Chapter 162 Three Letters

It made the maids on both sides giggle.

After all, there were only a few people in the venue who could recognize the emperor himself, and most of them could only look at the emperor's back in the distance during ceremonies and marches.

After all, there are still only a few people who can meet the emperor face to face.

Wang Zuo tried his best to reduce his sense of presence.

But he was still caught by the emperor, who looked calm at this time and could not see any joy or anger.

"The war is tough, so it's not a bad idea to relax once in a while, Wang Zuo!"

"Hey! I'm here."

Wang Zuo, who had originally planned to rejuvenate his life today, stood up tremblingly.

Hearing this, the originally normal atmosphere in the venue suddenly dropped to freezing point.

People looked stiff and panicked.

But what made everyone subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief was that the emperor did not punish everyone for their lewd behavior in front of the battle array.

"After today's banquet, all the officers and soldiers in the army will be given ten taels of silver each, which will be allocated from the internal treasury. The Ministry of Household Affairs will also ask the Ministry of Household Affairs to transfer some silk and silk from the treasury, and reward them to the parents, wives and children of the officers and men to settle down their families."

"This battle is for our country and our family, and we must not chill the hearts of our soldiers."

The two rewards have different meanings.

After calling Zhu Changning out and looking at Zhu Changning who was looking around in front of her, hoping that someone would suddenly appear and send a frontline military report to save her, Zhu Houcong did not criticize herself as she thought.

Instead, he asked about the finishing work for the Qingzhou Li family and those evil carps.

Zhu Changning answered quickly.

"I have ordered Commander Gao Xiang to set up nets all around Qingzhou City and burn countless carp corpses. I have also given instructions to the newly sent county magistrate from the imperial court, asking him to pay attention to the number of carp in the moat while he is in office, and send people to deal with it regularly. If there are any Failure to report it to the court in a timely manner."

"As for the Li family, after the officers and soldiers counted the bodies of everyone in the Li family, they burned them all together with the house."

Zhu Changning said cautiously.

Seeing that Zhu Houcong was not angry, he just walked forward slowly.

Just now he breathed a sigh of relief.

Has everything been dealt with?

When Zhu Houcong thought of these things that happened in Qingzhou, he thought they were just ordinary remnants of the previous dynasty, hiding Qingzhou in collusion with the government and harming the people of the Ming Dynasty.

But who would have thought that there would be the evil spirits of Chen Han and the sharks hiding in the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years, and even a conspiracy to almost usurp the country of the Ming Dynasty was hidden in them.

Zhu Houcong could not help but have a deeper understanding of the dangers of this world.

Sometimes his enemies are not just on the battlefield, but also have to guard against the machinations hidden under the calm surface.

And there are more than ten thousand families in the world who have magic like the Li family in Qingzhou.

How many of them are really, as they claim, under the shadow of their ancestors, taming the demons and protecting them?

In the Ming Dynasty, in the seemingly peaceful Han Dynasty, there are still many hidden evil parties that the previous dynasty could not completely clean up, and how many ghosts and monsters have been integrated with this country.There is a long way to go!

Zhu Houcong thought.

He took Zhu Changning back to his study.

I started reading the information that came from all over since the Dengzhou War.

There are three letters, one from the capital, one from the Western Regions, and one from Jinling.

Huang Jin retrieved these three letters from the many messages that had been conveyed to the capital, wrote a large word "urgent" in cinnabar, and then sent them to Zhu Houcong.

Zhu Houcong opened the letter from the capital first.

The content inside is very simple. It is about the uproar that immediately arose in the court after Zhu Houcong promised in front of his concubines to imitate Taizu and ennoble vassal kings.

The ministers were divided into two groups. One group really benefited from the feudal kings guarding the frontier, indicating that we must resolutely implement Emperor Taizu's instructions even after a hundred years.

These people are headed by the relatives behind the concubine, the royal family and the noble children in the capital.

The composition of the other faction is more complicated. There are northern military leaders who are worried that enfeoffing vassal kings to guard the four sides will weaken their own rights. They are afraid that the emperor will take advantage of the opportunity and send vassals to the south to monopolize Jiangnan trade. There are also a handful of Jiangnan nobles who are really worried about Jingnan. The southern gentry repeated the incident.

There are also a large number of Ming melon-eating people who enjoy themselves.

After all, in addition to the point of view that the enfeoffment of vassal kings will lead to the instability of the artifact and the Jingnan incident cannot be repeated, another point of view is that there is a possibility that the Jingnan troubles were not caused by the enfeoffment of vassal kings, but were actually caused by the enfeoffment of vassal kings. Was it the opposition to the enfeoffment of feudal kings and the reduction of feudal vassals that led to the calamity?
Do you mean to say that our dear Emperor Taizong is an unfaithful, unfilial, benevolent and unjust person who would jump out and rebel on his own initiative even if he is not forced to the desperation by cutting down the vassalage?

If anyone really dares to think so and openly question the character of Emperor Taizong, then you are indeed a member of the Nine Clan and are a bit suspicious.

However, the discussions between the two factions were too intense, and even the cabinet had a vague tendency to split.

Liang Chu asked the Queen Mother several times to express her attitude, saying that it was just a joke made by the emperor at the family banquet, in order to calm the public opinion in the world.

However, Empress Dowager Jiang said that she was not feeling well and it was inconvenient to see guests recently, so Liang Chu was rejected several times.

Now the old man is caught between the two factions, and his hair is almost turning gray.

"It's not easy for him to be the first assistant. The old man is already over 70 years old. He was beaten into the Yang Party because Zhengde Dynasty was too close to Yang Tinghe. When the censors knew that he was going to take over as the first assistant, they all wrote memorials to impeach him. , and I don’t know who gave the instructions.

He has been working hard all his life, trying to make some achievements to comfort the ancestors and benefit his descendants. He has worked hard all his life and finally waited for Yang Tinghe's downfall. Unfortunately, not many people can understand his difficulties.

Below are Wang Qiong, Yuan Zonggao, and Mao Cheng, who are eagerly waiting to take over. Behind them are military leaders from the north, gentry from the south, and the secret support of the old officials of the palace... Some of them are older than him - they are all waiting for a gust of wind. To blow him off the stage, the newcomer selected in this year's imperial examination saw the imperial court's victory over Southwest, and at a young and vigorous age, he was eager to prove himself. He was really afraid of any trouble! "

Zhu Houcong handed the letter to the girl in front of him. She blinked and took a step back subconsciously.

"I'm not the emperor, so what's the use of watching this?"

She looked at Zhu Houcong very warily.

day!Co-author: Have you decided so early to become a qualified rice insect and empty out the Ming Dynasty's treasury?
Zhu Houcong looked at her expression and felt that painting a cake for her was undoubtedly playing the piano to an ox.

No matter how much she is fed, she may be vomited up, and she may even have to reverse pua. Zhu Houcong works hard to save more family property for her to provide for her.

He even directly asked Zhu Houcong, as my father’s son of Ming Dynasty, why he didn’t work hard to let me and the people of Ming Dynasty live a good life, but instead asked me to work hard for you!
This little bunny!
Thinking of the last time they left, Zhu Houcong casually asked what good qualities the next generation of Ming emperors should have, suggesting that she should restrain herself a little. However, the little brat firmly said that as soon as Zhu Houcong sent him, he would work for whomever gave him more money and food. Zhu Houcong was speechless for a moment.

I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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