My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 163 Misfortunes Repeatedly

Chapter 163 Misfortunes Repeatedly
You said that I should say that you are straightforward, and I am happy that I am not playing tricks like those girls in the harem.

Or are you worried about this dangerous idea that completely ignores the feudal ethical system that maintains the basic stability of the world?

Zhu Houcong decided to play the family card.

"Your brother Zaiji is the eldest son of the emperor, and there is a high probability that he will become emperor in the future..."

At that time, you will be the eldest princess of the empire, commanding the imperial army to defend the imperial power. One person is more powerful than ten thousand people. You will sit in the capital and frighten the princes from all over the world. If you are not a popular drinker, you can do whatever you want——

Zhu Houcong began to try to start with family affection and continued to feed her cakes.

In Zhu Houcong's expectation, princes with spiritual roots were sent to various places, leading some imperial guards to open vassals and build mansions to suppress various places, civilize the barbarians, and drive out evil spirits.

Zhu Changning, on the other hand, led the princesses to command the empire's most elite armed forces to defend the center and maintain the stability of order in the world.

It must be foolproof!Foolproof!
Zhu Houcong now has a vague feeling that since breaking through the pill formation, the help that the resolution method has given him is much smaller than before.

I'm afraid it's impossible for my cultivation to change drastically in just two years like before.

I am afraid that years and decades of seclusion and hard training will become one of the ways for Zhu Houcong to increase his combat power in the future.

Even if Zhu Houcong can rely on the time difference between the two worlds to offset this gap.

But just in case, back-ups like the Prince Supervising the Country still need to be prepared in advance.


Seeing his own father's attitude that if you don't swallow this cake, I will force it into you, Zhu Changning could only frown, hesitate for a few times and reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"If you were the chief assistant, how would you react -"

Zhu Houcong reopened this topic.


Although Zhu Changning really wants to say who likes to be the chief assistant, what do you ask me?

But looking at his old father's face, he still answered bravely.

"I listen to dad--"

"No, you have to appear hesitant on the surface, secretly instigate the imperial emissary to write a letter, and use this matter as an opportunity to throw all those worms that cannot be dealt with by conventional means into the imperial prison of Jin Yiwei!"

“Okay, okay, throw them into the prison—throw them all in…”

Zhu Changning said casually.

Good boy, you are really insufferable!
Looking at Zhu Changning in front of him who showed no concern for the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Houcong just sighed.

For such a problem child, I can't really wield the Emperor's Dragon Fist to give her a loving education from my old father... right?

"Forget it, later you will bring the generals at the banquet and try all these things -"

Zhu Houcong took out a lot of various strange-shaped modified weapons from his storage bag and threw them to Zhu Changning.

"This side is for the Forbidden Army, this side is for ordinary soldiers..."

Looking at Zhu Changning, who was quite enthusiastic about military affairs, Zhu Houcong could only sigh again as he looked at her back and couldn't wait to leave.

You said, I asked myself about the martial arts and martial arts throughout my life - well, there was almost no martial arts, it was all martial arts, so why did this thing happen?

After Zhu Houcong sat down, he relaxed and picked up his imperial pen to reply.

"You can discuss matters in the palace with your mother and make your own decisions..."

This is for Huang Jin.After thinking for a moment, he wrote a letter to Wang Shouren, the censor of Zuodu who had joined the cabinet and was in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

"I also hope to restrain the scholars, unite all officials, and prevent loyal and good people from being harmed..."

After handling these matters, Zhu Houcong opened the second urgent report.

It was a report from Guo Xun returning from West Asia.

"Your Majesty, I am traveling west this time. Along the way, I saw sneaks running rampant, demons everywhere, and people dying. The further north you go, the more demons become more rampant. There are mountains of corpses, and no one can stop them. The remaining people are looking east to see me, the Ming Dynasty King. The master has come to save Li Shu from the sea of ​​misery..."

