chief Assistant Yang Tinghe and Queen Mother Zhang.

The capital is about to change.

On the other side, in Cining Palace, Queen Mother Zhang vomited blood in the palace when she heard that her second brother was going to be cut in half and that the Zhang family was going to be exiled.

She looked angrily towards the southwest, ignoring the horrified expression of Zhang Yong beside her, and said with a ferocious face!

"The emperor inherited my son's throne but killed my relatives. Aren't you afraid of chaos in the world?"

"Tell our allies to make some noise in the southwest! If the little emperor still refuses to give in, then let the waves rise in the four seas! Let the ocean turn into a graveyard for ships! Swallow all ships that dare to go to sea at this time! Things from the deep sea will continue to come ashore, plundering people and animals! Unless the emperor releases my relatives, I will make the Ming Dynasty never have peace!"

(End of this chapter)

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