Chapter 240 Hou Jing
Although now in the deep sea of ​​the East, there are also forces that have already glimpsed the destiny of the next era.

And preparations for the resurgence of Shui De Tianming began a long time ago.

But what they enshrine is the ancient water virtue that helped the Qin Dynasty pacify the world thousands of years ago and wipe out the countless terrifying existences that occupied this land at that time. They are the ultimate decadent and decadent things that are truly hidden behind history.

He is not willing to become the truly ancient and terrifying thing in the deep sea dragon palace to supplement his own food.

So it chose to head west to avoid the coveted eyes of those things on the seabed that had long coveted it.

Precisely because of this, it put down all its pride and reached an agreement with Huode Destiny in an instant.

After all, it has lost the most precious treasure it acquired during its sleep, and the humanity accumulated over thousands of years has been completely broken under Zhu Houcong's sword and spear.

Now, in order to maintain its independence, it must find the next anchor point of humanity as soon as possible.

Don't be too late!


"His Majesty--"

Zhang Fawei quickly came to Zhu Houcong.

Just as he was about to report the previous traces of the missing imperial guards during the Chenghua years, Zhu Houcong shook his head and looked forward.

Not far away, Emperor Wu of Liang was holding a dragon in his arms. The originally bright Buddha light on his body was now a little dim.

Having just experienced a fierce battle with the fragments of destiny, the dragon in his arms was already scarred.

Emperor Wu of Liang stroked his beloved wife's scales and sighed leisurely.

"Thank you for your hard work~Wait for me, I will find you soon~"

After hearing Xiao Yan's words, the scarred Jiaolong finally closed his eyes, and along with the dots of Buddha's light around him, it turned into a stream of light and gradually disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Emperor Ming——"

After bidding farewell to his first wife, Xiao Yan raised his head and looked at the Emperor Ming Ting who was standing in front of him, who obviously had something to say, and he stretched out his palm.

In the battle to expel the destiny just now, most of the thirteen glazed beads were damaged, leaving only three glazed beads that were still in good condition.

With the movement of Xiao Yan's thoughts, the three beads flew into Xiao Yan's hands.

After the confrontation between Tianming just now.

The Maitreya coming-to-world ceremony in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, which was about to take shape, has not been successful for some reason.

Only the golden dust in the air is still rising from the corpse Buddha's body.

Hitting three glass beads, it exudes colorful light and is extremely beautiful.

Xiao Yan looked at the Buddhist beads in front of him, his eyes filled with memories and nostalgia.

But in the end, these beads were handed over to Zhu Houcong.

"There were originally eighteen beads. In the first year of the Taiqing Dynasty, Tongtai Temple took the relics of the eighteen most powerful Han monks since the Eastern Han Dynasty and refined them. It was originally intended to drive away the disasters of the Hai clan and protect them. The stability of Jinling... During my lifetime, I fought in the north and south, and used five beads to pacify the four directions. Later, Shui De appeared in the world, and in order to suppress the great evil that should not have appeared at this moment, I took the essence and blood of ten thousand Buddhas and combined it with this bead to seal it."

"I thought that after the matter was accomplished, with this sleeping destiny, I could use it to protect the Liang Kingdom for eternity, and even unify the world, and regain the four barbarians. Who would have thought that in the end, it would bring disaster to the country -"

Having said this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He boasted that his Buddhist cultivation was the best in the Southern Dynasties, but in the end he still couldn't escape the words of greed and hatred.They only saw the immediate benefits and ignored the crises behind them.

It seemed that he understood what Xiao Yan meant.

Just got the Buddhist beads.

Zhu Houcong could feel a warm current flowing from the Buddha beads into his limbs and bones, and the warm Buddha light entered his bones, constantly and spontaneously repairing Zhu Houcong's body.

Although the effect is very weak for Zhu Houcong and has almost no effect, if it is used by other martial arts practitioners, it must be a rare cultivation treasure.

"This bead has the ability to stabilize water. It was originally made to subjugate the Sea Clan. I know you have the ambition to conquer the four seas. I think you will conquer the Sea Clan. This bead will definitely help you."

Having said this, Xiao Yan looked at the heroic and ambitious young emperor in front of him, and suddenly seemed to see the autumn of the second year of Jianwu again.

At that time, he had not yet fallen into the strife and criticism among the noble families of the Southern Dynasties, and he was not surrounded by so many sycophants and traitors. At that time, he was not the emperor yet, but he was also full of passion like Zhu Houcong in front of him, hoping to be able to succeed. A young man who has established a peerless career.

That year, Tuoba Hong, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, led 30 Jing clan across the river, intending to destroy the Southern Qi in one battle.

When the emperors and ministers of the Southern Dynasty saw the Northern Wei Dynasty's menacing and overwhelming military power, they all became afraid. Some people even prepared to surrender. Once the front line was defeated, they would quickly bring their families and join the Northern Dynasty.

Pingbei General Wang Guangzhi was ordered by the imperial court to rescue Yiyang. However, he saw the Northern Wei army with banners all over the field, and its military power was unprecedented since Fu Jian went south.

They actually stationed their troops a hundred miles away from Yiyang and stood still. They were afraid of the Northern Wei army and were unable to move forward.

At that time, Xiao Yan was ordered to accompany Wang Guangzhi to rescue Yiyang. Seeing that the three armies were cowering, he was furious, so he summoned his subordinates and asked for orders to advance.

He only led three thousand elite soldiers to gallop through the starry night to aid Yiyang. They planted flags widely on Xianshou Mountain outside Yiyang City. The defenders of Yiyang thought that reinforcements had arrived, so they went out of the city to fight.

Xiao Yan then put on strong armor and held a large spear in his hand, and led his troops to attack the Wei army from behind.

Knowing that the main force of the Southern Qi was still a hundred miles away, the Northern Wei army was unprepared and was attacked from two sides. One hundred thousand soldiers were defeated by Xiao Yan's thousands of men. The Wei army fled north in panic and had no time to take away the discarded baggage. The siege of Yang was resolved.

Xiao Yan also became famous all over the world because of this battle.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Xiao Yan seemed to see his young self again.

Therefore, when he heard Zhu Houcong asking about the truth about the Hou Jing Rebellion, his eyes became serious. He knew that in the dynasty, the difficulties faced by the people in front of him would not be any simpler than those he had encountered before. .

The pitfalls he had stepped on, whether it was for the sake of the people of the world at this time, or for himself who had fallen into a life of wealth and intrigue, he was never willing to let the young man in front of him with a bright future step through them again.

He had to make a reminder, even though there were many things he had only speculated on.

"Hou Jing——"

He recalled how happy he was when he heard about the civil strife in Northern Qi and that Hou Jing could not escape and wanted to lead his troops to submit to him.

He warmly entertained Hou Jing and named him King of Henan and General.

At that time, he and Hou Jing were sympathetic to each other, and the officials of the Southern Liang Dynasty also came to the table one after another to praise Emperor Wu of Liang for his achievements in expanding the territory without spending a single soldier. They compared him with the famous kings of the past dynasties. Scenery.

But later, due to the successive failures of the Northern Expedition, the peace negotiations between Southern Liang and Northern Qi, and the internal strife among the kings of Southern Liang, Hou Jing felt that he had been betrayed, so he resolutely led his troops to quarry stones, and conquered Jinling like a bamboo.

And besieged Taicheng, and finally broke through, and Emperor Wu of Liang Xiao Yan was starved to death by him.

Although Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel angry every time he thought of Hou Jing's rebellion and his bastard sons, even after so long.

(End of this chapter)

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