My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 316 Northern Defense Forces

Chapter 316 Northern Defense Forces

As for Huang Jin, the emperor could naturally entrust the princes and princesses to his care.

Huang Jin seemed to be vaguely aware that the little eunuch next to Lu Fang was looking at him from time to time.

But Huang Jin was used to this kind of thing.

After all, every move the eunuch makes in the palace is monitored.

The only thing that made him feel a little strange was that the person in front of him seemed to be overly interested in the Wanshou Palace behind him.

However, as Zhu Houcong and Feng Bao rode away one after another.

Before Huang Jin could take a breath, he heard a cry of boys, girls and children coming from the Longevity Palace behind him.

and the evil laughter of a certain imperial princess.

Apparently Zhu Changning felt Zhu Houcong's departure, and began to openly use his authority to avenge his personal vengeance.

My great aunt!
Huang Jin secretly thought something was wrong.

When he turned around and saw the shocked look on his face, the little eunuch beside him dropped all his solemnity and restraint, and ran straight behind him with impatient strides.


"What do you mean, uncles?"

When Zhu Houcong arrived at the gate of Xiyuan, this was what he saw.

Dozens of gray-haired members of the Ming Dynasty clan knelt in front of the huge palace gate of Xiyuan.

Behind him, there were more than a thousand people in the Zhu family who knelt on the ground. They were a large black area. At this moment, they beat their chests and stamped their feet, shed tears and cried loudly, begging for an audience with their father.

The six people kneeling at the head of the crowd were the only six remaining brothers of Zhu Houcong's father. They were all sons of Emperor Xianzong and brothers of Emperor Xiaozong.

As Zhu Houcong glanced at the large number of Ming court clan members kneeling in front of the palace gate, he asked himself what his sixth uncle, King Yi Duan, whose fiefdom was in Jianchang, but who had come all the way to Beijing with a blood book in his hand, looked like. meaning.

After all, the last time a group of Zhu family members knelt outside the imperial city to petition was a hundred years ago when Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty tentatively ordered a reduction in clan benefits. In the end, Emperor Yingzong relied on his youth and vigour, and directly chopped off many nails. The household's title was settled later.

Moreover, to be honest, such a large group of princes did not say anything. They dragged their families and went to the door of Zhu Houcong's palace and sat on the spot holding banners to protest.

Zhu Houcong had a vague sense of dislocation in stepping into the role of a sinister boss who owed migrant workers their wages in his previous life.

Lu Fang, who was not far away, looked stiff at the scene in front of him. At this time, he was leading a large number of palace guards and eunuchs to try to persuade the people in front of him to go home on their own.

However, the attitude of these Zhu clans is very determined.

It means that we are going to see the emperor, and we will never go back until we see the emperor.

Just when Lu Fang was helpless, she saw a group of Qingqi riding not far away. When she saw Zhu Houcong arriving, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously. She was originally afraid that the clan members would cause some trouble when they got excited, but her anxious heart finally calmed down.

When Zhu Youbin heard Zhu Houcong's words outside the palace gate, King Yiduan, who was 46 years old this year, looked at the heroic emperor in front of him, and his heart was full of bitterness and helplessness.

In fact, if you are not really forced, there is nothing you can do.

He would never take a trip into this muddy water without any trouble.

After all, the Beifang soldiers were recruited from clans three generations away from the royal family, and they could also spend money to eliminate disasters. No matter how they recruited, they could not recruit high-ranking clan kings like him.

But no matter what——

Feel the fiery and expectant gazes behind you.

Although they had no ill intentions now, Zhu Youbin could not help but shudder because of the blood evil energy they inadvertently exuded from crawling out of the pile of dead people countless times and killing countless alien monsters with their hands.

When I think about the past few days, these poor relatives who came to the door with their families and armed with sharp weapons gave themselves a big one as soon as they met.Some of the people kneeling in front of his door were so senior that they could even be related to the distant Emperor Yingzong.

They sat down on the ground with their children in their arms and started hammering on the door of the palace. Even if Zhu Youbin didn't want to care about the life and death of this group of people, he didn't dare to send his servants to drive them away.

