Chapter 128 Weird changes

After deceiving Magellan away, Zhu Houcong opened the Treasure Book of the Heavens.

Although the environmental protection girl specifically warned Zhu Houcong last time to try not to return to the world of immortality recently.

However, almost all the previously stored elixirs had been exhausted during the battle in the Southwest.

The Forbidden Army continued to fight throughout the Ming Dynasty, clearing out demons.

For long-term considerations, the transplantation of low-level elixirs in the world of immortality has to be put on the agenda.

The current spiritual energy concentration in Xiyuan——

Zhu Houcong made a rough estimate.

It can probably reach the point where low-level elixirs of the first level and low-level elixirs can barely survive.

The resources and methods for forming your own elixirs also need to be prepared in advance.

Zhu Houcong tried to touch the world where the golden light had passed away and was now clearly glowing with purple light.

"Huh? It seems it still works?"

Feeling the feedback from Zhutian Baojian, Zhu Houcong looked at the row of green small signs on the passage saying "under maintenance, please do not disturb" in surprise.

Did you forget to take it off?
Zhu Houcong thought.

At this time, the avatars of the group friends were all dark.

"Let's take a look first! If something goes wrong, we won't be able to teleport it back until then!"


When Zhu Houcong returned to Wuji City again, he saw dilapidated and lonely streets with few pedestrians in front of him.

The male cultivators I met on the road were all sallow and thin, with straight eyes and trembling legs.

Along the way, Zhu Houcong could not even walk steadily.

If you can straighten your waist, you can already be called a tough guy.

When we arrived at Fangshi, most of the shops were closed, but business in a few places was extremely booming.

That is the Tianyin Tower and the Pavilion in the city, the place where the monks are sensual.

Tianyin Tower entertains male cultivators, while the young men at Xishuitai are the most popular among the female cultivators in the city.

There was an endless queue in front of the two buildings. The merchants simply set up rows of small tents outside and arranged for the dancers to take turns picking up the customers.

The boy who brought water and tea almost broke his leg.

Smell the scent of lust that is everywhere in the air, getting stronger and stronger.

Zhu Houcong frowned.

He wanted to take a detour, but almost the moment he appeared, a series of hot and unscrupulous eyes fell on Zhu Houcong.

Obviously, compared with those prostitutes who were sallow and skinny and almost reduced to bones, Zhu Houcong's image was as good as in the sky or on the ground.

Stand out from the crowd and be different.

"Handsome guy! Come in and play! I have the best life!"

"Young Master, don't listen to that naughty guy. I'm doing well and I'm clean. I'm here for free!"

"I'll give you some money! One hundred spiritual stones!"

"two hundred!"

"three hundred!"


MD!These people are crazy!
Zhu Houcong subconsciously took a step back. Before the group of women, whose eyes were already glowing green, went crazy enough to rob people in broad daylight, Sayazi ran away before the situation became clear.

After confirming that the group of people did not catch up.

When he came to the Baishou Building where he last bought spirit beasts in the city, he looked at the sign that said he was temporarily closed. The sound of men and women breathing heavily came from inside the house. Zhu Houcong stood outside the door, silent for a moment, and suddenly shouted loudly at the climax. shouted.

"Boss! Open for business!"

"I'm so crazy! #¥%!"

As expected, there was a sound of rummaging through boxes and a mixture of male and female curses coming from inside the door.

Zhu Houcong was sure that the other party would reopen for business soon.

really!After a moment, a man wearing only his underwear angrily walked out of the house with a wooden stick.

"Which dog..."

Seeing Zhu Houcong standing in front of the door and looking at him with a smile, his body was full of blood and energy that could only be obtained by cultivating the alchemy body.

The man was stunned for a moment, silently put down the wisteria stick in his hand, and added.

"——The bastard, looking down on you, actually asked you to wait outside the door. You come in and sit down first, and I'll serve you a cup of good tea!" "Forget it! Tea is free!"

Zhu Houcong looked at the mess in the room. Sitting in front of the desk behind the screen was a disheveled woman with a flushed face.

