Chapter 241

But Xiao Yan knew very well that as for his own classic case, which would definitely be used by successive generations of rulers to teach future generations how to know how to recognize and employ people, and how to be bright and dim later, the emperor of the Ming court must have been around him before he ascended the throne. I have heard it countless times from the earnest teachings of various great Confucian scholars.

This is definitely not what Zhu Houcong in front of him wants to hear.

Although the result was correct, it was a pity that he was completely unaware of the Ming court's pig-raising education for the clan.

As the son of a vassal king, Zhu Houcong was not brought up according to the direction of the emperor at all, but was given a happy education. In order not to cause trouble for himself, Zhou Zhao, who usually taught in the palace, at most asked Zhu Houcong to memorize the Four Books and Five Classics to cultivate good morals and not to bully. Men dominate women, and they are loyal to the emperor and the court. They don't care about the success or failure of these ancient emperors.

What's more, Confucian scholar-bureaucrats had their own way of writing and interpretation when writing history. Many times, even if laymen had the chance to read, they could only read stories about ancient emperors and generals, and they couldn't understand these Confucian scholars at all. What are you talking about.

"Even I can't see the full picture of Hou Jing's rebellion..."

Xiao Yan said, as time went by, his figure gradually became thinner, and his facial features began to become blurred.

"The quarry is the barrier of Jinling. All the elite soldiers and generals are stationed here. Hou Jing's 8000 men attacked the quarry at night. Linchuan Prefect Chen Xin and Wang Zhi's naval fleet were only half a day away from the quarry. Why didn't they arrive in time to intercept the quarry? Jing’s army, with nearly [-] elite soldiers in the stone-fortified city, why was it captured overnight——"

"Xiao Zhengde, the general of Pingbei who was in charge of the defense of the capital at that time, was the son of my younger brother, but he was raised by me since he was a child. He and I share the same affection as father and son. Why did he collude with Hou Jing and others to lure the northern bandits to plunder the capital? Could it be that In his eyes, the fame of the throne is really more important than the family ties of the Xiao family’s descendants like us? He would not hesitate to become a puppet in the evil clutches of the Northern Captives such as Hou Jing?”

Speaking of this, Xiao Yan's words were full of pain.

The light around him was getting weaker and weaker, and it was obvious that he was about to reach the end of his life.

He calmed down, felt his state, and knew that time was running out.

"In the Hou Jing Rebellion, only the death of Yang Kan makes me feel ashamed. If there is an opportunity in the future, please help me find his flesh and blood so that I can cultivate him. I would be very grateful -"

Zhu Houcong nodded when he heard this.


Zhu Houcong has naturally heard of Yang Kan's reputation for loyalty in history.

If given the opportunity, Zhu Houcong would naturally not mind protecting the blood of Yangkan's descendants from being exterminated.

Now, Xiao Yan's body in front of Zhu Houcong has become almost transparent.

He looked at Zhu Houcong in front of him and gave his final instructions.

"During Hou Jing's rebellion, there were many suspicions. Before all the monks in Tongtai Temple were killed by Hou Jing's rebel troops, Zen Master Zhiyun had a secret message conveyed to the palace——"

At this time, Xiao Yan's figure had completely disappeared in front of Zhu Houcong's eyes.

Even the last sound became intermittent and insubstantial.

"Zen Master Zhiyun said in the letter that the real purpose of these Hou Jing's rebellious soldiers may be to come for Shui De's destiny - and, Zen Master Zhiyun believes that behind Hou Jing, in addition to the secret manipulation of the northern evil spirits, those evil spirits behind I’m afraid there’s another mastermind instigating it——”

At this time, Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of Liang, who had fought all over the world in his youth, recalled the secret letter from Zen Master Zhiyun. The crooked words in the secret letter all revealed shock and despair, revealing the heart of the writer. The panic and shock after the three worlds collapsed in an instant, and the tone of his voice at this time could not help but reveal a kind of fear that could not be suppressed even after a thousand years.

