My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 136 The bird catches the insect

Chapter 136 The bird catches the insect
When the heart breaks, blood spurts.

The painful wailing also stopped abruptly.

The huge and miserable bodies in front of them fell one after another, causing the sharks behind them to panic and subconsciously stop moving forward.

In the sky, the fire phoenix that covered the sky and the sun shuttled through the air. Its whole body was composed of fire. Its wings were spread out to a length of more than five meters. It carried the red-robed general above its head and hovered over the Ming army. As thousands of troops rushed into battle, they galloped towards the army of sharks in front of them.

It raised its head to the sky and let out a high-pitched cry. Hot true flames spurted out from its mouth. All the sharks who came into contact with this pillar of fire were burned to ashes in an instant.

The sharks tried to throw harpoons, but the fire phoenix flew too high, and the sharks' harpoons often fell helplessly before they even touched the fire phoenix's fur.

Or it could be directly burned into a stream of molten iron by the true flames in the air.

Looking at the tens of meters long pillar of fire in front of them, all living things would die if they touched it. Soon, the formation of these sea beasts showed signs of collapse.

But Huofeng didn't care at all about the fear of the sharks below.

It spiraled up into the sky again, and under the control of Zhu Changning behind it, it rushed towards the rear of the shark army and the priests on the sea who were standing on the waves and anxious about the situation on the battlefield.

"Lord of the Sea! Let the waves stir in the four seas!"

Seeing the fire phoenix and its rider who made no secret of their intention to kill the enemy and seize the flag, the expressions of the shark priests changed greatly.

They first worked together to summon a water curtain in front of them, but this could only block one person and one phoenix for a short time.

The priests prayed for the protection of the silent Lord of the Sea beneath the sea.

That is the real master of this sea area.

It is the son of the Poseidon, and all creatures in the sea east of the Ming Dynasty are under its control.

It is so powerful that even the mermaid nobles from the palaces that sunk under the sea are respectful and fearful of this protector of the mixed-breed mermaids whom they despise most.

But what made them despair was that after calling several times, the king under the sea did not respond.

Instead, the priests were urged to pursue the scent of the carp that had just come from the harbor, confusing the sea monster and creating an opportunity for the mortal soldiers of the Ming Army.

Could it be that today's disastrous defeat completely disappointed Poseidon?Does He no longer care about the outcome of this war and the prayers of the sharks?

The priests thought in despair that the fire phoenixes from the sky were roaring together with the hot wind that seemed to be able to burn out all the evil and terror in the world.

It lowered its head, and destructive flame pillars sprayed out from its mouth, and the sea seemed to be evaporated by this blow.

When the hot white air dissipated, the corpses of various sea monsters were floating on the sea, and the decomposed proteins exuded an alluring fragrance.

The sharks looked at all this with fear, looking at the fire phoenix in the sky that was already comparable to a god's mansion.

They really can't imagine when the humans on these lands have become so powerful and can control such terrifying things.

"Lord of the Eastern Sea! Save your people!"

Faced with such power, some of the shark priests had taken advantage of the chaos and fled, while some of the immortal ones still knelt down to pray.

In Dengzhou City, Zhu Houcong was not surprised by the performance in front of him that could almost be called Zhu Changning's performance alone.

Born with knowledge, no matter which world he is placed in, he can be called an innate alien species and a saint in this world.

Moreover, as the only known local immortal cultivator in the Green Underworld who has successfully escaped the fate of doomed destruction.

The Huang family's ten thousand years of accumulation and the sacrificial alchemy pill left by the ancestor of the Huang family also gave her the combat power of a pill-forming monk almost instantly.

Coupled with the re-sacrificial twin phoenix bells and top-notch fire-based skills, he can be called a peerless genius even among pill-forming monks!
In a world like the Ming Dynasty, if ordinary people practiced according to the cultivation methods of another world, they would have already reached their limit by the time they reached Qi practice. With such scarce spiritual energy and resources, it would take countless years to break through and build the foundation.

Resources and environment... have always been a major obstacle that restricts human beings in this world from breaking free from their shackles.

Looking at the phoenix bird throwing terrifying flames above their heads, the shark priests at sea finally felt the response from the Great Lord of the East China Sea.

Although it was not me who took action, he had already sent out his dragon sons and grandsons.

The sea surged.

The sky above his head was suddenly obscured by a dark cloud that came from nowhere.

There were several dull thunders among the dark clouds, and the wind picked up on the sea, bringing with it moist and cold water vapor.

The priests' faces were filled with excitement. To celebrate the arrival of the Sons of God, they personally beat the war drums.

The sound of war drums made of whale skin is accompanied by the roar of something huge that suddenly appears from the bottom of the sea.

