Chapter 273 King Qin?King Qin!
But Wang Zuo's words on the side made the dark clouds in his heart become even more intense along with the darkness over Jinling at that moment.

"The person who interprets the corpse is the transformation of form and the transformation of true nature - although it is called an immortal, it behaves like a sneak. The Taoist Zhengyang spell derived from the three-day clear energy has no effect on it, and any ghost All Yin techniques will be greatly strengthened in His hands——"

"And the most difficult thing is that theoretically, if we can't find this person's spirit that lived in and relied on something to become an immortal after the war, and then destroy it, then his existence will really be like a true immortal, immortal and immortal. ——”

Zhang Fawei's voice was solemn. At this time, he took out a Bagua mirror from his arms. The mirror was divided into two sides. One side was aimed at the light man and Sea Dragon King above his head who were fighting Zhu Houcong. On the other side, the figure who was sitting in the capital appeared. The face of Zhang Yongxu, the great master of Tianshi Dao.

However, at this time, the honorary supervisor of the Qintian Prison, the young Celestial Master who was in charge of the capital for Zhu Houcong, looked a little tired, and the burnt-out oil lamps and the mountains of government offices under the oil lamps were sent to the Qintian Prison in the capital, asking for The imperial court sent officials to the local area to investigate and eliminate evil spirits.

Obviously, it is very possible that this guy just read the documents, sorted out the priorities from the formulaic narratives of these officials, and handed them over to officials at all levels for classification and processing. He was busy all night.

But taking into account the cultivation level of the most powerful heavenly master after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty.

And the tiredness on his face now.

According to common sense, in order to deal with the pile of official documents that Zhu Houcong found troublesome, he threw them all to the Qintian Supervisor for processing.

This Zhang Daren may have stayed up for more than one all-nighter.

This made Zhang Fawei look at his nephew in the mirror with a face full of exhaustion, and he felt a little guilty for a moment when he thought about the unpleasantness he had had with him because of his position as Heavenly Master and the title of Qin Tianjian.

However, when Zhang Yongxu, who was opposite him, dragged his tired body and saw the figure completely composed of light beams above Jinling through the Bagua Mirror, his expression quickly became serious.

"This is--"

"Zi Jie Xian! Such a thing really exists in the world!"

Zhang Yongxu's voice, which had just lost its youthfulness because he lost his father a year ago, contained an unprecedented shock.

When the legendary thing appears in front of him, no matter how calm he usually is, he can't stay calm at this time.

In particular, that thing in Taoist belief is the highest realm pursued by Taoists.

Immortal and immortal, the true immortal of the free world——

Not far away, Zhu Houcong seemed to realize that this thing could not be dealt with in a short time.

So the main attack direction was shifted to the side of Sea Dragon King.

Regarding this suspected existence of the legendary Zhijie Xian who seems to have a deep connection with Taoism.

Then just use magic to contain it, not seeking merit, but seeking no faults.

In this way, when the Sea Dragon King faced the full blow of the Emperor of Mingting.

He felt a sudden increase in pressure in front of him, almost making him unable to breathe.

It was frightened for a moment. Although it had already expected Zhu Houcong's strength in the quarrying battle, it only now realized that Zhu Houcong was not an opponent it could deal with alone.

It has lost count of the number of times that the evil sword held by the Ming Emperor, shining with an ominous scarlet light, has cut through its own body——

That's really an evil sword——

Compared to its body, which is more than a kilometer just above the water.

The wounds left on the body by the evil sword, which were no more than a few meters at most, were really nothing.

But what frightens it the most is that every time the demon sword pierces its own flesh and blood.

I can feel it clearly.

Those original things that constitute the core of one's life are being plundered away bit by bit.

As the scarlet glow devoured flesh and blood, he could feel that his longevity, which was enough to survive the next disaster in a thousand years, was disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

For the first time, it began to hate its own body, which had become incredibly large as time went by.As long as its body is smaller, it can dodge the attack of the Emperor Ming Ting above it by relying on its refined fighting skills.

It can also greatly weaken the demon sword that seems to naturally restrain a monster as large as himself.

Yes - that demon sword -

When another burst of bone-piercing pain came, it finally saw clearly the demon sword that was shining with an ominous red light, and the ominous light became brighter and brighter as time went by.

So - is it you?

It recognized this legendary sword that became world-famous with General Tiance who shocked the world by capturing two kings in a battle at Hulao Pass.


Before the King of Qin led his black armor cavalry to Hulao.

Under the majestic pass, the terrifying tyrant who was suppressed like a demon has awakened from his long sleep.

During his lifetime, eating people's hearts and livers was child's play. Taking advantage of the incompetence of the Jin court, he followed his brother to separatist rule in the north.

He looted the land and massacred the city, killing people without calculation. After his brother died of illness, even his own flesh and blood were nothing more than food ants in his eyes.

But such a terrifying demon tyrant, because of his powerful supernatural powers, throughout the hundreds of years of war in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, both Murong Tuoba and the Yuwen Gao family could only temporarily seal him in Hulao Pass.

But I hope that regardless of the rise and fall of dynasties, people in the world will remember to strengthen the seal in time to prevent this thing from breaking out and causing cholera to the world again.

Unfortunately, people's ambitions are endless, and there are always people trying to gain power from those terrible things.

When that terrifying evil spirit reappears under the plan of careerists and plunders all people.

People were shocked to find out.

Sui Ting collapsed too quickly.

And Tianming fell into a deep sleep at the same time by a "coincidence".

The demon in Hulao Pass was able to dance with his long spear, show his fangs again, roar to the sky, and plunder all the people.

The Sui Dynasty declined, and all the heroes rose together, and the world became huge!For a moment, no one could drive away this terrible beast!

Along with the expectations of all people.

He responded.

Maybe at this moment, God is helping him to become famous!Make decisions for the world!

When the King of Qin's sword finally cut off the terrifying tiger head of the ferocious beast.

The young King of Qin stood in the sea of ​​blood among the mountains of corpses. He raised his head and looked eastward, but there was no joy of success in his eyes.

As far as the eye can see, the rivers and seas are filled with corpses, and the originally prosperous and blessed land of Guanzhong is in front of them.

Once again, it was beaten into nothingness.

Blood watered the barren wilderness, and no corn grew on the fertile soil. Only the weeds that penetrated the corpses grew freely.

So he raised the King of Qin's Sword high and accepted the sad fate of being destined to be like the abominable thing in front of him, doomed to fratricide.

As Wang Shichong trembled, he knelt down in front of his horse, fell to the ground and offered his surrender, and behind him were the indulgent cheers of the Tang army all over the mountains and plains!
They loudly celebrated the hearty victory in front of them, their blood-stained faces filled with joy, and their longing eyes looked at the figure riding a white horse, standing on the corpse of the giant beast that had been dead for a long time.

Waiting for him to personally announce the complete end of 400 years of chaos——

(End of this chapter)

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