Chapter 315 Feng Bao
Originally, Empress Dowager Chiang adopted the third prince in her name on the grounds that her concubine Li Wenyu had a funeral in her family and was not suitable to raise a prince.

In fact, it was given to his niece Jiang Wan to raise.

And when Li Wenyu passed away soon due to depression and the trauma of childbirth, Zhu Shouyu was left without anyone to care for her.

Perhaps it was out of guilt, or to consolidate the emotional bond between the third prince in his name and himself, and to eliminate some hidden mines that might be detonated by someone with intentions in the future.

Empress Dowager Jiang simply asked Jiang Wan to adopt Zhu Shouyu, and raised the brother and sister together. She took good care of him and was considerate of her, and she was considered a good person to the end.

Upon hearing this arrangement, Zhu Houcong was speechless.

For these two little things, there is a high probability that this is the best arrangement.

"Watch your younger brothers and sisters! Don't read the storybooks written by those down-and-out southern literati every day! They will lead the children into bad ways!"

Before leaving, Zhu Houcong made one last confession.

It seemed that he was thinking of Zhu Changning lying on his back in the Longevity Palace, acting like a useless person, and asking her to take care of the child was tantamount to wishful thinking.

Zhu Houcong could only look up at the sky speechlessly, and made the minimum request to the girl behind him who didn't even raise her head, looking at the script and lazily mumbling her own words.

"Remember to eat on time, don't get too obsessed and starve to death, and don't eat too much to starve yourself to death. Return the princes and princesses to the concubines regularly at night, you..."

"Okay, okay! Let's go quickly! Don't worry, just leave the princes and princesses to my father, just don't worry!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Houcong's face darkened.

Zhu Houcong is not really worried about Zhu Changning. After all, this little brat has long been able to live without eating the filth of the world. As long as the spiritual energy in the world is endless, she will never starve to death.

What really worries him is whether the princes will suffer from hunger under the management of this irresponsible eldest sister.

Sure enough, it would be better to let each palace take the prince back every night.

This will not only supplement nutrition, but also check the number of people.

See if any prince is missing.

But there's no use worrying anymore.

But during the day, Zhu Houcong could only hope that Zhu Changning would realize that he would not only care about himself in everything, but also occasionally care about the living conditions of his younger brothers and sisters.

And Huang Jin and the others can take care of them in Xiyuan while they are away from the palace.

However, Zhu Houcong did not wait to comfort himself.

Not far away, a certain young eunuch who had been following Lu Fang and served as the Supervisor of Ceremonies showed his token to let the imperial guards guarding Xiyuan pass.

When Feng Baozai saw Huang Jin and Zhu Houcong who had just walked out of the Longevity Palace, his eyes lit up, and then he took a deep breath and walked over quickly.

"Your Majesty, because of the letter to discuss the expansion and reorganization of the Northern Defense Force, all the vassal princes and clansmen from all over the country have been waiting outside Xiyuan Gate for a long time. Eunuch Lu asked me to ask Your Majesty when he will announce their arrival in the palace."

The little eunuch in front of him had a simple face.

It is hard to imagine that the person in front of you will join forces with Zhang Juzheng during the Wanli Period decades later to control the situation of the Ming Dynasty.

Wanli even had to lie and deceive his mother to completely capture the Feng Bao family.

If it were in the past, I would see such a figure who might threaten the imperial power of future generations.

Zhu Houcong must order people to observe his words and deeds. If there is any misconduct, it must be eradicated in advance to avoid poisoning his descendants.

But now, since it has been decided to divide the land of Hu and Han, and set up kings to control it.

Zhu Houcong looked at the young eunuch in front of him who was from around Beizhili and had a clean family background. Lu Fang commented that he was "strategic and courageous".

But it was a different mood.

It’s okay to be ambitious, but it’s even better to be capable.

Only those who are ambitious and capable can help the emperor of the Ming Dynasty tame the vassals, so that the kings will not dare to despise the court and develop a dissatisfied desire to spy on the artifact. "It seems that Lu Fang was urged by my imperial uncles. If it were in the past, he would never send eunuchs to Wanshou Palace at this time."

Zhu Houcong looked at Feng Bao in front of him and said with a smile to Huang Jin.