The 10,000+ sharks and Ming soldiers who were fighting for their lives on the coast of Dengzhou subconsciously looked up and looked at the rough sea.

Something is coming out of the bottom of the sea!

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the sky, breaking the gloomy silence.

Under the pale thunder light, it suddenly appeared.

It was a giant python with a golden color all over its body.

Only the vast and boundless ocean can support such a giant.

The body is nearly 50 meters long, with two giant eyes like water tanks intertwined in red and black.

Looking at the wide open mouth and golden scales, people have no doubt that it eats hundreds of cattle and sheep every day.

Compared with those huge sea monsters, the thing in front of me has completely broken away from the category of sea monsters and is heading in the direction of ghosts and gods.

It jumped out of the water, opened its mouth and rushed towards the fire phoenix above its head which was less than one-tenth the size of its body.

As it stood up, there were bursts of thunder above its head and white mist rising around it. The golden scales all over its body were majestic, and coupled with its huge body, it looked like a real dragon coming to the world.

But Zhu Houcong thought that this thing probably had nothing to do with dragons and snakes - why the more he looked at it, the more it looked like a large eel!

Moreover, Zhu Houcong smelled a familiar scent from the eel.

That was the smell that Zhu Houcong smelled when he came into this world and came into contact with the weirdness for the first time when he was in Prince Xing's Mansion.

That token from the pseudo-Han court...

The entire Zhao family that was wiped out——

The thing from the sea that attacks the palace at night——

If he hadn't suddenly smelled the same scent here today, Zhu Houcong would have almost forgotten it completely.

Chang Ning didn't seem to be able to deal with the next enemy on his own.

It’s not that she can’t deal with the giant eel in front of her, but——

"Today I will slay the evil dragon and protect my sea territory!"

Zhu Changning leaned on Huofeng's back and shouted loudly. Facing such big monsters in the sea, she was not afraid at all, but was slightly excited——

The bloody halberd in his hand whizzed and hit the bloody mouth that had been open for a long time.

The golden python looked at Zhu Changning charging towards him, with a hint of cunning flashing in his eyes. He suddenly turned around in the air in an unnatural gesture and dived into the sea again.

Zhu Changning, who was riding a fire phoenix with high fighting spirit, missed him.

At this time, she suddenly noticed that many huge and terrifying black shadows suddenly appeared under the sea.

There are more than 30 of them, and the largest one is nearly 70 meters long, twice as long as the golden python we just saw.

At this time, he happened to be surrounded by the other party.

Zhu Changning secretly thought something was wrong, and immediately turned around to leave with the fire phoenix.

And suddenly countless terrifying water jets sprayed out from the surrounding area, shooting towards Zhu Changning, blocking all her escape routes.Immediately afterwards, huge golden pythons rushed from the bottom of the sea, their huge red and black eyes full of cruelty.

Zhu Changning dodged left and right, even if the halberd was a fatal blow to those sea monsters, it could only make a few painful wails when it hit the hard scales and thick skin of these golden pythons.

Two deep blood marks were left behind, and when they got into the water again and swallowed the seals that the sharks used as mounts, they would be able to recover as before.

He rushed out of the sea again and bit Zhu Changning in the air.

"It's not good, it's very bad -"

He looked at the bloody mouths with a fishy smell coming towards him from all directions.

Zhu Changning secretly thought something was wrong.

Even with the extreme speed of the fire phoenix, he couldn't escape.

She opened her mouth subconsciously and was about to shout Zhu Houcong's name.

Just at this critical moment.

From Dengzhou City.

There came a thunderous edict.

"Nine Heaven Divine Phoenix! Listen to my decree!"

The light of Polaris overhead shimmered, piercing the sky.

With a phoenix cry, a huge phoenix bird covering the sky and sun appeared in the sky of Dengzhou City.

Compared to the last time we saw it, Fengniao's condition looked much better this time.

The feathers are soft and shiny, the feet are strong, and the body is larger.

His eyes were like lightning and intimidating, making him even more convinced that this was the legendary beast Phoenix.

It seems that it recovered quickly after absorbing the remaining bloodline of King Chu.

Looking at the dozens of huge sea monster pythons below, Fengniao, who was just about to swoop down and eat "some small long worms in the sea" according to Zhu Houcong's request, was suddenly startled.

It has to sigh again for the bad taste of the current emperor.

It circled and rose into the sky again, and when it swooped down from the sky, it had turned into a huge god with its wings spread a hundred meters and its claws like iron hooks flying toward the strange python next to Zhu Changning. bird.

However, compared to the previous beautiful and sacred phoenix bird.

Now it can vaguely see the terrifying fangs in the long beak, the dense white bones and the insect-like body and cicada wings can be vaguely seen under a pair of giant wings.

The sharp claws looked too strong, with rust and veins all over them.

