My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 272 The Battle of Jinling 11

Chapter 272 The Battle of Jinling 11
"What does the real person mean by this?"

After hearing Zhang Fawei's words, Wang Zuo, who had just been rotated from the front line, wiped the blood that was accidentally splashed on his forehead and asked.

The shark's blood fell to the ground as Wang Zuo wiped it, melting the iron stone and releasing patches of white corrosive gas.

After hearing Wang Zuo's words, Zhang Fawei, who was looking up at the sky blankly, finally woke up from the extreme shock.

He turned his head and slapped his chest with the palm of his hand to calm himself down again.

"Zijie Xian——"

Zhang Fawei stretched out his hand and pointed tremblingly at the figure shrouded in golden light in the sky.

The voice was slightly trembling.

After living for such a long time, Zhang Fawei was in awe for the first time of those heavenly masters from the Wei and Jin Dynasties who had gossiped with all kinds of monsters, ghosts, rebels and bandits, and even the manuscripts they left behind contained mostly ghost gossip.

It turns out that this thing really exists in the world.

Zhang Fawei always thought that Shi Jie Xian was just a white lie concocted by the founders of the Wei and Jin Dynasties in order to deceive the dignitaries of the Southern Dynasties into actively donating money and killing those bald donkeys who were robbing their jobs.

Wang Zuo, who was standing aside, had vaguely heard of this name from Jun's father when he was investigating the scene of Maitreya's birth at Tongtai Temple.

But for this kind of Taoist legend, he is still not as clear as Zhang Fawei, a real person from Tianshi Mansion.

Seeing the confusion in Wang Zuo's eyes, Zhang Fawei could only patiently explain again.

"The so-called immortality through military training was proposed by Ge Hong, a real immortal in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, who believed that immortals are divided into three levels, namely, heavenly immortals, earthly immortals, and corpse-unified immortals..."

Listening to Zhang Fawei's explanation, Wang Zuo suddenly realized.

The legend of Zhijie Xian has been around for a long time. It is said that before the Tianshi Mansion was established, the Taoist sect at that time still worshiped the six-day old spirit, rather than the three-day righteousness that only appeared at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. There is the legend of Zhijie Xian.

However, the Taoist sect at that time believed that it had inherited the teachings of Laozi, the pre-Qin Taoist school, and was deeply influenced by the teachings of Huang and Lao, so its organization was relatively loose.

There is no such relatively strict religious organization in later generations that is completely authentic and Zhengyi.

It is said that at that time, some people had taken advantage of the war between Qin and Han to plunder the treasures of heaven, materials and earth that were lost from the royal families of various countries after Qin destroyed the six kingdoms.

I was able to take advantage of this opportunity to transform my corpse into an immortal.

And because the methods of dismemberment are different, the quality of the items relied on is also different.

Therefore, the Corpse Jie Immortal can also be classified into Water Jie, Fire Jie, Weapon Jie, etc... Their magical powers also have different levels of power.

Later, during the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the imperial system was in turmoil, Wuhu invaded China, and various cults sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

At this time, another master of Taoism from all over the world appeared in the Taoist sect. His name was Ge Hong, and the world called him Baopuzi.

He is proficient in the cultivation methods of Taoist sects all over the world, and is good at refining elixirs. He can open a furnace to refine medicines to save the world and save people.

The world is grateful for his kindness and calls him "Immortal Ge Hong".

He was originally a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River, but later his father died early and his family fell into decline. In the second year of Tai'an in the Western Jin Dynasty, Zhang Chang and Shi Bing rebelled in Yangzhou.Ge Hong was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the Generals, and accompanied the Commander-in-Chief Gu Mi in the expedition against Shi Bing. For his meritorious service, the imperial court awarded him the title of General Fubo.

Later, when the eight kings attacked each other and the Jin Dynasty was cruel and stupid, he resigned in anger. The Western Jin Dynasty was destroyed, and the court asked him to return as an official. He heard that Jiaozhi was rich in cinnabar. He was overjoyed and asked to be appointed to Guangzhou.