"The moment the gate of Tongtai Temple was captured, Zhiyun saw something that theoretically should never appear in this world."

"That terrifying thing in Taoist legends that first dies, sheds its body, is tempered by water and fire, and then comes back to life after thousands of years - the Corpse Execution Immortal!"

Corpse Execution Immortal——

Hearing this name, Zhu Houcong still had many things to say to Emperor Liang Wu in front of him, but it was obvious that Emperor Liang Wu in front of him had completely lost his soul and passed away between heaven and earth.

In my previous life, I was a senior history and fairy tale lover.

Zhu Houcong is no stranger to this Taoist legend, which is said to be the most feasible and cost-effective method of removing corpses from immortals.

According to legend, this method was left behind by Ge Hong, a Taoist in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

It is divided into many methods such as fire solution, water solution, weapon solution, sword solution and so on.If you can achieve this, you can live freely in the world and live forever.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the method of corpse dissection flourished in Taoism for a while.

It was favored by the Taiping Dao of the Five Pecks of Rice Sect, which was spread all over the north and south at that time, and many demon sects who gathered people to rebel in the name of Taishang Laojun.

But looking at Emperor Liang Wu who was obviously dead and could not die anymore, Zhu Houcong could only sigh.

"Have a good burial——"

Zhu Houcong said.

The royal guards who came after hearing the news came forward to collect the hidden Buddha bodies of Emperor Wu of Liang and his wife who turned into a dragon, and brought them back to Jinling to build a tomb for them.

"Your Majesty, most of the corpses of the imperial guards from the Chenghua period have been found."

Zhang Fawei looked at Zhu Houcong who seemed to be in a bad mood, suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and whispered.

"Take me to see——"


Upon hearing this, Zhang Fawei immediately walked ahead to lead the way.

The corpse Buddhas in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple have basically been cleaned up.

Along the way, Zhu Houcong and others could only hear vague and sporadic corpse roars, and then they were annihilated by the Forbidden Army and the Ming Army who heard the sound.

Although there are still golden dust floating in the air, Maitreya shows no sign of coming to the world. It is probably because he has seen the battle of destiny on earth and has already decided.

"right here--"

Zhang Fawei pointed to an open space in the bamboo forest in front of him.

The open space is close to the Wanfu Forest, with a brown-black bush with spikes planted on it.

To a great extent, the possibility of tourists entering it by mistake is eliminated.

But now the surface of the ground has been opened up by the Jinyiwei brought by Zhu Houcong this time, and a large pit has been dug. Next to the pit is the corpse of the Jinyiwei who turned into a corpse Buddha during the Chenghua period and was just dug out from the ground.

Zhu Houcong noticed that many of the Jin Yiwei were injured, and the bodies of the corpse Buddhas on the ground had signs of fragmentation.

Obviously, the excavation of the corpses of Jinyiwei from the Chenghua period did not go well just now.

A big battle broke out between the two sides here.

Seeing Zhu Houcong coming, Wang Zuo, who was urging the Jin Yiwei to count the bodies again and check the roster, quickly stood up to greet him.

"Your Majesty, the bodies of 11 six Jinyi guards and 150 ministers who were sent to Nanjing in the 27th year of Chenghua have been found."

Most of the corpse Buddhas transformed by the imperial guards at their feet had ferocious and angry expressions. It was obvious that they were fighting something during their lifetime, and were transformed into corpse Buddhas by black magic during the battle.

"Have you found out how they died?"

After hearing Jun's father's inquiry, Wang Zuo signaled the two Jinyi guards beside him who wanted to report something to pause, bowed and replied.

"The reason why the Jinyi Guards gathered together at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is still under investigation, but as to how they were transformed into the corpse Buddha monsters in front of them - some clues have been asked from the mouths of those monster monks."

(End of this chapter)

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