Seeing the traces of the battle everywhere in the room, and seeing how brutal it was, Zhu Houcong couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't drink anything strange while drinking tea.

Zhu Houcong pointed at the spirit beasts around him who also had red eyes and were obviously in something wrong.

"Give me a portion of both male and female spiritual beasts that are not good enough!"


The shopkeeper looked confused. He had never seen a spirit beast that was not worth buying.

This thing is not valuable. Take the dragon bird as an example. It is not very strong and does not have a few ounces of meat in its body. Except for the mutated bloodline ones, which are somewhat valuable, the other ones are really not worth the labor cost to catch them once.

But when he saw Zhu Houcong looking straight at him, he couldn't help but tremble in fear.


"Of course you can, but it will take some time. Guest, can you come and pick it up tomorrow?"

“No, I’ll pack whatever you have in your store for me!”

Zhu Houcong nodded.

After putting down a magical weapon as a deposit, the shopkeeper in front of me looked strange.

Who made Zhu Houcong's spiritual stones basically used up in the Ming Dynasty?

Zhu Houcong is thinking about ways to get rich quickly in the world of immortality.

Is it necessary to enforce fishing laws again?

But a casual question after that made Zhu Houcong know that he had to evacuate as soon as possible.

I'm afraid the trouble this place is encountering is much greater than I imagined.

"Do you have a place here that sells low-level elixirs like Huo De in large quantities?"

Hearing Zhu Houcong's question, the shopkeeper in front of him looked strange.

"Don't you know?"

"what do you know?"

"Due to the recent demonic disaster, Baicaotang, the largest herbal medicine shop in the city, has moved out of Wuji City, and even the land deeds for the medicine fields have been abandoned! Now the medicine fields outside the city are ownerless, and most of the high-end herbal medicines are It was taken away by Baicaotang, and the rest was divided up by Wuji Sect and the big families in the city. However, the low-level herbs can be said to be all available, just like weeds. If the guests need it, they can just get it at will..."

Zhu Houcong realized something was wrong.

"The Wuji Sect and the major families in the city did not take the opportunity to occupy the medicinal fields, but gathered up all the high-grade herbs and withdrew from the city overnight?"

"Probably so!"

The shopkeeper thought for a while, and although the Wuji Sect only spent half a day collecting the herbs and then hurriedly evacuated, Zhu Houcong was right.

Zhu Houcong was silent.

The sixth sense in my heart was now frantically warning. In just half a day, I saw crazy men and women, animals in heat, evacuated sects, and weird movements. It was clear that the Wuji Sect was commanded by the powerful Nascent Soul——

"Is there anyone still guarding the medicine field?"

"Even Baicao Hall is gone, Wuji Sect doesn't care. There are 30 acres of medicinal fields outside the city. Except for the high-level medicinal fields that are guarded by gangs, no one cares about other places at all. Only the low-level casual cultivators in the city I will come here occasionally when I need elixirs.”

High-level casual cultivators look down on low-level herbs.

Low-level sect disciples have elixirs provided by the sect and do not need to refine elixirs themselves.

For low-level casual cultivators!Good times!It’s coming!

After hearing that everything was normal so far, Zhu Houcong made a decision.

First, frantically collect a wave of low-level herbal Ganoderma lucidum and then decisively return it to the Qingshan Sect. If this disaster does not only occur in Wuji City, then directly return to the Ming Dynasty.

Before leaving, I took with me several cages of kittens, puppies, birds and fish.

Zhu Houcong asked innocently.

"You guys, this place is quite open. We don't even do business during the day."

The merchant was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and replied with a silly smile.

"We are used to it. Our ancestors have lived like this for generations! Our generation doesn't want to change anything. Maybe people here are really more open than other places!"

"is it?"

Looking at the man who had the same appearance as a few months ago, but whose temperament and personality were completely different, Zhu Houcong couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and he stood up and clasped his fists.


"Guest, please go away! Come back often!"

(End of this chapter)

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