Once you expand your body shape, will your weaknesses inevitably be exposed?
Zhu Houcong watched the huge divine bird above his head spread its wings, hit the water in the air, and rolled up huge waves. Its ferocious iron claws grabbed the evil golden pythons in the sea below.

When the golden python saw it, he felt the difference in strength between the two, as if he had seen a natural enemy, and was no longer as rampant as before.

He immediately turned around and was about to escape into the sea.

But this divine bird moved really quickly, and it rushed straight down towards the largest golden python in the sea.

When the iron claws came into contact with the golden python's invulnerable and invulnerable skin and flesh, it was like a butcher grabbing a piece of dead pork that couldn't move.

The golden python felt the sting on its back, and its nearly 70-meter-long body struggled desperately, but the divine bird spread its wings and brought it back into the air.

Out of the water, feeling the strong wind around it, the golden python struggled even more fiercely, but to the predator above it, it was just a decoration before the meal.

The sharp claws opened the golden python's hard skin, and there were bursts of thunder in the air. The lightning struck the place where the divine bird passed, and the blood flowing downward like a waterfall dyed the sea red.

This made the things under the sea become even more angry and frightened.

They jumped out from the bottom of the sea again, concentrating all their strength to rush towards the divine bird, but the phoenix bird transformed by King Chu flew higher and higher, controlling three days of pure energy, making it impossible for these pythons to touch it no matter how hard they tried.

The golden pythons jumped out of the sea and made strange dragon roars one after another.

The divine bird swooped down again, and regardless of the force in its claws this time, it tore a large piece of flesh and blood directly from the golden python on its feet.

The python in his hand was thrown heavily to the sea.

After narrowly escaping from death, it pretended to roar twice threateningly at the divine bird above its head, but the divine bird made a move to pounce on it again.

He was so frightened that he immediately stood up and dived into the deep sea with full of fear, leaving a large area of ​​sea stained red with blood behind him.

It goes to the bottom of the sea and quickly devours fish and sea species to recover from its injuries.

The divine bird hovered in the air, confronting the pythons on the sea that sometimes wandered on the bottom of the sea and sometimes raised their heads above the water.

"There is another big guy in the sea... I haven't adapted to the environment of this star yet, and I can't deal with it at all--"

The slightly solemn whisper of the divine bird incarnated by the King of Chu came to Zhu Houcong's mind.

He nodded and stared at the sea in front of him, which was stained red with blood due to the impact of the battle just now. The shark priests were either dead or fleeing.

Countless undersea creatures are attracted here, even if they risk being devoured by these top predators in the sea, they still want to get a share of this dragon's blood feast.

On land, the sharks no longer had sacrifices to restrain military discipline, and even the invincible sea monsters were killed by the Ming army in front of them.

At this time, the formation was in chaos, and they had no courage to fight to the death. They all found their sights and almost jumped into the sea to escape, without paying any attention to the whispers of the mountains of fellow sharks around them.

Although the mixed-breed sharks are numerous and brave, they have low intelligence. Once they lose their restraint, they become like wild beasts, only caring about their own survival and not caring about the lives of others.

"I know--"

Zhu Houcong knew why this divine bird did not dare to kill these pythons.

In terms of strength, the monster under the sea is probably comparable to the body of the Southwest Barbarian God under the seal.

Moreover, for the Phoenix Bird, it does not have the restraint from blood like the Blood God.

Once the phoenix bird incarnated by the King of Chu killed its heir, it really angered him.

If that thing catches fire, the phoenix bird will most likely be folded here.

After all, Zhu Houcong is still a foundation-building monk, even though his combat power is astonishing, comparable to the top pill-building monks.

But in the end, it was still limited by the foundation-building monks.

Once that thing pounces on Shenfeng, Zhu Houcong is not sure whether he will be able to catch up and stop it.

The moment the divine phoenix grabbed the golden python and rose into the sky, sprinkling blood, that thing really had murderous intent on the nine-day divine phoenix.

It is still necessary to break through the core formation as soon as possible, and then practice the golden elixir fire escape technique recorded in the Falling Sun Divine Art.

In this way, the golden elixir without leakage can not only suppress the fatigue and bloodthirsty feeling that the body has been constantly experiencing due to the low concentration of spiritual energy in the outside world since breaking through to the late stage of foundation building.

It can also greatly improve your mobility in dealing with the intrusion of evil spirits in the four realms of the Ming Dynasty.

Today's battle in Dengzhou is a catastrophe involving the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in one city, and the southwest is facing the accumulation of fragments of destiny.

Most likely it should be enough.

 4000 first, let’s see if we can post three chapters today

  By the way, I would like to ask if you guys want to create a group. If you have any ideas, you can leave a message here. In the group, you can share historical information and the like.

(End of this chapter)

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