Chapter 137

However, breaking through the core formation requires a "treasure land" as a source of material support for the inner creation of heaven and earth.

Zhu Houcong couldn't help but turn his attention to the newly opened world in the Treasure Book of the Heavens.

That world is similar to the European Middle Ages.

Although this world does not seem to have the spiritual energy of heaven and earth suitable for cultivators to practice and improve their cultivation, as a Zhongqian World that is purely used for breakthroughs, its energy concentration is most likely sufficient.

"Let your pet retreat. If you continue to fight, both sides will lose. How about you and I make an oath and withdraw our troops separately——"

At this time, a ray of spiritual consciousness swept from the sea, and Zhu Houcong also opened his spiritual consciousness to welcome it.

A deep voice rang in Zhu Houcong's ears.

Obviously, this time the real owner came to the door.

"The sharks under your command invaded our sea territory! The war in the East China Sea has not stopped for a hundred years! Bloodshed and sacrifices will never be peaceful! Why cease the troops!"

Zhu Houcong replied.

He felt the strange consciousness in front of him that made the strangeness in his heart stronger and stronger, and replied.

As deep and dangerous as the ocean, with a strong smell of sea.

"The sharks have invaded now because you, the Ming Dynasty, tore up the alliance and killed our people. Unless you release Empress Dowager Zhang and expel all the Xiyi people in the territory, this war will never end."

That thing retorted - and listening to his words, Zhu Houcong felt extremely strange in his heart.

It was as if the person he was talking to was not a man-eating monster with vast magical powers.

Rather, he is a mortal nobleman who has been sleeping for too long and whose thoughts are still stuck in the very distant past.

"What the hell are you?"

Zhu Houcong asked.

But the thing didn't answer directly. It stared at Zhu Houcong more closely with its spiritual consciousness and asked back.

"Then who are you?"

"Knowingly asking?"

Zhu Houcong sneered, but the owner of the spiritual consciousness expressed disbelief.

"You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. Ever since Jingnan and Zhu Di captured Nanjing City, and the strong men cut off their wrists and cut off the dragon veins of the Ming court with their own hands, it is theoretically impossible for someone like you to appear in the Ming court again!"

The voice said, his tone teasing.

"So, who are you? In other words, who are you? Now that you have suddenly come to this world, why are you here?"

"There is no need to trick me. What is the level of the emperors of your Ming Dynasty? The hundred-year alliance allows you to see everything in front of me -"

Zhu Houcong listened quietly.

The battle in Dengzhou is still going on not far away.

Although the priests landed one after another, they took advantage of their strength to stabilize the front.

But the confrontation between the divine birds on the sea and those golden pythons allowed Zhu Changning to free up his hands and control the fire phoenix soaring over Dengzhou, throwing the holy fire flames wantonly at the sharks on the ground.

"It seems that you have met many Ming emperors."

Zhu Houcong didn't mind following what this guy said, as long as he could extract more information from his mouth and let him figure it out.

Hearing Zhu Houcong's generous admission, the consciousness was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"More than many! I don't recognize any of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty! Even Zhu Yunwen, the second emperor of your Ming Dynasty, once borrowed sharks from me to block the river when the Baigou Henan Army was defeated. King Yan goes south."

"It's a pity that King Yan's military strength has been established, and the founding generals of the Ming Dynasty are secretly helping him. Although the young emperor seems to have the power of the world, there are only a few people who can use him, and he is already exhausted."

Having said this, it couldn't help but sigh.

I thought I would be amazed by Zhu Houcong, but Zhu Houcong only nodded thoughtfully and asked instead.

"What about Taizu?"

The voice stopped speaking, fell into silence, and sank into the long sea of ​​memory.

"I have never met Ming Taizu, but I have met King Wu..."

"That is really a very distant story. When Chen Youliang's shark fleet sank to the bottom of the lake accompanied by raging flames, the heroes in the south were insignificant in the eyes of King Wu. His eyes immediately went north, looking at the remnant Yuan in the wind and rain. Wang Ting..."

Speaking of Taizu, He seemed to have a lot to say.

Perhaps the understanding of that person was too complicated, and in the end it turned into a long sigh.

"Speaking of which, he was indeed kind to me when he was still King of Wu. This is why when everyone knew that the collapse of the Jinling regime was only a matter of time, I was the only one who was willing to provide his successor with the last help I could."

As to what the favor was, He remained silent.

This involves another secret.

"You Ming court and the sharks have been fighting until now. More than a million lives have been lost on both sides. Why don't you each take a step back and call a truce?"