On the way to his appointment, Mianyang Governor Deng Yue expressed his willingness to provide him with raw materials for making elixirs. Ge Hong then decided to suspend his trip to the appointment and lived in seclusion in Luofu Mountain, making elixirs and compiling Taoist scriptures in order to save all people from suffering.

He wrote one hundred volumes of "Yuhan Prescriptions" and three volumes of "Emergency Prescriptions" to spread his medical skills to the world. Unfortunately, because of the incompetence of the court at that time and the endless internal strife and external enemies, most of the scriptures he left behind are in Lost and burned in the war.

Most of the so-called immortal methods of Ge Hong that we see today are mostly written by later generations.

It was not written by Ge Hong himself.

"But even Ge Xianweng, who compiled what his ancestors had learned and compiled a complete method of corpse-dissolving immortality, has never seen the corpse-dissolving immortal with his own eyes!"

When Zhang Fawei said this, he looked at the person above his head who manipulated the sea water to condense into soldiers and fought with Zhu Houcong with the Sea Dragon King.

With a wry smile.

Wang Zuo on the side listened for a long time, watching Zhu Houcong's fire spear and long sword slash above his head, one against two without falling behind.Even as time went by, the blood stains on the Sea Dragon King became more and more numerous.

There was a burning smell, and his movements were obviously slow.

asked suspiciously.

"What kind of power does this Corpse Execution Immortal have that can make the real person so worried? I see that His Majesty's power is still the same, and the rat from the Sea Tribe is clearly showing signs of defeat."

The sea and sky not far away were torn in half.

There were dark clouds on one side and blazing flames on the other.

Under the clouds, the huge waves froze and turned into ice.

Clouds of fire enveloped it, the sea boiled, and mist filled the air.

During the confrontation, only the Sea Dragon King screamed in the sea. The water surged due to severe pain and set off huge waves. In an instant, they were either condensed into ice or evaporated into water mist.

Wang Zuo looked at the situation not far away that seemed to be particularly favorable for the emperor, and asked with some confusion.

Hearing this, Zhang Fawei re-examined the figure composed of light beams in the sky, and when he once again confirmed that the thing was probably the legendary Queen of Corpses.

A look of horror could not help but appear in his eyes again.

"The general doesn't know something - that thing -"

After hesitating for a moment, he thought that the master had been bound to Mingting for hundreds of years.

It can be said that both are prosperous and suffer.

There is no reason to hide this Taoist secret.

So he gritted his teeth and said.

"It is already considered to be the highest realm that humans can cultivate in Taoist legends, a true immortal who is immortal!"

"Although it looks evil, in fact, its essence has become an immortal, untainted by cause and effect, immortal and immortal——"

Although Wang Zuo still didn't quite understand, he felt a burst of pressure coming from Zhang Fawei's solemn tone.

He looked again at the entity made of light beams above his head.

Compared to the Sea Dragon King on the side who was exposed to the sea under Zhu Houcong's sword light, his skin was covered with charcoal and blood stains.

The light man was attacked by Zhu Houcong's magic and King Qin's sword, but even after such a long time, there was no trace of any scars. Moreover, after fighting for such a long time, there was no sign of the sea dragon king surging around the world, breathing slightly.

The longer Wang Zuo looked at it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Fighting Zhu Houcong, this thing seems to be really not strenuous at all.

No matter it was the dark clouds that suddenly gathered in the sky, spread thousands of miles, and swallowed up the entire Jinling and the endless sea.

Or the waves of ice it sets off among the boundless waves.

These moves are as easy as a piece of cake for it, and its magic power is almost endless.

It’s not good, it’s very bad——

Looking at such a monster, Wang Zuo suddenly felt worried.

It's not that the emperor is worried that he won't be able to win.

But he is worried about how to expel such a monster, which is relatively small in size compared to the Sea Dragon King, but is more cunning and powerful.

What price does the emperor have to pay to succeed?

(End of this chapter)

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