"I will send the sedan chair immediately and order people to go..."

Huang Jin answered immediately. Feng Bao in front of him lowered his eyebrows and waited for instructions, but Huang Jin was interrupted by Zhu Houcong before he could finish his words.

"It doesn't matter, you can take care of the many princes in the Wanshou Palace... Since my uncles can't wait to see me, you can transfer a few royal horses from the Royal Horse Prison, and I and Feng Bao will ride to meet them as soon as possible. "


Huang Jin was ordered.

Xiyuan was originally a place where emperors of all dynasties inspected the imperial army, rewarded officials, and went hunting to select warriors. Naturally, there were roads left for horses to gallop.

The original Royal Horse Supervisor was the most important institution in the inner court, second only to the Li Jian.

If the Chief of Ceremonies approves cabinet votes on behalf of the emperor and handles confidential matters with the cabinet, he is actually the "inner prime minister"; then the Royal Horse Supervisor shares the military handle with the Ministry of War and the Governor, and is actually the "private office" of the inner court.

He was not only in charge of the royal horses in the palace, but also directly in charge of the four guards, plus the newly added warrior battalions during the Wuzong period.

Theoretically, the number of direct troops is as high as [-].

However, since Zhu Houcong had reorganized the imperial guards because of Empress Dowager Zhang at the beginning of his succession, the guards are currently understaffed.

But the Royal Horse Supervisor is still strong.

And since Zhu Houcong moved his palace to Xiyuan, the Royal Horse Supervisor is basically responsible for coordinating the relationship between the various forbidden troops living there, dividing the territory, taking care of spiritual plants, raising spiritual beasts...

Their functions were further expanded, and most of the garrison eunuchs who were ordered to supervise the Beijing army came from the imperial eunuchs. Their influence in the imperial city now vaguely exceeds that of the ceremonial eunuchs.

However, when Feng Bao heard that all the princes and princesses were in the Longevity Palace, even though he had deliberately concealed it, a flash of surprise could not be suppressed in his eyes.

It was confirmed that the rumors outside the palace that the prince in the Wanshou Palace and the prince outside the Wanshou Palace would have completely different fates in the future were not just rumors.

When he heard that the emperor asked Huang Jin to take care of many of the emperor's heirs, a look of envy appeared in his eyes.

Even the palms connected together couldn't help but clenched slightly.

Sure enough, compared to Eunuch Lu, the emperor still trusted his personal companion who had followed him all the way from Prince Xing's Mansion to the Imperial City.

After all, although Eunuch Lu was deeply entrusted by the emperor, he was in charge of the Supervisor of Ceremonies and discussed state affairs with many cabinet ministers.

His Majesty relied heavily on and respected him, and did not despise him just because Lu Fang was an eunuch.

But - after all, Lu Fang was a slave who pledged her allegiance to the emperor on the way to welcome him.

Even now, it seems that Lu Fang's move was a heavenly act.

Who would have thought that the emperor, who was brought into the capital from outside the capital by the chief minister and the queen mother to act as a puppet emperor, would imprison Zhang Zhuyang in less than a year, take charge of the government affairs, and take charge of all affairs?
Now that the eunuchs are talking about what happened when they first arrived, no one can't help but admire Lu Fang's performance.

Now Lu Fang can rely on the emperor's favor to assist the Queen Mother and the Emperor in managing the inner court.

The decision to decisively surrender to the emperor with the help of Da Yong, one of the Eight Tigers, is obviously extremely critical now.

After gaining the emperor's trust, Lu Fang helped stabilize the emperor's people and win over many old ministers from the Zhengde period, so that they would not all join the side of Empress Dowager Zhang out of fear of being replaced by the new emperor's close ministers.

This not only made the emperor trust him more and more, but also allowed him to win over the hearts of many old ministers of good moral character in the palace.

But even with so many achievements and being so loved by everyone in the palace, in the heart of the emperor, he was still not as good as Huang Jin, who had been with him since childhood.

After all, the emperor respected Lu Fang, but he would not casually ask Lu Fang to participate in handling his family affairs, let alone entrust the princes and princesses to his care when he was involved in important matters.

(End of this chapter)
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