"How to make a truce——"

"The Ming court released Empress Dowager Zhang and restored her status, expelled all the Western barbarians in the territory, and handed them over to our hands. Everything will continue as usual. We sharks will return to the deep sea and no longer intrude."

He said, and Zhu Houcong shook his head.

"First, Zhang's crime of murdering the late emperor was unpardonable. Empress Dowager Zhang thought she was the biological mother of the late emperor, so she spared her life and ordered her to become a monk and imprisoned in a Taoist temple to use her remaining life to atone for the death of the late emperor.

Second, although the Western barbarians are not Chinese people and are barbarians, they have traveled across the ocean to come here. They admire Chinese clothes, open customs and open markets, and trade with each other. Our Ming Dynasty is a civilized country, how can we send human beings into this country? Why do you eat from the mouths of mermaids and beasts?
Third, you, the sharks, have repeatedly invaded our borders and killed my people for hundreds of years. Now you have openly rebelled and committed numerous murders. The world is crying after hearing about it. You are required to immediately hand over all those who participated in the plunder of the Ming Dynasty within a hundred years. The shark tribes in the coastal areas were executed in the southern suburbs by Ming Zhengyuan, the three law ministers of the Ming Dynasty. The remaining shark tribes along the coast had to flee three thousand miles away to prevent our peace-loving people from starting war again. "

After Zhu Houcong stated the three conditions for the armistice, the atmosphere at the scene dropped to freezing point.

He suppressed his anger and was angry that his rare kindness in the former King of Wu was refuted point by point by the Ming emperor in front of him.

"Then let's fight! One day you will know what a stupid choice you made. There are endless sharks in the world, and there are enough people like me just along the coast of Mingting. You can stick to your idea. —as long as you remain indifferent to the carnage and death that occurs daily along the coast."

Zhu Houcong said no more.

Negotiations have broken down.

No matter what you say, it's useless.

At this moment, under Dengzhou City, the shark army had been completely defeated, and large numbers of sharks rushed into the water.

There are corpses everywhere along the coast, huge sea beasts have been disemboweled, and where their blood flows, the plants wither, the leaves fall, and no grass grows.

But their fallen bodies are also an unimaginable source of nourishment for land creatures.

Zhu Houcong stared at the huge creatures that could only be nurtured by the boundless deep sea, and suddenly had a new idea.

In the sea, dozens of golden pythons looked up to the sky and roared for a while at the two phoenixes, one large and one small. After the divine phoenix impatiently showed its claws, it slipped into the seabed and slipped away.

"We all have a break today, and we will fight again tomorrow!"

"Good! The bodies of our soldiers and coastal residents must also be restrained. It is not appropriate to fight again today!"

The two exchanged words briefly, and then each acquiesced to the end of today's war.

In fact, both Zhu Houcong and the Great Lord of the Sea looked down upon each other. Both sides were on guard. They were the pillars of their own power and race. They would not act rashly without comprehensive preparations.

"Father! Father!"

Seeing that the sharks were defeated, abandoned their armor, and retreated into the sea, cheers suddenly broke out in Dengzhou City.

Zhu Changning rode on the back of the divine bird and came to Zhu Houcong.

For some reason, when he heard this, the divine bird who had just stopped by to ask when Zhu Houcong was going to open the secret treasure of King Chu suddenly widened his eyes.

Have you heard something amazing?

"Don't reveal your identity in front of outsiders."

Looking at the girl in front of him who seemed to understand everything but lacked a real enough understanding of the real situation of the world, Zhu Houcong could only sigh and emphasize.


The girl seemed a little unhappy with the result of the test.

"I have sent people to search Wushan. Once there are results, I will notify you to open the seal."

Hearing Zhu Houcong's words, the divine bird transformed into King Zhuang nodded.

He flapped his wings and flew away into the sky.

"Mr. Shenniao and I just looked at the escape routes of the previous sharks and marked the locations where they live. Most of them are among the coral groups on isolated islands and shoals in the sea——"

Zhu Houcon still believed in the speed of the divine bird.

After all, it is a terrifying creature that can fly from the moon to the earth in just a few seconds with just one sentence.

The escape route of the sharks was not much different from what Zhu Houcong thought.

It's just that these islands are isolated overseas. If you want to completely destroy them, you have to organize a huge navy.

Since Zhu Di's voyage to the West, the Ming court and Liu Daxia burned the nautical charts and warship design drawings. The court has not built another large ship that can cross the ocean for many years.

Magellan certainly used his own experience and the remaining information from the Ministry of Works officials to work out a warship drawing that could basically meet the Ming army's long-distance voyage needs.

