Chapter 348 Tieling Garrison 2
  I don't know how long it took.

Fan He, who was lying in the snow, took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes as his chest rose and fell.

The heavy snowfall in front of me didn't know when it had stopped, and there was deathly silence all around.
  Fan He pushed his body up hard and wiped the snow from his face.

Accompanied by a burning sensation like fire in his chest.

In just a moment, hot blood surged through the stiff body again.

"I saw... where the mortal water is..."

"The real dragons fight... knock down the pillar of destiny..."

The words of the woman with a blurry face and a fox tail in the dream lingered in Fan He's ears. The lingering sound of the whisper still lingered in his ears, but he didn't pay attention.

There are many similar things recorded in the information left by the Jurchen priest during his lifetime.

After swallowing the heart of the fox demon, most people unanimously claimed to have seen the fox girl in their dreams.

and heard some revelations.

However, subsequent investigations proved that the fox girls they saw during their slumber were all different, and the prophecies they received were all kinds of strange...mostly prophecies made up to compete for power in the tribe.

Fan He breathed in the cold air around him.

The world had never felt as clear to him as it did now.

Even the snowflakes falling miles away were caught by his eyes.

The ancient trees beside him were suppressed by the wind and snow, and their branches made a slight creaking sound.

He shook his head, trying to get rid of all the strange patterns in his dream.


He recalled the strange feeling that still lingered in his mind.

Do rituals have such a long-lasting impact on reality?
  Fan He dug his hands deeply into the snow beside him and dug out the armor and weapons that he had buried under him not long ago.

He sighed and looked up at the cold winter sun hanging high above his head.

Return all kinds of weapons to their positions and tie them to various parts of the body.

I estimated the position of the sun and found that I was probably unconscious for about half an hour.

He stood up from the snow. The frost on his skin and even his armor turned into melted water in the steaming heat and fell down with the reflow of Qi and blood in his body, condensing into frost at Fan He's feet.

Everything is enhanced -

Fan He even suspected that his current strength was no closer than those of the high-ranking warriors of the imperial court.

He clenched his fists and hit the giant tree next to him hard.

The giant tree tens of meters high suddenly began to shake, and the thick snow fell from it, hitting the ground like an avalanche.

Looking at his masterpiece in front of him.

It is conceivable that the cold winter will no longer be a threat to him in a long time.

He will be able to hunt even those evil and weird things with ease.

The day when I can take my family back to a normal life seems to be just around the corner.

But he lowered his head and looked at his hands, and there was no joy on his face.

On the contrary, Fan He's face showed undisguised melancholy.

The effect of the ceremony was good, but it was a little too good.

While participating in the battle to annihilate the tribe that believed in the Tushan clan and was wiped out by the Ming army and the Jurchen tribe.

It was not that Fan He had never fought against those warriors who claimed to be blessed by the Fox God.

Indeed, their strength, speed, and endurance far exceed those of ordinary people——

But it doesn't stop there.

After all, they are still human beings.

And now-

Fan He looked at his hands that were uninjured by the huge impact just now.

My physical fitness at this time can no longer be described by the "Libo Liger" that describes a warrior.

Pulling out mountains and rivers may be a bit exaggerated, but cosplaying a certain monk surnamed Lu and pulling up willow trees is basically no problem.

But he couldn't think too much, as a deep sound of copper bells came from the distant mountain peaks.

This indicates that something big is happening in the Tieling Guard camp.    accompanied by billowing colorful smoke rising into the sky.

The Tieling Guard commander issued mobilization and assembly orders to all the military camps under the jurisdiction of the Tieling Guard within a radius of several hundred miles.

All officers and soldiers of the guard station must arrive in front of the commander with their combat equipment as quickly as possible within three days, and join the large troops to complete the assembly.

Overdue persons who do not arrive on time will be dealt with without mercy and by military law.

"what happened--"

Are they Mongolian? Or Jurchen? Or the White Lotus Sect?

Fan He couldn't bear to think about this sudden change in himself.

He looked at the smoke billowing from the passes around Tieling, unable to hide the worry in his eyes.


"If a hundred households in Fanhe hand over the heads of escaped soldiers to the second level, they will be credited with merit once and exempted from corvee service for one year."

Fan He subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the merit recorder sent by the imperial court in front of him loudly confirm his achievements.

Liu Jigong in front of him did not hold himself accountable for arriving half a day overdue.

As the censor who came to Tieling to build the army starting from the fifteenth year of Zhengde.

Liu Zhen knew very well what a sudden heavy snow meant to the ordinary soldiers in front of him.

As long as the task can be completed, it will be later, and Liu Zhen is too lazy to argue with them.

Looking at the tolerant and friendly scribe in front of him, Fan He's face showed a bit of joy when he thought that his wife at home would be able to do less menial work.

Corvee service in the Ming Dynasty was based on the family unit.

And for these special garrison families living in the bitter cold land of Tieling.

In order to maintain the Ming court's military presence in the local area.

The responsibilities each garrison family has to bear are undoubtedly more than those in the mainland.

Sometimes when farming is busy or there is a natural disaster, women and children have to obey the dispatch of the guard to work.

With the health office's permission to exempt from corvee service, it will undoubtedly alleviate a lot of the burden on the Fanhe family.

"Thank you, sir——"

Thinking of this, Fan He sincerely thanked him.

The young censor in front of him shook his head.

He glanced at the unusually tall horses behind Fan He who were left outside the camp and being comforted and pulled toward the stables by the guards.

He sighed, put down the pen in his hand, and casually looked up and down at the soldier in front of him. For a moment, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, he couldn't help but let out a light sigh, and even the hand stroking his beard froze. , he said slowly just now.

"If you really want to thank me, why don't you go out and help me calm down the horses of the nobles outside... Those horses stay at the emperor's feet all year round. It is said that they have absorbed some dragon energy, which is quite difficult to deal with. If you can arrange it, , I will give you another credit, how about..."

Liu Zhen looked at the military attaché in front of him, who was completely different after not seeing him for three days, and nodded slowly, his expression looking very satisfied.

"But sir, I have been ordered..."

He smiled bitterly. After two consecutive years of being stationed and fighting, he had not spent time with his family for a long time. Although he was very grateful to the censor in front of him, he did not want to get too involved in what seemed to be full of troubles. In the midst of major events.

But before the warrior in front of him could reply.

Liu Zhen interrupted him and said again.

"Since you have had an unexpected encounter, I believe that if you represent me, the Tieling garrison, and go to quell the rebellion, you can also help the military attachés in the capital in subsequent actions... It will be a good thing for you and the court. , If you can establish meritorious service in front of those people, it will not be too far away to get rid of your humble status."

Fan He couldn't help but feel slightly grateful for the kind reminder from the censor in front of him, who was said to have offended some important figures in the court and was demoted here to record the merits of the soldiers.

But before he can make a contribution, he also needs to understand the current situation.

"This time the commander summoned elite soldiers from the guard station. I don't know what happened..."

But the censor in front of him just shook his head.

Said it could not be said yet.

Fan He could only say his thanks and go behind him to help the guards lead the horses.

These war horses were worthy of being ridden by the nobles of the capital. Their strength was astonishing, and their intelligence was extremely high. Fan He even suspected that these horses could kill even a tiger or leopard they encountered.

No wonder the officers outside the camp gate couldn't get these horses in after working for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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