My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 41 The mysterious trace in the southwest

Chapter 41 The mysterious trace in the southwest
In May of the 16th year of Zhengde, in western Hunan, in the [-]th cave of Jiuxi, Miaojiazhai.

As Han people who settled here with the imperial army during the Hongwu period, the Zhao family ran a tavern here.

However, in recent years, rebellions have occurred repeatedly in the southwest and trade routes have been blocked. The Mu family and the government, which were arranged by the Ming court to guard the southwest, are simply unable to control the endless bandits and bandits everywhere.

Zhao Sanlang and his wife looked at the sparse tavern in front of them. Only a few ordered two barrels of spirits for travelers delivering goods on nearby Luofeng Mountain. Most of the seats were empty, which made them feel sad.

There were thunderstorms outside the window, and the originally gloomy and gray sky suddenly became as bright as day.

Originally, there were only a few people coming and going due to the war, and due to the natural disaster, there were even fewer guests today.

Zhao Sanniang was just thinking about it when there was a knock on the door of the tavern.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back! Open the door quickly!"

I saw a young man outside the door carrying a beautiful woman on his back.

He was soaked all over.

"This is……"

After bringing dry clothes for the two of them to change into, Zhao Sanniang looked at the woman and couldn't help but ask her son.

"The little girl originally came to the southwest with her father and brother to sell silk cloth. Unexpectedly, she encountered a strongman on the way. I hid in a wine barrel and escaped with my life. Fortunately, the young master saved me, otherwise the little girl would not have known where to go!"

After saying that, Wuwu started to cry.

The cries were so tragic that the Zhao couple could not help but feel sympathy.

"What relatives do you have?"

"Both my father and brother died in the hands of bandits, and my little girl has nowhere to go? She just asks her benefactor to take her in, and she can do her best by serving tea and water, doing laundry and cooking."

After saying that, he glanced at the boy next to him again.

Although the Zhao couple also sympathized with the woman, they couldn't help but be secretly happy to see that their son, who had always had a headache, had settled his marriage.

Western Hunan was still a barbaric country at this time, and the imperial court nominally controlled the area by ennobling local chieftains and ennobling xuanwei envoys at all levels.

In fact, there is not even an official government office. The government office that nominally governs this place is located in Songjiang Prefecture, which is hundreds of miles away.

The various ethnic groups here are mixed, and most of them do not marry with foreign ethnic groups. The marriage of Han people has always been a headache.

Seeing this, the Zhao family and his wife were immediately overjoyed.

They simply closed their doors. In troubled times, ordinary people were not so particular. They invited relatives and friends in the village, killed a cow in the backyard, immediately arranged the wedding, and sent the newlyweds into the bridal chamber.

"My husband looks so good, so fragrant and tender!"

At night, after locking the door, the woman lay directly on the boy's neck and sniffed him.

The fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy had never seen such a formation before, and his face immediately turned red.

"Madam! Stop!"

The woman actually licked the boy's neck.

I don't know why, but Zhao Xiaolang only felt a numbness all over his body.

The doors and windows in the room were locked, but a dark wind blew from nowhere.

Blow out the candles in front of the desk.

On the bed, the young man looked dazed, and the woman waved her hand.

The curtain fell, and the two black shadows entangled and expanded until one completely engulfed the other.

In the darkness, there were bursts of chewing sounds that made people feel spine-tingling.

In the end, the rickety monster held the head high and drank the young man's brain like a fine wine.


At this time, countless terrifying stories are taking place in this land.

In the distant and prosperous capital, Zhu Houcong was receiving a special guest.

"What does Your Majesty want to know..."

Perhaps, this is the first time he has answered someone's question so respectfully since he faced an unspeakable existence in Longchang, Guizhou, and accepted His gift to establish the Mind Science.

His tone was respectful, with a hint of silent temptation.

The emperor, who was seduced by both gods and men in front of him, knew more about the secrets in the dark mountains in the southwest.

"In the southern suburbs, what is that thing that Yang Ting and others encouraged Emperor Zhengde to sacrifice?"

Zhu Houcong had long suspected this about offering sacrifices to heaven in the southern suburbs.

In such a strange world, any major official ceremony must have its own significance.

What's more, four months ago, Emperor Zhengde, who had just recovered, vomited blood on the spot during a ceremony to worship heaven.

Afterwards, Emperor Zhengde died suddenly, and Zhu Houcong set off from Anlu to Beijing.

Moreover, the most important thing is that in a few days Zhu Houcong will have to take hundreds of officials to worship heaven according to the ancestral system.

Without understanding this, Zhu Houcong would really not feel at ease.

"Why doesn't Your Majesty ask Li Xuan, the Superintendent of Qintian Prison? As the recognized leader of Xuanmen in the world, does Your Majesty think that I can do better than him?"

