Chapter 270 Zulong!Zulong!

Deliberately tell lies to deceive yourself.

But it's obviously too late to think about this now.

It raised its head, and with the swing of its tail fin, facing the flames above its head, a white sea line rose into the sky with huge dark blue waves. The two collided, and white mist floated on the sea.

However, the water mist seemed to be alive. Accompanied by the melodious and moving songs of the shark nobles in the sea, it condensed into a dragon-shaped pattern in the air and rushed towards Zhu Houcong.

The dragon was lifelike and graceful, with all its claws and claws, and as the clouds and mist gathered more and more, the position of its eyes flashed with light.

There is no doubt that this is a spell that only the masters of the Dragon Palace, the true Mermaid nobles, can possess.

The tragic defeat of the shark soldiers on the front line has obviously affected their nerves, making them want to turn the tide of the war even if they die personally.

Unfortunately, they overestimated themselves.

Thousands of years of debauchery and enjoyment have left them with no understanding of the reality of the world.

At least the average shark has an enterprising spirit.

And they live in the deep sea, no longer aware of the changes in the world.


It looked at the mermaid nobles who were so complacent, thinking that everything was settled.

He couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

The white mist dragon hit the Emperor Mingting's body. The huge white mist filled the air, and the vision was blurry. After that, there was no other sound.

It seemed that the magic of the shark nobles was really effective. Some people in the shark army started cheering, and even some people in the Ming army looked up at the sky in surprise.

But the Sea Dragon King knows that this terrifying ancient alien species, which has survived countless fierce battles until now, with its keen intuition of escaping from the hands of predators countless times, can feel what the Emperor Ming Ting is doing in front of him. The threat brought to him is definitely not something that the pampered mermaids in the Dragon Palace in the sea can handle.

Thinking about it, he looked at the thousands of buildings and boats at the mouth of the river and the blue waves.

While waiting for the Ming emperor's next move and responding in time, it looked at the large boats in the river not far away that were chasing the sharks down the river.

For a moment, I was in a daze, as if I had returned to that terrible era when the black dragon loomed across the world and the destiny demons were fleeing in all directions.

Those ancient terrible dark ages.

It was also like today, when countless big shipowners came out, but it was for the first and most terrifying king to visit the fairy mountain and ask for the elixir of immortality.

In order to satisfy Zulong's endless greed, he wanted to live forever as a human being and dominate the world like destiny.

The world, which had just been pacified for only a few years, was once again awakened by the sound of Qin's troops turning.

The long knife exuding the strong smell of blood, the execution platform always flowing with dark red, never-drying blood, is like a long dragon, the iron chain pierces the pipa bone, and the blood flows under the knight's whip, and the walking corpse seems to have no end to the Guanzhong. The marching team of slaves and prisoners.

The greed and violence of King Qin are unimaginable to the world.

The blessings of the Central Plains will never satisfy him. Not only the Qin soldiers in Guanzhong were recruited and guarded in all directions.

During the war, except for Qi, which surrendered on its own initiative, it was still intact. The other six kingdoms, which were almost completely reduced to ashes in the war of Qin's annexation of the world, also received the imperial edict from the First Emperor.

Tens of millions of prisoners were shackled and marched through the empire's grand roads, blending in with the empire's glory. Passing through Xianyang, millions of civilians stayed behind to build the majestic imperial pavilion, Afang. , and then the remaining millions of slave laborers were divided into four batches.More than 200 million people were sent to the north to build the Great Wall to make further preparations for the Qin army's next northern expedition against the Huns.

One million people were sent south along with 100 Qin troops to build canals and conquer Baiyue.

One million people were moved to the southwest, and one million people were sent to the northwest, consolidating the empire's newly acquired territory.

and also……

There are more people under the supervision of the Qin army, building the galloping roads that run through the world and the magnificent canals all over the country.

The world has just been calmed down from 400 years of endless wars. Countless people have died on the road doing corvee service. Their corpses have filled the masonry of the Great Wall, and their flesh and blood have nourished the rubble of Afang.

Not only the survivors of the Six Kingdoms, but also the old Qin people, who had always been loyal and hard-working, were filled with resentment in their hearts for such tyrannical expropriation and excessive demands.

But when they looked at the farthest Lingnan border of the empire, as long as they looked towards the pass, they could see the twelve golden lights rising into the sky and overwhelming the world.

The roar of the black dragon came from above the head, and the ancestral dragon peered at all the rats in the world who dared to resist it with eyes full of violence. No one doubted that any human who dared to express his dissatisfaction would be killed by it with dragon flames. Relentlessly reduced to ashes.

All anger will turn into the deepest fear.

Even if the people of Qin hold grudges in their hearts, they can only bury it deep in their hearts, lest the terrible beings in the sky notice their disobedience.

Under the frightening power of the ancestral dragon, all difficulties disappeared.

The endless mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the destruction of families and people, piled up the glorious and prosperous age of a single man and a tyrant.

In order to facilitate those hundreds of alchemists like Lu Sheng, Han Zhong, Xu Fu, and Hou Sheng who claimed to be able to find the elixir of immortality for the First Emperor, they went out to sea to find the legendary three immortals.

Even during the war to pacify the Six Kingdoms, the First Emperor rarely left the palace in Xianyang. Since the 27th year of the First Emperor's reign, he began to tour the east every year.

On the one hand, on the advice of Confucian scholars, he consecrated Zen in Mount Tai and showed off his martial power to the gods and ghosts in order to intimidate them.

So that they don't dare to attack.

On the other hand, it was to kill the many ancient and powerful alien species in the sea that were left over from ancient times, and to clear the way for the Great Qin fleet to be sent to all directions to search for the fairy mountains.

When I heard the alchemist Xu Shi cried and said: "Penglai medicine can be obtained, but it is often suffering from the big mackerel, so it cannot be reached. I would like to ask someone to shoot it with you, and if you see it, shoot it with a crossbow."

For their own wish of immortality, those terrible warships powered by the blood of three hundred boys and girls, propelled by the Qin army's call, began to shoot the terrible relics in the sea with strong bows and giant crossbows.

Even the First Emperor personally ended up "fighting the sea god in his dream" and killed the giant fish with his own hands in the land of Fu——

"From the north of Langye to Rongcheng Mountain, there was no sight. When I reached Zhifu, I saw a giant fish and shot one. Then it merged with Haixi."

At that time, the Sea Dragon King escaped because he was weak and could not touch the rich coast with many human resources.

But it will never forget that day when the First Emperor's grand arrival came to the East China Sea, and the huge gasps that had never stopped from hundreds of millions of years ago to the present completely stopped, and along with those earth-shaking screams, one by one Another ancient race in the sea was wiped out.

Those mountain-like beasts, terrifying creatures that even the Sea Dragon King looked small in comparison with, died one after another. As the corpses fell, blood flowed out. For three consecutive years, the sea near the coast was a blood-red color.

It seemed that even heaven was shaken by the First Emperor's madness in seeking the elixir of immortality.

(End of this chapter)

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