My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 269 The Battle of Jinling 9

Chapter 269 The Battle of Jinling 9 (Don’t decide yet)

But after hearing Peng Ze's words, Wang Zuo stood on the bow of the ship, overlooking the billowing smoke and dust in front of him.

He was filled with joy and drew out the sword from his waist.

As the son of an imperial minister, he naturally understands better than those ignorant country men and women what kind of changes the Ming court is going through.

And the era they lived in, in the historical records of later generations, will be so majestic and magnificent that it will fascinate future generations.

Among the four parties, after today's war, only Mongolia in the north is left undecided.

But even the Sharks who were all over the world were expelled. How could the Mongols, who had lost the complete blessing of destiny, be the opponents of the Ming court.

The emperor's ambition was not just to guard the established boundaries left by Taizu.

Now that the four parties have been decided, the next step is to start a new round of external military expansion.

That is to say, "civilize the barbarians and open up the wilderness" and "restore the great achievements of the Han and Tang Dynasties".

Thinking of this, Wang Jinglong could no longer suppress their inner longing.

He stared closely at the sharks not far away who were swimming desperately in the water, trying to escape by swimming along the river into the sea.

Following his gaze, the flag officers holding yellow and blue flags behind him waved their flags.

The fleet like a long dragon behind them quickly urged the oarsmen to increase their speed after seeing the signal from the flagman.

The ramming horns of the ship's bow were like the fangs of a giant beast, and the cannons on both sides of the ship sparkled in the sun.

The sergeants were walking back and forth on the deck.

Most of them are Wuyue warriors who are proficient in water properties.

At this time, there were hundreds of warships and thousands of small boats. The sailors raised their oars, and their bare backs were covered with sweat, which was crystal clear in the sun.

Seeing that the boat division had arrived, the shelling on both sides of the strait gradually stopped.

But the shark has not yet experienced the joy of surviving the disaster.

Then I saw a few ropes thrown down from the huge ship, with many Ming army sailors hanging on them.

They don't wear armor, they mostly hold crossbows and spears, shooting and assassinating the sharks in the water.

On the deck, the Ming army gunners kept loading shotguns into the guns and fired at the sharks in the water to cover the Wuyue warriors on both sides of the ship.

And surrounding the giant ship, there were countless Ming army boats going down the river, guarding the fleet and blocking the sharks.

Its main task is to spread giant nets and iron chains covered with iron spikes and sharp blades on both sides of the fleet to prevent the sharks from diving underwater and destroying the ships.

Although the bottom of the Ming army's building ships specifically adopted the technology of Zheng He's fleet during the Hongwu period in order to cope with naval battles, a layer of iron was wrapped around the hull.

Although the sharks cannot always lurk underwater, there is a risk of drowning if they stay too long.

But after all, it belongs to the sea tribe, and its water properties are incomparable to humans.

If hundreds of sharks risk their lives to attack, even a thousand-man ship will be at risk of being scuttled.

The Ming army was not afraid of the sharks climbing up the side of the ship and engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the officers and soldiers on the ship.

In this era, boarding battles were a specialty of Ming navy sailors.

It started from Jiajing and continued until Emperor Yongli of the Southern Ming Dynasty asked the Pope for help and asked the Pope to launch a crusade against the Qing court.On the southern coast, the Ming army and Western colonists repeatedly fought over East Asian sea power, trade routes, shipping, and trade.

The reason why they were able to win many battles and defeat the Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch ocean-going fleets that tried to open up the Ming Dynasty market several times was to protect the maritime borders.

It relies on the art of hand-to-hand combat.

On the one hand, the development of maritime firearms of the Ming Dynasty did stagnate in the middle and late stages of the Ming Dynasty, and it must bear certain historical responsibility for the backwardness of military equipment in the future.

But on the other hand, the elite troops of the empire were mostly concentrated in the north, while the equipment of the troops in the south was relatively backward. In the later period, as the northern Ming army surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in large numbers under the call of righteousness and money and grain, they welcomed the king's division.

The Ming army in the south at the end of the Ming Dynasty was mostly composed of peasant rebels and pirates.

Zheng Chenggong relied on such a patchwork of troops to expel the Dutch and regain Taiwan. Although he suffered heavy casualties, he is still worthy of admiration.

Although the casualties in this battle are heartbreaking, as if overnight the Ming army that had defeated the Western colonists many times with a small number of times decades ago suddenly became so unbearable in combat effectiveness, we must also consider that the Ming army at that time The main legacy of the Ming Dynasty was that the elites of the Nine Borders in the north were recruited by the Qing court. After the Qing court stated that they could allow these poverty-stricken Ming troops to plunder as they pleased in the south, their last bit of loyalty to the Ming court also followed the death of Chongzhen and the The prince disappeared without knowing where he ended up.

It is said that the Qing court looted the south, but it is better to say that it was an outpouring of resentment towards the southern gentry. The hungry and cold Ming army in the north went south with hatred, brandishing their whips and spears, and destroyed this sacred land that was extremely prosperous but had nothing to do with it. Burn to ashes.

As for the Ming army in the south, warlords fought among themselves. After the fall of Nanjing, most of them were incorporated by southwestern warlords such as Li Dingguo and Sun Kewang.

Then, under the joint attack of the nine elite soldiers of the Ming Dynasty and the warriors of the Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, which the Ming army was most proud of, they either died or surrendered.

But obviously, the Ming army at this time was not comparable to the tired army that had gone through many trials and hardships in the later period.

They were at their peak at the moment, and even compared to the imperial soldiers of Hongwu and Yongle who had expanded their territories many times, they would never give in too much.

When the Jiangkou Sea Dragon King saw that the Ming army on the building ships was fully equipped, it was obviously not a temporary fleet of building ships, and there was a clear flash of wavering in his eyes.

The appearance of the Ming fleet in front of us undoubtedly means that the Ming army has restored its ability to go to sea to attack the sharks.

Well, as for the Mermaid tribe, which must continue to retreat from the coast due to the increasing strength of the Ming army.

They must continue to migrate to isolated islands in the deep sea farther away from the coastline in order to escape the Ming army's suppression of the Merman tribes near the Ming coast.

Its eyes twinkled.

He looked at the Emperor Ming Ting who was slashing towards him with a horizontal sword in front of him.

It has realized that if it loses again, the sharks will completely lose all defense power.

In just a few years, the Mermaid armed forces that were still able to suppress the Ming court in the offshore have become overwhelmed by the military power of the Ming court. Even the sacrifices and sea beasts alone can no longer cause fear to the humans in front of them. threats.

You must win, but the problem is——

Looking at the bright luster in front of him, the blazing flames were slashing towards him.

It has no doubt that once the flames touch its body, it will burn its body and soul like a mountain into ashes.

How to win?

The power of the Emperor Ming Ting in front of him far exceeded his expectations.

If it weren't for Chen Eel, he would have died in Quarry because of his arrogance.

It even had to wonder if it was the hybrid born from the union of humans and shark aristocrats. Suddenly one day, its feelings for humans exceeded its attachment to the sea clan.

(End of this chapter)

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