But the construction of warships takes time, and the construction of giant shipyards that can build warships that can cross oceans also takes time.

The Ministry of Industry's shipyard has been idle for so many years. Where to find so many workers to build it is really a problem.

Not to mention that after the ship is built, it still needs sailors. Although the Spanish can temporarily take over, the Ming navy that Zhu Houcong plans to rebuild is not a small number.Even if one Spanish and Portuguese sailor was cut into ten, it wouldn't be enough.

"Cut off the heads of all the sea monsters, let the Ministry of Rites send people to dry them and put them in a book. Then invite North Korea, Annan, Jurchen, Japan and other countries to visit, and let them choose each one, and bring them back to the country to present to their king as a sign of friendship!"

"The Ministry of War summoned the Emperor of Ming Dynasty to issue an edict, ordering the Jurchen Korean navy from Annan and Japan to gather in Dengzhou, obey the imperial court's orders, and follow the Ming army to conquer the Sharks——"

Annan and North Korea were adjacent to the Ming Dynasty. If they were frightened like this, they would most likely send fleet sailors from the country to reinforce the Ming Dynasty.

As for the remaining two, it is estimated that only the Jurchens who have a better relationship with the Ming Dynasty will send some sailors. The Japanese themselves are fighting fiercely on their own soil, so they will probably turn a deaf ear to Zhu Houcong's words.

Moreover, due to Japan's unique geographical location, its coast is simply a dream residence for sharks.

The shark lairs were densely populated, and many famous names did not hesitate to form alliances with the sharks in order to increase their own strength. They ignored the sharks' plundering of the coastal people and sent sergeants to disguise themselves as Japanese to cross the sea and invade the borders of the Ming Dynasty.

in this way……

Then don’t blame me for ignoring the friendship between the two countries and forcing the Japanese shogunate and various daimyo to cooperate with the Ming army to eliminate the demons in the four realms.

I just want to take advantage and don't want to take responsibility. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

At least it doesn't work here with Zhu Houcong.

"Order the army to rest and recuperate in Dengzhou, wait for the arrival of fleets from various places, and then continue the expedition south."

"You and I will temporarily leave the army together for the next few days to investigate some things."


Shandong, outside Qingzhou City.

Qingzhou is near the sea. There is a river passing through it outside the city, and there is a bridge on it called Hualong Bridge.

It is said that in the late Yuan Dynasty, a carp swam upstream here and transformed into a dragon.

During the troubled times at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, people protected the soldiers and people of a city. People were grateful for his kindness, so they erected a monument and a bridge here to commemorate it.

The Qingzhou Li family, a prominent family in the city, worshiped the sacred carp every year and held a grand sacrificial ceremony on the Hualong Bridge outside the city.

May the weather be good in the coming year and that fishermen who go out to sea can come back safely and with a full load.

This year is no exception...

At this time, there was a burst of firecrackers outside the restaurant.

People beat gongs and drums, and along with the shouts of strong men, they carry the sacrificial animals on their backs, and the ceremony is about to begin.

Although Qingzhou City is a city, it does not have any city walls.

Outside the city are two natural river ditches, which are then surrounded by wooden fences. The county government sends people to guard them, which is regarded as the city gate.

In the restaurant, Li Changge looked at the veiled woman among the two nobles in front of him with a wry smile.

Although she has a beautiful appearance and extremely elegant posture, she can be identified as the eldest lady of some family at a glance.

At this time, he was holding a green carp unique to their Qingzhou City.

It is said that after the red carp came to Qingcheng, except for the carp in Li's pond which was still red, all the carp in other places turned blue.

It is said that the sacred carp enshrined by the Li family jumped over the dragon gate and had dragon blood on its body. Its descendants should be regarded as a new species. Naturally different from the sudden appearance of the green carp, there is no fear of blame from the gods for eating it.

The red one is occupied by this dragon son and grandson, and the other carps can no longer use red, and can only turn to cyan.

On the contrary, it is because of this delicacy that Qingzhou people have attracted countless diners from all over the world.

Several restaurants were built in the city, providing a large number of jobs.

The lady in front of me was picking and choosing over the Braised Green Carp, Chunfeng Restaurant’s signature dish, and in the end she only peeled off a small piece of meat from the belly of the fish and swallowed it.

Although his expression softened, he still felt disgusted. He told the noble man next to him that he should take a few green carp home when he left and keep them in the pond so that the chef at home can cook them well.

The chef in this restaurant has to cook food for an unknown number of people in a day. Although he is skilled in cooking, he lacks attentiveness and refinement.

Hearing these words, Li Changge couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He knew that these two people were from the capital, but he didn't know that they were the young masters of that family.