"Those who seek the Tao will not see the Tao - but those who do see the Tao..."

Zhu Houcong's words have a clear meaning.

After all, Li Xuan is still a mortal in essence.

The Wang Shouren in front of him was the first truly extraordinary human being he had seen after traveling to this world.Zhu Houcong naturally wanted to know more from him.

"When I saw him today, I realized that the rumors that Wang Yangming had attained enlightenment at the Dragon Field were true!"

Zhu Houcong said lightly.

In fact, Zhu Houcong had already noticed Wang Shouren the moment he entered Beijing.

Without him, the energy fluctuations on his body are really too conspicuous for a spiritually aware Qi-practicing monk.

Although Zhu Houcong has never seen the Danjie monk.

But with Wang Shouren's aura, Zhu Houcong suspected that even foundation-building monks from another world would be pressed to the ground one by one with one hand.

Relaxed and cozy.

This Wang Shouren is probably not a pill-forming old monster on the same level as the head of Qingshan Sect!
"Outsiders are just spreading rumors, and Your Majesty is praising you..."

Miao Bumiuzan, I know better than you!

Zhu Houcong even suspected that if the Ming Dynasty Navy overturned one day on Poyang Lake, the rebels would not be defeated.

This old man can drive unparalleled into King Ning's camp by himself, capture King Ning, and force him to surrender.

"Does Your Majesty really not know what that thing is?"

Wang Shouren said.

He couldn't help but look at the young face in front of him.

Although the appearance looks a little childish.

But it's like a deep pool.

It's hard to fathom.

Moreover, He seemed to be very interested in the emperor in front of him.

The level of interest far exceeds that of the two emperors Hongzhi and Zhengde before the Ming Dynasty.

At this moment, standing in front of Zhu Houcong, Wang Shouren could feel his desire.

Yes, that should be the case. As a symbol of the emperor, he is extremely sensitive to the concept of co-ownership of the world.

The two are attracted to each other.


Therefore, when the news came that Liu Jin had been executed, Wang Shouren, who had already seen through the world of officialdom, chose to return to the capital again.

Although he didn't dare to stand up because of that thing in the capital, even if that thing only needs to be sacrificed, it may not wake up for another few hundred years.

But that sincere fear cannot be faked.

When he saw Emperor Zhengde, Wang Shouren felt his joy. Later, in the 11th year of Zhengde, he was ordered to be promoted to the censor of Youqiandu and succeeded him as governor of southern Jiangxi to eliminate banditry in the southwest.

With the restoration of Ming Dynasty's national power, His power is also constantly increasing.

"Does the so-called destiny really exist in this world?"

But no matter which time, His reaction was not as strong as today.

Wang Shouren smiled after hearing the young emperor's rhetorical question in front of him.

"Xunzi once said: "The way of heaven is permanent, and it will not exist for Yao, nor will it perish for Jie. "

Wang Shouren said, looking at the emperor in front of him whose aura was extremely pure, and he was as beautiful as a jade delicacy among the ordinary people.

It's what those unspeakable horrors are chasing madly.

Ordinary sneaky monsters only know how to eat human essence and blood, but they don't know that what those truly great beings crave is the natal aura that only a few with extraordinary talents among all living beings can awaken.

Now the great emperor of tomorrow turns out to be such an existence. It’s such a troubled time, it’s such a troubled time!
"Predecessors have already made it clear, does your Majesty still have any doubts?"

Zhu Houcong remained silent.

After a long time, he just said.

"Is the Ming court's rule based on this kind of thing?"

"In all the dynasties, which one is not like this? The founding dragon, only those who claim to be favored by destiny are qualified to rule this land! When he wakes up and devours the world, the world will be in turmoil again. The so-called dynasty cycle is just his Is it just the time between waking up from a nap?"

Wang Shouren replied.

"Can you handle it sir?"

Zhu Houcong suddenly asked.

But to Zhu Houcong's disappointment, Wang Shouren in front of him shook his head.

"In the eyes of those hidden beings, Your Majesty and I are the same as all the people in the world. We are just bigger ants. But Your Majesty does not need to worry. He is asleep most of the time. He is rarely awake in the world. The last time he was awake , when he was still at Yashan, Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians to die for his country, holding the young emperor in his arms, and then briefly awakened Him."

But destiny finally chose Kublai Khan and his Yuan Ting.

Zhu Houcong was silent again.

No wonder, he used his spiritual consciousness to explore the southern suburbs several times before but found nothing.

If what Wang Shouren said is true, I am afraid that the status of these monsters cannot be compared with that of the ancestor of the gods!
No, maybe even higher.

Don’t forget, there are strengths and weaknesses among those things.

(End of this chapter)

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