"In the more than thirty countries we passed along the way, most of the kings, civil servants, and military officials have become the playthings of evil puppets. Their appearance is terrible. They entertain our envoys from the higher countries, use skulls as cups, human skins as drums, and cook the living people for fun. ...It can really be said that "the barbarian king leads his people to eat people", the hair on the hair is standing on end and the cold sweat is dripping..."

"The land of ancient Persia is now under the rule of the Safavids. The country was first established and had ambitions to expand its territory. However, it has recently suffered repeated defeats. The monarch has been fighting all year round, lingering on his bed, the prince is young, surrounded by powerful enemies, and there are civil strife. Worry..."

"Fortunately, I have lived up to my holy hope. Now Jin De's destiny has broken the seal and fled north. I accidentally found something on the way. It is suspected to be Genghis Khan's golden arrow held by Timur, a remnant of the Mongol Empire who conquered Persia in the past. I have a mortal body. I don’t know whether it is true or not, but I have sent it to the capital with the letter for your Majesty’s visit.”

"Now Yuan Ting is on an expedition to the west, and Rakshasa is heading east. Returning to the Celestial Empire, there are endless wars, and the journey is becoming more difficult and dangerous. We may have to travel for several months. We, the soldiers, miss your father and the kindness of the emperor, and often look at the moon at night. The mourning cannot be stopped, and I will return home as soon as possible to see His Majesty and hope that the Emperor is in good health. Guo Xun, the commander of our army's vanguard, expressed his sincerity and fear, and bowed his head to speak."

Ignore the bragging shit.

Zhu Houcong knew that this time the Mongols probably had no intention of going south to attack the Ming Dynasty.

Genghis Khan's legacy, a symbol of the Golden Family's legitimacy, is even more important to them than their destiny.

What's more, the enemy in the west has gradually shown its fangs towards itself, and seems to have been recognized by the Jin De destiny, which the Mongols once relied on to establish their country.

For Ada Khan, is there any force more dangerous than such an enemy?
Since there is nothing going on in the north for the time being, it is time to concentrate all our efforts and move the Ming army that remains in Shandong and is ready to send troops north to support at any time to the south.

The coastal sharks were completely defeated.

Zhu Houcong thought, and he opened the third letter.

It was sent from Nanzhili, Jinling.

Zhu Houcong frowned after reading it.

Strange thing!

According to the official of Nanzhili, a hat demon has been causing trouble around Jinling City recently and plundering the people. The official mobilized monks and Taoists from nearby Taoist temples to do something about it, and ordered the local guard station to dispatch officers and soldiers to patrol and deploy, but they still can't stop it.

Every night, the hat demon would fly into the sky and capture people.

When people hide in their homes, it turns into a hungry wolf and sneaks into people's homes to plunder them.

Nanzhili cannot handle it and hopes that the imperial court can send someone to handle it.

Of course, if the matter is just as simple as evil spirits hurting people, the imperial court can directly send special envoys from the Qintian Prison in the capital to deal with it.

Now that the Eastern Expedition is imminent, there is no need to send it to Zhu Houcong.

But the situation really started to get serious when Li Xuan, the supervisor who was in charge of Qintian Prison, and Zhang Yongxu, the Tianshi Taoist master, jointly submitted a letter.

Supervisor Li Xuan searched through the archives of the Qin Tian Jian of past dynasties and found something similar to today's Cholera Southern Demon from a secret file from the Northern Song Dynasty.

"(May) Bingxu, Zhang Min, the governor of the three cities in Heyang, said: "I have recently heard rumors in Xijing that something like a hat flies into people's houses at night and turns into a big wolf shape, which is incapable of hurting people.The people were so frightened that they locked themselves up in the depths every night, and even used weapons to hunt them down. "

"On the evening of Yisi in June, the people in the capital spread rumors that the hat demon had come from Xijing and entered people's homes to eat people. According to legend, it was terrifying. People would gather together to sit around and make a lot of noise, especially in the military camp."

Nowadays, the Ming Dynasty is not only in southern Zhili, but also in many places along the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Prefectural governments have reported traces of such demons causing trouble at night.

Its whereabouts have spread almost throughout the south!
(End of this chapter)

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