Chapter 347

He could only take out his dagger, find a relatively reliable tree and squat down.

He began to tap the armor and cotton lining on his body that had been frozen together little by little.

Try to separate the two as quickly as possible.

Although his body has now lost its instinctive alertness to the cold due to the spells cast by those monsters before their death, causing him to unconsciously fall into the current field, he has also begun to feel the effects of the frost. His physical injuries.

My body has also begun to experience symptoms of numbness and phantom pain.

Maybe he couldn't hold on until then.

He put down the dagger dejectedly, looked at his right arm that no longer obeyed his command, and thought with some despair.

Do you really need to use those things?
  He leaned on the tree, his eyes glancing tangledly at the outline of the spiritual creature on his chest, which was under the breastplate and exuded a faint cold air.

That was the spiritual object that he got by chance after almost risking his life this time.

It was originally intended to be used as a ransom for his wife and son and be presented to the court.

But now—

Today's emperor is benevolent and has specially ordered all the garrison soldiers who have been sent by their families to the four borders to serve as criminal soldiers since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

After paying a sum of ransom money to the court, the local government can cancel their lowly status, enter them into a serious military status, give them land, carriages and horses, return to normal society, and live a normal life.

This is something that they, the Tieling garrison soldiers, have never dared to think about for generations.

But although the emperor had let go, the ransom money for twenty-two people was still a large amount of money for these garrison soldiers.

It is equivalent to them having to work for the court for three to four years without eating or drinking in order to exchange for their freedom.

Although Tieling garrison soldiers have accumulated some savings from generation to generation, it is not particularly difficult to redeem themselves.

But if you want to free the whole family, you can't succeed without a hundred taels of silver.

The imperial court was obviously aware of the difficulties faced by these garrison soldiers, so it adopted the policy of hunting demons and seizing spiritual materials as compensation for their crimes, and voluntarily joining the Northern Defense Forces and serving one year before their families could be released.

But compared to the disgraceful Northern Defense Soldiers.

Most people would rather go hunting for lone monsters outside the customs than have anything to do with this extremely dangerous force.

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness and enthusiasm of the Northern Defense Forces, the imperial court has always only recruited soldiers and civilians who voluntarily joined for various reasons, except for clan members.

Although the Northern Defense Forces are often accompanied by the empire's most elite Nine Sides soldiers, the Imperial Forbidden Army, and even officials from the Qintian Prison.

It is undoubtedly easy to deal with ordinary monsters.

But in recent years, what the soldiers of the Northern Defense Force have to deal with is definitely not comparable to the cunning demon fox with decades of experience that they just luckily hunted.

Although the war is now over, the danger of the Northern Defense Forces has dropped sharply.

But he didn't think he could survive the Northern Defense Force's campaign.

Fan He stretched his hand to his chest, and a blue heart the size of a baby's fist appeared in front of him.

As the cold wind blew, the heart dug out of the demon fox's belly was still beating slightly subconsciously.

Fan He looked at the treasures of heaven and earth in front of him and swallowed.

Guarding in Tieling for many years, they not only had to deal with the Mongolian rangers coming from the west, but the Jurchens in the dark jungles of the east were also one of the main opponents of these Tieling garrison.

From the mouths of those evil priests who chant ancient spells, have withered faces, and use powerful powers that can turn people into beasts and drive them to fight, the Tieling Guards can always glean a lot of extremely useful information.

For example, the wild gods outside the customs compete for the incense of mortals.

Another example is the reasonable use of those precious materials on those beasts - or monsters - that were born by chance.

Fan He pinched the beating cold heart in front of him.

He could feel the breath of life that was about to burst out.

The air was getting colder and colder, and with the invasion of frost, the armor around his body was covered with white snow, and his right hand became stiff due to the frost, and he almost lost consciousness.

He stared at the heart that was still beating tenaciously in front of him, recalling the strange movements of the Tieling Guards these days, and finally made up his mind.

Tielingwei, which was always deserted on weekdays, became lively during this time with the constant arrival of visitors from the capital. For those powerful warriors who exuded energy and blood that evaporated like the blazing sun, everyone in the Tieling Guard was speculating that these warriors with extremely high status, and even the commander of the Tieling Guard respected these people, would go to the wilderness of the empire. What is the purpose of coming here?
  These unidentified warriors all gathered in their courtyard during the day and no one was allowed to visit.

And at night, they all went out in large numbers, and then worked in vain. They all rushed back to the station before dawn, as if they were secretly searching for something——

Although the Tieling Guards spoke fluent Mandarin to these people, the purpose of the warriors from the capital coming here was not clear.

But everyone understands.

As those high-status warriors have become increasingly irritable in recent days, the Tieling Guards also joined in this inexplicable search during the day.

Storms are coming—and opportunities lie within them.

As long as there is one life left, there will be opportunities in the future to take one's family out of the humble status and live a normal life.

After figuring this out, Fan He resolutely swallowed the heart into his belly.

Accompanied by a cold current flowing from his abdomen to his limbs.

A layer of white frost formed on Fan He's face.

His internal organs seemed to be frozen, and his heart stopped at this moment.

But Fan He gritted his teeth and forced himself not to lose consciousness here. Success or failure depended on this. He should know what he should do now.

Severe pain hit him again and again like a wave, and the figure of the Jurchen priest who he personally tortured appeared in his mind.

The terrifying figure in front of him, covered in blood, with his eyelids cut off, and the branding iron covering the surface of his body with shocking blood marks, seemed to be right in front of him.

He could almost smell the pungent smell of blood in the dark and damp cell of Tielingwei.

Oh, it turned out that I was vomiting blood!
  During the occasional moments of consciousness, he saw himself spitting out blood and thought.

Then he fell into a half-awake dream again.

During that time, Fan He personally beheaded a man and woman from his tribe in front of him every day, using their begging, howling, and desperate screams to completely crush his stubborn soul.

Finally, after a long period of sleeplessness and double physical and mental torture.

The priest finally gave in. He roared hysterically, and finally prayed to Fan He to give him a decent end in front of the mountains of leather in front of him.

In exchange, he slowly revealed all the secrets and accumulations of this tribe that had worshiped the immortal fox for generations to Fan He before his death.

For Ming court records.

That is……

"Yu controlled the flood, chiseled the furrows and opened them, and said to Tushan..."

Fan He touched his chest with his remaining left hand to express his wife's longing for her husband who had gone to control floods and had not been able to return home for ten years.

And what he said was the touching story of Dayu's flood control recorded in Huainanzi——

But few people know that Nvjiao, the wife of Dayu and the mother of Qi, the first monarch of the Xia Dynasty, was also the first fox demon in the history of human civilization to transform into a human form and integrate into human society.

Tu Shanshi——

The tribe has guarded this secret for generations.

And through a series of fox-related spells, he defends his territory and territory.

There is no doubt that among the Jurchens, the power of the Tushan clan is by no means comparable to those of the wild gods who mostly appeared during the Wuhu chaos after the Han Dynasty.

This tribe with the fox as its totem was able to enjoy peace and relative stability for a long time.

Even the Mongols are reluctant to provoke these shady wizards.

But all prosperity eventually comes to an end.

With the emperor's victory in the conquest of the sharks last year.

After ordering the imperial court to pass the order to the elite soldiers from all over the country to return to their place of origin and eradicate the sneaky evil spirits in the surrounding area.

For the ghosts, gods and their tribes in various places who did not obey the jurisdiction of the Ming court, they used large armies to clear the way, and cooperated with the Xuanmen and wealthy families from all over the world who were recruited. The Ming court had made up its mind to uproot them all from this land.

(End of this chapter)

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