"When we finish the work, we will order people to buy a few more."

The young man looked at the rows of dishes in front of him, with only the best part of the fish belly selected. He was slightly speechless, but he still answered.

Hearing this, the girl seemed very satisfied.

"Do you still want fish? Can I order some more?"

"No, I'm full!"

Hearing the girl's words, the man shook his head.

"Then some more blue crabs! Waiter! Give me a hundred of your biggest crabs!"


The shopkeeper was already happy when he heard that this extremely arrogant guest was ordering more food.

This green carp is a unique delicacy in Qingcheng.

Even if a small one is made, it only costs three or four taels of silver.

This guest ordered more than ten times in a row, and the total dishes on this table were probably as much as 50 taels of silver.

It is equivalent to the income of an ordinary family for two to three years.

As for why the boss is not afraid of the guests at this table ordering so many Overlord meals.

You didn't see the eldest young master of the Li family in the city sitting there right now.

Are you waiting to pay?

Looking at the table of dishes in front of him, Li Changge felt like his heart was bleeding.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have acted like a fat person.

He felt regretful in his heart, touched his money bag, and secretly prayed that this aunt would never hunt for novelties again. If he had more money, he might be afraid that the first thing he would do when he returned to Qingcheng would be to go home and borrow money to redeem people in the tavern. .

"Bei Japanese soldier Yu Qianhu was indeed a man. It is said that when people dug out his body from the sea monster's body, all the skin and flesh were burned away, and even the bones were eroded to a disgrace. In the end, only a handful of broken bones were found. , the wife who came to claim the remains cried and fainted on the spot while holding her little son in her arms——"

Li Changge said.

The two people in front of them claimed to be Taoist officials under the Qintian Prison who traveled around the world. They passed by Dengzhou this time and happened to save themselves from the shark population.

Knowing that the two of them were traveling this time to collect precious medicines from all over the world for elixir making for the Qintian Supervisor's Alchemy Room, the amount was huge. He was worried about how to collect them. Li Changge immediately patted his chest and asked the two to follow him back to Qingcheng.

For life-savers, you can choose the herbal medicines from your own home library and only pay the cost price.

In the past few days, he invited the two of them to travel around the mountains and rivers, eat, drink and have fun. Naturally, it was more than just repaying a favor.

You must know that since the emperor succeeded to the throne and the Qin Tianjian was expanded, it has become six departments with equal real power.

If the Li family can establish a relationship with Qin Tianjian and establish a stable trade.

The benefits of the Li family's medicinal business in various parts of Ming Dynasty are simply unimaginable.

But what surprised him was that he observed these two people for a long time.

Looking at the words, deeds, and gestures, the temperament must be cultivated by a wealthy family.

Must not be a liar.

But the relationship between the two people made Li Changge puzzled. The two were so close in age, and it was a fantasy for father and daughter.

Are they brother and sister, don't they look alike?

Li Changge sighed.

That is the colleague with whom I have a relatively good relationship.

Qin Tian Jian is the imperial court's agency in charge of Taoism in the world.

The members are basically the children of powerful people with inheritance from various places, as well as the descendants of nobles from Beijing.

It vaguely excludes Yehu Chan who comes from poor families across the country, and members who come from small Taoist temples and small landowner families.

Most of them can trace their ancestors back to the war in the late Yuan Dynasty.

It is not necessarily possible to trace it back to the Han Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty.

Of course, excluding the bragging element, his family roots are indeed far-reaching.

And just when Li Changge wanted to ask Yu Ju's family members how the court planned to arrange them.

The young man in front of him suddenly looked serious.

He also put down his bowls and chopsticks. From outside the restaurant, on the Hualong Bridge, people seemed to have some dispute during the sacrifice.

There were bursts of heartbreaking cries from women.

At the same time, there was a majestic shouting sound, which seemed to be from a local person with great status. The surrounding noise suddenly disappeared.

"You mother-in-law, you are so ignorant. Your daughter is going to be given to the Dragon King as a godmother to enjoy the blessings! You have eaten your last meal and haven't finished your last meal. If the clan hadn't helped you orphans and widowed mothers, you would have starved to death! Someone is here! Drive her away! The county magistrate, the county chief, the lieutenant, and all the other lords are here, how can she be so presumptuous! She is so embarrassed here!"

Li Changge saw the face of the young man in front of him change instantly when he heard these words.

He heard the familiar voice coming from his ears, and while smiling bitterly, he knew something was wrong.

 5000 for this chapter, and another [-] for the next chapter. It’s probably going to be midnight, gentlemen, go to bed first.
(End of this chapter)

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