Not to mention that if something goes wrong, the good reputation they have accumulated over the past few decades will be completely ruined. But the Zhu clan members behind them, who are armed with knives and swords and have just retreated from the front line of the Eastern Conquest of the Sharks, feel that Looking at the evil aura on their bodies, Zhu Youbin didn't think that the combat power of these northern defense soldiers was something that the martial arts guards raised in his mansion could handle.

Even for the sake of his own life.

Zhu Youbin could only bite the bullet and accompany these Beijing defense soldiers to go north to Beijing.

Go to the emperor to discuss the treatment of the northern defense soldiers.

My dear Holy One!Can we not catch the lower-level clan members and pluck them up?The hundreds of thousands of clans in the Ming Dynasty will really become extinct!

So, with a mournful face, Zhu Youbin presented to Zhu Houcong the blood letter, which represented the hope of many lower-level clan members that the emperor would take pity on the old and weak clan members and stop asking the local governments to continue to forcefully recruit strong men and wipe out the clan clan.

He went on to tell how the harsh decrees of the imperial court were unreasonable, and how ferocious the officials were in forcing Sona. As a result, the Zhu clan across the country could not help but be so frightened that the whole family sat paralyzed on the ground when they heard that the officials recruiting soldiers from the imperial court had arrived. , wailing endlessly, and finally, under the coercion of the guards, the old and young were incorporated into the Northern Defense Force and sent to the battlefield——

Talking about the tragic experiences of these lower-level clans, Zhu Youbin felt that he could not hold back any longer.

But he still went on to express the trust and expectations of people in trouble for Jun's father.

"Today, Your Majesty is expanding the territory, pacifying all the barbarians in the world, bringing peace to the common people, saving the country, and imparting education... I all know that Your Majesty is a benevolent and virtuous Lord who is rare in the world, so I dare to write a letter directly to state the plan of the Northern Defense Army. Suffering, I hope Your Majesty will take pity on him and save him..."

And looking at the dense red palm prints on the long table in front of him.

Zhu Houcong realized that things were a bit troublesome.

Zhu Di's original policy of surveillance and separation separated these Ming imperial clans in the four borders of the Ming Dynasty, making them not only unable to connect in series, but also under the close supervision of local officials.

Not only do they have to rely on the government for their livelihood, but they also have to register with the government regularly every month to confirm that they have not sneaked out to rebel.

Theoretically speaking, no matter how hard Zhu Houcong squeezed, it was absolutely impossible for this group of atomic men to mount any large-scale resistance.

After all, if farmers in a certain place were to be drafted by the government in such a way that they destroyed their families and wiped out all the people, even if they did not rebel, they would have to drag their families and their families away from their land and property and run away as refugees the next day. .

That's why Zhu Houcong believed that the Zhu clan was one of the most precious treasures that Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di jointly left to future generations.

But with the establishment of the Northern Defense Force, the Zhu clan people who were originally scattered in various places were reunited, and it seemed that some kind of identity began to emerge.

Now they have begun to use force and morality to kidnap those vassal princes and clans who were relatively harmonious and had a relatively close relationship with the court, and asked them to state their demands to Zhu Houcong.

Knew it!People can't be too greedy. Fishing for everything will not last long.

Zhu Houcong felt a little achy when he looked at the distant relatives in front of him who were looking at him with expressions of expectation and admiration on their faces.

The requirements of the Northern Defense Force are simple.

First, the imperial court must completely abolish the arrogant policy of recruiting people from the lower-level clans of the Ming Dynasty to join the army regardless of their gender.

Second, request the imperial court to establish a serious military service system for the lower-level clans. Whenever there is a war, officials at all levels cannot push all the clan members to the front line in order to make up the number. Those who do not comply will be put on shackles and iron chains and escorted to designated places. Location, perform the most dangerous mission to death to gain performance.

Thirdly, and most importantly, I hope that the imperial court can take pity on the lives of the soldiers of the Northern Defense Army and stop throwing all the most terrible tasks on the Northern Defense Soldiers and the clan members of the Ming Dynasty.

for the demands of these clans.

Naturally, Zhu Houcong could not agree to them all.

After all, the difficulty lies there. Without the Northern Defense Force, other military forces of the empire will need to be used to fill the hole, which will be more costly.

But the image of himself and the imperial court also needs to be maintained, and it is impossible to really ignore the demands of these northern defense soldiers.

(End of this chapter)
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